Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 9 - Man in red

BR 009

In the afternoon, some unknown hill in the north.

A group of people are lying lazily on the slopes of the mountains and basking in the winter sun. It is not difficult to see from the clothes and the thick-backed machete, hatchet, big hammer and other things beside them. These people should do business without capital the Lord.

“Boss, let’s change places and squat. There will not be a figure here for a long time.” A boring, skinny man leaned his head and said, there was a strong middle-aged man lying there.

“A little patience! Besides, where can we change?”

“We can go closer to the main road, where there are many people.”

“You’re looking for death!” The middle-aged and strong man said politely, “Now that the competition is so fierce, which good place is not occupied? Besides, as for our strength, we will definitely be black and black in the past.”


“We are not strong enough now.” The middle-aged and strong man sighed, but immediately raised his breath, “But don’t underestimate this place. Although the business is less here, it is safe. Now, not a few days ago It ’s easy to rob the father-daughter who is looking for a relative. Is n’t that woman who you feel so good about? Dear, let ’s take a closer look, take a closer look, and let her kill herself. Otherwise, it ’s not a comparison. Outside? “

“Hey, boss is right.” The skinny man smiled wryly, “I really hope to come again …”

I didn’t wait for him to finish, and suddenly,

“Boss, boss, someone is coming!” A bandit whispered secretly from the top of the mountain.

The middle-aged and strong man first scolded Yi Xi and then cursed: “M, calm down, how many people have you made clear?”

“Only one, in red, looks like a woman.”

“Oh, here it is,” the skinny man was ecstatic.

A group of bandits around me suddenly came to the spirit, crowding the middle-aged man to the top of the mountain.

He leaned out his head slightly, and looking down, a passerby in red was walking slowly down the mountain.

“Haha, okay, I’ve waited so long for Lao Tzu.”

“Oh, it doesn’t seem right … This walking posture is not like a woman …”

“Waffle, do you wear red clothes?”

Uh …

In the constant arguing, the man in red was approaching. Ordinary face, narrow eyes, flat body …

“M’s really a man.” The skinny man scolded the ground, angrily.

“Sick, this person …”

“Okay, okay, he’ll shut up for me.” The middle-aged man stared, “M, focus on robbery. This guy looks a bit wicked, everyone goes together.”

After a short while, the man in red went to the middle of the mountain road. I saw him bow his head, his steps were slow, and his expression was sullen.

“Chong, encircle!” The middle-aged and strong man gave an order, and the bandits split into two lanes, waving various weapons and shouting down the hill, blocking the red man in the middle.

In the meantime, the man in red turned out to be unheard of, still walking forward with his head down. This situation made the bandits who kept screaming and killing with strength to wonder. As usual, which of the robbed passers-by is not panicked and chaotic.

The robbers looked at each other, and finally the skinny man stood up and said impatiently, “Boy, uncle is robber, and hand over the money.”

“M’s, did you hear that? Uncle, it’s even your life … Hey, hey, stop me!”

No matter how the skinny bandits called, the red man had no response.

“Huh?” The middle-aged man behind him sniffed and frowned, “What the smell of M is so stinky!”

“M, find yourself dead!” No one bothered to talk, the skinny man felt lost face, pulled out his sword and walked towards the red man.

“Old 2 is back!” The middle-aged and strong man looked at the quiet red man with a tremor in his heart. This feeling was familiar to him, and it was a sign of every time he was in danger.

I had this feeling last time when I met a single woman in a black robe. At that time, he held back the urge to rob and let the woman in black robe go. The news later came that, not long after passing by him, a group of thieves started to attack this woman, and the whole army was immediately wiped out. It turned out that the woman in black robe was actually a magician.

“It’s okay, boss.” The skinny man waved his long sword indifferently. “Look at me killing this neurosis.”

The words fell, took a step forward, and swiped down sharply.

However, the man in red stopped by accident, and the long knife was almost cut off against his clothes.

“Eh.” The skinny bandit froze, and immediately saw the man in red looking up.

Hmm … take a breath, the eyes of the man in red are actually red. Although it is daylight, the sun is warming. But the skinny bandit still felt like falling into an ice cellar, and his whole body was cold.

At this moment, the man in red slowly raised his pale palm and slowly stretched out to his neck.

The dry skinny robber’s forehead is full of sweaty beans. He wants to avoid it. The farther away he is, the better. But his feet were standing still like roots, unable to move.

Quickly, the cold palm of the red man touched the bandit’s throat.

A simple twist and click!

The bandits around me opened their mouths and looked at the scene. What’s going on, why didn’t the second master hide?

The middle-aged and strong man’s pupils dilated, and the first one came back and shouted with a wave of steps forward: “Brothers, hack him to avenge the old two.”

The bandits heard the order and rushed forward subconsciously. No one noticed their boss, who was slowly backing down at this time.

After waiting for dozens of thieves, the middle-aged man turned around and ran without hesitation.

Laoshan Road is naturally complicated and complicated.

The middle-aged and strong man ran to the first corner and glanced backwards, and he saw a wave of blood rushing up into the sky, screaming endlessly. The middle-aged and strong man was an agitated spirit, and never dared to look at it any more, sulking his head and running forward.

“Snoring … snoring …”

After rushing for about half an hour, the middle-aged man turned around when he saw the curve, tired and almost sat paralyzed.

“Hoo …” He took a long breath and shook his head. “Dry, the team that finally pulls. M, the **** old 2 told him not to, not to, and killed me.”

Breathing for a moment, the middle-aged and strong man stood up straight and looked around. He was just concerned about running. Just now, it is really unclear where he is …

嗯 “Huh? What smell …” The middle-aged man paused, turning his head stiffly.

I saw a man in a red suit standing quietly behind him, as if standing for a long time. The red face on his body became more bright, and a **** smell went straight to the nose.

人 The man in red slowly put out his hand …


Night rain, flat land in a mountain in the north.

Howling, screaming, sword impact … under the rain, the two men and women fought fiercely.

In the center of the flat land, a number of carriages surrounded the city in a circle. In the circle, there are large boxes and large boxes of goods, and there are also people who are nervous and look like businessmen.

No doubt, this caravan was obviously unlucky and was followed by the large thieves. Now they can count on these hired mercenaries to repel the bandits.

However, according to the current situation, it is not optimistic. They have been surrounded by groups. If they go on like this, chances are they will be annihilated.

At this moment, a man in red is walking slowly around the battlefield, southeast of the mountains.

He lowered his head, as if he had not seen the fierce fighting at all. The drizzle hit him, and a stream of red waterline dripped from his sleeve.

In front of him were several men wearing armor and riding on horses. They are watching the situation in front of them, whispering from time to time, and then sending someone to adjust the attack direction. Obviously, they are the leading figures in this thief group.

As the red man walked in, a guard next to the leader of the thief unintentionally turned to see him, and was immediately shocked to report.

The thief leader looked back in surprise, and looked up and down the red man. This is obviously not a mercenary who came to attack and behead, otherwise it would not be so slow.

After a few glances, the leader of the thief lost interest, turned his head, and waved at the guard just now.

The guard nodded and rushed towards the Red Man with a sword.

The leader of the thief didn’t say to kill, nor did he say not to kill. He has big things to worry about, and of course such small things don’t need to be dealt with. So he waved his hand and said: It’s up to you and act cheaply.

The defender decisively executed this cheap act as a killer. Bandit, can you still ask someone to watch it politely?

The horses ran fast, approached, and waved their swords sideways.

Uh …

Zhan Saber took a waterline and cut it freely to the neck of the man in red.

It can be said that the guard’s immediate kung fu is good. It runs at high speed in such a dim environment and can still maintain accuracy with a swift wave of the knife. This is not easy.


After a long battle with the horse, the huge body suddenly fell and splashed.

The guard immediately rushed out, and rolled up to stand. Looking at the man in red, he swallowed. The knife was just inexplicably avoided by the man in red, and then he saw that he pressed his palm on the horse at will, and then the horse flew a few feet away …

I watched the man in red go forward, and the guard gritted his teeth and shouted, “The leader is careful.” Then he flew forward and cut off his head.

Crackling-Lightning passed by.

人 The man in red looked up, blood-red eyes blurred terror.

The guard’s body became rigid, and then he felt only pain in his wrist, and his sword was taken away. Then a line of water slid across the neck, and his gaze shook and gradually turned into darkness.

When the leader of the thief turned his head, the man in red was almost in front of him with a long knife. And his guard is standing in the rain in the rear, uh, part of the guard, because the skull no longer knows where to go …

蹭, 蹭, 蹭 …

The long sword came out of the sheath, and a team of guards near the leader of the thief, Zema, rushed.

The red man moved, in contrast to the slow trend just now, flickering like a ghost. He was weirdly holding the long knife in his hand, dragging a long red line diagonally.

咝 ——The current guard and the horse were cut off diagonally. Due to the speed, a blood curtain is still attached to it.

Howling … A figure spun out of the blood curtain and rushed out, over the guard’s head, and fell to the thief leader behind him.

The thief leader’s face was gloomy, and he patted his horseback ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ leaped up to meet the red man.

, 、, bang!

The sword in the hands of the man in red was broken and the body was shaken back into the sky.

哈 “Ha,” the thief leader laughed and fell back on horseback. At the same time, the sword was full of black mans fighting spirit, and waited for the other side to fall when the sword fell.

The rising red man stretched his arms and opened his mouth, allowing the rain to wash down.

The panic is exhausted, and the body pauses.

Crackling-another flash of lightning.

As soon as the light turned around, the leader of the thief narrowed his eyes, as if he saw the red man tumbling in the air.

Instantly, the light disappeared.

唰 ——

The leader of the thief looked at the four figures that appeared in front of him inconceivably, and at the same time, the four points were silently close. Temple, eyebrow, throat, heart!

So fast? how is this possible……

I ca n’t wait for the leader of the thief to tell which figure is real, and my heart hurts!

He bowed his head, and a blackened dagger rushed straight in. Then twisted …

“Ah!” Screamed and fell off the horse.

Perfect air kill!

Soon, when the merchants and mercenaries were desperate. The attacking bandits seemed to have lost their command suddenly, and became very casual. Then he stopped attacking, shouting something … The rain was too heavy, and the people inside couldn’t hear it. It was just vaguely hearing who died.

The mercenaries were hesitating whether this was a scheme. When the bandits suddenly collapsed, they scattered and ran away cleanly.

Huh … businessmen and mercenaries looked at each other, what happened?

Uh …

“Oh, there is someone here. Wow, it smells so bad … he’s alive!”

我 “Look … uh, Don?”

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