Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 902 - Lansha

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In the morning, it was still a small town of strategic importance.

The bleak light poured down, without cover, without much warmth. Or it was, but it was driven away by the ubiquitous and constantly chilling wind.

The town is quiet, weird and quiet. Noisy vocals were heard, and few people were walking around the street. Only the half-open doors and windows that have not yet been closed, and various types of shop signs hanging outside, are wafting and snoring in the strong wind and smoke from time to time, monotonous and harsh, adding a little gloom to the town.

Of course, if you know that the owner of this town has become a northern barbaric, then all this should be no surprise. After all, it was normal to change hands soon, and the war had just passed.

It’s not that there are no Bran in the city. Although the previous retreat was timely, most people have evacuated to the rear. But there are always some people who are unwilling or unable to leave, such as captured Bran soldiers, and elderly people who do not want to die in a foreign country. However, although they are still alive here, naturally they will not make any noise, let alone go shopping or alleys and the like …

In this way, those who are wandering around in the streets of small towns now, of course, will not be Bran people.

Walk at will, turn around when you see, and enter when you see the alley. Occasionally, when you encounter a few shops with open doors, you will go in and have a look … As the commander in chief of the Northern Wilderness Army that led a war of hundreds of thousands of barbarians, Lansha The situation looks very laid back.

Oh, maybe not. So, are you visiting the territory?

Inadvertently strolled to the corner of Nancheng District where the captives were being watched. Looking at the rushing officer in charge. Feeling the look of fear or resentment behind doors and windows all around. Lan Sha pushed the frame, waved her hand, and turned her head away.

The next stop is the South Wall, which is just the way to go. Some tribal soldiers are simply repairing the fortifications of the wall. Of course, there are also Bran prisoners who are forced to come over to sell hard labor. Similarly, shortly after the arrival of Lansha, the barbarian officers in charge of the fortifications came sweating. After paying tribute, I was about to report the progress of the repair carefully, but Lan Sha took the topic in a few words and quickly turned away …

Such perfunctory attitude is said to be an inspection of the territory and no one wants to believe it. Finally, after going a few stops again, Andrei, who had been not far away, finally couldn’t bear the doubt and came closer: “Your Highness … you seem to be busy?”

“Ah? Oh … it’s a bit boring.” It seemed like he was back, Lansha stopped, stretched out, and spread his hands to Andre, who quickly lowered his head to avoid suspicion. “It’s weird? Obviously the battle ahead is extremely fierce, but I’m just bored here. Is there a very irresponsible feeling?”

“Uh, of course not …”

“Hah, don’t hide it. Your expression has betrayed you.” This is a joke, but although the status is very different, in the private relationship with the two people, this joke is fine. Of course, Lan Sha usually provoked.

With a smile, he casually explained, “It’s because of the fierce battle ahead that I have nothing to do. This sudden large-scale head-on encounter can be given to the warriors, but my role is not great.”

Andre nodded when he heard the words. These words are not difficult to understand. In the field situation ahead, it really doesn’t need any command and strategy, or even those generals. Just let the tribal warriors go and fight. It is estimated that we can win.

However, this does not mean that Andre easily believed in Lansha’s explanation. After a pause, he said, “But General Xiong invited you to discuss it in the morning …”

Waved, “Okay, okay, you are most suspicious.”

“This is a professional habit and a virtue, Your Highness.”

“Yo, eloquence has been good recently, so let me tell you secretly.” After looking nervously, creating a little mystery, Lan Sha got closer to his whisper, “Because with them, uneasy. ,all!”

“Uh?” Andre heard a moment’s surprise, and then his look changed suddenly. “General Bear Xiong among them … has a traitor ?!”

Lansha also froze, and looked at Andre who was suddenly tense, cried and laughed: “Where do you want to go, your professional habits are too strong! Haha, it seems I need to remind Xini after returning this time, Let her never look for a man outside … haha, it’s so funny, it’s okay … “

Andre, who felt that he was a bit overreacted, looked at Lansha who smiled forward and backward, scratched his head, and embarrassedly smiled. Immediately, I waited for Lansha’s laughter to come to a halt, and then seriously asked, “His Royal Highness, what you just said is not safe …”

“Oh, just guess, don’t be nervous.” Lansha, who could not help but smile, simply sat in front of the steps of the shop and waved his hands indifferently. “This battle is full of weirdness. On the surface, our side It ’s a big deal. But do n’t forget, it ’s Bran who started this battle. They would be so kind? So stupid … Everyone can see that it ’s abnormal, but before Bran ’s real shot, We can only guess. Well, Uncle Xiong, they have guessed many possibilities, and this morning, they wanted to pull me over to discuss it. But in my opinion … “

After a pause, Lan Sha’s mouth was light, he smiled, and shook his head, “It is not necessary! Because guessing such a thing out of thin air is not only to give full play to your imagination, but also to a very important point is to stand Think about it from the other side. “

Turning to look at the misty hood that heard Yunshan, and frowning frantically trying to keep up with thinking, “You said, what does Bran want to do now?”

“Uh … beat us?”

“Well, how can we beat us in the current situation?”

“This …” After thinking hard, Andrea still gave up shaking his head, “I really can’t think of it. However, they cannot defeat us!”

“Okay, then change the angle and change the question.” Lan Sha continued to follow the temptation. “Why do you think they can’t beat us?”

The question is simple, without hesitation, “Because we are currently very strong. The Warriors have vowed to die. The battle situation also has an absolute chance of winning … Yes. And most importantly, we have Your Highness you!” No The reason is not supported by the lengthy analysis. But in the latter sentence, Andre made a definite statement. And, he dare to swear by the wild god, this is definitely not a horse!

Lan Sha smiled: “Oh, when it comes to the key points, because I have … oh. It doesn’t smell, it sounds really narcissistic and boastful. Or to say another thing is because there is the Supreme Commander of the Northern Wasteland Army. . “

Andrea was confused: “Uh … is there a difference? Highness, aren’t you the Supreme Commander of the Northern Famine Army?”

“Generally speaking, of course there are differences, people are different. But if Bran is strategic, then there is no difference … Haven’t figured it out? Consider if Bran’s army is facing a What will happen to the Northern Wilderness Army without the highest commander …? “

“How is it possible, Your Royal Highness is joking …” Andrei heard that subconsciously shook his head to deny that an army does not have the Supreme Commander. Is it still called an army? Mountain thieves, bandits, and black people have a leader … Combined with Lansha’s first question, a very sharp thought crossed him. Immediately after the coldness in my heart shivered and numbed the scalp … bang, stepping back unconsciously, Andre looked pale and trembled, “Bubbu, Bran … Have to kill His Highness!”

“Such a big reaction … I just guessed it, so don’t be so nervous.” Frightened by Andre’s fierce response, Lansha sighed helplessly, and then raised his hand to push the box. Enemies, just as we wanted to kill Ziyi before, wasn’t it normal for Bran to kill me? “

Andre stepped back again and waved excitedly: “This is different!”

“Ha, have you finally realized that it’s different?” Like seeing the stubborn apprentice finally knowing it, Lansha, a seductive instructor, was very relieved, and patted the steps beside him. “Sit down and talk. I always look up to you like this The head is very tired … The situation is really different. Beihuang and Bran’s army structure is quite different. In comparison, our warriors rely too much on authority, that is, superior orders. In the war, Blan army died Although it will be confusing, soon there will be a vice general who will command the battle and stabilize the situation. If our general in the Northern Famine Army dies during the war … the warriors will continue to fight, but there will be many problems, and they will probably evolve in the end. For a piece of sand, the battle that could have been won would have failed. “

“This is our disadvantage. Bran knows it well. So after I became Supreme Commander, my mother severely blocked the news. She was worried that my whereabouts information would be exposed, which led to Bran’s assassination … … After all, killing one person can end a war involving more than a million lives and death and the danger of national ruin, which is really a bargain. “

Looking at the sign of the tavern swaying in the wind across the street, Lansha said in a light tone, chuckling from time to time, and even laughing at himself. It seemed that he was not talking about his own life and death. It was very casual. It’s a good job, and Bran’s identity may not have been determined. Oh, it’s because of this that they have to start casting nets and bait … “

“This encounter?” Andre was not a fool, and he heard the answer bitterly here. The excitement brought about by the fruitful results of this battle was swept away instantly.

“That’s great, right? You know that this is not good for Branco, but it will exacerbate the army’s casualties and worsen the situation. Well, I don’t know who made this idea, it’s very ambitious …” Said, “Once the battle starts, the situation will become chaotic. The military scheduling, monitoring of the war situation in various places, the decision making of military orders, etc. all require the top command of the wartime team composed by me and Uncle Xiong. Gathering feedback on these actions will make it possible to figure out where we are now. “

Lan Sha pointed at his feet, but Andre glanced around subconsciously, with sharp eyes like an eagle, very vigilant and careful, it seemed that Bran Assassin had already come over.

“His Royal Highness, otherwise we, we …”

As if she didn’t feel the tension of Andre at all, Lan Sha asked with a smile: “Can’t you tell me?”

Andrei really can’t go on. If Lansha is an ordinary character, even a general, Andrei dares to persuade her to escape and protect herself. However, the actual situation is that Lansha is the Royal Highness, the pearl of the Northern Wasteland, and it is no surprise that the Northern Emperor Tribe is the next empress. It is also currently the supreme commander of hundreds of thousands of troops.

in this way. She cannot escape. You ca n’t retreat, you can only sit in this supreme headquarters, and stay still and welcome the storm!

“Look, I ca n’t even tell you, I dare to tell these guesses to Uncle Xiong. So it ’s better to stay away from them. I just wander around in the street like this. Even now with The Bran Assassin hit him, and he wouldn’t think I was a big man. But if it’s with Uncle Xiong and their group of generals, then I would be in danger, haha ​​… “

With a heartless smile, Andrei didn’t have such a relaxed mood: “His Royal Highness, we have to make some preparations … By the way, what did An Shuai do in the past, did he not succeed in being assassinated by Bran? “

Lan Sha waved his hand: “The situation between the teacher and me is a little different. Although the situation at the Bran border was still passive, they had Ziyi. They were fearless and confident. They were not so keen on such assassinations.” And because An Shuai led the Northern Wilderness Army to invade for decades, and still couldn’t take Bran, so Bran doesn’t look down on An Shuai … Of course, regarding this, there is a real apprenticeship with An Shuai Lansha, naturally, wouldn’t say.

He paused and comforted, “Still the sentence, don’t be nervous, this is just my guess. And even if this guess is true, don’t you protect it …” Sha smiled and shook her head. “Oh, rest assured, I was not as easily assassinated.”

Having said that, Andre stood up, Andre still said firmly: “No, I will strengthen the guard when I go back, and the city’s main house will be blocked by water, and I will protect the Highness!”

“Ha, that doesn’t mean telling the assassin that I’m there?”

“I … I’ll do a little bit more concealment so that people don’t see it from the outside.”

“Isn’t that attracting assassins to follow?”

“I … Your Highness!” Looking at Lan Sha, who was constantly carrying him, it still made sense, and Andre was helpless.

Lansha laughed: “Haha, relax. You should think so, even the assassination tricks that can’t reach the table can be used, indicating that Bran’s side has been forced to do nothing, we are not far from the dawn of victory. “

“I can’t say it to you, however, Your Highness makes sense anyway.” Andre, who had always been so respectful in his stand, rolled his eyes with disgust and said resentfully.

“Oh, this is because I really make sense.” Xiao Yan responded, then Lansha turned her head in confusion and looked away from the south city gate. There was a loud noise from there. Alas, “Don’t you … is it that Bran Assassin has been killed?”

Lansha, who is good at martial arts, can find that it is wrong. Andrei naturally faster, his face sinking instantly: “His Royal Highness, we will go back immediately!”

Despite his casual attitude towards being assassinated, he did not think that the assassin, who had high hopes from the Bran Empire, would be so inferior that he would be discovered. But when it comes to security issues, Lansha quickly got up from the steps in coordination. This is not a disagreement, let alone fear, but respect for guards such as Andre. After all, her identity is enough to make her life involved with several people and serious situations. All glory and glory, all damage!

However, this time it was obviously worrying for nothing. Before waiting for Lansha and his party to return to the city’s main government, that is, the headquarters, they met the scout who flew in to meet him.

“My lord, His Highness Tiu has been out of the city, and the general ordered me to inform you to come and greet me.” It is very normal tone, and this level of scouts cannot know the real identity of Lansha.

“Brother … His Highness Tiu?” Lan Sha and Andre looked at each other, all in a look. In their capacity, Tiu could not have come back without knowing. But now he is so surprised, it only shows that this Tiwu did not notify anyone, this was a temporary intention.

Immediately, a different response. Lan Sha was glad to order a turn and headed for the south gate. Andre frowned slightly, and seemed to think something was wrong …

At this time, on a mountain road more than a hundred kilometers away from the town.

This is appreciated, and it feels different … Tang En, who cares for the giant wolf and blue hair, looks around, and feels very good. Especially when I saw those dark snake guards who were angry and could only run on two legs, they felt the weather was clear and the chills and colds became much more peaceful.

Tang En is still sending information, but unlike the ordinary scouts before, he is now an identified person. According to the envy of the Temurs, it is that he will develop.

The one who was called a general last night was the highest commander of that army, the general of the south of the town, Hugula. He appreciated Tang En’s bravery, and personally promised to promote Tang En as one of the squadron captains in the Guard after his mission.

Of course ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Tang En is not interested in this promotion, but he is very satisfied with the additional benefits of this promotion. For the time being, let ’s say that for this mission, although it ’s the same to send information, it is different from the previous drilling ditch. He now has a seat, and underneath this is dressed in green armor, majestic and fierce. Giant wolf!

This is the elite army of the Northern Wilderness, the standard mount of the Wild Wolf Ride, and the mount of some officer generals. It stands to reason that neither Tang’s previous scout status nor the reported captain’s squadron status would qualify for these mounts. But he was sitting upright now, which also shows that the general of the barbarian treats him seriously.

He should also pay attention to this, although his status in this intelligence team is not the highest, but no one dares to offend. The accompanying Dark Snake Guards hated him bitterly, but after he cast his sight away, he had to bow his head to show his surrender.

Tang En doesn’t care if these Dark Snake Guards are surrendered. What he cares about is that with this layer of tiger skin, he will have less trouble, which is undoubtedly beneficial to the plan.

Well, it’s a good sign …

………… (To be continued …)

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