Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 916 - The sideline of the gray army?

Another year of Bran’s Gregorian calendar is coming to an end. It was an eventful year. The situation was chaotic, but at the end of this winter, it suddenly became strangely quiet.

The most powerful barbarian army did not take advantage of the pursuit, and swept into the northern hinterland of Bran. Instead, after occupying the border of Bran, it conquered its forces, promoted the civil engineering, and consolidated the site.

Bran’s army, which has been losing ground, has used this to stabilize the slump, but because it has lost the border defense line, it is now almost impossible to defend, and for a moment it is unknown whether to advance or retreat. In the end, most of them gathered their forces and retreated into the outer towns on the border. They urgently overhauled the city walls like the barbarian army on the opposite side and faced north to south.

After a few days of **** battle with the barbarians, the rear grey army was not injured at all, but it was not badly damaged. Under the scorn of the Blan army outside, it seemed to have a plan to recuperate, but also converged its forces, but could not gather.

In addition to the three forces on this battlefield, if you can get on the table, it is naturally the temple of light. In fact, the temple has also participated in this war, such as joining the Bran Army to treat wounded priests, and the elite team on the battlefield to hunt down the barbaric heresy, and has been advancing with the Blan army.

But here is talking about the temple forces that have not participated in the war. Among them, the southern temple always has nothing to say, and the storm here does not involve that side. As for the northern temple forces, that’s not great. Because of the scourge of Tang En and the unseen presence of the Gray Clothes, the influence of the temple in the north has been so inferior that they are now unable to surround the opposition Protestantism established by a group of clergymen who have defected from the temple. The two sides fought back and forth between the big nations in the north, but they did not separate the outcome. Rather, it was because of the trouble that caused the prestige of the temple to fall to the bottom again …

of course. The latter is now just a trifle, and its influence spreads only in a small area. So on the whole, after the chaos of successive wars, Bran enjoyed a short period of peace before the New Year was coming.

However, everyone knows that such tranquility will not last long, just like the calm sea before the storm, only one point of explosion is needed. Immediately set off a huge wave, breaking this delicate balance, and disturbing the world again.

As for who exactly broke out? Where will it detonate? No one knows then. However, what is certain is that these young men and women who have traveled for thousands of miles for several days now definitely have the potential to become a fuse …

“The day before yesterday I said I could arrive yesterday, I said yesterday that I could arrive today … I said in the morning that I could catch up to dinner at noon. Now, you have to say picnic-Tang, Eun! Are you in the gray army? Do you know the gray army? Where is the site? “

“Uh, I don’t know.”

“I don’t know if you still … huh? I don’t know? I scratch you …”

“Calm, calm! Look ahead, there is a farm. If you really don’t want to have a picnic, can we borrow money for meals …”

“Where’s the farm ahead … Tang En! This, no, yes, heavy, point …”

“I know, I know. But the point is that I have been away from the station for a long time, I really do n’t know where the gray clothes are now hitting … And, you did n’t say you want to go slowly and want to see Bran’s customs, or We must be here now … “

“Huh … say so. Am I wrong?”

“How can … though it is true.”

“… I think it’s time to call Grandpa Batumi for comment.”

“Ahem … although it’s true. But I thought about it. The main responsibility is still to blame me. I was wrong.”

What’s so special is that the situation is stronger than people!

On the mountain road, Tang En with a sincere and constant apology, sighed in his heart, and could not help but feel depressed.

This matter is not to blame him. When Tang En left the station and went to the capital, the Grey Army was still walking around the 100,000 Mountains. Now months have passed. Who knows where Frey had hit … … Tang En only knew that their general direction was right. In this way, they would definitely be able to reach the Grey Garrison station.

This made Lansha feel very depressed too. At first she said that she wanted to see Bran customs and customs, but their route basically did not pass through the city, and they only traveled in the wild mountains. In this way, how can you see any customs and customs? It is good to find a small farm. Most of the time, you can only see the mountains … and Lansha has spent so many years in the Beihuang tribe.

For a moment, after Tang En assured that the Grey Garrison station was not far away, he could take her to the farm immediately after hearing the exact news, so he coaxed Lansha, who had no commanding qualities after leaving the army.

As for Bamutu, he didn’t hide his body again long after he entered Bran’s hinterland, saying that he was tired of those blatant masters. However, in Tang En’s opinion, this old guy should be afraid of getting Woodin, and it was true that he was beaten up again and fled …

“If you lie to me again this time, hum …” He pushed his glasses and narrowed his eyes to look forward, while Lansha whispered a self-evident threat.

“Anna, the farm is just in front of you, just your eyes …” Pause, looking at the cold light suddenly glanced on the lens, Tang En froze subconsciously, and then he turned sharply, “You have too normal eyes It ’s a metamorphosis like me, so you can look a little farther, huh, huh … “Nima, was that killing just now? !! As for …

I have to say that Tang En still doesn’t know enough about women. Any beauty is a combination of narcissism and unsatisfactory, especially when it comes to her physical appearance. On the one hand, I feel that I am perfect enough, and on the other hand, I am extremely entangled with the slight flaws in my body. Even if it is inconspicuous, I always think about how I can cover up and change it.

Lan Sha is also a woman, and naturally is no exception. If Lan Sha is not confident enough about himself, it is definitely the eyes that are born with myopia. Since it is a weakness, of course, I don’t want others to mention it. Especially this man is still Tang En, especially when he is about to reach the gray army …

In fact, Tang En didn’t really deceive Lansha this time. There was indeed a farm in front of him. It’s just that ordinary people can’t see it yet. Only a sharp eye, trained like Tang En, can detect it in advance.

After a while. When the small farm backed by rolling mountains entered Lansha’s vision, Tang En froze his keen eyesight, but there was a meal under his feet, and his brows frowned slightly.

“what happened?”

“It’s not a good thing to see.” Tang En touched his nose and raised his finger to the farm road. “The flagpole is erected on the outside, and there is a … yeah, if you read it correctly.” Lan Sand is not an ordinary woman. There are thousands of tiger and wolf soldiers willing to serve the battlefield in the wave of hands. A human head, of course, can not scare each other.

For a moment, Lansha really didn’t have any special look. Instead, she raised her eyebrows subconsciously and analyzed: “A mountain thief? Or deserter?”

These are undoubtedly the two most likely situations, the mountainous bandits in the north. This is a well-known thing. Now with the added scourge of war, some deserted deserters may also come out and make trouble.

But Tang En narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly: “Supposedly not, there are still cooking smoke in the farm, and there are no vultures and crows hovering in the sky … Well, it’s hard to say.”

“Then look over.” Lan Sha was simply. Lift your feet and walk towards the farm.

Tang En shrugged, and naturally had no opinion.

Soon, as the distance gets closer and closer, first is the smoke, then the flagpole that is erected on the periphery of the farm and the billowing things hanging on it like a pendulum. Seeing them clearly. Tang En was right, it was indeed a human head. And it should hang for a while. The head was clearly showing signs of drying.

There are still a few children playing below. Looking up at the people at the top of the flagpole, they seem to be arguing, but they are not afraid. However, as Tang En approached, a few adults hurried out of the farm, cursing and quickly taking the child back.

Seeing this, Lansha shook her head and pouted, “Well, I didn’t expect the customs on your side, so tough.” With children and farmers, it is impossible for this farm to be destroyed by deserters and thieves. . In this way, the heads hanging outside are more like the sturdy customs evaluated in Lanshakou. Well, like a unique decoration.

However, Tang En certainly does not think so, at least in his cognition, he has never heard of any farm with such strange customs. But now this scene is indeed weird enough, Tang En is a little bit uncertain, and can only wait to see Zhuang.

The farmhouse is quiet, or more accurately dead dead. Every family is closed and the gates are locked. If it weren’t for noon now, the smoke from the smoke everywhere and someone did come out just now, it would be more like an abandoned dead village.

It is strange that every family has four doors locked. But there were a few sacks at the door, or chickens, ducks, and birds that were tied up, like thrown trash and gifts.

“Okay, it really is different customs.” Open the sack at will, most of them are rice flour and bread. Looking around the sacks that were discharged to the left and right, Lan Sha could not help shaking his head and said, “It’s so special, it’s so hospitable!”

This is of course a joke, clapping his hands, and turning to look at the thoughtful Tang En, “What’s the situation?”

“We seem to be treated as pirates.” Shaking his head, Tang En said, “I have heard of such robberies before, but I have never seen them. Well, this farm should have been entangled into a site by a pirate nearby. But it ’s more fortunate, or unfortunately, those robbers do n’t want to slaughter the village and do a hammer sale. Instead, they come here every month to collect the loot on time and seize it for a long time. It ’s like a vampire locust who keeps biting Keep it up. “

Lan Sha heard the words and frowned in surprise: “Why don’t these villagers leave?”

“Walk? Where do you go? Bran civilians are different from your northern deserts. Your northern desert people live by hunting. It does n’t matter where you go. You ’re hungry if you die. But Bran civilians depend on planting. Land, they will be starved to death if they have escaped a few acres of land … Besides, the head on the flagpole is there, and the pirates will not let this long-term meal ticket run away easily. “

Lan Sha nodded and made clear, then immediately spread his hand and said, “What now? The villagers here show that they don’t like us. How can I borrow a meal?”

“Find it again, maybe … yo, found it, isn’t the door open?” This farm is small in scale, and with Tang En’s eyesight, you can look around, and soon Zhuang Wei found a run-down cottage that was not locked.

“Don’t be too happy, in our eyes we are robbers, and don’t necessarily give us food.” Lan Sha narrowed his eyes in the direction of Tang En’s arm, but still couldn’t see which door was open. of. Could not help but nodded, pouring cold water.

“Alright. With my communicative skills, properly.”

“Oh, I’ll wait and see …”

There is no special emotion. Neither Tang En nor Lan Sha is a kind person who is compassionate and compassionate, nor is it a righteous man with a sense of justice. Based on their experience, they have seen the situation ten times more tragic than this. Naturally, it is difficult to have any heartfelt anger in this regard, and they immediately set out to rescue them.

They are just passersby. I’m here for a meal, not to mention these. Of course, it also has its own bottom line principle, that is, don’t move the offerings these villagers give to robbers. Because it is moving, the anger of the mountain thief will be vented on these villagers …

that is it.

The dilapidated bungalow has a master in it. Maybe it is the age to see through life and death, or maybe it is in the eyes of robbers. The grain is more valuable than his old life, so he is not afraid of the pirates coming, and he has not locked the door.

Rarely, Tang En’s unsuccessful communicative ability failed to get a casual meal in this old man. But Lansha wasn’t gloating, instead he was a little depressed. Because Tang En has been successful just now, the dry old man also readily agreed to a meal request. And said no money. But after seeing Lansha, her look suddenly changed, and she changed her tone. Instead of not giving meals, she also raised her walking stick to drive them out …

Well what does that mean? Is my Highness of the Northern Wasteland exposed. Already everywhere in Bran has fallen to the point where everyone shouted?

“Uncle, didn’t we already say that?” Dodging and waving a cane. Tang En stepped back helplessly.

“I said … I didn’t say anything!” The skinny old man was extremely excited, waving his cane to drive Tang En to the door, and shouted, “Go out! This is my house, you go out to me now … … “

“Calm down, Grandpa calm down …”

“Uncle, we have been hungry for a few days. You can do it, or should we give more money?” Hiding behind Tang En, Lan Sha decisively offered to sell the poor skills of cuteness.

It’s a pity that this trick that has obvious effect in Bamutu has no effect on this Blankan old man. Oh, no, it works, but it ’s the opposite.

“It’s too late … Get out, get out of me! This Zhuangzi doesn’t welcome you …” Well, just just kicked out of the gate just now, I’m going to get out of Zhuangzi directly.

However, Tang En heard that there was a movement in his heart, and then he moved his ears, opened Lansha, closed the door with his backhand, and made a snoring gesture: “Shh … Lord, I think it’s too late.”

The words fell, the ground trembled, and the sound of horseshoes went from far to near, getting closer and closer, and then a long hissing sound was mixed with a loud laughter, and the person who had arrived came outside the village.

“Well, you guys, why don’t you listen to advice!” Listening to the noisy movements, the skinny old man’s look changed again, and suddenly he put down his cane, shook his head and sighed, then thought of something, and quickly waved to Lansha, , Girl, hide in the back room. “

Tang En and Lan Sha heard each other and understood thoroughly. The old man was kind, and the reason was that he promised before, but he couldn’t help driving them out. It was because she saw Lansha and was worried that her beauty would be persecuted in the eyes of the robber who came to collect the offerings.

After thinking about this, Tang En waved and laughed: “Uncle, don’t worry, don’t look at us young. In fact, we are warriors. It is not a problem to pack up a dozen hair thieves.”

If the pirates didn’t come to provoke them, Tang En and Lan Sha would basically have done the same. After all, there are so many tragedies in the world, and how many can they manage? Besides, it is not necessarily a good thing for these villagers who have lived here for generations. But if these pirates don’t open their eyes, then of course Tang En won’t mind if they bother each other …

However, the skinny old man shook his head and sighed when he heard the words: “Well, you don’t understand. These are not robbers, they are an army!”

“Army? Uh, which army?” Tang En hesitated, what joke, which army would look at this humble little farm? It’s too much.

“It’s the Grey Army.”

“What ?!” I have to admit that Tang En was really dumbfounded at this moment, he couldn’t believe his ears, and even spoke English with a little local accent.

Lan Sha, who heard the words, was also stunned, blinked, and looked strangely at Tang En: “I didn’t say anything about this information, eh, the gray army and this sideline?”

An instant came, and I took a breath. Tang En didn’t manage Lan Lan’s ridicule, and looked earnestly at the dry old man: “Are you sure you are a gray-clad army?”

“Anyone else besides them!” The look of the skinny old man was excited again, and some words roared incoherently, “Poor my eldest son, who had previously listened to the deceitful propaganda of this gray-clad army ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but also wholeheartedly I want to join them … and the **** son, he should go to **** … God, what have I done wrong? You must punish me so cruelly … “

“Calm, uncle you-calm!” Tang En silently drank on the shoulders of the old man, and instantly woke up the thin and thin old man who was caught in the infinite sadness, and immediately drew a hand and pulled out the bamboo tied to the old man’s waist. The rudimentary tobacco pipe, filled with shredded tobacco, lit it, shoved it into the old man’s hand, pulled him to sit down on the steps of the inner room.

Wen Chan said, “Uncle, don’t worry, take a few sips first, and say slowly … well, I’m more interested in this, please tell me more about it.”

If what happened here has nothing to do with Tang En, then after saying the words “Grayed Army” in the old man’s mouth, Tang En can no longer stand idly by. Does he have to confirm that this is Bran’s conspiracy? Still have robbers robbery in name? Or maybe there are people in the gray army who dare to do this **** …

Of course, now that Tang En can’t think of it, he just interposed to ask during the journey, but asked about the opportunity for his breakthrough …

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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