Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 934 - I want to play 10!


“Have heard it all, hurry up, I’m very busy.” Going back from Wooding’s figure to take a look back, Tang En looked at the turquoise sea tower and others, spreading his hands, “So-singled out?”

He paused and shook his head. “Forget it, I suppose you are reluctant to do it.”

“Oh …” “Arrogance!” “Junior is dying!”

Or a little angry at the city government, or simply shouting and rudely screaming and killing, not to mention the royal offerings, even Haita and Winsling, who are more familiar with Tang En, have been told En’s arrogant attitude shocked. Of course, it was shocked and speechless. Although leaving the wood, but with their luxurious to horrible lineup. Not to mention only dealing with you Tang En, even if you are drawn to the battlefield on the front line, it is the peak force that can control the war situation of a domain.

But now listen to what Tang En said … Still in a hurry?

This is the rhythm of being shameless!

However, “one, two, three …” Tang Enzhang raised his hand without any sarcasm, and pointed his fingers seriously, “… seven, eight, nine, ten … hey, exactly ten?”

Eight royal families worship, plus Shanghai Tower and Winsling, but not exactly ten.

Nodding in relief, Tang En grinned, waved to the inexplicable look at Hai Tower and others who looked like madmen, “Let ’s go together, I, want, fight, ten, one!”


“Forget it, there’s nothing to say … Kill him and support Lord Sword God!”

“Who’s coming?”

“Be careful–” Just as the scornful sarcasm of the royal family’s dedication and sarcasm, a warning alarm sounded, the crowd looked up subconsciously, and a flower bloomed in front of them. The unknown face had flashed forward. And dozens of feet away. Tang En’s figure is still stepping on the river …

Shadow avatar!

There is no good fight, since destined to meet each other, how can Tang En waste time on the tongue. It was just a flash, and the rain curtain was opened instantly, and the dark dagger turned out in my hands. Draw a line of demon water, dedicate it to a royal family behind the crowd, that is, the throat of the middle-aged man with the lowest strength in the field who will touch the empty threshold.

But did not wait for Tang En to pass through the crowd, a cyan purple lance, stabbed from the oblique ground to stop.

It was Winsling, and it was also him who had warned.

This result is not surprising. If you ask everyone in the field who is most familiar with Tang En. It was undoubtedly Winsling who had been defeated twice in the hands of Down. He was very clear about Tang En’s combat style, and he turned on his face and attacked and transformed melee. The ability to guard against and guard against, cautious and cautious … Finally, he caught the opportunity!

Everyone on the field has nothing to do, in this case. As long as the spear can keep Tang En for a moment, and the masters who reacted set fire once, Tang En can be sent to **** completely!

Winsling is very confident about this. He has forbeared to this day, and has not even deliberately reminded everyone to beware of Tang En’s melee combat ability. Why, this is not the moment? Is this the perfect shot for deliberate calculations?

However, he did not wait for the smile to climb his face. Among the flashes of light and flint, Winslin unconsciously glanced up at Tang En, and slightly raised his lips. This is-taunt?

I did n’t wait to understand, the roar of my ears started,

“Give me—definitely!”

Winsling was even more confused when he heard his words, and subconsciously felt that Tang En was really crazy. The facts are clear, such a good opportunity, he has no reason to obey orders, right?

But the real fact is that the roar has just fallen. The spear stabbed by Winsling’s hand was delayed for a moment, his face looked ghostly, and he watched Tang En roll by the wind in front of the gun tip …

Winsling was not intentional, nor could it be intentional. To this end, he can solemnly swear to the **** of light, although the **** of light who has always had no connection with the sword **** may not ignore him …

Just can’t move!

Limbs hands and feet. Even the entire body-can’t move!

At this moment, Winsling even felt that time was strangely stagnant, and everyone around him, like him, was still or shocked to move backwards, or raised his hands to parry the attacking action, expression, and dead sculpture. Only Yu Guang, Tang En’s body shape is still advancing …

Crossing the gap between the crowd, the probe, with a touch of faint light, passed the middle-aged oblation neck, hissing wind, and pulled out an arc of blood-stained water, easily freehand. Immediately, rushing …


“Uh … wow drink … hum …” The next moment, the pike stabbed into the air, exclaimed in a panic. The weird situation disappeared, and everyone turned around subconsciously, staring blankly at the equally dazed middle-aged companion, covering his throat, taking a few steps back, and the irritation of blood between his fingers could not stop, then, leaned back Falling down the river, a splash, splashes …

The scene was silent, and everyone accepted the inability to stand up. They stared at the river at their feet with only a few ups and downs, and then swallowed their companions.

A royal dedication, a strong who touched the threshold of empty class. Just a simple face-to-face, that’s it … dead? !!

Tens of feet away, Tang En stopped and rushed into shape, turned and looked at the dull group of people, shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands: “Don’t mind, just say hello, assassin.”

What is the assassin’s way of greeting? Of course, it was unexpected, let’s start with it! What Tang En did just now is actually the same as the meeting gift that Woody gave to Woodin not long ago. Even the methods are similar-Bamutu uses famous tricks and wild beasts, while Tang En uses shadow avatars and wild feasts. Getting started is a big move, simple and rude. And the results were pretty good. One person killed a royal oblation …

“Hehe, there are nine …”

Boom boom, Tang En’s voice didn’t fall, and the sound came from the center of the river in shock and clarity, and the waves of the water even affected here. Looking at it from a distance, that area is completely divided into two, and it has evolved into two extreme worlds. The haze and black clouds under the violent air pressure, and the bright sword awns rising from below, entangled, collided, and devoured each other … Although it has not been experienced in person, just looking at this deterrent power, we can see that the water area has completely become Disaster restricted area, no one is allowed to enter …

After a pause, Tang En shook his head with a smile. “Really, the fighting enthusiasm of the two old guys is so urgent and surging …” Raising his hand, he ticked off at nine people including Haita and Winsling who had returned to God, ” Well, those of us who are small characters can’t be lazy any more. Come on, you won’t leave alive today. “Then the words flashed, and they disappeared into the smoke of the river.

“What martial arts was just now?” Winsling asked loudly.

“Oh … guess what!” Don’t be kidding, no matter what, the unknown is terrible. So, how can Down easily tell Winsling the answer. Besides, Tang En’s mastery of feasting skills has not been grasped for a long time. The power is not obvious. Just now, Winsling and others have never seen such a weird martial arts. They were caught off guard. Weak rules hold your body.

“Go, kill him!” Gritted his teeth, Haita didn’t hesitate, and was about to catch up with the one-handed sword. However, the royal families worshipped each other and looked at each other, without moving their feet, their looks were hesitant.

Yes, they are a little scared. Of course, no matter who it is, looking at a master whose strength is not far away from himself, is instantly killed in front of his eyes, and his psychology will have some shadows. Moreover, the martial arts skills were really too weird, and they could hold them for a moment. You have to know that the instant between masters’ battles is enough to determine the ownership of more than ten battles … If you don’t solve this problem, they won’t dare to chase easily.

When Haita saw her face suddenly sank, she asked angrily, “Why not chase? Are you scared?”

“Cough.” Two coughs, a gray-haired royal family frowned and walked out. “Fear not, but Lord Haita, you have to tell us who this young man is? What kind of strength is he?”

“Brother!” Preventing Haita’s reprimand, Winsling took the conversation and said directly: “His name is Tang En, a gray-clad army. He is very strong, and his fighting spirit is probably in the middle of the air.

“It’s just the middle class of the empty class?” The royal worshippers obviously doubted when they heard that the middle class of the empty class was certainly not low, but they were among them. This kind of strength does not say whether it can kill the companion just now, it is said that it is impossible to easily pass under their eyelids …

Winsling waved his hand: “I know what everyone thinks, but he is different from ordinary air-level warriors. He is fast, weird, and especially good at close combat … Remember not to let him close, otherwise the strength is also close It’s hard to avoid! So I suggest that if you search separately, you need at least three people. “

He paused, “As for the martial arts just now, I saw it for the first time, but this is not a concern, at least not as scary as you think. Otherwise he would not just kill one person ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ just chose to retreat quickly. “

The enshrinement of the worshippers nodded lightly. The reason is this. The main thing they are afraid of is the weird skills that can hold the body shape.

But they didn’t know, or didn’t care, that they didn’t catch the point. The most horrible place for Tang En is not the half-slinging feast skill, but the abnormal melee ability. At this point, although Winsling has now reminded him and arranged measures, he still has hidden some contents after all …

If Winsling could tell directly, he also took three royal offerings to hang Tang En last time, but was killed and wounded, and the two who fled back paid the price of their arms together. These are also royal offerings The strong will inevitably pay extra attention to this.

But unfortunately, Winsling, who was also in order to appease the crowd, so as not to make them too frightened, did not tell this important truth. So from the beginning, this seemingly disparate combat balance has actually begun to tilt …

………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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