Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 937 - 1 dagger heart!

It is a good habit to persimmon to pick up soft pinch, it is also a life attitude that is worth persisting.

So after a while, Tang En chose the target, which was the unlucky enshrine of the man on the river who had been scalded with a dagger …

For the air-level strong, these flesh injuries that are not on the main points are naturally not a big deal. At least it was just a bit of a hassle. After all, he could not use the temple healing technique, and dragged these bleeding sores into the turbid river, which was a little uncomfortable. However, relative to the situation of one person’s order, he still chooses to chase down the river with everyone.

Unlike Winsling, who felt something, he did not approach anyone, but continued to dive in accordance with the encircled route. However, it can be considered to have seen Tang En’s power. At this time, he seemed extremely cautious. He lay his sword across his chest and dived slowly with a vigilant and defensive attitude. At the same time, his head continued to turn around, and his eyes and consciousness radiated around him intermittently. The whole expression and body movements are like those hares who came out to look for food on the grassland. It feels a little bit of wind and grass. No matter what others will immediately go ahead and leave …

But unfortunately, no matter how savvy the prey can not escape the hands of the hunter …

Hissing lightly, the bright long knife struck straight, bringing a trace of water, and instantly chopped out several ferocious swimming fishes exposed in the surroundings. Closing the knife, looking down at the slowly overflowing blood from the body, worshiping the brow can not help lightly wrinkled, a bunch of bubbles appeared in the corner of the mouth, as if cursing.

Not all swimming fish eat waterweed and are vegetarian. At least right now, there is a bit of fierce swimming fish in the water of this big river, which is normal.

of course. Nothing more ferocious. It is also unlikely to destroy the combat armor of the air-level powerhouse. But three times of collisions. After all, it’s annoying. After being settled, the enlightenment looked around him subconsciously, still looking extremely vigilant. But at this moment, awkwardly,

A palm suddenly put a shoulder armour from the back, and said softly, “Are you looking for me?”

The offering was stiff, and the scalp was numb. The bone chill spread throughout the body instantly. Of course, this is not to shock someone who can speak underwater. This is not a big deal for experts. Even their current clothes are not half wet with the river water … well, this is not the point and it is not important.

There was a thunderous quake, the vindictive armor shone brightly, and the water spray bubbles splashed out instantly. Stepping forward, the figure rushed forward, but the long sword passed through under the armpit, piercing the back.

The response to the offering is not uncomfortable. But like a hare that was spotted by a goshawk, even if the goshawk dived down in advance. Running wildly, changing direction quickly … Exhausting all means of escape, it is also difficult to escape the brain!

Before waiting for the long knife to pierce the armpit, the body was pulled back by the palm of the shoulder. Alas, the sharp knife cuts into the meat, and the sound is crisp and crisp. Immediately, a large area of ​​blood and water spreads behind the offering in a large area …

“Ah-” It was terribly miserable, and Sonic trembled.

In order to avoid many perceptions and make smooth sneak attacks, Tang En did not attach flesh to his sword, relying only on his own strength and the sharp edge of Arthur’s dagger. In this way, although it was successful in breaking the armor of the fighting gas, the effect was reluctant and it did not complete a fatal blow.

However, although the royal dedication is not dead, it also directly falls into the last madness before it is dying … The anger is violent, and the terrorist power belonging to the air-level powerhouse is released instantly and indiscriminately. Like an underwater hurricane, chaos rages, sweeping a field!

In the current of the hurricane, two figures tangled hands and feet, stuck together, and only listened to 噗噗 噗 … one, two, three …

In a short breath, dozens of knife shadows madly sank into the back of the offering. At this time, the royal dedication could not even see Tang En’s face, only to feel that his back was firmly attracted by a deep-octopus octopus. Even if he rolled and snarled, dying and struggling, he could not shake.

If the previous battle on the river surface was a close-combat battle, then this is now a close-knit combat. Used to the royal worship of high and high, waving waves of hands, have you ever seen this primitive way of fighting like a child wrestling everywhere? My mind was instantly filled with confusion and fear, and the chaos was blank. All I knew was that I was struggling to escape without any resistance. But such actions not only failed to make a living, but Tang En took countless knives while chasing …

“Deadly …”

Blood knife comes in, blood comes out. Because of the fierce struggle of the royal family, fast-in and fast-out daggers are not good enough to target the vital parts. However, Tang En didn’t mind, his face was calm, the almond-shaped cat’s eyes were flashing with strange green light, his lips seemed to be shaking, no matter where he got into, how he got it, no head, no brain, no light, no weight, chaos. Uh …

Suddenly, with a dagger, Tang En turned his head and saw the water churning not far from the right, the bubbles rolling, as if something was brewing. Before the response, a bang, separated from left to right, a fiery red sword horn cut to the front like a hot flame instantly!

No accident. It is impossible to be so violently moving here without being perceived by Haita and others. Right now, this overbearing Jianmang must be the closest rescuer. The nature of the heart is decisive, regardless of the battle situation here, it is a sword straight away, and not afraid of accidental injury.

“Save me–” The confession of the imperfect royal family also seemed to be awakened by this sudden Jianmang, hissing subconsciously. However, the voice just dropped, and a huge back was pressed down, and his body rolled back and forth in the water, facing Tang En for the first time, “Save you … this is to kill you idiot!”

Before shaking her eyes, the worshiper first saw a pair of demon almond pupils, slightly stunned. Immediately, I saw a flame flaming sword shoot from above the head, and the aftermath of the bubbles spread instantly …

This is the character of gambling. Jianmang is too fast and fierce, and it should be no doubt that the air-level strong man has shot with all his strength. Although Tang En barely avoided, it was impossible to completely avoid the scope of the aftermath. And now Tang En is entangled with the dedication, like a human flesh and blood wheel tumbling. No one knows who will be hit by this spreading aftermath, one-half the probability!

“Oh …” Grass! It may be that God can’t see the cruelty of Tang En, and finally doom came to his head, only to feel a suffocation behind his back, as if he was hit by a galloping carriage in front, and his mouth was a large blood mist.

“Haha …” The dying oblation was immediately overjoyed, and he immediately grasped Tang En’s arm with his backhand, and pulled out to pull back. But before he laughed, his eyes were flushed with red blood, and a large blood mist covered his head. He closed his eyes subconsciously, and opened his eyes staring sternly again. His hands and fingers fell deeply into Tang En’s arm muscles, slowly lowering his head, looking at the dark dagger inserted in his heart, a little dazed. Then he looked up at the mocking smile at the corner of Tang En’s mouth, opened his mouth silently, and a large blood mist burst out again …

Bad luck is bad luck, but in the end it’s just an episode. This royal family worshipped the whimsical wish to take advantage of La Tangen as a backing, and that was undoubtedly more thought. In the end, Tang En seized the opportunity and attacked his heart!

Seven left …

Alas, the water on the right was cut by a red flame. Followed by, there was a thin figure rushing forward with a red armour of armor.

There are six … narrow eyes and narrow eyes, Tang En’s mouth sullen, and he smiled confidently. With a wave of his hand, the corpse was thrown out, and he greeted the sword-sword that had been slashed.

“God-dead-” With such a distance, Tang En’s move was undoubtedly clearly seen by the thin body of the imperial family ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, and his hands were raised subconsciously, as if to stop something. However, the air-level Jian Mang shot with all his strength was not a good harvest, and before he responded, he watched his companion collide with his Jian Mang …

“Do not–“

Bang, muted. A corpse is a corpse, whether it was an air-level strongman or an ordinary person before it died, it is a dead thing, a fragile dead thing! Jian Mang passed by, and the body of this air-level strongman burst into pieces immediately. No broken bones and bones were seen. Only a large swath of blood stain instantly infected the surroundings …

Like passing through a layer of insignificant tulle, the overbearing Jianmang was not affected in the slightest, dragging the flames of light and moving on.

I didn’t know that the man was dead and obese. He watched his companion’s body be chopped into a ball of blood by his sword, and his heart suddenly shook.

Just at the mouth, a bang, blood mist burst through it, and a demon in a blood-colored coat seemed to climb from the abyss of **** to kill him.

“This will take you down to pay … don’t thank me …”

………… (To be continued …)

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