Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 967 - What is wrong ...

“When do you leave?”

A pot of cold water was poured, the flashy was washed, and Shiraishi was exposed. In this way, there is nothing to discuss. When the Grey Army really had time to retire, Josiah, who had fully sobered up, also initially agreed to the negotiation.

Of course, this is only a preliminary intention. The gray-clad army must have refused a few times and put on a show. It ’s cheap to not occupy the bastard. Only in this way can we completely suppress the momentum of the Bran Negotiating Group. Fortunately, in the following, we can gain more benefits for the righteous here. In addition to these small calculations, the two sides also need to negotiate to determine the time and place of negotiations …

In short, the real busy time has just begun.

However, only Josiah was busy with Frey. Among the four, Tang En didn’t care about anything and didn’t want to be affected by these trivial matters. Lan Sha was unable to intervene because of her sensitive identity, so at the end, watching Josiah and Frey discussing fiercely, Tang En and Lan Sha greeted randomly and left the room.

Looking up at the grey and bleak sky, and exhaling slightly, Tang En turned and smiled and asked, “when do you leave?”

Lan Sha didn’t look up at the sky, but looked at the soldiers and soldiers in the gray clothes who ran away and cheered and celebrated as if they were on a holiday. Hearing his words, he turned his eyes down on Tang En, disdainfully: “Bran people crossing the river to tear down the bridge … just want me to leave soon?”

Tang En shrugged indifferently, without arguing. Of course he didn’t mean it that way, and he knew that Lansha didn’t have such a small belly, which was amused by him. Of course, this statement is really difficult to answer … Since the last time he was dying and still alive, Tang En’s affection for himself has become particularly low-key in this regard. Questions like this that are full of resentment, either smirk or shut up wisely …

With Lansha’s mind, of course, Tang En’s faint conveyed the meaning. Slightly darkened. But then he resumed as he did before, and hesitated … Huh! Coward, Josiah wouldn’t dare here, would she?

“Wait for the Horde Army to come here along the main road. I will naturally leave with it. Hehe …” It seemed like something had come to mind, Lansha pouted and chuckled. “Relax, don’t leave now, and I’m worried that I won’t be able to leave after a while.”

“Uh, how come.”

“Why not, don’t tell me that you didn’t know anything at all. Since the return of the Talan army to the south, my military power has gradually been withdrawn. Although the army of the Grey Army has not been relocated on a large scale, the direction pointed by the soldiers, Isn’t that the way my Horde army will pass? ” Lansha glanced over. “Not only do you have to cross the river to tear down the bridge, you also plan to repay the enemy.”

Tang En heard his words and touched his nose, his expression was somewhat awkward. However, he did not hide his evasion, and said frankly: “It is only a strategic defense. You also know that the gray clothing can not fight the tribal army. So it is impossible to repay the enemy, just to make a gesture, it has little meaning.”

“So …” Lan Sha slightly narrowed her eyes. “From the standpoint of the first army commander, you said that after I returned to the tribal army. Should I consider swallowing the gray army and taking down Bran for my tribe? 2. What is the basis for the advancement of the unified mainland? Anyway, you ca n’t beat us … Haha, what expression do you want? Kill me … Just a joke. See you scared … “

Tang En smiled bitterly, this is not just a joke. In fact, if Lan Sha really thinks about this idea, she will be able to succeed, and the benefits are many!

“Rest assured, as long as your little lover keeps his promise and gives up the area north of Beacon City to the tribe, this will not happen. Well, it is a threat. You need to think carefully.” Step forward and approach Tang En . Lansha’s face was charming and dangerous under the lenses, like a bunch of prickly roses.

Down was not angry. Instead, watching Lan Sha nodded seriously, he said solemnly, “Thank you!”

The so-called threat is of course just a joke. The area north of Beacon City is the bet that Lan Sha and Johsia agreed, which she deserves. And the promise not to attack the Grey Army is the promise made by Lansha in his personal capacity and as the commander of the tribal army. This is the real human kind!

“Don’t thank me for cooperation. We are not hypocritical Bran people, and we are very honest about integrity.” As if nothing had been done, Lan Sha raised his hand at will, and patted Tang En’s shoulders quite arrogantly. immediately,

Thinking with a crooked head and frowning slightly, “Yes, be cautious when negotiating … don’t ask me why, I also have no basis for guessing. I just feel that no matter whether I have simply abandoned the north before and converged the military strategy to withdraw. Now this is obviously more insulting, but the negotiating team that came is not like the normal working style of King Bran, and the span of back and forth changes is a bit large … Of course, just guessing. Maybe Wang Lanting was finally hurt this time, and I know it’s terrible. Oh, with your mind, there aren’t many that can overcast you in this world … Well, anyway, be careful. “

Weaning, Tang En raised his eyebrow and nodded: “Rest assured that if Bran King really wants to play tricks, I will pay them a good deal.”

“Wow, it’s domineering–” The voice was a little childish, and his hands were folded on his chin. Lan Sha instantly appeared as a pompous idiot, “Is this the style of the mainland’s first strong man?”

Tang En’s mouth was slightly drawn, and it was also clear that this strange woman with millions of soldiers in his chest was in front of him. In the end, he was still a young man, and he often did something outrageous. Of course, the subject is limited to acquaintances.

“Don’t hack me, what am I the best in the continent?”

“Ha, this isn’t really black. Grandpa Batum has told me that after the battle on the river, the sword **** Woodin was considered a waste, and it was not a few days to live. Although he was not so miserable, but his strength was also I ’ve been there for a few percent, and I do n’t expect to rise back in this life. Except for the two of them, even if the masters in the world are better than you in the realm of strength, they basically ca n’t do anything about you. So, even if you are not the first on the mainland By……”

“Okay, stop!” Waving his hand to stop Lan Sha calculating with his fingers, Tang En hammered his palm with a fierce look. “I didn’t expect that I have been seen by you for being low-key for so long … Let’s say, those power levels are higher than me Who are all of them? I’ll kill them now! How dare you and me to grab the mainland’s first strong one, all tired and crooked-“


A little reversal, of course, just a joke.

The signboard of the mainland’s first strong man is not so easy to recall. Don’t look at the horrible points above, the bottom must be piled with bones!

Of course, Tang En’s children’s shoes are not rare. Even if one day his strength, realm, past record, etc. are all worthy of the golden signboard of the mainland’s strongest man, he will not stand up and take it.

What a joke, he is a killer, so famous for wanting to die? Still want to die?

In the next few days, apart from celebrating, of course, the gray army’s first itinerary is of course negotiation.

Well, it’s not going well.

In the early stage, because of the reasons of the gray army, Sanfan twice purposely rejected the other party’s request for negotiation. The reason is also very strange, such as celebrating the defeat of Bran today, celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the Gray Army tomorrow, the day after tomorrow not celebrating work and so on. But Bran really pulled his face down this time, no matter how absurd the reason for the rejection of the Grey Army, he kept asking.

One side deliberately made things difficult, only to export bad gas. One party can’t fight back or scold.

In this way, this little irregularity was soon revealed. Immediately ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ preliminary set the time and place of the negotiations-all are set by the gray army, Bran’s very well accepted. However, when the two sides were about to officially enter into negotiation conditions, they did not go well again.

This time it’s still the problem of the gray clothes, or more precisely the problem of Josiah. She forcibly refused to be at the negotiating scene and her ceremonies were sealed off by those Cardinals. The reason is very simple, that is, the gray clothes do not believe this. As for the real reason, it is of course the late Locha …

Josiah was tough and had no room for negotiation. Bran’s perseverance persisted, and the two sides fell into a brief standoff. It’s just that the messengers of Bran who traveled thousands of miles to relay the news, often had their front feet just arrived at the gray clothing army station, and their back feet ate a closed door, and they went back to life.

In this way, after a week or so, Bran finally accepted Josiah’s insistence.

In this way, preliminary negotiations continued.

However, Tang En smelled the danger. Just like Lansha, it’s just intuition. He feels something is wrong …

………… (to be continued)

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