Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 995 - Assassination Charm


Anyway, it’s still nonsense. This is simply not a successful case, because there is only one sword god.

Owens’ attitude is not so much an explanation as it is a blow to everyone’s confidence. And even more annoying, what he said is still true.

Really damn!

“Say this …” The crowd was only immersed in depression, but Tang En thought about other meanings, and frowned again. “Even if we succeed in sneaking into the Temple General Club, as long as we appear on the island and move around, we will be caught by each other. Immediately? “

“That’s what it means.” Owens nodded helplessly. “The temple club’s defense is very tight. In addition to the guarding power in the open space, magicians around the island will release detection magic from time to time to cover the entire island. This In this case, even if you can camouflage the appearance, you can’t hide the difference in the strength attributes of your body … Of course, if it is just the usual time, this magical exploration is not frequent, maybe there are loopholes to drill. But for now … “

Looking at Tang En, Owens shook his head and sighed, “The temple has spent thousands of years building an intelligence organization that cannot be underestimated. Tang En, although you are extremely low-key, about the assessment of your strength and what kind of combat style you have, the temple is well known .They can definitely guess that you will come to rescue Xia Wei’an, so the intensity of the recent exploration on the island must be the highest level. “

Since it is at the highest level, it is synonymous with the behemoth shrine that runs wildly, which is synonymous with flawlessness … This sentence Owens did not say, fearing to hit the confidence of Tang En and others, but everyone naturally knew Belly.

“Tricky!” Jack sighed. “There is no room to play …”

“No, there is still space.” Tang En glanced at the brief map on the table, his eyes flashed. Suddenly he pointed his fingers at two places. “Owens, you said just now, there are no magic traps under the water near the banks of the river?”

“Uh. Yes.” Owens didn’t know why, but still explained it well. “Magic traps cannot be seen with the naked eye. Once they are triggered unintentionally, ordinary people are absolutely spared. So in order to prevent accidental injuries, the temple has not placed magic traps around the island shore and in a small area on the shore of the lake opposite. Prevent unsuspecting shore people, lower-level disciples on the island from inadvertently triggering … “

After a pause, Owens frowned as he looked at the map of the island. “Do you want to start here … Does it make sense? We can’t even get closer to the island right now.”

“It makes sense.” Tang En sure nodded and smiled. “Previously we were discussing how to sneak into the shrine general assembly. Now we just need to think about how to cross the middle lake and come to the safe waters next to the island. So it sounds … the difficulty is reduced A lot, isn’t it? “

When Owens heard the words, he shook his head and laughed, and just about to open his mouth to say something. Suddenly, a laugh passed in from the door, “Haha, that’s right! It’s a professional who often hangs around my grandfather. It seems that I don’t need to intervene at all, you can handle it yourself, Tang En.”


“Ha. Your kid is finally here.”

“Don’t you say you come here at night?”

That’s right, it wasn’t Philip who was laughing and speaking as he strode near the door. There was still a sullen smile on his face, and he couldn’t stop waving his hand, “Well, don’t mention it. It was originally intended to come at night, and it was not easy to be discovered. But … haha! Who is my Philip? Just want to stare at me, it’s so easy! “

“Well, are you? What do you mean by being a driver?”

“Ahem, don’t care about these details …”

Take the complex situation of the capital today. Philip, who has a close relationship with the new aristocracy group, that is, the power of the second prince, naturally has a better life.

To be practical. This is his Philip. Now that the sword **** Woodin is not dead, and the family behind him has a prominent position in the empire, the great prince will not be able to move him even if he is strong, otherwise the boy will stay in the capital prison. Now, how can I run around in a little disguise like now …

Of course, nowadays, the royal palace is still the eldest prince, so even if the background is like Philip, it will inevitably be watched by people around the clock. It was only after Tang En had arrived in the capital for a day that he managed to get away and meet.

After a few jokes, Owens, who was not familiar with Philip, took the lead and continued to ask: “Even if there is no magic trap placed underwater around the island, there is indeed room for operation. But … how do we approach?”

“Close? Why should we get closer? Wouldn’t it be better for the other party to take us directly?” Philip smiled, confident.

“Do you mean to use those temples to send ships?” Owens frowned and shook his head. “You were not here just now. I don’t know if this proposal has been rejected by us. It’s not feasible … the inspection at the temple must be very strong. Let us pretend to be clergy and mingle with ships. “

“Who said we were going to camouflage the clergy?” Philip asked the question first, then looked at Owens with a slight expression, and chuckled, “I have heard of you, Owens, one of the twelve knights of the temple. You are right The terrain, high-rises, etc. of the shrine are very familiar, but it is because your level is too high that you ignore a small, unobtrusive low-level detail. “

“Small details on the bottom? Please say.”

“Logistics.” Philip throws out the mystery, and then looks at Owens, who is shocked, with a bright smile. “You know, clergy are also humans, they also eat and drink Lazar, they also like to wear new clothes, and they also live. New house. So the question is, where do these food, cloth, construction materials, etc. come from? The island that is less than a hundred miles away cannot be self-sufficient. “

“You mean … mixed up with the several temple transport ships carrying logistical supplies?” Said Owens, excitedly, “doable! Absolutely feasible! Even if the inspection of the temple is strong, it is impossible to dismantle each one. A package of logistics materials … Yes, this plan is absolutely feasible! Oh, who are the business groups designated by the temple to purchase materials? Go and check … “

“It doesn’t need to be so troublesome.” Philip waved and interrupted, her mouth raised, “All the materials must go through an imperial institution for centralized statistics before being shipped to the Temple General Assembly. Oh, unfortunately, I have a little relationship with that institution, It’s not a problem to squeeze in a few people. “

This is the role of the ground snake!

Tang En took a deep breath, and he was not polite, and asked directly, “How many times and times does the temple ship carry goods?”

“Once a month, the nearest time is a week later.”

“Just follow this trip!” Lan Sha overwhelmed Tang for one month for the rescue operation. The road was consumed when it arrived, and now only about half a month is left. In this way, Tang En will not be able to wait for the temple to transport supplies next month, so the trip after one week is his only chance. There is no choice, so the decision is very decisive!

“Mixed in the transport ship and approached the General Assembly of the Temple, and entered the water before landing on the island, and dived into the surrounding waters without magic traps …” Taking advantage of the dive plan, he paused for a moment, and Harry quickly picked up a roll of information and rushed I flipped and found somewhere and immediately shouted in excitement, “There are many drinking water wells on the island, as well as several ornamental ponds, all of which are living water … haha, I knew it, I knew it would be like this …”

Waving his arms frantically, Harry’s madness did not scare everyone. As soon as Luke’s eyes lighted up, he immediately understood, and added hurriedly: “There are still so many people living there, eating and drinking Lazar, there can be no underground sewage pipes on the island …”

Jack rubbed his palms, like a fox digging into a henhouse, and quickly took the stubble: “So, after we dive into the waters next to the island, as long as we find these pipe exits, we can touch the interior of the temple club!”

“Yes, just be careful, as long as it doesn’t appear on the ground, even those detective magic can’t find us.”

“And, along this huge underground pipe, maybe we can touch the Pope’s bathroom with good luck and kill him with one stroke. Ha–“

You said, I said, but for a short while, the atmosphere of despair and frustration in the hall was swept away instantly, replaced by undisguised and uncontrollable excitement and excitement!

This is the style of the assassin!

This is the charm of assassination!

It’s like solving a puzzle.

Whether it is the seemingly indestructible steel fortress, or the tight guard that seems seamless. As long as a little, even a small flaw that is not visible to the naked eye, falls into the hands of professional assassins, it is a good entry point for a good assassination opportunity, that is, a key winner who clicks on the surface and then collapses the whole world!

Destruction is always easier than construction!

“Thank you.” Of course, the actual situation will not be as good luck as Harry thought they were, but this does not affect Tang En’s good mood, nor does it affect him to thank Philip.

Humble your hands and humble, “No, you can definitely think of a way to sneak into the shrine, even without me.” After a pause, Philip turned sharply, slyly smirking, “Of course, since you have my help now, then you You have to pay me back. “

“Oh ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I know that your kid called me here this time with impure purpose. It turned out to be waiting for me.” Tang En smiled, didn’t hesitate, waved his hand, “Talk about your relationship is what.”

“It’s very simple.” Philip took a breath and moved closer to Tang En’s ears, and Philip became extremely fierce, “kill the guy who is eating and eating!”

“Who? Winsling?” After Tang En reacted instantly, he looked at Philip with a gloomy face and nodded, looking strange, “So, how long haven’t you seen your grandfather?”

“I saw it yesterday … Uh, what do you ask this for?”

Tang En silently spread his hands.

Philip also reacted when he saw the situation. Ha laughed and shook his head. “Grandfather didn’t tell me this. Previously, I was worried that he was old, old and unbearable. It turned out to be waiting for your kid to come and tell you … … ha, that’s fine, just be as hard as possible! “

………… (to be continued)

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