Ultimate Female President

Chapter 1399 - Join the dinner

Hou Liang did not expect that Nanhui would cooperate so well when signing the contract. It was very smooth. As long as he let him dispel his doubts, it would be a smooth journey.

The signing was completed without even the slightest obstacle.

Facing Nanhui’s cooperation, Hou Liang was naturally happier and saved a lot of energy.

“How long will it take to complete the writing of the script.” Hou Liang looked at Nan Hui and was ready for two or three months.

Anyway, after two or three months, my work in the provincial capital and the capital has also been on the right track, and then I can reach out into the entertainment circle with more confidence.

But what Nan Hui said later surprised Hou Liang: “This Sunday, I need some time to sort out my manuscript.”

Be aware that it is Tuesday, which means that less than a week can complete the writing of the script.

Then Hou Liang reacted, I am afraid not to start writing a script again, but to sort out the scripts written before.

“I did complete a script during this time, but it was not perfect. Since I have agreed to your request, I will perfect it.”

Nan Hui’s words also confirmed Hou Liang’s guess, which made Hou Liang more at ease.

It’s really a genius who has never been born. Even if he is idle, he can write scripts, and he looks very confident.

“I don’t know what your script is like.” Hou Liang is still curious, squinting slightly at Nanhui in front of him. Obviously he wants to know what the script is about to take out.

It is also convenient to find some supporting actors.

“The general style is ancient fantasy, and the specific content is not easy to tell you. When you are finished, you will naturally know.” Nan Hui looked mysterious, and apparently did not intend to say things simply here.

Faced with what Nan Hui said, Hou Liang was also helpless. After all, he couldn’t do anything to force Nan Hui.

Although both parties signed a contract, Hou Liang believes that the Nanhui in front of him is definitely not as confusing as it looks. A contract or something, it is difficult to restrain him.

As long as Nanhui feels boring, he may leave at any time. As for the possible liquidated damages, this kid doesn’t care.

Hou Liang believes that with Nanhui’s talents, there will certainly be no shortage of liquidated damages in his hands.

“Since this is the case, I won’t bother you, and I’ve started looking for actors during this time.”

Nan Hui said it could do so.

With that said, Nan Hui yawned.

Hou Liang just remembered that he had just dragged Nanhui off the bed. I’m afraid Nanhui wanted to sleep at this moment.

In order to avoid disturbing Nan Hui, Hou Liang smiled slightly, waved his hand gently, and left here.

“Sister Yundan, before leaving, I have a good thing for you here.” Nanhui stood up, picked up a jade from one side, and handed it to Yundan.

Hou Liang knew at a glance that the jade was absolutely unusual.

Nan Hui is not a person who likes ordinary things. Since he can come up with such a jade pendant, it means that his seriousness is more important than Yun Dan.

This situation made Hou Liang refresh his understanding of Nan Hui in an instant.

Before leaving, Hou Liang did not forget to exchange a mobile phone number with Nan Hui to ensure that there could be a way to communicate later.

After all, a person like Nanhui who has never seen the end and wants to find it in an ordinary way will definitely take some effort.

It is often not as fast as calling directly.

After finishing this, Hou Liang left here and walked Yundan toward the house.

Because it was still early and the temperature outside was very suitable, Hou Liang and others did not worry, but walked home instead of taking a taxi.

“I can’t think of Nan Hui as such a lovely person.” Although the word cute is used to describe a man like Nan Hui, there is a sense of disobedience, but this is the fact, what Nan Hui showed, The comparison is in line with this evaluation.

Faced with what Hou Liang said, Yun Dan also took out the jade pendant that he put in his pocket and played with it.

Hou Liang reached out his hand, Yun Dan handed it to Hou Liang very cleverly, he gently stroked it, and found that the feeling was still very good.

Noting Yun Dan’s lovely expression, Hou Liang returned Yu Pei to her.

Hou Liang knew that Yun Ni, the little nizi, was absolutely worried that he would take away his jade pendant.

Although in Yun Dan’s heart, he and Hou Liang are indistinguishable from each other, but this jade pendant, Yun Dan still prefers it.

Then Hou Liang showed a slight smile on his face, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and walked on this road step by step, watching the buildings around him, smelling the fragrance of Yun Dan.

I don’t know why, the mood is always more comfortable.

“Hou Liang, why are you here?”

About halfway through, I heard the sound of a car next to me. I didn’t wait for the reaction. I heard Zhen Mei’s voice and a simple police car parked beside me.

Where did this police car ride, but Zhen Mei was sitting in the co-pilot position.

After the police car stopped, He Qi also greeted him from the window.

Hou Liang helped a lot of things before, but now the relationship with him is naturally rising.

Then Hou Liang told the situation just now, and took Yundan into the police car.

Although Hou Liang thinks it’s good to walk back, it just happens to be chatting with Yun Dan, but now people who know him still get on the car. After all, the crowd is still more lively.

It doesn’t matter whether this car is a police car or any other vehicle.

“You are going to enter the entertainment industry, but I remember, didn’t you get the tender project before?”

As the chief of the police, of course He Bureau had never seen such a situation. He looked at Hou Liang with a stunned look, and there were still some doubts in his eyes.

Generally speaking, a project that has just received a tender should be very cherished, at least not as much as it is today, wasting this opportunity.

It really looks like a waste.

Facing the doubts on the faces of these people, Hou Liang had to say his reasons.

Even so, there was a doubt in the game.

Only Zhen Mei, because she accompanied Hou Liang to travel some time ago, so it is not surprising that she can guess his thoughts.

“Our group has always been unable to maintain the current level, plus I have long wanted to make a film of my own, and now all projects are on the right track, it is better to find opportunities for breakthroughs from other aspects. “

Hou Liang showed a simple smile, and He Bureau nodded slightly.

From the cooperation with Hou Liang just now, He Ju also understood that this person is not immutable, a powerful role, and should not always stick to the current results.

Will definitely continue to open up new areas.

No, Hou Liang quickly focused his gaze on the entertainment circle, this huge cake.

“As far as I know, now I want to enter the entertainment circle, but it is a bit difficult, you have to know some corresponding friends.” He Jue’s face was a little puzzled.

Although he is the chief of police, He Bureau still has some understanding.

“I know a company manager and got some corresponding situations from his mouth. These difficulties are nothing.” Hou Liang was very frank, and he didn’t take the doubts of He Bureau into mind at all.

This should also be true. After all, none of the people present had such a frank mind as Hou Liang.

Seeing him being so determined, it was not easy to say anything in any game. Coupled with Hou Liang in the past, it was indeed a very good accomplishment of various tasks. For this time, he also chose to believe him.

“Where are you going this time?” Hou Liang finally thought of something, squinting slightly, looking at the situation sitting beside him.

“We are just having a meeting and are preparing to return to the bureau.” He Bureau sighed slightly. It seems that he is still quite distressed about this kind of meeting.

“Slightly around, send Yun Dan and me home.” Hou Liang looked at the game.

Of course, this is possible, after all, it is not how much to go around.

“By the way, do you have time tomorrow night?” He Bureau seemed to think of something suddenly, blinked gently, and looked at Hou Liang.

Faced with what He said, Hou brightly nodded: “There is time, what’s wrong.”

Tomorrow evening there is indeed no one looking for Hou Liang.

“There is a celebration dinner in the bureau to celebrate the smooth resolution of this case, and I sincerely invite you to come too,”

He Ho said this, and Hou Liang immediately froze in place, blinked slightly, and looked at He Ho slightly confused.

Hou Liang hurriedly waved his hand before he could say the next sentence.

Even though Hou Liang is now the group CEO, he still has no strong interest in such a banquet.

The main reason is that Hou Liang doesn’t want to show his head too much.

It seems to have long known that Hou Liang would answer like this ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There is no hurry in the game.

“Why, my face is so bad?” He played an angry look.

Even if Hou Liang knew that He Ju was actually not angry, he still thought hard about it, showing that He Ju really wanted to invite Hou Liang.

If he kept refusing this way, in the eyes of He Ju, he would not give him face.

In the future, Hou Liang said that he was not sure where else he needed help.

“I’m going to participate too, rest assured, I will always follow you. Anything that needs to be dealt with, I will come.” Zhen Mei sitting on the co-pilot also turned her head.

Since Zhen Mei also participated, Hou Liang thought about it and agreed.

After all, this matter is nothing in the final analysis.

“Is it only the people in the police station who attended the dinner.” Hou Liang looked at the station with a hint of hope.

If there were really only people in the police station, there would be no problem.

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