Ultimate Female President

Chapter 1564 - Darkness

After that, Romain called the core elders in the guild. About a dozen people had a small meeting. What should I do?

At the meeting, several veterans of the guild, who had originally supported her, vaguely proposed that she and Zhao Fan of the Zhao Group help the Roman Society surmount the difficulties with the help of the Zhao Group ’s funds and channels.

Roman directly patted the table and questioned what the shareholder was thinking about! Actually said such a thing.

While questioning, Roman was also wronged and wanted to cry.

It has been a long time since she has suffered from such anger, and it was pushed to Zhao Fan by these elders as a link of communication today. Do n’t they know their attitude towards Zhao Fan a few days ago? That was directly rejected!

I don’t know what these people think, at this time she thought of Hou Liang.

However, these shareholders did not know what to think. After Roman questioned, they still insisted on their own opinions, which made it difficult for other shareholders to understand, but they also felt that this was a good way, except for the few people who opposed it. Most people kept silent, and for a moment Roman felt agitated.

In the past few days, Zhao Fan has also been very happy. The news of the Roman Society and the news of the Kowloon Group have been brought to him through his staff.

When he heard that both sides were overwhelmed by him, he couldn’t help laughing.

He actually hated Hou Liang the most, but the Jiulong Group behind Hou Liang could not fall down in a short time, and he knew from the news that Hou Liang was very cunning to sign some contracts in advance and let him do well. The preparation has only received a small effect and will not cause injury to the femur of the Kowloon Group.

The entry into the Roman Association was very smooth, and some shareholders directly forced Roman to bow to himself at the shareholders’ meeting.

Although it was only a temptation at this time, most of these shareholders remained silent. It can be seen that their hearts are default. As long as Roman is forced to bow their heads to them, Zhao Fan feels that he can put Roman into bed. .

That is the ultimate goal of Zhao Fan.

There is no need to worry about Roman here for a while. I believe that she will not be able to support it in a few days. At this time, his attention has been placed on Hou Liang, and the housekeeper will send someone to monitor Hou Liang.

At this time, Hou Liang held a barbecue dinner in the courtyard of the mansion. After the company’s projects and various channels were tightened, there were very few documents and various meetings for him to approve, and he also sat down.

Therefore, every day to make a delicious barbecue dinner in his own home, he did not invite the senior executives of Fang Pingping Company. He just let several servants in the mansion eat together with himself, which is also fun.

Avril was extremely anxious about this. She felt that Hou Liang was really not worried at this time. Everyone had already arrived at the door to fire the gun. He didn’t feel it at all.

If it were n’t for Avril who believed that Hou Liang was not the kind of lazy man who rang the bell for a monk, he would definitely think he did n’t want to do things here.

At that time, not only Avril Lavigne, but even those who came to inquire about the news felt very baffling at this time. This Hou Liang simply behaved very differently from ordinary people.

After the news was reported to Zhao Fan, Zhao Fan did not think so much. He directly despised all the men under surveillance, and Hou Liang’s performance made him feel disdainful.

A businessman can still eat by himself in this environment, either with a big heart or a fool.

I’m afraid this Hou Liang knows he can’t compete with himself, so he broke the jar.

This was what Zhao Fan thought, and then he no longer paid attention to Hou Liang, but instead focused on the continuous pressure on Roman by the shareholders of the Roman union, which really saddened Roman ’s day. one day.

After the barbecue party was held for a few days, Hou Liang stopped the event.

That night Fang Ping secretly came to the mansion to see Hou Liang. After seeing Fang Ping, Hou Liang said, “How are you doing to you?”

Hearing the question, Fang Ping nodded happily and said, “The chairman is really as good as the gods. This Zhao Fan colluded with the local government executives. Sure enough, it was because of money bribes and some other entanglements between women.

After hearing Fang Ping ’s words, Hou Liang immediately blinked and said, “It ’s true, then you ’re staring! This Zhao Fan is not a good thing. It is estimated that the senior government officials who get along with him will not be so good. Evidence must be recorded when clues are caught. “

After hearing Hou Liang’s words, Fang Ping nodded and said, “This chairman is assured, I will do it well.”

While the two were talking, Avril came in from just outside the door.

She saw Fang Ping and Hou Liang sitting together and said, “What are you talking about?”

After she asked her question, Hou Liang told her what she had just said to Fang Ping. After hearing this, Ai Weier realized that he had wronged Hou Liang. In fact, he was doing things in secret, but it was only clear Repair the plank road and darken Chen Cang.

But at this time Fang Ping only investigated that there was collusion between the two parties, and no concrete evidence could be obtained, so Hou Liang asked him to hurry up and arrange manpower days to focus on Zhao Fan, as well as those senior government officials who were in contact with Zhao Fan.

“What plan do you tell me, don’t tell me anything, although I am a woman, but my ability is not worse than those of men!”

After Fang Ping left, Avril pouted and looked at Hou Liang.

Her look made Hou Liang look amazed. Avril Lavigne had never done such a little girl look for him. This was the first time. Maybe he felt that he was a little sick, and Avery closed his pursed mouth. Keep it flat, look at Hou Liang there.

At this time Hou Liang coughed and said, “This is indeed true, but I think it’s still good for Fang Ping to do them. If you miss, then how can I explain to Mr. Xiahou.”

“It’s my voluntary, you don’t have to confess like him, you tell me quickly, I have been panicking for a few days, nothing is suffocating.”

After hearing Avril’s words, Hou Liang could only helplessly say: “I really have a task to hand to you right now. After Fang Ping’s investigation, I learned that the person who contacted Zhao Fan was the local deputy mayor.

He not only collected Zhao Fan’s money, but also received the woman sent by Zhao Fan. The specific location Fang Ping did not investigate, and this will be given to you. “

“Are you asking me to record the video of the vice mayor’s dating lover?” Avril looked at Hou Liang very smartly and said.

Hearing her words, Hou Liang put his hands together, nodded with a grin, and said, “If they are close, or say something intimate, you can record all these for me.”

Avril looked at him at the moment and frowned, saying, “How do I feel impure in your heart.”

Hou Liang waved his hand directly and said, “Which is there! I want to collect evidence. After all, I want to defeat Zhao Fan. It is definitely not possible to rely on these two pieces of evidence alone. You have to come up with some weight to carry him. Fall down. “

After hearing Hou Liang’s explanation, Avril snorted, no longer pursued, and then got up and walked out of the door.

Seeing that her back disappeared, Hou Liang rested his mind and sat down again, muttering quietly, “This chick is really good, good when it’s good, and very cold when it’s cold. I really don’t understand. “

It didn’t take long for Avril to start investigating the deputy mayor, and Hou Liang received news of Fang Ping’s injury.

He rushed to the hospital as soon as possible, and saw Fang Ping’s face covered with gauze, and one hand was also bandaged.

When I saw Hou Liang, Fang Ping was sorry for the first time and said, “I’m sorry, the chairman is useless to me. I was known to him when arranging people to follow Zhao Fan, and then he was injured like this. . “

After hearing Fang Ping’s words, Hou Liang just frowned slightly, and then patted his shoulder with his hand, saying, “You have done enough! Now does Zhao Fan know that we are investigating him?”

After hearing Hou Liang’s words, Fang Ping immediately shook his head and said, “He didn’t know, we did it very secretly, and when we fled, we had fast hands and only suffered injuries, but he didn’t know who was dealing with him . “

After hearing Fang Ping’s words, Hou Liang was relieved. Wang Ping said that there must be no difference.

As long as it is not found, everything is fine.

After that, Hou Liang comforted Fang Ping again, and then went to visit other people who followed Fang Ping to investigate Zhao Fan’s injuries, and knew that they had no problems before leaving.

Dealing with Zhao Fan was a complete failure. At this time, Hou Liang was slightly discouraged. I didn’t expect that Zhao Fan’s strength was still quite strong ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I could find someone tracking him.

But this thing is also normal. After all, the Zhao Group behind Zhao Fan is the tyrant on the side, and there are some masters who can protect Zhao Fan’s safety under some people.

However, this makes it more difficult to collect evidence.

Immediately after leaving the hospital, Hou Liang called Avril to return to prevent her from being discovered.

After all, Avril did not do much with Fang Ping, and it was inevitable that there would be some lag. After he called, Avril directly stated that it had progressed to the most critical place. If you give it a little more time, you can get evidence. Asked her to pay attention to safety and let him stay with more people.

Hou Liang, the man in black around Avril Lavigne, was still at ease. After all, he was also protected by these men in black for a while, and he still highly recognized their skill.

After returning to the house, it was empty.

Avril Lavigne did not sneer here, making Hou Liang a little difficult to adapt.

At this time, he looked at his mobile phone and suddenly saw Xu Qing’s mobile number.

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