Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 27: Keep up the Good Work

Chapter 27: Keep up the Good Work

Enies Lobby.

Lucas looked at the island in front of him and the sky above it.

Right now was supposed to be night time...yet the area surrounding Enies Lobby was actually still daytime!

So this is the so-called Nightless Island...Enies Lobby!

...Just what sort of physics is this!? If the sun is already down, how come it’s still daytime on that one spot!?

As Lucas and the rest of the CP9 had alighted from the sea train, they were greeted by marine soldiers.

“Nice work on the mission!”

“CP9 has arrived!”

“Shichibukai, Lucas has arrived!”

“Take the criminals out!”

Lucci led the CP9 out, followed by Lucas who now wore the white coat that Lucci originally had. His reason being that it annoys him that Lucci was wearing it so he took it from him…

Behind Lucas, Robin and Franky followed.

Though Robin wasn’t too restricted, only a handcuff on her hands, Franky had a huge chain around him.

When a marine soldier took the chains to drag Franky away, Franky got pissed and bit the head of the marine!

“Awoo! How dare you treat me like this!? I oughta teach you a lesson!”


“Watch out! He bites!”

Lucas only rolled his eyes at him and no longer bothered about it. Anyway, this is the marines’ problem, not his.

On the sides, some of the marines were discussing amongst themselves.

“The CP9 sure is great. They solved the government’s 20-year long problem, just like that.”

“This new shichibukai seems powerful too. I heard Admiral Aokiji personally recruited him!”

“Nico Robin...what...a beauty…”

When Lucas heard the last one, his face twitched and he shot a murderous glare at the marine soldier who said it!

Damn it! Is Robin someone you lot can stare at!?


Seeing the angry glare of Lucas, the surrounding marines instantly looked the other way!

Robin also saw this little action of Lucas and revealed a small smile which only lasted for a second before becoming expressionless once again.

As they neared the huge gate of Enies Lobby, the doors slowly opened for them.

As soon as they passed through the gate, Franky shouted in surprise!

“Wow! I’ve never seen anything like this before! This is...a hole! In the middle of the ocean!? What’s up with this island!?”

Just as Franky had said...there was indeed a large hole surrounding the island of Enies Lobby!

Lucas took a look beneath and only saw pitch-black darkness!

Just how far deep down is this hole? And why is there such a thing?

After looking at it for a while, Luas turned to look at the shadow behind Enies Lobby.

A gate that seemed to stretch to the heavens...the Gate of Justice!

Looking at the gate, Lucas wondered...just what kind of ship were these gates made for?

As Lucas and the CP9 went inside the Main Island in the middle, Luffy and the others also just arrived near the island and currently discussing their plan.

Once everyone had agreed, the Frankies Family and Galley-la shipwrights got ready.

“Let’s stick to the plan! We’ll go in first!”

The plan was for their group to go in first to open the main gate and make way for Rocket Man and charge through to Enies Lobby!

At this moment, Chopper saw that Luffy had disappeared so he asked.

“Un, where’s Luffy?”

“Huh? He was here a second ago…”

Nami looked at the spot beside her and was confused. Suddenly, she felt a bad premonition…

Sure enough, her premonition was correct.

“Ah! It’s Strawhat!”


Everyone looked outside in a hurry and saw Luffy on the fence around the island already…

“What’s his problem!? He just left on his own!”

“Did he even listen to the battle plan!?”

Both the Frankies Family and Galley-la shipwrights were dumbfounded!

On the other hand, the Strawhat pirates acted like this was normal.


“It’s useless.”

“I thought he said ‘I got it’ earlier?”

“To wait 5 minutes…isn’t possible for him.”

“...That’s true…”

Still, there was no point arguing about it now, so they decided to make their move!

They would still need to complete their plan!

“Let’s go!”

“Follow Strawhat’s lead!”

While Luffy storms in and the rest of the Frankies Family and Galley-la shipwrights follow, the bodies started to pile up!

Spandam is currently frantically asking for the report on the situation.

“What’s going on!?”

“Sir! The two giant gatekeepers are currently holding them off at the front gate! I don’t believe there’ll be any problem!”

“...I see, have you captured Strawhat yet?”

Spandam sighed and thought that at least only Luffy has gotten in at the moment so he asked about his situation as well.

“Sir! Er...the estimate is...about 400.”

“400? What’re you talking about!?”

“It’s the damage report, sir!”

Hearing that, Spandam panicked!

“Ah!? Damage report!? Are you saying 400 soldiers are down!?”

“Ah...no, sorry, I’d like to correct that!”

The agent reporting to Spandam saw Luffy’s fight and thought that another hundred or so was just knocked out so he needed to correct his report.

Spandam was relieved and scolded him.

“Of course! There is only one of him! Our soldiers aren’t trash! We can’t have that many down! If there is damage, report it correctly!”

“Yes. It’s Five-hnn...!”

He was originally going to say 500 but then a marine that Luffy was fighting got blown away on his direction and knocked him out as well…

On the other end of the call, Spandam scolded the agent again.

“Five!? Idiot! How could you mistake 5 for 400 people!?”

Spandam sighed and no longer bothered with Luffy.

“So this Strawhat Luffy is just running around the island, not fighting anyone. Of course, no one would face that many soldiers unless they were brain dead! It’s only a matter of time now.”

Inside Rocket Man.

Kokoro looked at the time and saw that it’s been 5 minutes since Luffy and the others went in. It was time to begin the next phase of their plan.

“Ok, it’s been 5 minutes. The two gates should be open now! We’ll go one at a time...Samurai-man, we’ll leave the iron railing to you!”

“Leave it to me!”

Sitting on top of the train, Zoro held onto one of his swords and was ready to cut!

Inside Enies Lobby.

Lucas looked at the time on his phone and judged that Luffy and the others should be here already.

When the time comes…

Lucas stared at the man sitting on the desk in front of him who wore a strange metal mask on his face.

This annoying guy...Spandam. I hope you play along. If not...don’t blame me!

Spandam didn’t notice the look Lucas gave him and only greeted the others.

“Ah! You’re back! Lucci, Kaku, Blueno, Kalifa.”

“That’s sexual harassment.”

“By just saying your name!?”

Seeing the expressions on the CP9, Lucas can tell that they also didn’t like this ‘Chief’ of theirs, much.

Spandam looked at Lucas who had followed behind Lucci.

“So this is the new shichibukai that Aokiji mentioned?”


Lucas didn’t speak and only coldly stared at him as if he was already a dead man.

Spandam got the chills when he saw his stare.

Since the situation might escalate, Lucci didn’t waste any more time and reported.

“Wanted for assaulting government agents in Water 7, 8 years ago...the criminal, Cutty Flam, now know as Franky. 20 years ago, wanted for attacking marine ships in Ohara, West Blue...the criminal, Nico Robin. Both criminals have been escorted here. They’re waiting just outside.”

After Lucci reported, the 3 members of the CP9 that was sitting on the couch greeted them.

Lucas looked at the three and remembered who they were.

Jabra, the wolfman. He had a pointy sunglasses on his head and his long hair was tied like balls behind him.

Kumadori, this guy’s hair is really long and he looked like one of those kabuki things from Japan…

Finally, there’s Fukurou. He had a zipper for his mouth which he can open and close like a normal zipper...

“Long time no see, Lucci. Looks like that flat mug of yours hasn’t changed much.”

“Same goes for your stupid looks, Jabra.”

Kaku sighed seeing as Lucci and Jabra started to bicker again.

“Settle down, you two. We haven’t been together in a very long time…”

“Yoyoi! Don’t fight, you two! It’s been 5 years! Show some affection!”

Kumadori added.

Fukurou raised his had to unzip his mouth when all of a sudden, Kalifa kicks him!

Right after Kalifa, Blueno also gave him a punch, then Kaku, then Lucci!

Seeing as Fukurou was nearing himself, Lucas knew their intentions but decided not to play along.

He only stepped to the side and let Fukurou crash to the door!

Once they were done, Kalifa spoke.

“Couldn’t keep your mouth shut could you, Fukurou?”

Rokushiki Ryuugi...Teawase!

This was a unique ability of Fukurou. He could judge the strength of a person once he’s hit.

“If a typical armed guardsman is...considered to have 10 ‘Doriki’...let’s see, let’s see! Then your strengths are…”

Kalifa at 630 Doriki.

Blueno at 820 Doriki.

Kaku…! 2200 Doriki!

Lucci...4000 Doriki!!!

“4000 Doriki!? Hey, are you kidding!? I’ve never heard of such a high number!”

Jabra was shocked!

He always had some kind of rivalry with Lucci, now hearing that his strength is that much...he didn’t like it!

“It’s true! Everyone’s gotten stronger. I’ve already measured Jabra and Kumadori’s strength. So everyone’s ranked accordingly.

  1. Rob Lucci - 4000 Doriki
  2. Kaku - 2200 Doriki
  3. Jabra - 2180 Doriki
  4. Blueno - 820 Doriki
  5. Kumadori - 810 Doriki
  6. Fukurou - 800 Doriki
  7. Kalifa - 630 Doriki

Seeing everyone’s rank, Jabra got pissed again!

“I don’t believe this! Forget about Lucci for a moment, you're saying I scored lower than Kaku as well!?”

“Kaku’s gotten stronger too!”

Still pissed, but knowing that Fukurou’s judgement is always correct, Jabra turned to Kaku instead.

“Damn you! Don’t try to rub it in! All that Teawase measures...is your physical power! When we fight for real, I’ll also use my devil fruit power! Then I’ll definitely surpass you!”

“...Say whatever you like, I’m not interested either way.”

Kaku only rolled his eyes and didn’t pay him much attention.

Lucci agreed as well.

“That’s right. You shouldn’t bother with the barkings of a mad dog.”

“Who’re you calling a mad dog, Lucci!? You wild cat!”


Lucas looked at these cat and dog and can’t help but notice how similar they are to Zoro and Sanji.

Only, in this case, Lucci is actually stronger than Jabra by a large margin. Zoro and Sanji had about equal in power.

Lucas saw that the two had began to transform into a Leopard and wolf, he decided to intervene.


Two water pillars crashed onto Lucci and Jabra.

They tried to escape with Soru but with Lucas’ Observation Haki, it was useless.

Soon, a repeat of what happened in Water 7 was seen again.

But this time, Lucci seemed unable to accept defeat so easily! Especially when he saw that Lucas had not participated in the Doriki assessment earlier, he had become even more confident!


His feet blurred and created a wind blade that shot towards Lucas!

Lucas didn’t even bother to dodge it as it simply went through him.

These kinds of attacks...are useless to Logia users!

Lucci changed tactics immediately and used Rankyaku on the water pillar binding him instead!


Once freed, he charged towards Lucas once again and pointed a finger towards him.

Lucas saw his finger turn black and knew that his suspicions were correct! Lucci...really does know Haki!

But...this is still useless!

Lucas isn’t the same as before. Although he lost to Aokiji, it doesn’t mean that he was any weaker at all.


The instant Lucci’s finger neared Lucas, a hole appeared on his chest!

However...Lucas’ face didn’t change at all! There wasn’t the slightest hint that he was in pain!

Lucci frowned and attacked Lucas once again with the same move.

The same thing happened.

Holes keep appearing on Lucas’ body as he was still unaffected by Lucci’s attacks!

“How…!? Haki should be able to hit you!”

Lucas coldly looked at Lucci.

If Katakuri can do it, there's no reason why Lucas can't dodge the Haki attacks with his Observation Haki's foresight as well!

“There is more than just Armament Haki. Don’t think that just because you know this little move, you can have the confidence to beat me!”

Lucas’ arm started to rotate at high speeds, creating a spinning water current on his arm!

He slammed his arm to Lucci who attempted to dodge with Soru but for some reason, Lucas was still behind him!

The attack connected and Lucci flew to the wall, causing cracks to appear.

Lucas looked at the other members of CP9 who were ready to attack.

He closed his eyes and remembered the feeling of when he was fighting Aokiji.

...Burn! 1st Degree...Heatman!


Lucas’ body had a hint of red as sizzling noise came from his body, creating steam around him.

The CP9 members were confused by the sudden amount of steam filling up the room, only to hear Lucas’ voice.

“Do you know...steam is still water in its gas form…”


“Damn! Don’t breathe it in!”

“Don’t worry, I wouldn't kill any of you just yet.”

Lucas knew what they were all thinking so he reassured them. Still, this doesn’t mean that he wouldn't hurt them.



Hot air exploded with Lucas at the center, causing everyone to be blown off to the walls like Lucci!

The windows shattered and the doors were blown open from the blast and marines started to notice the commotion.

Robin and Franky were standing behind the door and were shocked!

What just happened!? Why did they feel such a hot air when the doors opened!? And...why is everyone apart from Lucas knocked out!?

Seeing the situation, the marines pointed their guns towards Lucas.

Lucas didn’t bother looking at them and simply waved his hands and shot high pressured water bullets to incapacitate them.

Suddenly, the den den mushi from Spandam’s desk spoke up.

“Sir! This is the Main Island defense! Spandam sir, please respond!”

“It’s not getting through!”

“Did he leave the receiver off the hook again…?”

“No way...that’s such a beginner’s mistake…”

Hearing their discussion through the other end, Lucas felt that this should be regarding Luffy so he picked it up instead.

Of course, he didn’t forget to step on Spandam’s face on his way.

“This is Lucas speaking, the Chief is currently sleeping. What’s up?”

“S-sleeping!? At such a time!?”

“Stop wasting time. What’s the report?”

“A-ah! Yes sir! Strawhat Luffy has defeated half of our people! We request for immediate backup! This man...can’t be stopped!”

Lucas nodded.

“Un, keep up the good work.”



Robin and Franky’s jaws dropped!

What the hell!? Just what is going on!!!???

Had time to post today since I was on leave yesterday :D We're currently moving to our new house and my dad's coming back home from abroad on Friday so I'm not sure if there will be more time on Saturday but I'll see what I can do.

So, was able to expand more on his Heatman ability! Now, Lucas would have the ability to control wind...or at least, steam anyway XD Actually, Lucas can probably turn to steam as well...hmm...

Now I know some of you will worry that the Strawhats won't be able to fight with the CP9 but don't worry, that will still happen. You will see next chap :D

With that...see ya next chap!

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