Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 109: A conversation within

Max felt the presence of his double, the power of his skill radiating around him.

His mind exploded as the area around them lit up like the night sky with stars everywhere, even under his feet, as he hovered in the middle of nothingness. It was almost like floating in water.

I will bind this knowledge to you. You cannot share it until I free you of the bond. Do you agree?

Staring at his reflection, Max considered that offer. He felt like he was making a deal with a demon, and as that thought ran through his mind, his double began to laugh.

Please do not think of me as that weak… what you consider a demon is nothing compared to what I can be. Look around you, Max. You see, just a taste of the power we can control and wield.

Glancing at the lights that blinked and moved, Max wondered at the kind of power they were talking about. Power like this would mean being like…

Yes. A god.

Are you saying I can be a god?

We can be a god if you allow me to lead you. To guide you, to help you consume what you must to become one.

That thought brought pain to his mind, and even here in his empty space, Max felt a force trying to beat back his own will, his own… soul.

Stop that!

His reflection snorted and shook its head.

You need to be stronger. What is coming is unlike anything you can imagine. They will come when they realize I am back and that you possess me. They will hunt you.

Who?! Who will hunt me?

Waving a hand, the reflection dismissed Max’s question.

I don’t have that much time. Now listen. Agree to my offer or not.

Sighing, Max nodded. He needed to know more. To prepare for what he was being warned of.

The darkness disappeared, and three shadows appeared on a white floor.

There are three of us. Three black skills, as you call them.

His reflection snorted, then laughed for a moment.

Such a terrible way to describe what we are, but I understand the limits of your mind. I am known as the consumer. You have felt just a portion of what I can do. Many other powers and abilities come from me. Some are designed for the sentients, and others for the creatures you battle against.

My two counterparts are Devour and Command. Each of us keeps the other in check. To fight against the other two.

The shadows formed a triangle, each holding a hand out, pointing at another.

If one of us attempts to destroy another, the third will be summoned, creating the balance that keeps one of us from controlling everything.

Since I have been given to you, at least one of the others is growing in power and attempting what they should not.

Know that there are many minions under the control of each of my foes.

Max’s mind was reeling from the things he was hearing.

Are you three gods?

His reflection shook its head.

We are more significant than any god you can imagine. We are above all gods. Yet, we can also become gods through you.

Clenching his eyes shut, Max struggled to understand. Questions began to flow through his mind, and he was overwhelmed with hundreds of things to ask.

No… Stop. There is no time. Even now, I must stop this. We have spent more time talking than I should. Doing so is dangerous for you and me. Now listen.

Max felt a hand on each of his shoulders, and his head was forced up, his eyes opening as he stared into the red flames in his reflection's eye sockets.

One day, you will need to choose to let me take over. You will need to allow me to be what I am. I am the fire that cleans the plains and the forest, claiming everything alive to fuel my needs. The longer you resist, the–

NO! I won’t become a monster, I won’t become –

Stop! Listen, you foolish man.

Max saw his reflection shrink, the massive size disappearing as it became smaller than he was.

I do not want you to die. I do not want to have to wait to be sent again. I will work with you, but there will be a day. You will know it when it comes. Then, you will experience what we can truly be.

His reflection grew smaller until it was gone, and Max felt his head snap back.

Wake up!

Opening his eyes, Max saw nothing but darkness. His sheet and blanket were soaked, and he was panting. He reached over, grateful for his sonar skill, and turned on the light orb.

Stars were visible through the small window of his room, and the breeze felt cold against his skin.

As goosebumps rose up on Max’s skin and he leaned over the edge of his bed, he sensed it.

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Under the window someone was stealthed.

They waited there, not moving, with one weapon out.

With his sonar, Max could see the faint glow that distinguished them from every other person that entered his skill’s range.

They had a red aura. They were a killer.

Opening his storage, Max knew what he needed to do.

He took out his halberd and, as he did, sensed the person start to move.

Smiling, Max activated stealth.

The person froze mid-step, but Max didn’t hesitate.

[ Power Strike ]

His spear pierced the chest armor, pinning the would-be attacker to the wall.

They flailed at him, their dagger not reaching as his halberd gave him four feet of distance between them.

A long braid ran down their back, pointy ears sticking out from underneath their leather helm.

They cursed at him in elvish, and Max kept the weapon pressed into them, keeping them pinned against the wall.

“Who sent you?” Max growled, watching as the woman’s eyes became dull and her attempts at freeing herself slowed down.

“You shall die,” she hissed, blood seeping from her mouth. “We shall have our revenge.”

Frustrated, Max pressed harder. The sounds of bones cracking and a cough came as the woman sent blood flying toward him.

Cold power washed over him as Max watched her body go limp against his weapon.

[ 6 Dexterity Consumed ]

[ Consume has Consumed a Higher Rank Skill ]

[ Stealth - Uncommon has been upgraded to Stealth - Rare ]

The voice inside him laughed, and Max felt himself shaking from what had just happened.

Did you know they were there?

No response came, as Max pulled his weapon free, allowing the woman to fall and her weapon to clatter against the floor.

Moving quickly to the window, he pulled it shut and closed the small curtain.

Taking a few deep breaths, Max finally found himself able to focus.

There on the ground next to him was a woman he had killed in self-defense, and he was going to have to deal with this.

Leaving her there, he changed out of his wet nightclothes and put on all his gear. Weapon still in hand, he opened the door slightly and, when he was sure no one was outside it, poked his head out.

Max took a step into the hallway and, using the butt of his weapon, banged on the door across from him. After waiting a few seconds, Max did it again.

The door swung open slowly, and a haggard Fowl appeared, rubbing his eyes with one hand and holding his mace in the other.

“Seth! What in the blazes are you doing up and dressed like that?!”

“Someone attacked me in my room. Came in through my window.”

Fowl’s eyes went wide, and he started to move toward Max’s open door when Max stopped him.

“No. Get dressed. Get Tanila. Then fetch Alexander.”

“Are you certain?” Fowl asked, still trying to get a peek into Max’s room and see what must be inside.

“Yes. Now go.”

Grunting, Fowl nodded and moved back into his room, keeping the door open.

After a few minutes, the dwarf reappeared, dressed in plate everywhere minus his helm.

“Gods, I feel like a fool,” he muttered as he went to Tanila’s door and rapped on it.

Max took note of the pattern and realized he had forgotten to use that code.

Tanila opened her door, sticking her head out to see Fowl and Max, armed and dressed for battle.

“What in the gods?”

Smiling as he saw her long hair hanging everywhere, Max motioned to his room with his head.

“I got attacked. They're dead. Get dressed and come in here.”

Tanila nodded, not saying a word and closing her door till only a crack was left.

Fowl moved back to Max. “Can I at least see?”

Max moved into the hall and motioned for Fowl to go in.

The dwarf peeked his head in and let out a whistle as he saw the body and the blood spilling across the floor.

“Alexander isn’t going to like this… hopefully he doesn’t charge us for that mess.”

Rolling his eyes, Max ignored Fowl’s attempt at a joke. “It was a zealot.”

“Ogre nuts. Can’t those fools just stop? I mean, how many more will come after you?”

Shrugging, Max prepared to answer when Tanila walked out into the hall.

She was dressed, but her hair wasn’t fixed yet.

“Now what?” she asked as she walked toward the two of them.

“Fowl will go and get Alexander. We will wait in my room together.”

Grunting, the dwarf headed toward the stairs.

“You ok?” Tanila asked as they entered Max’s room. “Dear gods… an elf–”

“Assassin,” Max said, interrupting her. “A zealot assassin. Most likely upset about me killing Saevel in our fight.”

Tanila moved toward the corpse and bent down, looking at the body. “How did you?”

“That’s a long story, and I’d rather wait till everyone is here,” Max replied, glancing toward the stairs and the sounds of boots coming up.

Alexander had thrown a fit when he heard that Max had been attacked and someone had broken into one of his rooms.

“They broke through the magical shielding on the outside. That window should never have been opened like that. I’m glad you could hear it squeak like you said it did.”

Max nodded, watching as the guards came and started to inspect the body.

“Adventurer Seth, do you know why she came here to kill you?”

The man asking was a sergeant, and it appeared he was just as surprised as Alexander to find a killer within the walls and make such a daring attempt like this.

“She claimed that I was going to die for killing Saevel. Apparently, they are religious and don’t like us humans very much.”

The captain started to collect saliva in his mouth and leaned over to spit on the ground when he saw Alexander giving him a stern look. Swallowing it, the man nodded and wrote a few notes on his paper.

“I’m glad you didn’t touch her weapon. It appears poisoned.”

“I left her alone. I’m just glad I could catch her off guard as she entered the dark room. The light outside silhouetted her, and when I turned on the globe, it gave me a second to attack.”

The sergeant nodded, having already written down Max’s story.

“After hearing what you accomplished in the coliseum today, I have no doubt about your combat skills. Hopefully, word will get out that this attack failed, and perhaps we can find a way to catch those responsible.”

Tanila sighed as she sat on the chair in the room's opposite corner.

“That will be difficult, I’m afraid, sergeant. As you will find out, once these zealots get an idea in their head, it can be hard to get out.”

The man nodded, and everyone moved out of the way as the guards removed the corpse from Max’s room.

“I may have more questions tomorrow. You three still planning on staying here?”

“Of course they are!” interrupted Alexander. “I won’t have three of my best guests being driven away because of this! I will ensure they have better accommodations and double-check and reinforce the shielding to prevent this from happening again.”

The sergeant nodded as Alexander continued informing him of the precautions he would take to protect Max and his group.

“You going to be ok?” Tanila asked as the body was finally taken from the room.

Nodding, Max shrugged and gave a slight smile. “Fowl is going to hate me later.”

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