Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 112: Unfettered Power

Feelings warred within Max for a second as he loosed the monster inside.

Trepidation at what he might do once he released control and the joy he already felt rising from within.

Joy at the unbridled strength that filled every fiber of his being.

Max crossed the distance between him and the elves in a moment, only taking a few steps, as he watched everything as a spectator within his own body.

The elves were shocked when Max swung his halberd without concern for being flagged as a murderer.

Enjoy the show, and let me show you what we are truly capable of…

[ Berserker Activated ]

The power filled Max’s body, yet his mind was at peace. The first elf before him was a warrior covered in full plate armor, and yet when Max’s halberd swung with the bladed axe coming at him, his shield was still by his side.

A plate helm flew up into the air as the warrior's neck was sliced through with surgical precision.

His foe's expressions seemed frozen in shock, mouths opening and words attempting to come forth, and yet none could comprehend what was in their midst.

Max felt the power of the ice area of effect beginning to cast as his weapon cleaved a healer positioned behind the headless corpse in half.

Blood sprayed as the weapon tore through her body, and Max watched as the swing didn’t stop, catching another victim in the side.

The bladed edge ran through their waist and then up and out their neck, slicing them in half diagonally.

As their body fell to the ground, the two halves sliding apart, the first elf able to respond was coming at Max with two swords.

A male elf wearing chain armor, his body flashing green, for longer than usual, not because of the ability but because everything seemed to be slowing down around Max.

Max twisted and turned, his weapon almost whistling as it moved through the air, moving toward the man’s midsection in a wide swing.

The elf warrior saw the weapon coming toward him as he charged and brought both swords together in an ‘x’ to block the attack.

A loud crack, followed by the shattering of bones and the first scream Max recalled hearing, came from the elf as his body was launched like a small stone struck by a stick.

The warrior crashed into the elf behind him, starting to spin from the impact before colliding with a wall twenty yards away.

It was too far to hear the crunching sound the elf’s body made when it impacted the stone wall, but when it finally fell to the ground, the warrior didn’t get back up.

A smile flashed across Max’s lips as he sensed two people stealthed and approaching him.

Their corpses fell with thuds, both cut like ribbons with a pair of sharp scissors.

See what we can do… feel how they fall… like wheat stalks before the thresher…

The power was overwhelming.

He felt unstoppable.

No one felt worthy to stand before him.

Max wanted to reply, but nothing came out. He could see and feel everything, yet a tinge of fear ensnared his heart as Max realized he had no control.

Five seconds later, four more bodies fell as the remaining two elves, both mages who stood a few yards behind where the others had been, attempted to cast a spell.

Their hands were raised, and both appeared to be casting a root spell, but before either of them finished, the halberd cut their extended arms off.

He had dashed forward, one step covering the distance, his weapon whistling through the air as it spun in his hand.

Before their severed arms hit the ground, both had lost their heads.

An ice bolt struck him in the back, and Max watched as his body spun, looking at the remaining twelve men and women coming toward him.

One had cast a spell at Talina, and the flames had erupted, licking around the stone wall she had cast.

Anger, rage, and hatred filled his heart.

Yes! Give in! Let me have revenge!

Every step covered ten yards, an impossible feat to believe. Yet Max knew nothing was impossible anymore as his halberd thrust forward, the tip sliding through a warrior’s chain armor and exiting the warrior’s back.

He watched as the shaft twisted sideways slightly, drawing back and using the elf, now stuck against the axe blade and hammer part of his halberd, as a weapon.

Cries rang out as Max slammed the body into an approaching elf.

Two more elves activated abilities, one a warrior and another a rogue.

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He didn’t care. They meant nothing to him.

His halberd slammed down on a warrior, who held his shield up to block the incoming attack.

The elf appeared stronger than the rest, moving faster than the others, but it didn’t matter as he grunted from the force of the blow that hit his shield.

Gore sprayed out as the corpse at the end of Max’s weapon turned into paste from the blow.

The spray covered a stealthed rogue nearby, exposing a blood-covered figure as his skill failed.

Max ignored the warrior, still trying to regain his footing after the strike to his shield.

Two quick thrusts of his weapon dropped the rogue as the other warrior came at him.

Whatever skill this one had activated hadn’t done enough, as the head of Max’s weapon turned the elf’s head into a mist from the impact.

The warrior shouted something in Elvish, and Max understood it even though he didn’t know the language.

Yes, I can help with that too.

“Run! Tell the others!” the warrior cried out.

Laughter came from the alley, and Max realized it was coming from his mouth.

The remaining elves began to sprint, running away toward the side street.

He charged the warrior before him, the elf holding his shield out to block the incoming attack. Instead, Max jumped onto his shield and propelled himself toward the fleeing elves.

The last one trying to run away was only a few yards from the cart when Max ran her down. His halberd sheared her clean in half, her mage’s robe not even frayed from the cut.

The second the killing blow was made, he rushed back at the warrior, the only one left standing, who was still trying to take it all in.

Four attacks later, the elf was on the ground, each of his limbs cut off at the joint.

Max leaned over the elf, ignoring his shouts and cries of pain.

“You zealots never learn.”

Max could hear his voice, but it sounded different. It was still his voice, yet there was a power behind it.

“You’ll watch me eat your heart before you die!”

His hand thrust toward the warrior’s chest.


A single inch of space remained when his hand stopped its thrust.

Stop! Don’t do that!

You have no idea how fantastic of a feeling it is. Holding the beating heart of your enemy in your hand.

Like lightning, his hand came back up, and the hammer portion of the halberd crushed the armor over the elf’s heart, ending his life.

His weapon was gone, stored again, and Max heard the sound of shouts coming from both ends of the street.

He turned to see Tanila looking at him, her eyes wide in horror, tears running down her cheeks.

I have kept my part of the deal. Enjoy the victory. Realize what we can do together, what we can become.

Tanila had paused ten feet away, watching him, trembling as if she wanted to approach but couldn’t.

Give me back control!

You must wait! If I relinquish it now, the berserker ability will cause you to attack your friend. I believe you would blame me for that death.

Time seemed to drag in his heightened state, and Max heard the sounds of shouts getting closer.

This next part falls to you. If you desire to fight your way out, I will make no promises about innocents. I will simply allow us to survive.

Finally, the presence that controlled him vanished as his body sagged as the ability wore off.

“Seth?” Tanila asked as she took a step toward him.

Max nodded and moved closer, wanting to reach out his arms and embrace her.

Then he saw the blood that covered them. Glancing at his body, he realized that he was covered in blood, bits of flesh, bone, and other matter.

“You need to go,” she whispered, her voice trembling as she watched him struggle to accept how he looked.

“Where?” Max asked, glancing at the carts on both sides and seeing one of them starting to move. “Could I make it anywhere safe?”

Tanila moved to where he was and grabbed his arm.

“Stand behind me, move closer to the wall. If things go south, use your haste ability and get away.”

“What about y–”

“I am not flagged for murder. You are.”

Those words cut deep. He was a murderer. Every one of these elves was dead because of him, yet if he hadn’t done this, he and Tanila might be the ones bleeding out on the ground, never to rise again.


His statement was cut off as the carts on his right were rolled away, and half a dozen guards froze as they entered the street.

Tanila and Max watched the guards as their eyes scanned the scene.

Blood, body parts, entrails, and more were strewn about. It looked like a battle had taken place, and in the middle of it, hiding near a wall, were two people, one covered in gore and flagged for murder, the other holding her hands out wide, barring any who might come toward them.

“Don’t move!”

The shout drew Max and Tanila’s eyes to a woman wearing plate armor and a helm with a large plume striding past her men. The sight of all the bodies on the street didn’t seem to phase her, and she walked with purpose, not having drawn her weapon yet.

Max could sense that the woman was far more muscular than he was, and based on how she moved, he wasn’t sure if he could get away, even with his haste ability.

“You two!” she shouted, never slowing her pace, “Resist, and I will strike both of you down!”

“We are innocent!” Talina yelled. “They attacked us! He did –”

“I said quiet!”

The woman’s voice echoed in the street, and Max saw that there were over twenty guards streaming in from both sides.

“Captain Vella!” one of the shoulders called out, “You should see this!”

The woman paused her approach as she turned to see what the guard ran up within his hand.

She held the item, turning it over in her chain gloves.

Her helm turned, and Max felt her eyes appraising him.

She motioned with her free hand, and a dozen guards moved toward Max and Talina, surrounding them in a half-circle. No weapons were out, but Max could tell it was only a moment away if their captain called for them.

“It’s him,” the man who had given something to the captain said.

The captain’s head bobbed slightly.

The man who was standing behind her watched Max. His blue eyes could not hide his surprise at recognizing who Max was.

“Seth Pendal. Would you care to tell me what happened here and why you are currently flagged as a murderer?”

Max nodded, gently touching Tanila’s arm to get her to lower it as he moved in front of her.

“I will. I just ask that no matter what happens, my friend is unharmed.”

Captain Vella’s helmet vanished, her face surprising Max with a massive scar that ran from one ear to her lip. Her brown hair was trimmed short, and her brown eyes seemed to shine as she smiled at him. Her face seemed to smirk as the scar raised one side of her cheek.

“I have no problems letting someone not flagged for murder go. You, on the other hand, will need to explain to me why I shouldn’t strike you down right here.”

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