Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 160: A Dragon Like No Other

After they sat down on the stone seats, each stared at the gold dragon who had laid down so that it was easier for them to see.

“Tell me, why have you come for my boon?”

“We plan on defeating the tower of our world,” Tanila said before anyone else could respond.

A grin appeared, and the dragon shifted, a dazzling display of scales reflecting each time he moved.

“That has not happened in a while, but none have sought my boon in what seems like a lifetime. Why do you seek to defeat the tower?”

No one spoke, and each of them shifted.

“Do you not know why one challenges a tower in their world?” the dragon asked, its eyelids narrowing at the four of them.

“I need to get strong enough to protect myself and my friends… no, my family from those who might try to stop or harm us,” Max replied.

Silver eyes became bigger than the moon as the dragon lifted its head, eyelids disappearing momentarily.

“To protect yourself and your family. That is a noble task. It makes me wonder who you might need protecting from.”

One of the dragon's front talons began to tap against the stone floor. It was hard to believe that only a slight sound came, and no part of the rock was damaged.

It shifted its head from side to side a few times, studying them and lost in thought.

“One of you… is the one someone is seeking… searching everywhere and paying greatly to find…” It stopped talking, lifted its neck, and stared up into the sky.

The four of them looked up also, heads swiveling to see if something was coming from above.

A vibration filled the air as the dragon began to thrum, seeing the four of them mimicking his movements.

“Forgive me, I was thinking, pondering for a moment, and looking upward sometimes helps. I am intrigued and yet at an impasse. The rules state certain things in order to acquire my boon. You four faced nothing to see me because I do not like tossing life away like garbage. I am not like the demon who enjoys seeing his own fight amongst themselves for power, entertained at the destruction and damage they cause. Worlds suffer by their hands where they are not bound like they are here, and it is a horrible thing to witness.”

Shifting its back, the wings fluttered slightly, and a gust of wind swept over them.

“The rules I choose to bend slightly are for different reasons. My children take much longer to grow and develop, and while many do give in to the carnal things of youth and lust, I have had eons to see how precious each of their lives are.”

“How old are you?” Fowl asked suddenly.

Batrire hissed, but the thrumming noise came again, and the dragon stretched its neck out, bringing its head close to Fowl, who pressed himself back against the stone of his chair.

“That is a humorous question, one I have not been asked for so long… then again, I have not conversed with one such as yourself, tiny dwarf. Your race has not always gotten along with my children, each of you fighting over the gold and scales… some battles have been majestic, and others have been completely one-sided.”

The dragon turned sideways, grinning and displaying each of its teeth.

Max could see that his dwarven friend had turned a shade of white and was, for once, silent.

“I am older than what most would consider time and yet even older. No number I could give would make sense to any of you. I sense something old… something dangerous… something being sought by others much younger than me.”

Every part of his body wanted to shake, and Max was doing his best to breathe normally. He failed hard as the dragon swept its head near each of them and stopped before him.

“You have something inside you… it is dangerous, and yet… I can sense it is not what I remember… tell me, human, do you desire power? A power that can destroy worlds and rebuild them as you want?”

Max felt a surge inside him, wanting to say yes, but he fought it, pushing back against that desire while the dragon’s silver eye studied every movement he made.

“No… I do not.” Max finally replied.

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The dragon snorted, sending a gust of wind that carried an awful smell, and Max winced as the scent hit his nose.

“You tell the truth, yet I can sense the battle inside. Most peculiar. The men I have watched and seen often will kill their own family to acquire such power, and yet you sit here, surrounded by those things. If you struck them down, you could be stronger than you can ever imagine. Do you realize that?”

Max felt his friends' eyes on him. He could feel the temptation that was always there and knew that this dragon was speaking the truth. Every day, a slight itch offered to be scratched if he would just strike them down while they slept, while they ate, and as they made love.

Love… do you understand what that is?

It is power. Hard to control… even more challenging to master…

Frowning, Max tried to understand those words he heard inside.

“It is right, little man. Love is a power that, when unleashed, can heal lands and cure many things, but when lost, it can destroy life and oneself in the next moment. Make certain you are aware of what power you desire more. Be even more certain of what you will do when you lose those you love.”

Without thinking, Max rubbed his chest. Even with his armor there, it still hurt, and he knew the dragon was right. Max's fear when he and Tanila were surrounded let him lose control, to feed something he feared giving power to because he couldn’t lose her. Now… what would he do to protect her again?

“Can I interrupt?” Tanila asked as she stood from her seat.

Turning to face her, the dragon smiled and gave a slight nod. “You may be the daughter of a King whose hunger for power would take the man you love and even your own life if it meant the King could have it.”

Tanila almost stumbled. The words and truth of so many things hit her worse than any spell or attack she had ever endured. She saw Max start to rise and held up her hand, keeping him in place while she tried to recover, ignoring the soft thrum of the dragon laughing.

“Why are you talking with us? Why are you willing to help us?”

Clearing its throat, the dragon withdrew and laid its head back on the stone floor.

“Those are two exceptional questions. Here are my answers. I am bored, and you four are a rare treat even if you had not defeated the demon’s champion. Knowing that and the truth of who that man is and what he possesses makes me want to learn if he is a threat, one I should remove or allow to live. As far as why I am willing to help you, there is a game that has been played since the first star was born, a game of power and strategy. Pieces are moved, willing to lose over and over to set a trap for one foolish enough to never wonder why success comes easy, only to find themselves trapped in my jaws, their power becoming mine. Your mind can not comprehend what I have seen, and right now, I know that someone has made a move designed just to do that. There are other pieces at play, and many have not realized it, but a few older beings and I know. We are not foolish enough to be caught like some will.

“So, I help because I want a hand in this game. I want to know how the piece is moving here so I may be prepared for future moves. Do not doubt every action I take is for my own personal gain and enjoyment. There is no sentiment or goodwill, as you might call it. Instead, I seek to come out of this game with my scales intact and my children protected. Do you understand?”

Tanila nodded, feeling the force of the words and power behind them. She sat down as a wave of power washed over her.

“So what must we do to earn your boon?” Max asked.

“Normally, you must defeat one of my children, but I can tell I would only be sending one of them to an early grave and granting you something not meant for your kind. As such, I will instead play a different game—one that lets me be involved and yet doesn’t break a rule. No harm will come to you, but you must prove yourself and your strength. Tell me, are you up for a game?”

Max glanced at the others, and they all looked at him, unsure of the best choice.

“Tell me,” Max said, turning back to the dragon. “Why would we trade a fight we are owed for the other option?”

Waves of pressure washed over them as the dragon sat up, its sides shaking from the force of its laughter.

Each of them plugged their ears, having no real success at the pain it caused.

“Forgive me,” the dragon said, cutting off its laughter as it watched the four of them suffer from its outburst. “Here is what I will do. If you choose to prove yourself how I ask, I will grant you one of my scales and my boon. You should know that such a scale as mine has yet to be seen in so long that I cannot fathom the power it might provide to one skilled in the art of crafting. If by some chance you are able to impress me, I will grant you a tooth. Know that if your kind can find a way to craft with it, no greater weapon will ever be found.”

“And if I manage to greatly impress you?” Max asked, his mind already beginning to figure out what the creature must be deciding.”

It began to thrum again, quickly stopping as it remembered the effects of the last time. The dragon grinned, moving till its snout was only a few yards from Max.

“If you think you can greatly impress me, then know I will give you something no man has ever had from me.”

Max looked at the dragon, seeing the sparkle in its silver eyes, then nodded.

“Very well, if you promise that no harm will come to me and my friends, that we will be granted your boon no matter what, and a scale shall be given to us, then we will accept the challenge instead of facing one of your children and unnecessarily taking their life.”

The dragon nodded, moved back a step, and then lay on the ground. A grin bigger than any it had shown today grew across its snout, revealing every tooth it possessed.

“I accept and swear to that agreement.”

“Tell me then, what test do you have?”

The golden dragon stood on all fours, spreading its massive wings, which blotted out the sky and sun and stretched until it was so immense that Max couldn’t see every part of it without shifting his head multiple times.

It roared with its head pointed upward, the blast of air aimed away from them, and yet they could feel it, almost crushing their minds with a desire to flee and hide behind the stone chairs.

Seconds passed, and when the dragon finally stopped its show of power, it folded itself back up and lay on the ground once more, its head resting on the ground as if nothing had just happened.

“You will get to hit me, and I will get to gauge your strength.”

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