Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 184: Joshua

“What’s in it for you besides our goodwill and gear down the road?” Tom asked. “I mean, you seem to think we need to give you more than we already do.”

Everett held up his hand, storing the clipboard and moving to the stone counter where the two other men were standing.

“Wait, I’m curious,” Everett said, his eyes focused intently on Max. “You’re telling me that you might have access to a homeless epic crafter?”

“Is that a problem?”

Taking a massive breath, the Faction leader let it out slowly as he rubbed his eyes.

“I’m not sure you can imagine the improbability of finding someone like that. What it takes to become a crafter like that is almost impossible. The time spent in dungeons, money invested… it’s just begging how they got where they are. Everyone would wonder who or what they are running from.”

“Exactly!” Tom exclaimed. “Someone spent a lot of money investing in that person, and for them to… why are you smiling like that?”

“Do you want to meet them or not? I’ll tell you how the guild can improve and grow, but you’ll have to wait to find out how all this happened,” Max informed Tom. “They would prefer no questions asked, privacy, and being open to making things on their own. Trading for materials is what they want also.”

Putting both hands on the stone counter, Everett leaned against it, shaking his head slowly. “Anyone else but you and I would probably kick you out… yet Tom is right. I can tell you have something and someone in mind. When can they come?”

“Tonight, I’ll go and let them know. Just know this,” Max replied, his tone changing as he spoke. “He doesn’t like questions and won’t just join the faction. Maybe in time, but for now, he’ll craft weapons and take payment in materials.”

Tom stared at Everett and watched his friend try to deal with the situation before them.


Slowly, the Faction leader turned and held Tom’s gaze, nodding slowly. “We need to. You and I both know it.” Everett stood up, shaking slightly and appearing to be struggling with something Max felt still had to come from the loss of Baldin. “Tell them to come by and ask for me. I’ll be waiting.”

Nodding, Max moved toward the door. “I’ll go tell my friend.”

After the door shut, both men stood in silence, staring at the closed door.

“He at least believes the person he is going to get is a crafter. You’re really going to give them a shot?”

Everett nodded at Tom’s question and frowned. “Either that kid is a magnet for gold, or someone is fooling him. Either way, we’ll find out tonight.”

“I must say that when you told me we couldn’t stay at the Faction house tonight, I hadn’t expected you to leave me here by myself.”

Max kissed Tanila and shrugged. “We both talked about this, and the day before we attempt the fifth floor, I need to see what materials I can get. You and I both know that in order to someday craft what we were given, I have to find out what materials will even work with it.”

“It’s a good thing you are so handsome, or I might be mad,” Tanila replied, kissing Max. “Now go. I’ll force myself to enjoy this massive tub and the food you were smart enough to order. When should I expect you?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

As Max prepared to turn the handle, Tanila called out, “Remember what I said? Act totally different, walk differently, and try to hide your voice. The item you have only does so much. If you don’t pretend to be someone else completely, they may realize it is you.”

“I understand. Watching you change in a moment when you reveal yourself made me believe I could do this also.”

“So you’re Seth’s friend?” Tom asked. “Why isn’t he here?”

Max shrugged and ran a hand through his brown hair, grinning like a fool. “He mentioned something about spending the night with his female friend. I didn’t pry and raced over to see if you two were interested.”

“And you can craft?”

“We can dance or go to a crafting area, and I can show you. Honestly, I’d prefer to skip the dancing portion and just show you what I can do.”

Everett cleared his throat and nodded. “Alright, Joshua. Let’s see what you can do.”

Max stood in the room, grateful for one that had magical controls of the forge, not requiring him or anyone else to keep it heated. On a table were an assortment of reagents and materials, all calling out to his skill.

“What would you like crafted? A dagger? A sword?”

Tom ran his tongue over his teeth as he watched Max standing next to the items they put out. Years of watching Baldin's work had given both of them the knowledge of what could be crafted, and depending on what was made, they already knew the quality to expect.

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“You’re pick. We’ll just watch while you work.”

Max grinned again and nodded. He slowly limped toward the table, doing his best to move differently and even hunching his back slightly.

He could feel Tom and Everett's gaze as he moved along the table. Three of the ore bars they had were not very good and would be decent for an uncommon item, maybe rare at best with his skill. Two other bars would be useful for an epic-quality weapon, and mixed between all of them was one bar that would be legendary-worthy.

Other items sat on the table, including possible handle choices and even a box. Opening it up slowly, Max tried not to appear shocked when he saw some different elemental essences inside.

Holy goblin shite… they’re really going all out on this test!

His mind began to work at the possibilities of what he might be able to make. His skill told him that it would take about twelve hours to craft a single dagger with a simple handle and one of the elemental essences. If his luck held and everything went right, it might just turn out legendary instead of epic.

“This is going to take a bit. Do either of you mind getting me some water and a snack?”

Tom didn’t hesitate, moving from his stool, pulling some food and a water skin from storage, and setting it near Max.


A grunt came as Tom sat back down.

After a long drink and a quick snack, Max picked up the ore he had chosen. It was pink, and he could feel it begging to be shaped into the image in his mind.

“Time to get to work.”

The hours passed quickly, and at the halfway point, Max had formed his blade and was working on his handle.

Tom was not happy when he stored the blade, but Everett held up a hand. They knew it worked that way for one with a skill as Max claimed to have.

“That was impressive metalworking, Joshua,” Everett said as he watched Max start working on the handle. “Are you done with the blade?”

Shaking his head slightly, Max didn’t look up. Using his tools, he was focused on carving the bone handle he had selected. Unsure what type of bone it was, his skill had told him that it would be perfect for housing the power of both the blade and elemental essence.

Almost done, Max put on a metal glove sitting on the counter and opened the box once more, pulling the ice element from inside. Transferring it quickly to his storage, he made his way to the blade that was held fast in the clamp.

He could feel the eyes of both men, fighting back the fatigue their faces showed, watching as he stood over the blade.

“Now for the tricky part,” Max muttered. Taking the elemental essence out, he laid it on the blade and took an essence tool, dragging it slowly back and forth along the blade, watching its power start to enter.

Slow… move slow…

His mind told him the truth about how important it was to be steady of hand and fast. This wasn’t the time to race; with each pass of the essence along the blade that he had etched with a few runes, a little more entered the pink metal.

After over a hundred more passes with the essence as it was almost gone, it vanished, and the blade shimmered blue for a moment.

Each man in the room let out a breath at the same time, all of them holding it during the last few moments.

With that part done, Max moved to the final part.

He sharpened it and did everything required except wipe it down one last time.

Holding the rag that finished the dagger, Max grinned and gave it a quick wipe.

[ 10 Experience Gained ]

[ Legendary Dagger Created ]

“I don’t believe it,” Tom said, moving from his stool. “You really are a weaponsmith!”

Yawning, Max nodded and handed the blade to Tom. “I haven’t checked its stats, but I’m ok with that. Did I pass the test?”

Tom’s eyes widened, accentuating the bags under his eyes as he stared at the stats.

He turned, moved to Everett, and handed the dagger to him, watching as his friend’s face reacted in shock at what he was holding.

“Joshua… you’re a legendary crafter… how?”

“I thought we agreed on no questions,” Max replied. “I’m happy to offer my services for materials. As you can see, I can make quality weapons.”

Both men looked at the dagger and then at each other, each one nodding.

“We did agree upon that, but we honestly didn’t believe you were a crafter… or not one as high as Seth said you were.”

Max was putting his tools away, wrapping them up, and storing them. “I understand. I work on my own schedule just so you know. I’ll show up when I can and do what you want, but please remember our agreement.”

“You realize that if you signed up with us, we could offer you far more than just crafting items,” Tom said, his voice almost pleading. “I’m certain you know that every other Faction–”

“I don’t want that life,” Max said, waving his hand and cutting Tom off. “In life, we all want certain things. For me, it’s crafting items. Beyond that, I don’t need a home of my own right now.”

Storing the dagger, Everett stood up and moved to where Max was, holding out his hand.

“I agree with your terms, Weaponsmith Joshua. I’ll start creating a list of items we need and the required materials. The next time you come, I’ll have them ranked in order of importance. Do you have any idea when that might be?”

Max shook his head. “I don’t, but hopefully, it will be in a few days. I promised someone else I would help them.”

“Help them?” Tom asked, wincing after he realized what he had done.

Grinning, Max nodded. “Count that item as free. You don’t owe me for this one, but I’ll slowly start figuring out what materials I want. I’ll need a list of everything you have and would like to look over all of it. Obviously, I don’t plan on taking the list, but it will help me prepare for it down the road.”

“I’ll see what I can do to meet that request,” Tom said.

“And I mean all items,” Max said as he pointed at the door. “I’m okay working for something that costs more. Now, if you don’t mind, can someone lead me out of here? I need to go and sleep.”

Tom nodded, moved toward the door, opened it, and instructed the person outside to take Max to the gate.

“That boy craps gold… no stuff more valuable than gold,” Tom said, leaning his head against the counter. “You and I both knew Joshua could craft the moment he made that blade.”

Everett nodded, inspecting the dagger from every angle. “It’s flawless… a legendary blade with four stats and an ice element. I can think of two people in our ranks who would fight for this.”

“And you’re ok trading materials with that boy? I mean, he doesn’t look that old. How can he do legendary gear already?”

Shrugging, Everett yawned and put the dagger up. “I have no idea, but he isn’t the only one who needs some sleep. I’m turning in.”

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