Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 224: Tom vs Max

Tom and Max collided in the small space between both of them, their shields and weapons slamming into each other as they locked blades, pushing to see who might overcome the other.

Each saw the other’s eyes widen as neither of them managed to push around the other as they had expected.

Giving up my halberd was a chunk of my stats… way to be cocky, I guess.

After three seconds of shoving that resulted in nothing, each pushed off the other at the same time, and the dance of swords began.

Everett attacked, shield and sword moving together, and Max’s skills were working overtime, trying to dodge, block and parry as the onslaught began.

Combination after combination came at him and Max could tell he held a small lead in the speed department, but the older man was more skilled not just in having a higher tier in sword handling but in the experience department.

Each attack came, sometimes feinting, somehow changing its path instantly. Twice in the first moment, he almost had taken a hit when the path of the sword went a totally different direction, only caught because his sonar allowed him to sense it even when his eyes couldn’t follow it.

Evasion was helping him to turn and twist, almost getting caught by the blade when it made it past his shield.

Cheers were coming from everyone and yet Max couldn’t focus on that, giving up ground as the older man pressed his advantage, using not just the sword and shield but his knees and feet as well.

Anyone not there to watch the fight and only allowed to hear it would wonder how so much noise of metal on metal could come so quickly. Most of the people could not follow the barrage of attacks, trying to glimpse something as both men and their weapons were a blur.

Max found himself smiling, even though he was already a third of the way toward the edge of the field, for once he could see what true power was like and being able to stand as long as he had so far meant he was similar in some ways.

Tom’s sword flashed green as it came at him, striking his blade, the momentum and strength behind the strike sending his sword flying from his grip.

Turned slightly and without a weapon, it was only two more strikes before he took an attack from the blade against his chest and heard Everett shout out, “Stop!”

Immediately, Tom stopped the next attack a few inches from his chest and smiled.

“I’m impressed and hoping that you haven’t decided to still hold back.”

Shaking his head, Max grinned.

“No sir, that was the most fun I’ve had in a while.”

“Good, now get your sword and let’s see if you can land a hit by using an ability or two.”


Both men were moving toward the other once more and this time Max activated his ability inches from their blades connecting.

[ Power Strike ]

Tom’s sword went flying across the field and after a kick to the older man’s leg and a few small strikes to an arm, the trainer was struck in the chest, resulting in a win.

“That was sooner than I expected but also a brilliant use of skill timing. Using it right before impact prevents me from having time to activate a skill to defend against it.”

“Are you saying you could have prevented that attack?” Max asked.

Shrugging, the trainer moved to get his sword, laughing as he went.

“Only time will tell!”


A third clash of weapons came and Max started to anticipate the attacks and combos that Tom was using. Each one was different, but whatever technique he had that allowed for his attack to shift so quickly, it was getting easier to defend against and not get pushed back. Minor errors on his part began to lessen and as two minutes of non stop attacks were blocked and parried, Max found himself laughing even though breathing had become a little harder from the exertion.

Both he and Tom were sweating, but neither were letting up. Every part of him wanted to use another skill to show Tom just how powerful he was, but doing it before everyone wasn’t going to happen. Even if it had just been Tom and himself, Max wasn’t certain he would still give in. Right now, he realized he was strong, but there were still others just as powerful.

Tom had reached the pinnacle of so many and could have killed him with that first strike.

Not being prepared for that and knowing others would have skills just as dangerous, Max needed to keep everything a secret.

One day, he would show Tom.

One day, he would show the world just how powerful he was.



Both men pulled back, sweat running freely, but for over ten minutes neither had landed anything more than a glancing blow on the other's arm or leg. The swords granted no serious injury and as such, the match was a tie.

“Your… stronger than… I expected,” Tom said between deep breaths. “Soon… you’ll be stronger… than most.”

Nodding, Max breathed in a deep breath and grinned.

“One day… I’ll win without… having to use skills.”

Tom nodded, just as out of breath as the younger man, who never ceased to amaze him.

Cheers were coming from those gathered, and Max and Tom waved, smiling, as Everett moved toward the two of them.

“That was a great fight and I’ll admit it went even better than I had hoped.”

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The Faction leader held his hand out toward Tom, and the older man shook his head and sighed.

“You’re seriously going to do this here? In front of him?”

Max saw the frown and the way Tom almost seemed to glare at his friend.

“Very well, you can pay me later.”

Max laughed and smiled as the four members of his party came to join them, each of them clapping.

“So all I can say is most of what you two were doing was a blur,” Fowl admitted. “I mean, I could see some of the attacks, but most of the time it was impossible to follow.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Cordellia said, winking at their dwarven warrior. “Perhaps if you put some stats into dexterity as well as intelligence, you could see more things.”

Everyone laughed and then started walking toward the Faction house when Everett motioned that way.

“Drinks are on me,” their leader said. “For today's success in clearing the dungeon break and for Seth’s ability to hold off someone who I know would kick my ass every day of the week.”


“Were you seriously going to ask me for these back in front of him?”

Everett nodded and accepted the two pieces of jewelry that Tom had just handed him.

“Do you feel it’s better to lie to him about the difference in stats or be honest with the boy?”

“I don’t think those two rings would have mattered if he used his actual weapon. Something tells me he’s got at least another ten or fifteen strength in that. We were so closely matched that I was surprised when I couldn’t push him back at all.”

“And he was faster than you by just a little bit.”

Blowing a raspberry, Tom flopped into the chair across from his friend and nodded.

“By the time he reaches the fiftieth floor, I’m certain no one I know will be able to stand up to him.”

“Which is why we need to make sure that happens. Keep pushing them, but be smart about it. Everything I see points to them being the first to break the fiftieth floors and into the sixtieth realm in a hundred or more years.”

Tom nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

“If you’ll be quiet for a bit, I’m going to rest. I haven’t worked that hard in ages.”

Everett chuckled for a moment and then stood up, giving his friend a pat on the shoulder before leaving his office.


“I guess you have your answer now,” Tanila said as she watched Max finish up the hammers he was crafting for the Faction. “You’re closer to the strength of most who stop halfway through. Surely that means something.”

Sighing, Max nodded as he polished and cleaned the metal and handles. Each hammer was an exact match of the other, designed to be used by a warrior who apparently dual wielded them. The stats were going to boost their damage by a lot.

“A hundred strength and dexterity if both are used at the same time,” Max said as he pointed at the one he finished first. “Tell me that isn’t something to be excited about for a normal climber.”

“But we’re not normal, and you need to remember that. Two more days and we’ll start on the twentieth floor. Then a whole new level of pain will come as we grind out more levels.”

Max laughed and shook his head at Tanila.

“You seem to forget we’re eventually going to regrind all fifty levels one day. Perhaps you should give in and agree we can start that process now, taking advantage of breaks while we let skill cooldowns reset.”

“And perhaps you might remember there is more to life than just grinding in a tower. One day, you’ll be forced to spend time with me outside this room and your other mistress.”

Max laughed, setting the hammer he had finished crafting, and sighed.

“What’s bad is now I only get three to five experience per item I make. Whatever bonus I was originally getting was for crafting something new or unique. Maybe if I make a staff or bow that is like Fowl’s, I might get another bump in the experience.”

Groaning, Tanila shook her head and stood up from her chair.

“I’m going upstairs. You’re welcome to join me or stay down here, worrying about stats and experience.”

As she turned to leave, Max quickly opened the chest next to him and put both hammers in it.

“Just hold on! I’m coming!”


Max glanced around the tower, frowning as they waited in line to enter.

“What’s wrong?” Tanila asked quietly.

“Can you feel that?”

“The same sensation you had before?”

Nodding, Max casually glanced around where they were again, looking at the tower climbers present, the area where everyone unloaded from or climbed into a carriage when done, and even at the empty space of the area where they stood. His sonar revealed nothing but those he could see.

“Maybe I’m going crazy. Just imagine how much worse I’d be if I hadn’t taken those days off with you.”

Rolling her eyes, Tanila nodded and smiled at the guards who were about to send them on ahead.

“Any bets?” Fowl asked.

“Yeah, your arse is going to get a foot up it for asking that question again outside the tower.”

Ignoring Batrire and her pleasant personality, Fowl smiled as he looked at everyone else.

“Nope. In the end, it doesn’t matter what I want,” Cordellia replied. “Whatever the gods choose is what we will get.”

Max nodded and strode up to the portal, reaching out, touching it.

A list of floors they could enter appeared, and the twentieth one was now the top option. Selecting it, he portaled over, fully geared for battle.


A wave of heat immediately assaulted his face and Max winced, opening his storage and pulling out the ring that would help with the oppressiveness of the dungeon they had just entered.

Rising before them was a crooked trail carved into the side of a giant mountain that disappeared into the clouds above. Heat from a sun that felt too close baked them and Max smiled a little as the groans from the rest of his party acknowledged their love of this tower floor already.

“That looks like one hell of a climb,” Fowl said. “Are those caves up there on the mountainside?”

Max shrugged and glanced at Cordellia, who squinted, peering off into the distance.

“It’s too far for even me to see, but what I do notice is that if one falls, it's a long way down.”

“At least the path up looks to be wide,” Fowl said. “And best of all, it's not some dark cavern we can’t see in.”

Max nodded and after everyone motioned they were ready, all of them began the journey to the base of the mountain, ready to see what the tower threw at them next..

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