Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 226: A Conversation with Bob

“Look over there, in the stone face. It’s a hole,” Cordellia said. “Based on the angle of this mountain, I almost didn’t see it, but the bee flies from there instead above the mountain.”

Max nodded and saw that she was right.

“But why is the queen out of that hole?” Fowl asked.

“It’s because the wasps are inside that space,” Max replied. “They have invaded it and the queen is here, eating and, I would assume, getting stronger.”

“How do we get across this space?” Batrire asked. “I think I can see the portal off on the other side.”

“We’re going to have to fight our way across it,” Tanila replied. “The bigger question is, how do we fight that many at once?”

No one said anything as everyone tried coming up with a plan that might work.

“We don’t. I’ll carry everyone and we’ll skip this spot. I don’t see any option for us winning this fight. Even if we tried to lure them down the path, we’d be severely outnumbered and the trail isn’t where we want a fight like that. They could surround us, pinch us in, and attack. With a queen bee, I’m guessing they would be smarter than usual.”

“So we are going to just skip the boss and all this experience?” Fowl asked, his voice sounding shocked at Max’s idea.

“Live another day. Beat the floor. That’s our plan. Just like the maze, our goal was making it through and surviving. I don’t see this being a fight we win.”

Max got everyone in position and took a deep breath. Racing forward, his speed was faster than the bees could react to.

The queen bee let out a loud shriek and as one the swarm turned, angling toward the group of adventurers that were already half way and closing in on the portal.

Seconds ticked by and Max knew the plan had been the best option as he sensed a large glob of flaming liquid enter his sonar skill range. It was so wide it would probably cover a twenty yard area when it hit.

Half a second before it impacted at the portal location, Max raced through it, the group stumbling and tripping as they found themselves outside the tower.

Groans and moaning came as they picked themselves up off the ground, after having rolled across the ground as a group.

“Everyone ok?”

Max saw the guards rushing over and waved them off.

“I think I broke something,” Cordellia said, her high voice hiding the pain she was feeling.

Having freed herself from the pile, Batrire took care of their ranger's arm and the rest saw the looks on the two guards' faces.

“Does this happen often?” Fowl asked.

“Occasionally and unfortunately, when it does not, everyone makes it back out,” the guard replied. “Since all five of you are here, it would appear things worked out after all.”

“Wasn’t how we wanted it to go, but sometimes getting out is the best choice,” Max said. “Sorry if we worried you all.”

Nodding, the guards moved back to their usual positions.

“That was embarrassing,” Tanila whispered.

“I’d rather be a little embarrassed than dead,” Max replied. “And something tells me they're ok with how this went since we all made it out.”


Tom had said little as the party ate, mulling over the information they had shared.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Batrire said as she studied the older man.

“Wisdom doesn’t come easily for most, and I’m glad you all decided not to fight. I’ve run through about every possible option I can think of and I don’t believe there was a way you could have won that encounter,” Tom replied. “Some of the tower floors get like that, but usually not as bad already. That’s what has me concerned.”

“But what we found isn’t uncommon?”

Making a pained face, their trainer shrugged.

“We’ve had substances like what you described, and I know for certain Alfreda will want to do some research on what you brought back. Substances like those have a lot of uses both on the alchemy side and on the…” He paused, and any attempt there had been to hide his pain failed. “On the explosive side. One can make powerful devices to help in the tower against groups of monsters or even bosses. The problem is how dangerous they are to make.”

Fowl was about to ask a question when he yelped and scowled at Batrire.

“Well, the good news is we survived,” Max said. “The bad news is, I can’t even imagine what tomorrow holds.”


Max couldn’t help but smile as he listened to Tanila’s breathing. She was sound asleep next to him, her red hair spread all over the pillow.

Closing his eyes, he called out again, hoping for an answer.

Are we ever going to have the conversation we both know needs to happen?

Silence was the only response and doing what he could to stay calm, Max tried to focus deeper inside, knowing there was a skill that often only showed itself when it wanted or felt the need was great.

We need to talk about the tower and how we are going to manage the future between the two of us. You want one thing and I want another. Don’t forget you told me we can work together.

Minutes passed and, finally tired from the effort of what he was attempting to do, Max fell asleep.

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I heard you but it is easier if you sleep, and we meet like this.

Max found himself in a small stone room, his alter image sitting on a wooden chair across from him. Glancing down, the chair he was in was an exact copy.

Why are we having to meet like this?

As I have told you countless times, it takes power for us to talk outside of this space. Power I would prefer not to waste on simple conversation. Here, inside your mind, in the world of dreams, that is lessened, and we can be in this space, hidden from those who might attempt to pry and listen in.

Max started to respond, but his reflection held up a hand, a slight frown upon its face.

Time passes quickly here. We do not have time for a thousand questions. What is it you are proposing?

The tower is harder and the last five floors I haven’t gained a single skill or stat point. Is this something you have done?

Laughter echoed through the room as his image smirked and shook its head.

No, that does not serve me or you. I could have at one point disabled that, but you have been a very difficult host. There is no doubt you would die before giving in to what none has ever resisted. What you have fought was either weaker or not something I can consume yet. In a time when I evolve again, I should be able to grow stronger from the dead.

Rubbing his face, Max felt confused. The bees and dragonflies hadn’t been that tough. The problem had been their abilities and powers.

So what is taking place with the tower? Why are we facing things stronger than most should?

His reflection crossed its arms and frowned.

The tower is a being, a power, a lifeform. Each version of it across every world that has been given one is different. You do not know what beings exist across the other planets out there. The illusion of monsters in your mind is actually just like you on their own worlds. There are planets filled with ogres and orcs that build cities, raise children and slaughter dungeons full of humans that seek to kill them.

Max felt confused for a moment as his mind considered what his skill was telling him. To learn about other worlds from Tanila had been a lesson in gods and power, but to hear what they considered evil and a monster was normal elsewhere eroded at his beliefs about everything he had ever learned.

Worlds of monsters–

Worlds of lifeforms. Do not forget there are thousands of gods all who seek to grow stronger, helping their kind achieve that. Some make them in the likeness of themselves. Even that dragon you encountered is such a being. A far more powerful being than you will ever imagine for quite some time. But enough of this line of discussion. How do you propose we work together?

Sighing, Max nodded and shelved the thousand questions he had.

I need to get stronger and you need me to do the same thing. Instead of fighting each other, how about we agree to work together in a different way? If the moment comes and I need help, offer it at no cost. On the flip side, if we encounter a scenario where you can be free to satisfy the desires you have while keeping those you know I would not want to harm safe, I will give in and allow you to have that moment.

A smirk appeared on his reflection and laughter once more echoed off the walls of the stone room, even though the image never opened its mouth.

It would seem advantageous for both of us to come to an agreement like that. I would be willing to strike that bargain.

Max nodded and held out his hand, watching his image cock an eyebrow before mimicking him, their hands touching and a weird sensation flowing through him.

Now that we have settled that, tell me how much more power do you need before you can evolve again?

That is not a simple thing to quantify because not all power is the same and each time I gain a new skill or assist you in some way it uses power disproportionately. Imagine you have a barrel at the house where you live and are trying to fill it with water from a stream a mile away. Every day, you need a drink but you cannot drink from the bucket or the stream, only the barrel. Laundry, cooking, every part of life requires water and yet only the barrel can be used for that. Tell me how would you fill that bucket up faster?

Max snorted and shrugged.

Get another bucket? Have friends help? Move the barrel closer to the stream?

His reflection nodded and smiled at those responses.

Each of those are appropriate answers and yet some are easier to do than others. Most of the time, I have cut down on the amount of notifications that would arise each time a skill is consumed and weaker than what you already have. Like today, the skills you might have hoped to consume were not possible for you based on your body type. You cannot suddenly start spewing liquid fire from your mouth and I doubt you would want your lower appendage to shoot rays of power at your enemies.

Max roared with laughter, imagining the last option and how Fowl would have gotten a kick out of that.

So you are constantly gaining power, just not sharing that knowledge with me.

Correct, but even worse is the size of the barrel you are trying to fill. If I could show it to you, the truth is the vastness of it might overwhelm you. When I evolve again and reach legendary rank, know that to achieve the next one would be the size of your world.

Max’s mind hurt as he tried to consider how much power that had to be. He knew there were cities and land across the giant waters and yet visually being able to imagine how one could fill that kind of space seemed impossible.

So what do I need to be doing? The weapon crafting has been helping my party and I don’t feel the armor crafting is worth it right now. Just continue climbing the tower?

A grunt came from his reflection and Max thought he recognized the face that just appeared when stumped by a question.

Your world is vast and there is power to be found outside the tower. Many creatures could provide other abilities and skills, but it would take time and great effort to find them. Even then, I doubt you could defeat most of them. A few dragons exist in your world and those would be a boon if you managed to defeat them, yet I’m uncertain how your new ally would respond to such an act.

As such, for now, continue to climb. Today was a smart move. Even if you had given yourself to me completely, I doubt I could have taken on that many creatures. Just be prepared and use your mind. Each day you are getting smarter, craftier, and more cunning. Soon you shall be like a star, shining in the sky and when that day comes people will notice you and the actual battle shall begin.

Some will try to control you, others may try to remove you. For now, do not worry about what you cannot fix, grow stronger and wake up. Our time here is done.

Max felt a weight suddenly pressing against his chest and saw the room he was in was starting to fade away.


Wake up.

“Seth! Wake up! You’re tossing and turning!”

Max’s eyes opened up, and he saw Tanila had her hand on his chest and was shaking him.


“You’re moving around and thrashing like a snake,” she complained. “Is everything ok?”

Light was spilling into the room through the windows and Max saw the concerned look on her face.

“I’m fine,” he replied with a smile. “Actually… I’m actually doing really well.”

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her close and kissed her for a moment before pulling back.

Tanila laughed and smacked her mouth a few times.

“Morning breath… Perhaps we should both go brush our teeth first.”

Laughing, Max nodded and gave her one more quick kiss on the cheek before rolling out of bed.

Taking a deep breath he let it out and smiled.

“Let’s get that done and then meet everyone. I’m feeling really good about today!”

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