Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 235: A Pissed of Elf

Max knew Cordellia was struggling to stay standing, especially after seeing the other seven drop to their faces.

“I’m disappointed in you all.”

Max would have done a double take if he had not heard Tanila speak in this tone before. Everything about her was different. Her voice, pitch and commanding presence.

“Everything we profess to be and yet you seven are nothing more than bullies who attempt to badger others you feel are beneath you and take advantage of another.”



A wave of power radiated out from Tanila and washed over everyone as she yelled, causing the elf who had talked poorly to her to now shake as he went silent, head pressed harder into the stone.

“Do you think I wish to hear your excuses?! I have no doubt who has ordered this assassination and yet here I am, keeping watch over this one. Repeatedly, you have stained our name and race in the eyes of the capital because not only has every attempt failed, but in failing, we are seen as weak and petty.”

She moved past Max, stopping a few feet from the five who seemed to tremble more, as if they could somehow sense she was closer.

“Part of me would almost end you all now… yet then what? Now do not waste my time or I will kill you without hesitating. Why should Seth not fight in the Colosseum?”

“Your mother! The Queen! She is coming!”

Max watched Tanila stiffen. It was hard to imagine her being any more rigid as she stood there, her presence so different from how she usually was. Yet Max knew those words had struck her as if someone had slapped her face.

“Why is she coming?”

“We’re uncertain! Just that she and the queens are to enjoy the fights next week! Your sister sent word that she didn’t want him to die there! We obeyed her command as we will obey yours!”

Every word the man spoke sounded as if he was about to die from a heart attack. His words seemed to tremble the moment they left his tongue.

No sound except the lava flows and heavy breathing were to be heard, as no one spoke for a few moments.

“How long till you have to report to my sister that you failed?”

“Next week! By letter!”

She nodded her head and Max watched as she began moving along the row of elves who hadn’t spoken or lifted their head once.

What is it about her that has them so fearful of her?

They have a bond you cannot understand. To fight against that bloodline is almost impossible. You will one day have that kind of fear and respect.

Max wanted to argue with his skill but now wasn’t the time. Instead he waited and watched Tanila act like the princess she was.

“Does the queen know about any of this?”

“No, Princess!”

Slowly her head began to nod slightly, and Max saw her lips curl into a small smile.

“Very well. You will listen closely to what I am going to say and if, for a moment, I doubt you have obeyed every single word, be certain you five will all die a horrible death. Even worse is I will have your entire family line purged to three branches.”

A few gasps and moans came from the ones at her feet and each of their heads nodded as best as possible from the position they were in.

“You will slay these two failed assassins. Their lack of success has not earned them the right to continue living. Then you five will wait in here for the aura to go away inside here. I pray no one comes to this floor while you camp out. Perhaps a house inside that city will provide the safety you need while you wait.

“Next you will then return to the Faction and explain that things didn't go as planned. That Seth was stronger than you had anticipated and that his ring allowed him to see the attackers. Their failure cost them their lives. You can say your healer was stupid and healed one, flagging them and Seth choose to let them live. That is why you stayed here.

“Lastly, none of you will breathe a word that I am here or you may find my father is less than happy that I had to reveal myself and you five have ruined plans he has put in motion for decades. Unless my mother herself specifically asks you about why you failed and I know you cannot lie to her face, you will tell no one about me.

“Do you five understand?”

The sound of metal, chain and skin rubbing against the stone was the only answer Tanila needed.

“Now, go take care of those two while I watch. I will wait.”

Without a second passing, the warrior rose and moved toward the two rogues, his swords faster than Max had thought the man might be able to move.

He’s not a tank but an offensive warrior…

In just a few seconds, both rogues were missing their head, blood beginning to bubble and cook as it hit the hot stone underneath them.

As soon as his act was done, the warrior was back on the ground, head down, in the same weak position.

Max felt the urge to end the man’s life as he lay there, flagged for combat but he saw Tanila’s look and how she shook her head.

“We’ll be looting their bodies, prizes for the one who has defeated this failed attempt again.”

She bent down, grabbed the warrior’s braid and slowly lifted him up, pointing his face at Cordellia, Fowl, and Batrire.

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“If anyone messes with them, they will deal with me and the promise I just made will hunt them all. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Princess!”

Shoving his head down, Tanila stood up and motioned for everyone to come take the equipment on the corpses.

“Do not get up for at least an hour. After that time you may move into the first house you find. If for a moment you disobey any of my commands, consider your branches pruned.”

Max felt each of the elves flinch at those last words.

“Gather this equipment you four!”

Max smiled as he moved, seeing the look on Fowl’s face before Batrire nudged him and they moved to quickly loot the dead bodies. Once they were done, Tanila motioned for the party to begin moving toward the city Max had scouted.

Max heard the last words Tanila told the elves and for a moment, he realized there was a part of her he truly didn’t understand.

“Remember. Do not disappoint me or it will be worse than you can ever imagine.”


It was only after they had defeated two packs of giants that Tanila finally hid her presence.

During that time, every spell she unleashed hit with devastating power. Each ice spear either removed the head of the caster or put a hole through its chest, ending the life of the monster before it knew what happened.

“So… are we going to talk about that?” Fowl asked after Tanila once again stood before them with red hair and green eyes.

The sound of a staff on a metal helmet rang out and Fowl glared at Batrire, who gave him the same look back.

“It’s ok,” Tanila replied, sighing afterward. “I don’t enjoy doing that… it’s everything I hate sometimes about being what I am… how the elves fear me.”

She turned to look at Cordellia who was silent, having not said a single word since that incident.

“I hate that you’ve lost your voice. Even if Fowl makes fun of it, I think it’s a beautiful voice and you should never have it taken away.”

A single tear formed in their ranger’s eye, and she nodded, forcing a smile.

“It was… so overwhelming… I… I could barely stay standing. Watching them… knowing how they felt… You could have had them kill each other and not one of them would have argued.”

Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, Tanila’s head bobbed a few times.

“And that is exactly what I hate. Their whole life, elves hear stories about our power. Fear and respect are beaten into them. Some call it love, but I’ve seen true love, and that isn’t what most have for us.”

“Ahh Love. True love…” Fowl said, drawing out his words.

“Anyway,” Tanila replied as she rolled her eyes. “The more pressing problem is my mother coming to the capital. No one has mentioned that taking place in any of the circles I engage in which means it’s not a well-known fact. Something must be happening if she is coming alone and without my father.”

Everyone waited for more to be said, but when it was obvious no more was going to be given, Max motioned to a pair of fire giants a little bit away down a street.

“I guess it’s back to clearing the dungeon.”


“Nineteen hours,” Fowl groaned as he leaned his head against the carriage wall. “I was about to say let's camp out. That wasn’t a fun time.”

“But the experience was great,” Batrire replied, her eyes closed as she mimicked Fowl’s posture.

“Aye… level sixty four,” their dwarf warrior almost whispered.

Cordellia grunted as she lay her head against the wall.

“Someones upset we ran out of experience so close to sixty-six,” Max teased.

A finger appeared, and both Tanila and Max chuckled.

“So no boss tomorrow. Sleep in, rest, and we prep.”

No one argued at all with Max’s instructions.


Everett was resting his chin on his hands as he absorbed what Max had just told him.

“Eight elves searching for you… no doubt they used rings and communicated with their Faction. If what you say is true, they started on lower floors and possibly had a few teams looking for you. And you’re certain they won’t bother you again? I can send a formal letter to the queens, but that would mean needing to be in their presence.”

Max shook his head, having kept Tanila’s secret. Everett had asked a few questions but knew that if Max never flagged himself, the elves were not going to openly attack him. Especially if that meant they would have to kill two of their own kind.

“Still, I wonder how long till another group comes after you. Now they know what tower floor you are hunting on. I have no doubts someone is watching you and the group enter. Eventually they may strike again but losing three of their higher level assassins isn't an easy thing to replace.”

“I think it's four or five now,” Max replied, grinning and chuckling as he spoke.

Everett joined in, smiling and leaning back in his chair.

“I really wonder why they wouldn’t want you fighting with Dexic. That one has me perplexed. Nothing I can come up with seems like a good reason for that. Especially in a two versus two fight. The odds are drastically in their favor as they can be less obvious in the level of contestants they use. One would assume their goal would be to take you out quickly and then tag team against our golden warrior.”

“Would they be embarrassed by something like that?” Max asked. “I mean, would the queens, nobles or anyone else feel they were shamed by an action like that?”

Everett shrugged and closed his eyes.

Max could see them darting around behind the old man’s eyelids, obviously working through different things.

“The only time I can really remember elves not competing in the colosseum was when…”

Everett’s eyes popped open, and he sat upright immediately, transfixed on Max who attempted to look shocked at those actions.

“When was what?”

“One of the nobles or even the King of the elves came to visit,” Everett whispered.

Immediately, the man grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, writing furiously for about ten seconds.

Looking up at Max, he sighed and motioned to the door with his pen.

“If you’ll forgive me, I need to send a few letters and ask a few questions. If someone from the upper ranks of the Elven kingdom is coming, knowing would be very important for this fight coming up.”

Max nodded and stood up, smiling to himself as he walked toward the door.

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