Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 250a - Hunting From Afar

Chapter 250a - Hunting From Afar

This Max Hoste isn’t anything like those two bitches told me he would be…

Sitting in the stands, ignoring the jostling and shoving of every drunken fool that called out for blood, the hunter watched the one he had been tasked with killing.

“Can you believe it?!” the dwarf to his left shouted at him. “Seth Pendal is going to fight two more higher-level elves by himself! After he and Dexic kill the other two!”

Nearby people in the stands cheered and shouted while a few elves flung curses at the dwarf who held up his middle finger.

Everywhere was chaos and guards were occasionally having to remove those who ignored the rules of not fighting.

Something he hadn’t felt in a century went through his bones.

The Queens lied to me!

Yet the knowledge the boy had somehow survived his poison and continued to climb the tower left no doubt he was strong.

A black skill seemed impossible at first. Even the idea that the two queens believed this Max had a black skill seemed improbable.

A red skill would give growth like that… if one gave into it yet he shows nothing that would confirm giving into a skill completely.

Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.

Yet a black skill! That would devour and consume anyone's soul in a moment. The legends say that they will be able to destroy worlds and are almost impossible to stop! Nothing but a shell of a being, filled with a desire to feed off life.

A loud bell sounded, and the crowds began to cheer.

The large display above showed a timer of five minutes, and the first match was about to start.

Two Elven warriors were to be the duo that Max and this Dexic woman would face. His skill told him that both of the warriors were level fifty seven and their stats were far beyond what the Dexic woman had.

Yet every time he tried to get a read on Max, it failed and the boy started looking around. The risk was too great, especially when the man had somehow sensed him on the street and then vanished upon going into the perfume shop.

“Did you wager anything?!”

Turning to the dwarf, who smelled like a barrel of ale that had sat open for a few days, he shook his head.

“I did not.”

“Your loss! You should put everything on Seth Pendal! That man is half dwarf after all!”

Some laughter came from the other dwarves nearby and he shook his head, wondering what joke he apparently was missing.

Whoever this Max Hoste pretended to be, time was running out for him to strike again. Every day, it appeared the boy continued to get stronger.

Watch and learn. Perhaps today I will find a weakness in his armor.

The bell tolled again and two minutes remained, and the stands grew louder as both pairs of combatants started to enter the dirt floor.

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