Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 64: Another Break Up

AN: This will be the last of Jean's arc for now and will continue another time. The next chap will be another arc!

Chapter 64: Another Break Up

Benjamin saw Jean smirk at him and knew he was being teased again.

He snorted in his mind and approached Jean.

“Isn’t it obvious why?”


Jean wasn’t expecting such an answer and unconsciously stepped back.

Benjamin didn’t stop and pushed her towards the bed.

Jean was cornered and could only sit on the bedside while Benjamin continued to approach her.

“W-wait, this isn’t right…I was just joking…”

Though she said that, she was already closing her eyes.


Something soft smacked at her face.

Opening her eyes, she saw a pillow had landed on her lap after hitting her face.

“It’s for pillow fights of course.”


Jean’s face darkened.

She finally understood that he was teasing her back!

Jean’s eyes glowed and suddenly, all the pillows started to float.

Benjamin started to back off.

“Uhh, J-Jean? Remember what I said about controlling your emotions?”

Jean just smiled but Benjamin could tell her eyes weren’t smiling.

“Don’t worry. I’m still controlling them.”

Are you sure about that!?

Benjamin couldn’t say it anymore as pillows started to shoot toward him.

After letting a few hit him, he began to counterattack with his own telekinesis.

Soon, the two engage in a brutal battle…of pillows.

A few hours later, Benjamin returned home while Jean returned to the X Mansion as well.

As soon as Jean entered, she saw an angry Scott frowning at her. Beside him were Charles and Ororo who were looking at Jean worriedly.

“Where the hell have you been!? You were gone for hours! Why weren’t you answering my calls!?”

Jean was a bit speechless.

She felt a bit displeased.

Before, she knew that Scott can be quite…possessive and wanted her close to him all the time.

She thought it was normal since she was his girlfriend. She even thought it was kinda cute how he’s all panicky and jealous.

But now…she just feels wronged.

Not just that but it also started to irritate her now.

However, remembering what Benjamin told her about her emotions, she just took a deep breath to calm herself.

“It was only a few hours Scott. Why are you so angry?”

“You were last seen going outside with that Benjamin guy. Why were you gone for hours just to see him out!?”

Okay, she wasn’t able to completely calm herself and couldn’t help but say.

“It wasn’t that long. Or are you angry since you don’t last that long?”


Scott was about to flare up when Charles stepped in to mediate the two.

“Alright, calm down you two. Jean, Scott was only worried. I also wasn’t able to find you with the Cerebro.”

“You weren’t?”

Jean was surprised.

Did that cave have some natural minerals around it that blocked Charles’ mind? Or did Benjamin do something?

“Are you alright, Jean?”

Ororo asked worriedly.

Although she knew that she should be fine if Benjamin was with her, she still felt that something about Jean had changed.

If it was before, she wouldn’t have fought with Scott like that.

…Did Benjamin really do it with her?

“I’m fine, Ororo. Just tired.”

“Tired? You…did you really sleep with that guy!?”

Scott flared up again.

Jean sighed and shook her head.

“I didn’t. Look, I really don’t need this right now. I just need some quiet.”

Jean just wanted to go back to her room and ponder on some things. After all, Benjamin had revealed a lot to her today. Even though he helped her take her mind off it, she still needed to digest everything.

What she didn’t know though, Benjamin hasn’t revealed everything.

He only spoke of the force inside her but didn’t say what it was.

It’s just that Benjamin felt that it can wait since he knows that Jean needed some time to think first. The matter of her killing her mother and her father calling her a monster is too heavy for him to continue to talk about the Phoenix Force.

So he simply postponed it for now. They still agreed to meet up to train her powers though.

Jean tried to walk past them but Scott wasn’t having it.

He grabbed Jean’s arm with a frown.

“This isn’t over Jean.”

Jean frowned and turned to meet him in the eye.

“Scott. Trust me. You DO NOT want to make me angry right now.”

“What are yo-”

“Jean…do you remember?”

Before Scott could say anything, Charles interjected with a worried look.

Jean turned to him and nodded.

“Yes, Professor. I remember everything now. Ben told me everything.”

“Jean, I…”

“No need to explain, Professor. I know why you did what you did. I’m just disappointed that you didn’t tell me about my father when I was old enough. Did you really think so little of me that I would kill my own father because he called me a monster?”


Charles looked down in guilt.

He can keep telling himself that what he did was the right thing. But in the end, he had sealed the potential of a little girl and lied to her about her family. It wasn’t something he could be proud of.

Scott finally calmed down a bit when he heard this. He could feel that something serious had happened.

Jean looked at Charles for a bit then sighed.

“I know, you weren’t able to trust my emotions. Ben also already explained…It was only thanks to him softening the blow each time and walking me through the whole thing that I’m still calm right now and that you all are still alive.”

“What do you mean?”

Ororo asked.

“Ben said that there is a force inside me…yes, kinda like the one in Star Wars, but more powerful it seems.”


“Anyway, it seems that it’s feeding off of my emotions. The slightest hate or anger can amplify it and make me…well, lose control. It is still sealed for now thanks to the Professor but now that I’ve regained my memories, it can unravel at any moment. And apparently, this force is one of the oldest cosmic entities in the universe so…yeah, it could kill everyone here.”

“...Don’t anger you then. Good to know.”

Ororo nodded quickly and got to the main point to take note of.

Jean smiled wryly at that.

“Don’t worry. I can still control my emotions well. Otherwise, Scott would be dead by now for repeatedly accusing me with no basis.”


Scott broke into a cold sweat.

“Jean, I-”

“Save it.”


Scott tried to explain himself only to be met with a cold glare from Jean.

Jean thought for a moment then declared.

“Let’s break up.”

“H-huh!? Why!?”

“Ben and I will be meeting regularly as he will be teaching me to control my abilities. If you’re already like this when I’m only gone for a few hours, who knows what you’ll start to think when I need to meditate overnight or something? I can’t have you accusing me all the time and irritating me every time I come back. This way, I don’t need any reason to explain myself to you every single time and you also don’t need a reason to keep watch on my every move.”

Jean could already imagine Scott doubting her every time she comes back from training with Benjamin.

Imagine calming yourself during the training and then coming home only to be met with accusations and doubtful looks.

Isn’t that irritating?

Don’t you just want to destroy the world?

Ahem. That was a bit too far. I need to calm down. Calm down…

That’s why Jean thought they should break up for a while to cool off for a bit.

She figured Scott could also use a break as he’s getting too high-strung recently.

It seems Benjamin’s appearance has caused some inferiority complex in him.

Scott still didn’t want to accept it.

“Why can’t you just train with the Professor?”

“The Professor is already weaker than me in terms of mental abilities. It’s not that I doubt he can’t teach me anything, but if my powers lose control, he’ll only get hurt.”

Jean continued to convince him.

“Look. Just think of it as a time off for both of us. If after I managed to control my abilities, you still feel the same way and I still feel the same way, then we’ll be back together. If not, then it was simply not meant to be.”

“...I won’t accept this.”

Scott snorted then walked away.

Jean sighed and shook her head.

Charles also sighed.

“Jean, I really am sorry…for everything.”

“I’m fine, Professor.”

Charles nodded and also left.

Ororo looked at Jean dubiously.

Jean noticed her look and asked.


“I’m curious. Do you really want to get back to Scott after you control your powers?”

“Well, if I still feel the same way and he does too then yeah.”

Ororo narrowed her eyes at her.

“Girl, you’ll be alone with Benjamin for hours in several days. Do you really think you’ll still feel the same way about Scott after? May I remind you that it’s only been a few hours since you were with him and you already start to fight back at Scott when you came back?”


For a moment, Jean didn’t know what to say.

Ororo chuckled at her reaction and gave her a pat on the shoulder.

“A piece of advice. Just do it. You’ll feel better without a doubt.”

“D-do it?”

“I mean have sex with him. Forget about Scott. He’s a good guy but…he’s a bit too clingy. And you don’t even need to worry about Ben cheating since…well, it’s Ben. He’s probably sleeping with everyone anyway.”


Jean was speechless.

Benjamin, who was at home and listening to their conversation for a while now since they keep calling out his name, was also speechless.

What the hell!? Is that what they all think of me!?

Am I that much of a manslut!?

[Congratulations! Host has unlocked the Achievement: Marvel Manslut!]

Fuck you System!

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