Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 77: Guardians of the Galaxy

AN: Thanks to Nieus The God Of Magic for the subscription!

Also, double chap today!


Chapter 77: Guardians of the Galaxy

In the breached hall, Benjamin and Carol looked around as they were faced with Ronan’s soldiers.

Carol grinned and was about to unleash hell upon them when an explosion rang out.

A new hole appeared on the wall where a small ship had crashed and several figures appeared.

Looking at them, Benjamin knew who they were in an instant.

Peter Quill, AKA, Star-Lord.


Drax the Destroyer.


Finally, Rocket Racoon.

The Guardians of the Galaxy…well, not yet. But they will be soon.

As they appeared from the smoke that covered the area, Peter started issuing orders.

“Alright gang. Stick to the plan. Make sure Ronan doesn’t touch the ground with the Power Stone!”


Rocket just rolled his eyes at Peter and immediately hopped onto Groot as he started firing toward the enemy with his machine gun.

He didn’t care much about the plan as long as he gets to fire at the enemy.

Benjamin chuckled and turned to Carol.

“Seems like this Galaxy already has some Guardians.”

“You mean them?”

Carol was unamused.

She could tell how these people were just a group of outcasts that somehow got together.

How could people like them be guardians of anything?

It was at this time that Peter and the rest also noticed them and noticed how they didn’t react much to Ronan’s soldiers being shot at.

“Who’re you guys?”

Peter asked.

Beside him, Gamora’s eyes widened.

“Captain Marvel!?”

Carol smiled at that.

“Seems like I’m pretty famous in the galaxy.”

“No kidding! You’re basically a legend to those planets that are against the Kree Empire and a major headache to the Kree Empire itself!”

Peter looked at Gamora weirdly.

“And which side of that are you?”

“Uhh, neither. I mainly heard about her from Ronan when I was still working under him. He was always cursing at her from time to time.”

Drax also nodded and added.

“I have also heard of this Marvel Captain.”

“It’s Captain Marvel.”

Gamora corrected.

“Whatever. Marvel Captain.”


“When Ronan came to our home world and destroyed it, all of us looked up to the skies, wondering if she would come. She didn’t.”

Hearing that, Carol sighed and looked solemn.

Benjamin shook his head.

She was only one person after all. It was impossible to help everyone.

Well, it’s a different story if the EPD starts to go universal. Benjamin felt that he could achieve that.

Maybe once this is all done, he can talk to Adora about it.

Well, that’s a problem for later.

Carol opened her mouth to explain but Drax raised his hand to cut her off.

“Nobody is blaming you. The only thing to blame is my own weakness. That’s why today, I shall get my revenge and slay Ronan once and for all!”

With that, Drax took out two knives and started to charge at the enemies together with Rocket and Groot.

Peter looked at him for a moment then turned to look at Benjamin.

“So who’re you?”

“Benjamin Freed. From Earth.”

“Peter Quill. From Missouri. You can call me Star-Lord.”

…Which is on Earth. But Benjamin knew better than retort to this guy.

As they shook hands, Peter looked at him up and down and scoffed.

“Look, Benjamin. You look nice and all but this is war. How about you sit nice and tight and let us pros do the work.”

Benjamin looked amused and smiled teasingly.

“Oh, sure sure. I’ll leave you right to it then.”


Peter laughed and started to shoot the enemies too.

Gamora just sighed and rolled her eyes at him before joining them.

Beside him, Carol looked at Benjamin with a raised brow.

Benjamin just chuckled.

“It’s fine, go. I’ll just take a stroll while following you guys. Just treat it as sightseeing. Besides, I can focus on protecting those guys below.”

As he spoke, his attention shifted to the planet down below.

While Ronan’s ship continued to rain fire down onto the planet, he controlled the trees to block all the debris and shots, ensuring minimal damage to the actual planet itself.

In fact, most of his focus was there so since Peter and the rest are already here, might as well let them handle Ronan.

Not to mention Carol is also here to help.

Carol was surprised to hear what he said and looked down from the hole in the wall.

Indeed she saw the trees moving to intercept the shots and falling debris from the battle.

She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Now that I know that, I won’t hold back anymore!”

“Yeah. Feel free to let loose.”

Benjamin knew that Carol was holding herself back a bit since she didn’t want the ship to fall to the ground and destroy more of the planet.

But now that she knew what Benjamin was doing, there was no need to hold back!

Instantly, Carol’s body started to glow bright and the next moment, she shot forward with amazing speed as she bulldozed her way through the ship, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake!

Everyone was silent upon seeing that.

Peter especially had his jaw drop on the ground.

What the fuck was that!?

Gamora looked at him and smirked.

“Told you she’s a legend.”

At the side, Drax’s eyes lit up as he started to excitedly hack away at the enemy.


With a powerful ally with them, what else is there to be afraid of?

Benjamin watched with a smile as he continued to leisurely follow them, casually dodging a bullet or two, and casually incapacitating an enemy or two that headed his way.

No one noticed him much except for one person. Gamora.

From the start, she had found him suspicious since he was someone who came with Captain Marvel.

It didn’t look like he was her lackey but he also didn’t look anything special.

“What’s that guy’s deal?”

Gamora thought for a moment before shaking her head.

She still can’t wrap her head around it so she could only focus on the enemies in front of her as she followed along Carol’s path of destruction.

Soon, it didn’t take long for Carol to bulldoze her way to the main control room where Ronan sat on a throne.

Beside him was a long hammer with a purple gem embedded on its side.

The Power Stone.

Carol’s eyes narrowed as her body charged up with power.

“It’s over Ronan. Hand over the Infinity Stone and surrender. This is your only warning.”

On the throne, Ronan sneered, still feeling quite arrogant as he held one of the Infinity Stones.

“Captain Marvel. You and what army?”

“This one!”

It wasn’t Carol that answered but Peter as he emerged together with Gamora and the others.

Seeing them, Ronan’s face was one of disdain.

“Them? A human, a traitor, a brute, a tree, and a rodent. Some Guardians of the Galaxy you are.”

Hearing that, Carol just smirked.

Those guys don’t matter. What mattered was someone else behind them.

Someone much more powerful than any army.

With that person backing her, she had nothing to fear! Not even an Infinity Stone!

Peter looked thoughtful when he heard Ronan.

“Guardians of the Galaxy huh? I like the sound of that!”

With no time to lose, he fired up his jet boots and started to fire away while hovering in the air.

Rocket also started shooting while Groot extended his arms to stab at the enemies like they were barbeque.


“What he said! DIEE!!!”

Gamora and Drax also started to fight.

As for Carol, she went straight for Ronan who stood up and met her with his hammer.


Dust lifted up as the two of them collided.

Ronan still had an arrogant smirk as he already imagined Carol being meat-paste.

However, he soon found himself unable to move his hammer.

When the dust settled, he saw Carol’s glowing body blocking the hammer with both hands crossed in front of her.



Carol grinned and her fists started to glow even brighter.

The next moment, she shot an energy blast toward Ronan!


Another explosion rang out as Ronan shot backward.

He gritted his teeth and slammed the hammer’s handle on the ground to prevent him from backing up further.

As he skid backward, Carol followed up with another energy-filled punch which he met with another swing of his hammer.


The whole ship shook as they collided repeatedly from exchanging blows.

Peter looked at their fight, absolutely dumbfounded.

“Sheesh, what a pair of monsters.”

Just as he said that, a stray energy blast that Ronan deflected suddenly came shooting toward him.

Well, it didn’t hit him but it was shot directly between his legs.

All of a sudden, he felt his lower body shake like jellies and quickly shut up.

Not paying attention to him, Carol and Ronan continued to fight.

From the looks of things, both sides were evenly matched.

Gamora was also at the side battling Nebula.

“Nebula! Enough of this! Stop fighting! You can’t win!”

“Shut up! I’ll kill you!”


Gamora was frustrated at this ‘little sister’ of hers who just won’t stop trying to kill her.

Being both Daughters of Thanos, the two of them were repeatedly fighting because of their father.

Each time they fought, Thanos would punish the loser by replacing a part of their body with a machine.

And based on the lack of machine parts on Gamora, she had never lost.

As for Nebula who always lost, most of her body is now a machine. Yet even as she is injured, she still feels pain from that limb.

Because of that, she hated her father more than anything.

As for her hatred of Gamora…all she wanted was a sister, yet Gamora never looked at her that way.

The only way for her to prove herself was to win!

At least just one win!

Nebula gritted her teeth as she thought of that and continued to fight.

Back at Carol and Ronan, Ronan was fed up with the current stalemate and roared angrily as he slammed the hammer down onto the ship with no regard for whether the ship will be destroyed or not.


The whole ship shook even more violently as purplish energy waves emanated from the shockwave of the hammer’s blow.

The next moment, cracks began to appear on the ship as it began to crumble and fall.

Peter realized his plan and shouted out.

“Not good! He’s gonna crash both us and the stone down on the ground!”

Since descending wasn’t working, he’s just going to crash land instead!

Either way, the moment the stone touches the planet, he will destroy everything!

Ronan laughed.

“It’s too late! You can’t stop me now!”

“Oh really?”

A casual voice rang out.

Everyone turned to see Benjamin still casually walking towards them despite the whole ship crumbling down as it descends on the ground.

Benjamin smiled and waved his hand.

Then…the whole ship froze in midair.

Benjamin was telekinetically stopping the whole ship from falling along with them.

Of course, he also froze Ronan in place.

Unable to move, Ronan squeezed his grip on the hammer and a purple glow emanated out of him as he broke free from Benjamin’s control.


“EPD. You’re under arrest for your crimes against the Galaxy.”


Ronan scoffed and swung his hammer at Benjamin.

Benjamin looked at the hammer and remembered something.

Right, don’t I have a hammer of my own too?

It was something he got from completing the first harem quest.


“You’re not the only one with a hammer.”

Benjamin grinned and swung Mjolnir as well to meet with Ronan’s hammer.



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