Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 83: Life and Death

Chapter 83: Life and Death

The Reality Stone.

Truth was, Benjamin had always felt that this particular stone was the most powerful.

After all, its only limit was…one’s own imagination.

Naturally, it doesn’t mean that holding the Reality Stone will allow you to bend reality as you wish however you wish without any consequences.

From the beginning where he had ‘simulated’ a whole planet to making clones of himself and the car to finally ‘creating’ Pikachu, it took a toll on Benjamin’s energy.

This energy has no name as it was quite ambiguous.

It can be said to be his life force. Or maybe his stamina. Or it can also be called magical energy. It may even be something like a divine energy.

In any case, this ‘energy’ was the price of using the power of the Infinity Stones of this universe.

In fact, Benjamin wanted to create something even bigger just out of curiosity if it would work but ultimately held back as he had consumed too much energy already.

“Really, this universe’s Infinity Stones are too annoying to use. It’s better to use the System ones in the future.”

Benjamin sighed.

After today, unless it’s a real emergency, Benjamin vowed not to use the Infinity Stones of this universe again.

“Well, it's nothing that sleeping and eating won’t fix but still.”

Actually, as the God of Nature, he can draw upon the energy of Nature to replenish himself but there was no need to go that far. Doing so would only cause Nature to decay and it won’t be good for anyone.

[Host can also recover through absorbing the energy of others.]

What is that? Some kind of Dual-cultivation thing? System, are you secretly a Chinese character?

[Shall I switch to Face-Slapping Mode?]

…Please don’t…

Benjamin felt goosebumps just thinking about it.

Reading about it and laughing it off is one thing but if it were to happen to him…it would be just too annoying to deal with.

Benjamin shook his head with a laugh.

He threw all these random thoughts at the back of his mind and looked at Thanos who was charred black and disfigured all over.

Benjamin had already deactivated the Reality Stone and caused Pikachu to dissipate into red mist.

Still, everyone around him was dumbfounded.

Spider-man turned his head to look at Iron Man.

“Mr. Stark. Was I dreaming or did I see Pikachu there just now?”

“Nope. I saw it too.”


Spider-man was silent for a while before suddenly turning back to Benjamin.

“Mr. Freed! Capt. Freed Sir! Are Pokemons real!? Where can I catch one!? I want a Charizard! I’m going to be a Pokemon Master!”

Spider Gwen instantly smacked the back of his head.

“Idiot! He obviously used one of those Infinity Stones!”

At the side, Mr. Fantastic also approached with a curious look.

“Fascinating. These Infinity Stones…can I have a closer look?”

He asked with shining eyes as he stared at the stones.

Benjamin shivered and quickly shook his head.

“No! You’re not allowed! Who knows what kind of dangerous shit you’ll make!?”

Benjamin sweated.

He knew that this guy was quite well known for his…dangerous inventions.

In fact, even his child in the comics was akin to a god who can bend reality to his will…wait, it doesn’t have anything to do with the Reality Stone, right?

Benjamin thought to himself never to let Reed get near any of the Infinity Stones…

Hearing that, Mr. Fantastic started to sulk in the corner but no one cared about him.

Thor then landed beside Thanos and kicked him a few times to see if he was still alive.

“He’s still alive. What now?”

“Well, considering how many planets and civilizations this guy has massacred, even saying he deserves to die is too kind to him. Instead, I’ll be placing his soul in a prison inside the Soul Stone. Does anyone have other thoughts?”

Benjamin looked around but everyone shook their heads.

Even someone with a straight sense of justice like Spider-man can see how cruel and dangerous Thanos was.

If Benjamin had not intercepted them, who knew how many lives would’ve been lost in their scuffle?

Not to mention, they had heard from Thor and the Guardians how Thanos would wipe out half the population of each planet he visits.

Against someone like that…were they supposed to just die?

Maybe so. But was that enough punishment?


They owe it to the lives of everyone that Thanos had killed to make sure he doesn’t end easily.

But just imprisoning him wouldn’t do either as they were not confident in making a secure enough prison for him.

That’s why Benjamin decided on the Soul Prison as he did with Sublime and Red Skull.

The next moment, a black fog appeared beside Benjamin which then turned into a hooded robe.

Thanos, whose consciousness was slowly slipping out, managed to catch a glimpse of this figure.


The hooded figure didn’t say anything in response to him and merely lifted its hand, revealing a pale white hand underneath the robes.

“Everything…was for you…yet why…”

Thanos’s vision began to blur.

“Why…do you stand beside him…Death…”

Death snorted.

“Everything was for me? Are you an idiot? Why would you give deaths to someone who embodies Death? It’s like saying you’re giving a leaf to a forest. How ridiculous.”

Thanos’ body shook.

In his last breath of life, he only heard Death’s disdainful voice.

“Hear this. Everyone dies in the end. It doesn’t matter if you do it in advance or delay it. In the end, everyone belongs to me. There was no need for you to do what you did. Life and Death are Nature’s balance. For every life you took, Nature births new life. Everything you did…was useless.”

And just like that, Thanos’s consciousness faded into black.

Death collected his soul and tossed him into the prison inside the Soul Stone, destined to suffer in damnation.

Death turned to Benjamin and smirked.

That’s right, life and death is a balance…yet in this balance, an irregularity occurred. A ‘life’ outside the balance. I will be waiting for this life to turn into ‘death’.

She didn’t say these words out loud and only smiled at Benjamin teasingly before disappearing again.

Benjamin tilted his head, confused what Death meant with that look earlier.

In the end, he shrugged and no longer thought about it.

Whatever, he was powerless against her for now anyway. He can only go with the flow for now.

Professor X approached and asked Benjamin with a fearful tone.

“Ben, that being just now…”

“...Oi, don’t tell me you tried to read her mind!?”

“No! No way! She felt too suffocating to even look at! Who…was that!?”

Benjamin thought for a moment to think of an answer.

He nodded.

“Un. Basically, she’s a NEET.”


“Not in Education, Employment, or Training.”


Benjamin shrugged.

It’s true though.

In fact, not only is she a NEET, but she’s also a shut-in!

She only lives in her room whenever she feels like it. Otherwise, she orders Hela to do it.

This time, it seems she was pissed off at Thanos who was using her as an excuse to mass murder so she went to personally retrieve his soul even though she didn’t have to.

It’s indeed scary to anger a NEET. They don’t have any scruples at all.

Benjamin sighed and shook his head.

“Anyway, that takes care of that. Detain the other members of the Black Order. Although they also deserve to die, I have other uses for them to serve as their punishment. As for the rest of the Chitauris…”

Benjamin trailed off.

Actually, he wasn’t sure what to do with the surviving Chitauris.

There’s too many to imprison.

Kill them? Although convenient, it might be frowned upon by others if he were to order off the deaths of such a huge number.

While he was thinking of what to do with them, Peter Quill approached him.

“We can sell them off to the Grandmaster. He’d pay well for these guys to put in his arena.”

Oh? That’s a good idea.

It will also give them some income on the intergalactic scale.

“Alright. We’ll do that then. The money received will be put into developing the EPD on the intergalactic scale. However, Carol and Thor will be going with you. You know, as bodyguards. We can’t have them all escape on the way, right?”

Benjamin smirked and Peter clicked his tongue.

Tsk, there goes faking the amount.

Carol raised an eyebrow.

“I get me going but why does the God of Hammers have to go as well?”

Thor snapped back.

“It’s God of Thunder! Also, why can’t I go? I’ve always wanted to see the Grandmaster’s Grand Arena!”

Benjamin stared at Thor with half-closed eyes.

No, this guy just wanted to leave work and have fun. Benjamin could tell.

Still, Valkyrie was there in the movies so Benjamin was curious if she was also here this time as well. It should be useful having Thor go with them.

Well, he can’t just say that.

“Having you alone just makes me uneasy. Thor is quite powerful too and he can have Heimdal summon the Bifrost in case of emergencies. Also, now that Thor is the ruler of Asgard, the Grandmaster should be more accommodating with the price.”

“Oh yeah, I keep forgetting he’s the King of Asgard now.”

Carol nodded.

Everyone turned to look at Thor who then struck a pose to show his mighty self.

After seeing that, no one reacted and simply looked away and nodded at Carol.

Right, he doesn’t feel like a King at all.

Rocket Racoon rolled his eyes and asked.

“Alright fine. We’ll take the glowing lady and his Majesty muscles over there. Does anyone still want to come?”

“Ooh! Ooh! I want to come!”

Spider-man quickly raised his hand.

Along with him, there was also Iceman, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Nightcrawler, Human Torch, and Jake…wait, why is Jake here?

Benjamin turned to Jake who he only just now noticed.

“Why are you here? Didn’t I tell you to watch over HQ?”

“Oh come on! A chance to fight aliens? Did you think I was gonna sit this one out!?”

“...And? Did you even fight?”

“Nah I was hiding pretty much until now. I brought some popcorn though.”


Benjamin didn’t know what to say.

He ignored him for now and turned to the others.

He looked at Spider-man first.

“Don’t you have homework?”


“That’s a yes. Go do your homework.”

Benjamin waved his hand with a Sling Ring and portaled Spider-man back to Earth.

“Oh come on-”

With Spider-man gone, Benjamin turned to Iceman.

“And you? Why do you want to go?”

“It seems fun?”

“Away you go.”


Just like Spider-man, Benjamin portaled him back to Earth as well.

Benjamin turned to Human Torch.

Before he could even ask, Human Torch already spoke up.

“To meet alien chic- Hey!”

Benjamin didn’t bother hearing the rest and tossed him back to Earth.

Next was Nightcrawler.

Upon being stared at, Nightcrawler knew that it was his turn.

He scratched his head and answered.

“Umm…I’m just curious how other aliens look.”

Benjamin stared at him for a moment before nodding.


“Eh? Really?”

“Actually, your ability might be useful during the trip.”

With Nightcrawler’s teleportation ability, Benjamin would be more reassured if they were in a pinch.

Whether it was Spider-man, Iceman, or Human Torch, those guys would only be more of a nuisance than help…

Especially if all three are in the same room.

Benjamin then looked at Iron Fist and Daredevil.

“I sort of get the others but why you two?”

Iron Fist answered first.

“I’m interested in the Arena. I wonder if there are also martial artists among the aliens.”

“Oh? You’re interested in the Grand Arena too? Want to sign up when we’re there?”

Thor grinned.

Benjamin facepalmed.

Maybe it’s a mistake to have Thor join…

But at least Iron Fist is more level-headed. He might be able to rein in Thor for a bit.

Benjamin then looked at Daredevil.

“And you?”

“I just want to sightsee.”


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