Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 95: Totems

AN: Thank you Jose Cortez and blackpanda626 for the Pat re on support!


Chapter 95: Totems

Seeing as he was here now, Miguel sighed and explained to Benjamin and Peter.

Turns out, they are currently being hunted by a group called ‘The Inheritors’.

The Inheritors are the totem of Leech, the lowest of all Totems. As for what Totems are…they are basically beings that connect animals to humanity. Spider-Man is another example of a Spider-Totem.

When Peter heard about it, he made a fuss saying he only got spider powers since he was bit by a radioactive spider and that he wasn’t some totem.

Miguel ignored him since talking about it would only take a much longer time to explain.

Anyway, the Inheritors are basically a group that sucks out energy from these Totems. Kinda like vampires.

And to them, Spider-Totems are the most delicious and they would hunt them most of the time.

They fought with them in the past with a group of Spider-people but only managed to barely fend them off at the cost of some lives on their side.

Now, the Inheritors are on the move again and seem to be back to hunting Spider-people in the multiverse.

Based on their investigations, they found out that the Inheritors were hunting for specific Spider-people this time.

They called them ‘the Other, the Bride, the Scion, and the Prodigy’.

As for why…well, it seems that to the Inheritors, if they manage to kill these four, it would kill all Spider-people in the multiverse.

Peter was shocked.

“Woah, wait a second. Didn’t you say they like eating us? Why are they suddenly going to kill all of us!? What did I ever do to them!?”

“Apparently, they received an oracle claiming that the Spider-Totems will end up destroying them so they’re trying to kill all of us before we get the chance.”

Miguel explained.

Peter paused for a moment then said.

“...Did it never occur to them that maybe…just maybe…this act will be the reason for them getting destroyed in the future? Do they not know how to talk politely or something? Can’t they even negotiate first before deciding to kill all of us!?”


Benjamin turned to Miguel.

“So you’re here now to recruit our Spider-Man to join you in your war? Don’t you have better Spider-Men in other universes?”

“Uh, are you saying I’m a bad Spider-Man?”

“You said it, not me.”

Benjamin shrugged while Peter started to sulk in the corner.

Miguel sighed.

“We don’t have much choice. He’s supposed to be ‘The Prodigy’ that the Inheritors are hunting. We need to keep him safe.”

“He’s safer here though. In fact, by you guys coming here, who knows if it caused the Inheritors to sense this universe.”

Miguel shook his head and turned to Gwen.

“Due to an accident some time ago, Gwen arrived in this universe by chance. After discovering Peter Parker, she contacted us and we found out that ‘The Prodigy’ is in this universe so she stayed to keep watch. We also kept a close eye on this universe and made sure no one else entered it as well. The Inheritors shouldn’t know of this place yet but it is only a matter of time when they do.”

Shocked, Peter turned to Gwen.

“GWEN? No way! You’re Gwen Stacy from school!? That weird kid who keeps disappearing after cla- oh, I get it now.”

Gwen facepalmed herself and sighed, glaring at Miguel.

“There goes my secret identity.”

Miguel just rolled his eyes.

“Why’re you even hiding it now anyway? Besides, there’s too many Spider-Men and Spider-Women, it’s easier to call you by your name.”

“But aren’t there a lot of Peter Parkers too?”

Peter asked.

“They all have unique traits. Like that black and white Peter we just call Spider-Noir.”

Gwen answered.

“Oh. What about me then?”

“Ooh! I vote for Spider-Monkey!”

Spider-Ham suggested.

“What!? No!”

Peter quickly refused.

Gwen also shook her head.

“No, we already have that one.”

“There’s one!?”

Peter was speechless.

Benjamin shrugged.

“Just call him EPD Spider-Man. I’m sure he’s the only one that’s a member of the EPD.”

“Call him whatever. But we need to secure him. Now.”

Miguel stressed.

Benjamin looked at him for a moment then nodded.

“Fine. But I’m coming with as well.”



“You’re not a Spider-Man.”


Benjamin stared at him with half-closed eyes then stretched out his hand to make a webshooting sign with his fingers.

Then, a white web-like thread appeared from his wrist and stuck to the wall in front of him.

This was naturally the Untainted Symbiote at work.

“Thwip thwip. There, am I Spider enough for you?”


Miguel was speechless.

Peter and Gwen who knew about the symbiote just sneered at Miguel and didn’t explain.

After some time, Miguel sighed and finally relented.


“Good. Let’s go then.”

Benjamin stood up and started to walk forward but then noticed Peter hesitating.

“Uhh…do we have to go now? I mean…I still have school so…”


Everyone was speechless.

Miguel especially was dumbfounded.

“All Spider-people’s lives are at stake and you want to…take your time and go to school!?”

“Well…if you put it that way…but how long are we going to be gone for? My aunt’s going to worry if I’m gone too long. There’s also MJ and…”

Peter started to continue when Benjamin stopped him.

“Alright. I know you’re worried. I’ll deal with your excuse for May.”

Benjamin took out his phone and called Nick Fury.

“Fury, arrange something for Midtown High students.”

“Arrange what? A field trip?”

Fury asked sarcastically but Benjamin nodded.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Do it then. Just give them a tour around the headquarters and maybe in SHIELD too. Just tell Coulson I suggested it.”

“...Are you out of your goddamn mind!?”

Fury was speechless.

“It’s just a cover. I’m taking two students there off-world due to some circumstances and they need an excuse to disappear. You don’t need to take all students, just a few and say it’s random.”

Fury thought for a moment then nodded.

“Fine. I suppose you want me to add one Peter Parker and one Gwen Stacy to the list?”

“Ah!? Nick Fury knows!?”

Peter was surprised.

Benjamin just shrugged.

“It’s not really hard to investigate it. The number of times you keep disappearing in class whenever something happens nearby is too obvious.”


Peter didn’t know what to say to that.

Benjamin ignored him and continued to talk to Fury.

“Add Mary Jane Watson as well. She can help cover up for them. Just make it for three days. I’ll try to finish this quickly. If anything happens, just call my name.”

“Alright Lord Voldemort.”


Peter thought for a moment and understood.

“Aha! Cause it’s like ‘he who shall not be named’ which is Voldemort!”

“You didn’t have to explain it…”

Benjamin sighed.

He turned to Miguel and asked.

“Does that mean I have to deal with a multiverse of this guy now too?”

“Not all Peters are like that. Though, some are worse.”

Miguel also sighed.

Gwen chuckled.

“Wait till you see the TV series Ultimate Spider-Man.”

“TV Series? What?”

Peter was confused.

What did she mean by TV Series? Is it a Spider-Man from a world inside a TV series or something? Is that even possible?

Benjamin shivered for a moment before sighing.

“Well? Aren’t you gonna call MJ and explain or something?”

“Oh right! MJ!”

Peter quickly took out his phone to call MJ.

After a while, MJ answered.

“Pete! Where are you? Class started like, yesterday!”

“Sorry, I won’t be able to stay for a while. Capt. and I are going on a multiverse field trip. Apparently, there’s a lot of Spider-Men and Spider-Women in trouble.”

“Don’t forget pigs!”

Spider-Ham added.

“Also monkeys!”

Gwen smirked and added.

“Who were those?”

MJ asked.

“Well, you won’t believe it but…there’s a talking pig here with me dressed as Spider-Man. Oh, and Gwen’s here. Turns out, she’s actually Spi-”

“Hey! Secret identity!”

Gwen quickly stopped him.

Peter just shrugged.

“What? It’s just MJ. She’s cool, don’t worry.”


Gwen was speechless.

On the other side of the call, MJ frowned.

“You said Capt. Freed’s there with you too? So he really did know your identity.”

“Ah? You knew that he knew!?”

“Well, it was kinda obvious with how he acted last night. Anyway, can you hand him the phone?”

“Huh? Well…sure.”

Peter was confused but still handed the phone to Benjamin.

Benjamin was also curious so he took the phone.

“You need me?”

“Let’s speak privately, don’t let Peter and the others hear.”

Benjamin raised a brow at that before snapping his fingers, creating a spell that encased all sounds around him.

“Alright, they can’t hear you now.”

“I’m coming with you guys as well.”


“I heard from Peter some time ago that you can give powers to some people with Inhuman genes or something. Do I have it?”

Benjamin fell silent for a moment before asking.

“You don’t.”

“...Then is there no other way?”

“It’s not like there isn’t but…first, tell me why.”

MJ didn’t answer immediately as if trying to construct her words properly.

“When Peter told me about that battle with Thanos…I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Such a huge thing happened and none of us common people knew about it…and that scares me.”

“Well, I figured there was no need to tell the public about it since it would just cause panic. We didn’t suffer any losses as well. Rather than them knowing, I’d prefer that they don’t know and just keep going about their normal lives. Sometimes, knowing these things could be a burden. Like how you’re feeling right now.”

“...I agree with that. But…you know how I’m trying to be a reporter, right?”


Benjamin nodded.

“Although I feel like such things are better off not known by others…the reporter in me wants to burst out and write an article about it! The Battle with the Mad Titan! Yes, I feel afraid that such things are happening without my knowledge but…I…no, we also know now that there is someone on our side who is capable of fending off such a powerful figure from the galaxies beyond ours! The people deserve to know about it!”

MJ spoke excitedly.

Benjamin was a bit surprised at her sudden enthusiasm.

“So you wanted power…so you can be a reporter on the scene? Like a war reporter?”

“That’s right! Peter said you guys are off to save a bunch of Spider-Men and Spider-Women in the multiverse, right? It sounds exciting and full of stories to tell!”


“Also, I need to make sure Peter doesn’t go shooting his web fluids all over those Spider-Women.”

“Alright, you can come with us.”

“Yes! I’m gonna go back to the classroom to get my stuff.”

“Leave it, I’ll have Fury take it later.”

“Oh, alright then.”

MJ felt a bit weird hearing Nick Fury would go take her bag for her…

Benjamin then ended the call and canceled the sound barrier around him.

“What was that about?”

Peter asked.

“Oh, she wanted to come with as well.”

“Oh…wait, what!?”


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