Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1630

Chapter 1630


A moment later, the sea was outside the city. After a burst of distortion of the void, three men in black suddenly stepped out of it.

Seeing the sea city floating in the air and the blood spirit above, the three frowned and rushed to the sea city!

However, at this time, only a group of monks who survived the disaster were lying on the ground thinking about life in a daze.

The arrival of the three people in black immediately raised the hearts of the people who had just put down their voices.

The three did not have any nonsense. They grabbed someone and asked a little. They soon learned what had happened in Hailin City.

“So, that fried day helped Xu vacancy run away?”

The three suddenly looked cold.

They were ordered to hunt down Xu que, but they were a little late.

That guy just killed all the City owners of Hailin City, including the old city owner.

“My Lord! I’m the steward of the city Lord’s residence. The fried sky Gang deceived people so much that they…… ”

At this time, Liang Feifan rushed out and knelt in front of three men.

Liang Feifan was crushed to ashes by an invisible force before he could finish his words.

The eyes of the three men in black were cold.

Haichao wants to use some evil method to sprint into the immortal empire.

This secret is not a secret for Tianmen for a long time.

It’s just that the top wants to see if he can succeed, so it hasn’t paid any attention.

But now Haichao is dead, and hailincheng is subordinate to the forces under the administration of Tianmen. If they don’t make a statement and wait for the news to spread, it will have a significant impact on the reputation of Tianmen.

Liang Feifan, as the housekeeper of the Lord’s mansion of Hailin City, can just use it to open a knife.

“Six elders, what should I do now?” Then one of them asked.

The leading xianzun strongman frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: “Xu que appeared in Jinghe city before. A few days later, he came to the nearest Hailin City. It seems that he has a planned action!”

“You go to Yangyong city with Chengfeng, and I go to Rongtai City alone! Once met, there is no amnesty for killing! ”


Ignoring other monks in Hailin City, the three turned into a virtual shadow again and swept away into the distance.

A few days later.

Rongtai City, which is closest to Hailin City, is already full of rumors about the tianbang sect.

“What are you doing with old rotten sesame seeds? I heard the latest news. They not only planed the ancestral grave of the city Lord Hailin, but also killed people!”

“More than that? It seems that they also directly bombed the city near the sea, and finally ran away in front of the three immortals of Tianmen! ”

“This time, Tianmen really lost its face!”

When people were discussing, the six elders also sat aside.

But he didn’t argue about anything. Now he just wants to get information about the bombers.

Only catch Xu deficiency back, then all rumors will be broken!

But he had been sitting in the restaurant all afternoon, but he heard a few things back and forth.

Someone mentioned fairy Yurou, but he secretly killed her!

Since then, it seems that someone has noticed something, and no one dares to mention it again!

Just as he was about to leave, someone suddenly said, “lying in the trough, it seems that something has happened to the fried heaven Gang again! The ancestral grave of Wen yunzong in Jiang zuocheng has been planed! ”

“That technique! That speed! Almost as like as two peas in Lincheng before. ”

“Isn’t it? People come from Tianmen. How dare they be so arrogant? ”

“Isn’t it? And according to the people of Jiang zuocheng, it seems that in addition to the dog named king Weiwu, there is also Duan Jiude and Xu Ke! ”

“This name really matches them!”

“What do you say?”

“Xu Ke, Duan Jiude, and a dog. Doesn’t that add up to a wicked dog? Look at what they did… ”

Hearing the speech, everyone suddenly realized it. Don’t say it. It’s really appropriate!

And when the six elders heard them talking about it, they just held a mouthful of old blood in their chest!

He listened to the description of those people and learned about Xu’s lack of combat power, and the two he led were also the middle rank of xianzun. For their safety, he let them come to yangyongcheng together and come here alone!

If he had separated the two people at that time, he might have caught Xu Ke now!

He clenched his fist tightly, clenched his teeth and whispered, “wicked dog!”

A few days later, the six elders finally rushed to Jiang zuocheng!

According to Xu Ke’s previous actions, they should stay here for a few days. They still have a great chance to catch up with them!

However, he had just arrived in Jiang zuocheng and heard the news of the accident in Rongtai city!

Six elders almost spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot. He heard a helpless news. According to the calculation of time, it seemed that Xu Ke and his forefoot had just left Rongtai City, and they rushed to Rongtai city! And the other side. After hearing the news, the two middle-level strong immortals in Yangyong city had already hurried to Rongtai city to meet elder Liu. In their opinion, there are six elders in charge, and the wicked dog can’t run away! As a result, as soon as they arrived at Rongtai City, the news of being harmed by immoral dogs began to spread from Yangyong city! After the three immortals of Tianmen met, they stared and didn’t know what to say. This wave was fooled by Xu Que and them. It’s always a step slower every time, but there’s no way. This wicked dog is a dog. I can’t guess where they will make trouble next. So they can only catch up behind. Whether they come or not, they have to go and have a look. And these tens of days. The story of the wicked dog spread almost all over Qingzhou. Many cities were poisoned by him. The key is that people also slowly find a key point. It seems that all the cities involved in the accident are related to Tianmen. It seems that the three sects of Hecheng are all subordinate sects of Tianmen, while Hailin City seems to be under the private control of a big man of Tianmen… The meaning of this game is too obvious A few days later, the three immortals of Tianmen were sitting in a tea shop in Yangyong city Where did this wicked dog come from? Why haven’t you heard of them in Qingzhou before? ” Does your excellency mean that they come from other big states? ” No, I guess they’re from Outland! You should all have heard that there will be a Buddha Kingdom trial in the Buddha kingdom in the near future? The one that only opens once in ten thousand years! ” I’ve heard of this, but what does it have to do with immoral dogs? ” Where is the most chaotic in the seven regions of xianyuanzhou? Netherworld! Right? Think about the behavior style of immoral dogs… “Maybe they came from the nether world and passed Wudu. They didn’t know whether to live or die to find trouble in Tianmen.” With that, he couldn’t help taking a sip from his tea cup: “otherwise, do you think people from other regions dare to do so?” When hearing this, the six elders suddenly stood up and walked to the talking man: “do you mean they will go to the Buddha region to participate in the test?” The man nodded: “this possibility is great!” The sixth elder looked back at the other two immortal zuns. Then, the two stood up at the same time, walked out of the tea shop directly with elder Liu and marched towards the West After revision, I finally went through this part of the manuscript as a whole. It’s a little urgent. If there is a typo or bug, please point it out. I’ll revise it later. Unknowingly, it’s dawn. I’ll deliver it at ten o’clock first. When I wake up, I’ll see more changes and continue to explode! Finally, ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets! Thank you!]

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