Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 119 Go study mathematics, chemists

It was indeed as Northenton expected.

As the incident simmered for a few days, finally, the voice of discussion in the chemical community almost turned into those four papers by Li Mu.

When chemistry researchers meet these days, the greeting becomes: "Hey, have you read those papers?"

Then the person who answers will usually reply: "Of course I have read it."

Or a frustrated answer: "I'm not very good at math, and I can't understand it from the second page."

Yes, when these chemists log on to arxiv full of curiosity under the rumors of others, and after downloading these papers, they will helplessly find that if they want to understand Li Mu's four papers, they must first read Strong foundation and ability in mathematics.

Otherwise, facing the endless mathematical methods starting from the second page, that is, the second part after the end of the introduction, they can be confused in an instant.

Can not Understand it!

I can't understand it at all!

No way, chemists who are used to doing experiments don't pay much attention to mathematics.

Therefore, in the face of Li Mu's cross-border articles, most people were immediately stumped.

However, they can't understand it themselves, and they can always hear the highly praised comments from various bigwigs in the academic world, and they feel as uncomfortable as scratching an itch.

But there are always exceptions.

For those who study computational chemistry, their basic mathematics quality is better than that of other branches of chemistry.

As a result, these papers by Li Mu immediately made the scholars in the field of computational chemistry ecstatic, and the discussions continued.

In particular, his "Computational Chemical Model of Interfacial Reaction of Two Types of Conductors" is regarded as a bible.

In fact, the derivation process and application method of the computational chemical model in this paper have brought them an excellent case.

This paper is completely sufficient to be included in any computational chemistry textbook and used as a classic material for research.

As for the other three papers, the content related to computational chemistry is also very valuable.

For a time, scholars in the field of computational chemistry seemed to be enjoying the feast of their computational chemistry while enjoying the carnival of the entire chemical industry.

In this way, the turmoil in the chemical world finally reached its climax on a day at the end of May.

Because on this day, an international academic conference on chemistry happened to be held.

WATOC, 12th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists.

This meeting is a discussion meeting specially provided for scholars of theoretical chemistry and computational chemistry. It is held every three years and has a very important position in the chemical community. Each meeting can attract the participation of thousands of chemists.

And this time even more so.

Even many chemists who did not plan to participate in this conference due to other matters suddenly sent emails to the organizing committee of the conference, expressing their willingness to participate.

And the reason why they did this was very obvious.

It was for Li Mu's four papers.


On May 29, the conference officially started.

Russell Boyd, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the conference, first delivered a speech: "Welcome all chemists to our current conference. Before the conference report officially begins, I would like to announce a very exciting news. In 2017 WATOC, we had more than 1,500 chemists participating in the meeting."

"This year, we originally predicted that there should be less than 2,000 people participating, but to our surprise, more than 3,000 people signed up for this conference, and nearly half of them were In the past half a month, they sent us an e-mail temporarily."

"For this, we had to change the conference hall, which, as you can see, is here."

There was laughter in the audience, and then there was applause.

These chemists all spontaneously applauded the organizing committee.

Until the applause stopped, Russell Boyd smiled: "Thank you for your applause. Of course, I also know the reason why everyone is so active all of a sudden. It's just a pity that we didn't invite that young math genius over—now , he can also be called a young chemical genius."

There was another discussion in the audience.

They all knew that Russell Boyd was talking about Li Mu. Over the past few days, Li Mu seemed to have become a newcomer in the chemical industry, and the number of people who discussed him was unknown.

After all, he was the one who turned the entire chemistry world upside down during this period of time.

It's a pity that he couldn't come to this meeting.

Otherwise, they still want to hear Li Mu's thoughts on those papers from Li Mu himself.

Russell Boyd continued: "But anyway, everyone is here, so let's talk about it."

"Here, I announce that the 12th WATOC Triennial Conference has officially started. Next, I invite Professor Stanley Whittingham to open the curtain for our current conference."

Amid warm applause, Stanley Whittingham stepped onto the rostrum.

Stanley Whittingham had been invited by this conference a few months ago to give the first plenary report of the conference.

After all, he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry last year, and Goodenough is almost 100 years old, and the other Akira Yoshino is Japanese, so he is the most suitable one.

Stepping up to the microphone, he unfolded his speech, then faced the audience, and said, "It's a great pleasure to meet you here, and it's a great honor to be invited by watoc to come here to give a report."

"Originally, the topic of my report was "Where does the future of theoretical chemistry go?"."

"But within half a month, I changed my theme. As you can see, it is the title on the ppt."

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the big screen behind him.

"New directions and new thinking in theoretical chemistry".

"At the beginning, I was also at a loss about the future direction of theoretical chemistry, but after reading the papers that everyone is discussing recently, I suddenly found the direction."

"It's very simple, only two words, mathematics."

"Mathematics is there, even if it's hard to find."

"But our chemistry is always missing."

"Although we have such a great discovery as the periodic table of elements, after applying it to experiments, everything will become random and accidental again."

"It is this kind of randomness that restricts our development."

"Through MuLi's these papers, I was surprised to find that mathematics can really guide us in the direction of progress."

"Just like mathematics does in physics, mathematics must also allow us to find the way forward in chemistry."

"Although I know it's troublesome and more subtle."

"Even for those of us who study chemistry, it's a difficult thing to do."

"We're not good at math after all—"

Stanley laughed at himself: "Including me too."

There was laughter in the audience.

But soon, Stanley's voice became serious again: "But since it is in front of us, we can't give up because the road to it is too difficult."

"If you want to find the truth, the process must be difficult."

"So, go to the math, chemists."

"The treasure is already in front of us, just unlock the lock of the treasure and tell us that the key needs to be obtained by mathematics!"

Off the court, there was thunderous applause.

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