Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 153 Shocking report title, are you serious? [Add updates for the leader book friend 32817]

Time passed quietly.

Seven days, one week, whether it is long or short.

Within these seven days, the Huaguo Mathematics Academic Summit has ended, but it is not over for those mathematics scholars who are still in Beijing, because they all know that there is still a report to be conducted.

And this report may be very interesting.

How could a Minke jump to such an extent?

On the sixth day, the Huaguo Mathematical Society released the video provided by Cui Wenjian.

Fan Pairen's true face is also known to everyone.

For a while, the public opinion that was still full of discussions suddenly fell silent.

In the video, where did Fan Pairen provide Li Mu with any ideas?

On the contrary, what he wrote on the draft paper was directly pointed out by Li Mu.

Of course, those contents were also captured on video.

Netizens looked at it, and were shocked at the end. These mistakes, as long as they have studied mathematics systematically and do not lack basic knowledge, any postdoctoral fellow can see them, and even graduate students who are slightly sensitive to mathematical analysis steps can see them. I see it.

As a result, Fan Pairen in the video did not admit it at all.

It fully conforms to the characteristics of folk science on the Internet: hard-spoken.

They actually regarded this kind of folk science as a hidden master in the world of mathematics.

All of a sudden, Fan Pairen became everyone yelling and beating, and some netizens who had scolded Li Mu on the Internet before immediately went to Li Mu's Weibo to apologize.

[Mun Shen, the person who scolded you before was my second personality. Now this personality has been executed by me justice and shot on the spot. From now on, I will become your faithful believer. Please forgive me for what my second personality committed. offense. 】

【God Mu, I was wrong, you are the real god! That Fan Pai Ren is an idiot! 】

[God Mu, woo woo, my God Mu, please forgive me, I was really wrong! 】


Under such a reversal, it seems that even the navy has disappeared.

Of course, there are still some hard-talking people. I look forward to the day of the report, and Fan Pairen will be able to prove himself on stage.

In the eyes of these people, although Fan Pairen is not as capable as Li Mu, in the video he also expressed the idea of ​​combining circles and finite fields.

Maybe he really understands something?

And as long as he understands a little bit, it can be regarded as a reminder to Li Mu.

There are not a few people who hold such thoughts.

In this way, the report of the seventh day arrived as scheduled.

This report is still held in the Great Hall of Peking University.

Because Li Mu said that the proofs of the Polignac conjecture and the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture should be presented in this report, and such a proof, only the auditorium of the entire Beijing University is suitable. \b

Otherwise, when they go to Beijing University, they are still unwilling to let someone like Fan Pairen be on the rostrum of their auditorium.


"Why can't Peng Chuan get through on the phone..."

In Fan Pairen's hotel room, he was frantically calling Peng Chuan.

At this time, his hair was a little messy, his eyes were bloodshot, and his complexion looked very bad.

The day before the report started, the video released by the Huaguo Mathematical Society caught him by surprise.

The overwhelming sound of cursing came directly to him.

Netizens are like this. Although they can't keep the whole picture and don't comment, as long as they know who is right and who is wrong, they will immediately stand on the right side.

And this also brought great pressure to Fan Pairen.

The chairman of their school called again, indicating that as long as he did not handle this matter well, the school would dismiss him.

And Peng Chuan didn't know why, his attitude had become ambiguous since a few days ago, but now, the report was about to start, but he couldn't get through the phone.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door.

The only people who knew that he lived here were Peng Chuan and Shi Lei, a reporter from Pu Peng News.

Could it be Peng Chuan who came to find him?

He hurried to open the door, and was disappointed to find that the person who knocked was Shi Lei.

Shi Lei was sweating profusely, and when he saw Fan Pairen, he became angry: "What are you doing in Moji? The report is about to start, do you know?"

Shi Lei, who used to talk about Professor Fan, now gets bored seeing Fan Pairen, but there is no way, now he and Fan Pairen are grasshoppers on the same line, and Fan Pairen still needs to do a good job in this report.

"Are you ready for the report? I have already told you that even if you only talk about useful content for 10 minutes, and drag the rest for half an hour, you can still prove yourself, you know?"


Fan Pai Ren hesitated.

What can he prepare? \b

He couldn't understand Li Mu's report at all, and he couldn't help it if he wanted to become himself.

"Don't tell me, you are not prepared for anything." Shi Lei asked with a frown.

"I... I'm ready."

"That's fine. It only needs 10 minutes of content. For the rest of the content, you can express all kinds of thoughts. Tell me about how you became interested in mathematics when you were young, how you studied mathematics when you grew up, and how you paid for it. No matter how much hard work and effort you put in, the simple method is to sell yourself miserably, so that you can gain the sympathy of some people, do you understand?" Shi Lei said.

"I see."

Shi Lei nodded, looked at the time, and said, "It's time to go, it's less than an hour away."

Fan Pairen asked again: "Do you know where Peng Chuan went? I called him but couldn't reach him."

Shi Lei was taken aback: "Peng Chuan can't get in touch?"

He also quickly took out his mobile phone and called Peng Chuan, but no one answered in the end.

"Damn it, this shit." Shi Lei raised his phone and almost fell out of it, but he thought it was bought with a bonus of one month's salary, so he put it down.

Originally, he came to interview Fan Pairen under the contact of Peng Chuan. He thought that if he caught a hot spot, he would be able to get promoted and raise his salary.

As for the impact on Li Mu's pride in Huaguo mathematics?

He was never proud of it, and certainly never cared.

However, since yesterday, the editor-in-chief, who had praised him greatly before, called him with various phone calls and scolded him bloody. The situation he faced was not much better than that of Fan Pairen.

Now, Peng Chuan, who was his informant, slipped away too?

Seeing Shi Lei's performance, Fan Pairen finally realized that Peng Chuan had given up on him.

Suddenly, Shi Lei grabbed his shoulders, his face twisted a little: "Listen, you must finish the report for me later, I don't want to spend the rest of my life wandering, just remember this, do you understand?"

"I see……"

"Remember it!" Shi Lei then grabbed Fan Pairen's arm: "Let's go, go to the Beijing Auditorium."


The auditorium of Shangjing University was once again full of voices.

And this time there are more media, everyone wants to know how this academic event will end.

Academic incidents are very common in academia. People often want to question or criticize the views of well-known scholars intentionally, or gossip about them, in order to gain popularity.

It's just that this time the protagonist who was touched was Li Mu, and the topic of Pengci was the twin prime number conjecture, a heavyweight problem in mathematics, so it brought great heat.

On the first row of seats, Yuan Xiang, Lian Zhengxing, Yu Liang and others had already taken their seats.

"Is Fan Pairen here?"

"It seems to have come, the news from the school gate, he was surrounded by a group of reporters, bloodthirsty ants, attracted by carrion, really match."

They don't have a good impression of reporters now.

"Hehe, he really dares to come, I hope he won't run away later."

"By the way, who is behind the smearing of Li Mu has been investigated?"

"Not yet, but it should be available after today. The Shanghai Municipal Government has already put pressure on Pu Peng News. As long as that reporter Shi Lei speaks out, we will know who it is."

"However, they probably still have to look at the situation of this report. I'm afraid they hope that Fan Pairen will be shocked."

"It's a joke, if you don't hit the south wall and don't look back, if I make this person startled, I will write my last name upside down."

They have already made a decision, and Fan Pairen will interrupt immediately if there is something wrong with what he said later.

As for respecting the speaker?

Just kidding, the premise is that it deserves respect.

"Then Li Mu is ready?"

"Should be ready too, he looks quite confident."

"Well, then let Li Mu go first, and bring a little shock to the mathematics world and Fan Pairen first."

They chatted with ease.

Fan Pairen, and Pu Peng News who gave him a platform have been completely manipulated by them.

They can't control the Pu Peng news, can't the Shanghai Municipal Government also control it?

After receiving the report they submitted, the Shanghai stock market immediately paid attention to it. Of course, Li Mu is also the pride of the Shanghai stock market, and it is very likely that he will stay in the Shanghai stock market to develop in the future. Although Pu Peng News also has some background, but with Compared with such a talent, can he be considered a der?

Therefore, Yuan Xiang and the others had nothing to worry about.


At the same time, it was still in the backstage lounge.

Li Mu sat quietly on the sofa alone.

Close your eyes and enter your mind.

"Hmm... 5 hours and 13 minutes left in the ultimate overclocking state, which is really a good thing."

In the past few days, he has been in the hotel, studying the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture.

During the period, he also used the ultimate overclocking state a little bit.

Therefore, with a certain foundation and inspiration in itself, Hardy-Littlewood conjectured that it officially became a past tense in his hands.

It should be called the Hardy-Littlewood-Lee theorem in the future.

And the change in the direction of public opinion in the past two days also made him feel comfortable.

Suddenly, I heard the conversation of the people next to me.

Fan Pai Ren is here already?

The corner of his mouth lifted slightly.

Then let him use this report to send Fan Pairen the last journey of his mathematics career.

People are good at being bullied, in order to avoid such academic incidents from happening in the future, he will not be relentless.


Time passed quickly and the report officially began.

Li Mu played first.

The ppt is opened, because it is made temporarily, so it is very simple, with black characters on a white background.

But the amount of information shocked the audience.

[Proof: Polignac's conjecture and Hardy-Littlewood conjecture]

Everyone's eyes widened.

How long has it been?

Li Mu really wants to solve the Polignac conjecture?

What you said at the beginning is actually true? ?


What the hell is the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture? ! !


[These two chapters add up to about 7000 words, counting the chapters in the morning, there should be 1w1, please ask for a monthly pass! 】

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