Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 155 The world of mathematics: Li Mu proved it again? 【4K characters】

Li Mu's last few steps only took him less than two minutes.

But the splendor of it made everyone in the audience dumbfounded.

At this moment, they all want to ask Li Mu how he came up with the new polynomial he constructed.

Is this really "easy to get" by observing the original formula?

They don't understand.

Originally they thought that Li Mu would come up with a series of derivations, and finally successfully constructed this formula to offset other terms in P(n+1).

It's not like it is now, it's over before they can react.

It was not until a long time passed that the audience woke up like a dream, and then burst into warm applause.

The applause that should be given still needs to be given.

And this also means that the Polignac conjecture is the same as the twin prime conjecture—out!

Amid the applause, Li Mu bowed slightly.

Next, he said: "Next, let's ask questions for 5 minutes. If there are any problems in the proof, you can ask questions now."

As soon as his words came out, there were so many people in the audience, but none of them raised their hands.

Regarding Li Mu's proof, they either understood it all and sighed in their hearts, or they encountered problems in a certain step and could not understand - of course, these problems all stemmed from their own lack of ability.

The questions at this time are generally questions about possible contradictions or disputes in Li Mu's proof.

As for asking questions simply because they didn't understand, they were embarrassed.

All of a sudden, the audience looked at me and I looked at you, and it seemed a little silent.

Until finally, in the first row, someone finally raised his hand.

It's none other than Qiu Chengtong.

Li Mu looked over and said with a smile, "Professor Qiu, please ask."

There was a staff member next to him, who quickly handed Qiu Chengtong a microphone.

Qiu Chengtong stared at Li Mu and asked, "Did you directly see the polynomial you constructed in the end? Just like what you said just now, it is easy to construct this formula by observing the original formula."

Li Mu nodded slightly: "Yes."

Qiu Chengtong couldn't help but exclaimed: "Amazing, amazing mathematical intuition."

He shook his head and sat down emotionally.

And at this time, everyone in the audience suddenly realized.

That's right, mathematical intuition.

Although mathematics is a subject that requires rigorous reasoning, there are often intuitions in it.

The famous German mathematician Felix Klein, that is, the master of geometry who once proposed the Klein bottle, said this: Those who advance mathematics are mainly those who have excellent intuition, not those who use A person who is good at strict proof methods.

Including Hardy also said that he attaches the most importance to creativity derived from intuition, because he has had close cooperation with the famous genius mathematician Ramanujan, and Ramanujan, as one of the most famous geniuses in the history of mathematics, has There are nearly 4,000 mathematical formulas created by intuition, and many of these mathematical formulas are correct in the verification of later generations.

But it is clear that only top-level mathematical geniuses can possess this kind of mathematical intuition.

In the face of such geniuses, other mathematicians would feel unbelievable and ashamed of their intuition.

Undoubtedly, the current Li Mu had already given them this feeling.

The polynomials constructed by relying on intuition, even if they want to break the sky, cannot be "easy to get" like Li Mu.

All of a sudden, all kinds of uproar and amazed voices resounded in the auditorium.

This is the most intuitive feeling that a mathematical genius can bring to people!

At the same time, the position in the last row.

There are many media reporters here, who are setting up cameras and filming this report.

Among them, Shi Lei was also inside.

He hadn't listened to Li Mu's report just now, but responded to their Pu Peng news leader's questioning on his mobile phone, because his leader had been asking about the situation of his report.

Their private media has published many such controversial and hot news in the past, and many of them have been confirmed to be rumors.

However, these have also become the main reasons for the relatively rapid development of their media.

Therefore, even though they are now under greater pressure from above, they still want to squeeze out the last bit of value of this news.

And for this, we need to see whether Fan Pairen's report can achieve the effect they want.

[Director Liang, you can rest assured. I have already emphasized to Fan Pairen that there must be no problem. He is also a professor at a university. Although he is only a deputy, it is just a report, so there should be no big problem. 】

As soon as he sent the news, he heard an uproar in his ears.

He froze for a moment, looked up, and saw those scholars talking about something in surprise.

He couldn't help but curiously asked his colleagues next to him: "What happened, brother?"

A reporter from another nearby replied: "It was Li Mu who proved the Polyignac conjecture, and then it seemed that he proved it directly with some intuition. These mathematicians were very surprised."

Speaking of this, the reporter became emotional: "Made, why do you think we don't have this kind of mathematical intuition, otherwise I would still be a reporter here? The monthly income is 1,800, and I laugh all day long. How can I be like others? At the age of only 20, he has already made a report on such a big scene, and he can still have an impact on the international stage."

Shi Lei was silent for a moment, then said: "People are like this, there are always gaps."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of the gap between Fan Pairen and Li Mu.

It also made him regret accepting the news even more.

Suddenly the reporter next to him took another look at Shi Lei and said, "Oh, you are the Pu Peng reporter who interviewed Fan Pairen, right?"

Shi Lei was taken aback, "How do you know?"

"Are you really? I just said that your voice is a little familiar." The reporter next to him moved a few steps to the side in disgust, and at the same time spat: "Damn, bad luck."

Afterwards, the reporter also told the other colleagues beside him about Shi Lei's identity.

The others immediately glanced at Shi Lei with disgust on their faces.

Not all reporters admire Shi Lei, who is famous for his controversial news.

But Shi Lei has become a street mouse in their line of business, which everyone hates.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, and resentment suddenly arose in his heart.

When today's report is over, as long as Fan Pairen can delay it, he will still be a star reporter of Pu Peng News.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully...

Suddenly at this moment, someone shouted: "Fan Pairen is gone! He seems to have run away!"

Everyone was taken aback, and looked at Fan Pairen's position in the first row.

His position was originally assigned to the seat on the farthest side of the first row, but now, there was no one in this seat.

At this moment, everyone in the audience began to discuss, and finally evolved into bursts of laughter, and the entire auditorium was full of joy.

This joke made them all laugh.

It's just that the fun belongs to others, Shi Lei only felt that he was out of place. \b

When he heard the news, he was immediately stunned.


Fan Pai Ren ran away?

He looked over and saw Fan Pairen, who was nowhere to be seen, and almost jumped up from his seat.

Why did this person run away?

What should he do?

He quickly took out his mobile phone and called Fan Pairen, but the phone was also disconnected, and he kept reminding that the other party was in the middle of the call, please try again later.

Immediately, he realized that he had been blocked.

"Oh shit!"

He wished he could catch Fan Pairen and beat him up.

Where does this put him?

Fan Pairen ran away, what else should he do?

And at this moment, his mobile phone rang again, and it was from his leader.

[I was watching the live broadcast, Fan Pairen ran away? How did it happen? 】

Seeing this news, Shi Lei's heart suddenly turned cold, feeling that the leader kept asking him those things just now while watching the live broadcast?

He held the mobile phone in his hand, didn't know how to reply, and finally could only type: [I'll go find him now]

Leader: [Go quickly, if you can't find it, just wait! 】

Shi Lei gritted his teeth, then quickly left his seat and ran out.

But apart from him, everyone at the scene didn't care about Fan Pairen's departure except for laughing, and even thought that this guy was sensible. \b

After all, whether they run or not is just for fun. If they run, they don't need to read his report later, so as not to waste forty-five minutes of meaningless.

In the first row, Yuan Xiang, Lian Zhengxing and the others were also discussing.

"When did this man run away?"

They are also curious.

"I do not know."

Everyone else shook their heads.

I was listening to Li Mu's report just now, who cares about Fan Pairen.

"Didn't the students at the door notice?"

"Let me ask." Lian Zhengxing recruited a student volunteer.

After asking, I found out that when Li Mu was constructing the polynomial just now, Fan Pairen excused himself to go to the bathroom and went out. Of course, those students didn't stop him.

At that time, they were also concerned about the last step of Li Mu's proof.

As a result, Fan Pairen hadn't come back after so long, and they realized that this person had run away.

"Tsk, just run away." Lian Zhengxing waved his hand: "I'll tell the security office to let them keep this person when they see him. They have created rumors on the Internet and brought such a big social disturbance." Impact, still want to run?"

"By the way, let him explain who is helping him behind the scenes."

Others nodded one after another: "Yes, that's what we should do."

If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, this Fan Pairen has already entered, and you still want to run away?

How can it be?

At this time, Qiu Chengtong also temporarily put aside his prejudice against the School of Mathematics of Shangjing University, and praised: "This time, your Peking University handled it well. It seems that you can still make normal decisions."

Lian Zhengxing replied, "You still need to evaluate this?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Yuan Xiang could only quickly say: "Okay, two, Li Mu's report will start immediately, so let's not talk about it."

Both of them snorted again and said no more.

on the rostrum.

Regarding what happened next, Li Mu just smiled lightly and did not comment.

In fact, after Fan Pairen left just now, he had already discovered it.

With the computer in his mind, he can remember all the people in the seats, and he can naturally find out when the people leave.

But as I said before, Fan Pairen has never been a key figure, and there is no key figure.

He just needs to do a good job of his own proof.

Simply say: "It seems that my report is not that attractive, but it's okay, there are so many real mathematicians on our field who are still here, and I also thank you for your support."

"Of course, if it looks like this, I have another 45 minutes of time, which is more sufficient now, so don't worry about not being enough."

Everyone present laughed humorously.

"Then five minutes or so has passed, and we move on to the next topic, the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture."

Li Mu walked to the side of the small blackboard again.

"Then let's get started."

Immediately, he picked up the blackboard pen and started writing on it.

"Before proving the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture, we first shift our attention from the twin prime number conjecture to the prime number theorem."


The classic prime number theorem is known to almost everyone in the mathematics world.

"The prime number theorem gives the asymptotic distribution of prime numbers, and the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture gives the asymptotic distribution of twin prime numbers."

"The prime number theorem has been proved, and it is obvious that all twin prime arrays also exist in the asymptotic distribution of the prime number theorem."

"Then what we have to do is very simple, that is how to extract those non-twin prime numbers from it."

"Not much nonsense, let's start directly."

Li Mu then wrote a few steps first.

Qiu Chengtong saw it, and immediately reacted: "Is this... the theory of divergence?"

He thought for a moment, and his eyes lit up, "A good idea."

"See how he uses the theory of divergence next."

And Zhang Yitang on the other side also nodded slightly: "It is indeed a good idea, but it is still a bit difficult to use. Let's see how he will deal with it."

Many people sitting in the first row also nodded slightly.

They were all able to understand Li Mu's intentions a little bit.

However, it was limited to those sitting in the first row. Their math ability was at the top of the field, but it was completely incomprehensible to most people in the back row.

Divergence theory?

Some of them may not even know what divergent theory is.

Ever since, ninety-nine percent of the people in the audience fell into a daze.

The Hardy-Littlewood conjecture is an enhanced version of the twin prime conjecture, which is inherently more difficult.

It is no surprise that this happens.

But Li Mu obviously won't give a special explanation for those who don't understand.

Mathematics is like this. Those who understand it are enough, and those who don't understand don't have to force it.

Time passed.

And at the same time.

The news of Li Mu's report was not only spread within the country, but also traveled across the ocean and brought it overseas.

The world mathematics community is numb again.

Not long after the proof of the twin prime number conjecture, Li Mu wanted to prove two other conjectures at the same time in a report?

And... the Polignac conjecture has been proven successful?

They just finished reading Li Mu's translation of the process of proving the twin prime number conjecture, and they haven't recovered from the shock, and now he's going to work on the other two versions?

Huge gift crab!


[4k words for this chapter, 8k words for today's two chapters]

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