Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 166 The particle physics world is shaking, and the standard model is questioned?

With the end of the meeting, the entire Institute of High Energy Physics went straight into the busyness.

Under the first example given by Li Mu, all the researchers in the Institute changed their previous search method like headless chickens, and immediately had experience and instructions.

They began to search for the things they wanted in this huge data.

In this way, in about one month, they analyzed and studied more than 100,000 sets of collision data, and finally screened out 127 signal cases of Zcs (3985).

In the global sense, the signal significance reached 5.3 standard deviations.

127 samples are enough to prove that this is the new particle they want to find!

With the excitement of all the researchers in the institute, they carefully organized and counted the entire analysis process and experimental data, and finally formed a paper, which was published on the preprint website arxiv.

Obviously, the discovery of any new particle is a major breakthrough for physics.

Therefore, in just a few days, the entire physics community, especially the high-energy physics community, was shaken by this huge achievement of the Huaguo Institute of High-Energy Physics.

Since Zcs, a candidate state of latent and charming tetraquarks containing strange quarks, was predicted in various theoretical models, the high-energy physics community has been trying to find such particles.

As for why it has been prophesied, there is still a need to search for it?

For the same reason, physics is an experimental science after all, even though it still respects and values ​​the conclusions drawn by logical reasoning.

Especially for particle physics.

The particle that has been predicted in particle physics is not only Zcs (3985), a strange hadron, and it is not even the most famous among these predicted particles. For now, it is considered by physicists The famous particles predicted by us, but not yet discovered, belong to three types: supersymmetric particles, magnetic monopoles, and antimatter particles.

And those particles that have been predicted and confirmed in experiments, the most famous one is the Higgs particle-the one that is jokingly called the "God" particle because it gives other particles their mass.

That's right, the weight problem that human beings hate is brought about by this particle.

In the beginning, the existence of the Higgs particle was predicted by Higgs in the derivation of the Standard Model.

Since then, particle physicists have gone crazy trying to find the particle, but just how crazy?

The hadron collider LHC built in the headquarters of CERN is the masterpiece of this madness.

The purpose of LHC's original design was to verify the existence of the Higgs particle, so it was built for 14 years, with a total cost of nine billion euros, which was nine billion euros around 2000.

And this is just the cost. In the following years, they still need to spend 120 million euros to maintain the Hadron Collider. \b

Such is the madness of particle physicists over this God Particle. \b

Therefore, the God particle is also called "the damn particle" by physicists.

But in any case, for these particle physicists, all this is worthwhile, because the composition of any elementary particle represents the truth of the universe and the truth of the world.

It is also what physicists are after.

Therefore, the discovery of Zcs (3985) is also for the same reason.

Because it is also the basic composition of this universe.


Outside the CERN headquarters, on a lawn, an interview was going on.

The reporter from bcc held a microphone in his hand and respectfully asked the old man in front of him: "Dr. Any thoughts?"

Dr. Higgs, yes, this old man is Peter Higgs who predicted the existence of the Higgs particle.

He is 91 years old this year, but this does not change his enthusiasm for physics research.

So he still sticks to the front line of the Hadron Collider, and occasionally even comes to accept interviews when he becomes interested.

It's just that the elderly physicist first made rigorous corrections to the reporter's question.

"It's not a four-quark strange hadron, but a hidden charm four-quark candidate state strange hadron with a mass of about 3.98 billion electron volts."

The reporter was taken aback, and then said apologetically, "Oh, sorry, it was my mistake. You know, this long list of words is really hard to remember."

Higgs waved his hand: "There's no need to pay too much attention to it. In fact, it's pretty good that you can remember that it's a tetraquark."

"As for your question, what I want to say is that the discovery of any new particle can give me the feeling that the Higgs particle was discovered when it was discovered."

"Excitement, and joy."

"So I have only one thought about the discovery of the Huaguo Institute of High Energy Physics, and that is to offer my highest respect and thank them for their contributions."

The reporter was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Do you mean that the importance of the Higgs particle is equal to that of the four-quark er... hidden charm strange quark particle? But the Higgs particle gives other Particle mass should be more important to our universe.”

Higgs smiled and did not correct the reporter again.

He just tilted his head and asked, "Are you God's illegitimate child?"

The reporter was stunned for a moment, but did not respond, "What? What is God's illegitimate child?"

Higgs smiled: "Since you are not God's illegitimate child, then don't speculate about God, or the idea of ​​the universe."

"Our universe, composed of all kinds of particles we have discovered and particles that have not been discovered, cannot exist without one."

"It's like there are more than 200 different cells in our human body. Among them, can you tell which cell is useless? Can you imagine what a human being will be like if one of these cells is missing ?"

"Therefore, for any elementary particle, there is no distinction between high and low, because no one can imagine what our universe will be like without any of these particles, and whether it will be destroyed on the spot."

"What's more, the new particle discovered by Huaguo scientists is definitely of great significance."

"As the first discovery of a strange hadron containing a strange quark and a charmed tetraquark in the entire high-energy physics community, it can deepen our understanding of the non-perturbative effect in quantum chromodynamics and help us understand the microstructure of strong matter, It's definitely a milestone."

After listening to Higgs' introduction, the reporter probably understood the first half of the sentence, but he could only express his bewilderment about the last sentence.

Of course, it’s not about understanding what the interviewer is saying, especially for a science reporter like them.

It is normal to interview in a daze and end in a daze.

Compared to this, he cares more about the points worth exploring in this news.

"You are quite right, and I agree with you."

He first expressed his approval, and then mentioned one thing: "In addition, I also noticed that in the paper of the Huaguo Institute of High Energy Physics, a researcher named Li Mu was specifically mentioned in that paper. It is said that the first signal case they discovered came from Li Mu’s analysis of the experimental data of Shangjing Puyi III.”

"It was also this first signal case that gave them guidance and finally made this result."

"As far as I know, this Li Mu has long been well-known in the field of mathematics. He has successively proved several famous conjectures in the field of mathematics. In terms of mathematical ability, he has been considered the most powerful candidate for the next Fields Medal."

"Then, I would like to ask Dr. Higgs, how significant do you think Li Mu's mathematical ability is to the research of particle physics?"

Hearing this question, Higgs sat up straight.

"That's a good question," he laughed.

"I have read the whole paper, and it especially pointed out the processing method used by Li Mu in the process of denoising the experimental data."

"If their discovery surprised our particle physics community, then the mathematical noise reduction scheme invented by Li Mu surprised all of our particle physicists."

"For us, the particle collider is the gun in our hands, and this noise reduction solution is an accessory that can help us stabilize the trajectory."

"But it's a pity that the noise reduction solution here is only applicable to their experiment, and it cannot be used universally."

"So I also hope to invite Li Mu to CERN to help us design the same excellent noise reduction scheme for experimental data."

"I also believe this is what every CERN researcher is looking forward to."

"Actually, we have already sent an invitation letter to Li Mu, hoping to hire him to directly serve as a researcher."

"Unfortunately, he doesn't appear to have responded yet."

The reporter suddenly showed surprise: "Are you actually directly hiring him as a researcher?"

"Look, your question has lost its standard again." Higgs shook his head, "You probably seriously underestimated the gold content of a mathematical genius."

"Oh, sorry..." The reporter quickly apologized.


However, what is the math genius Higgs said doing at this time?

"Still haven't found..."

In the dormitory provided by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Li Mu had a lot of draft paper spread out in front of him.

The particle they were looking for had been found, and the problem seemed to be solved.

But both Li Mu and other people in the research institute know that there is not yet.

Because they found only Zcs(3985)+ with one charge, and the particle in the neutral accompanying state, no matter how much data they analyzed, they still haven’t found the existence of its signal.

For such a situation, other researchers, including academicians, are very calm.

Because they are used to it.

If they can discover two kinds of new particles one after another, they may wonder if they will run out of luck for several years.

But Li Mu did not give up. \b\b

For so long, he has screened the experimental data several times, but he still hasn't found it.

In this regard, he believes that there must be some problems.

"But now from the experimental data, we can't find any problems."

"Could it be that there is a problem with the current theory?"

Li Mu couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

And this questioning represents a questioning of the standard model.

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