Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 291 Definitely next time

Time passed quickly, and December 10th finally arrived.

The Nobel Prize award ceremony is held every year on December 10, because this day is Nobel's birthday.

More than a hundred years ago, Nobel, as a wealthy man and an expert in the development of explosives, successfully found a way to safely detonate unstable nitroglycerine explosives during his lifetime. Diatomaceous earth explosives are even more popular around the world.

Perhaps, to a certain extent, what Nobel developed became the main culprit that killed thousands of people in the war. Even at the beginning of its development, it was used because of the failure of the experiment. His younger brothers were killed in the bombing.

But in the end, he donated all his wealth after his death and established the Nobel Prize as a scientific award, probably to make up for his regrets.

However, maybe he never imagined that a plan he made before his death would have such a huge impact later on.

The Nobel family no longer has to make money by selling explosives, but can make money by giving money to others.


The bells rippled in the sky over Stockholm, as if announcing that something big was about to begin.

Outside the Stockholm Concert Hall, guards stood on both sides of the gate, and a red carpet was spread all the way to the parking spot outside.

Of course, on both sides of the red carpet, there were countless media who came from all over the world, standing nearby with very high-end cameras, waiting for the protagonists of tonight's ceremony to appear.

Among them, CCTV reporters who came all the way from China were naturally included.

"Hello everyone, this is the CCTV live broadcast room. Welcome all netizens to our live broadcast room. We are currently broadcasting the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. At this time, we are standing at the door of the Stockholm Concert Hall, waiting for the Nobel Prize. The arrival of the winner.”

In front of the camera, CCTV female reporter Xu Yan introduced the situation at the scene. Then she looked around and sighed: "I believe everyone can see that there are very many people at the scene."

"The Nobel Prize is one of the highest honors in human society, and because of this, its award ceremony attracts countless people every year."

"Just a few minutes ago, the three winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry have entered the concert hall with their families. Let us stay tuned for who will arrive next."

Millions of netizens have already flooded into the live broadcast room.

Although there will be live broadcasts of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in previous years, the number of people watching the live broadcasts will only be a few thousand or tens of thousands at most, but this year is different.

After all, one of their compatriots won the award this year, and thanks to CCTV's promotion, the address of the live broadcast room can be found almost casually, so it has attracted millions of netizens.

Of course, this number is constantly increasing.

In the live broadcast room, all netizens were amazed by the scene.

[There are so many people, they really deserve the Nobel Prize, they are awesome]

[Wow, let’s catch up with the live broadcast]

[The Shepherd is awesome! 】

[The Shepherd is awesome! 】

Following the comments from several netizens, the words "The Shepherd is awesome" began to appear on the barrage.

Of course, in addition to this, these netizens could not help but be amazed by the large number of people present.

After all, among the people at the scene, in addition to the media, there were also many tourists who just came to watch, and there were even more of them.

Some people came here just to meet some of the smartest people in the world.

Maybe, after being exposed to such a group of people, I can become smarter? \b

Of course, no matter what, after witnessing those big guys with their own eyes, the wisdom-filled temperament will make them feel emotional.

Just like just now, when the three winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry arrived, they were already made to feel the wisdom.

Just as people were thinking about the scene just now, several more cars suddenly drove over and finally stopped at the drop-off point.

Everyone immediately realized that this was the arrival of another Nobel Prize winner.

Countless cameras immediately focused on those cars, anticipating who would arrive first.

At this time, Thomas Perlman, who served as the Secretary-General of the Nobel Prize Committee, was already standing at the door of the middle car, and then opened the door.

Then, a young figure got out of the car.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then burst into earth-shattering cheers.

Everyone recognized that this winner was the one who caused countless shocks all over the world. He was called by the media the human being with the highest IQ in history and was called incredible by IQ research experts. A person who is regarded as an academic idol by countless scholars and students——

Li Mu.

This year's Nobel Prize winner in physics.

The live broadcast room was even more excited, and the barrage was completely filled with the word "Mu Shen", which was almost unrecognizable.

The server in the background of the live broadcast website almost crashed due to this boiling scene. Fortunately, CCTV was well prepared and did not let this happen.

No matter what, Li Mu's face once again shocked people.

For the vast majority of people who just watched and joined in the fun, when they met Li Mu before, they had only seen Li Mu from photos on the Internet and knew how young Li Mu was.

But now that they saw it with their own eyes, Li Mu's young appearance left a deep impression on them.

This reminded them of the three Nobel Prize winners in chemistry who had arrived before. \b

Of the three chemistry prize winners, the eldest is Barry Sharpless, who is 81 years old, and the other two winners, Caroline and David, are both in their fifties.

Compared with their old appearance, compared with the Li Mu in front of them now...

This made people even more surprised. \b

We are all human beings, with the same DNA composition, similar appearance, and exactly the same brain structure. Why are you so smart?

Of course, Li Mu probably couldn't give an answer to this question.

"Mr. Li, welcome." Thomas Perlman opened the door to Li Mu personally and then extended his hand to him.

"Hello Secretary Perlman."

Li Mu shook hands with him and said with a smile.

At this time, his relatives and friends also got out of the car.

Faced with such a scene, for Andrew Wiles, Yue Lang and other academically accomplished people, although it was relatively big, it did not surprise them too much.

However, for Li Mu's family, this was the first time they had seen such a scene.

Li Mu's grandparents had already changed into formal clothes. When they were trying on clothes a few days ago, the two old people, who had been wearing ordinary clothes all their lives, were still a little uncomfortable with it. \b

With the support of Father Li and Mother Li, looking at so many onlookers and various cameras, the two old people couldn't help but said: "I never thought I would be able to experience such a scene in my life."

Of course, the same is true for Father Li and Mother Li. This scene is also the first time for them. Even if they are not the protagonists in these shots, their presence is definitely indispensable in those shots. .

As for Li Ruyu and Yun Rongshang, both of them are now wearing evening dresses. With their young and beautiful appearance, they have attracted a lot of shots.

This has also caused many people to speculate on their identities.

Of course, the two women were quite excited at this time.

Walking on the red carpet has a special meaning in the hearts of many girls. Of course, for Li Ruyu and Yun Rongshang, this meaning may not be that important, and they don't even care much about it, but at this time, They also felt the feeling of being in the spotlight.

Of course, in the end, they all set their sights on Li Mu who was walking at the front.

At this time, as the real protagonist, how would Li Mu feel in his heart?

In fact, Li Mu didn't feel much at all, because he had already enjoyed the same scene at the Wolf Prize and Fields Medal.

There's really not much to say.

He chatted with the secretary-general Thomas Perlman next to him, while walking towards the entrance of the Stockholm Concert Hall. Suddenly, at this moment, he saw someone waving hello to him out of the corner of his eye.

Turning around, he saw two Chinese people waving to him. Of course, the most obvious one was the four letters representing CCTV.

Li Mu thought for a while, and then walked up. Everyone waved to him, so it was normal for him to go over and say hello.

Seeing Li Mu approaching, Xu Yan's face suddenly became excited, then she raised the microphone in her hand and said to the camera: "Li Mu has seen us and is walking towards us."

The live broadcast room was even more excited. Although Li Mu could not see their barrage, these netizens also sent barrage frantically to say hello to Li Mu.

Finally, Li Mu came over.

"Mr. Li Mu, congratulations!"

"Haha, thank you." Li Mu smiled and expressed his gratitude.

Xu Yan was also very excited when she talked to Li Mu for the first time, "Now we are doing a live broadcast. There are already more than 5 million netizens in the live broadcast room to watch your award ceremony. "

"Oh? So many?" Li Mu showed a surprised expression, and then smiled and waved to the camera: "Hello everyone, thank you for your attention. This is my honor."

【Fuck! The faun greeted me! 】

【Obviously you are saying hello to me! 】

[The Shepherd is so handsome! 】

[How can you be so smart and so handsome? 】

[I’ll go straight to my husband! 】

[Isn’t your ID a male? 】

[Can’t men call me husband? Husband, please say something quickly! 】

Of course, Li Mu could not see these comments from netizens, and he did not say much to Xu Yan. Of course, Xu Yan also knew that this was not the time to interview Li Mu, so she quickly waved goodbye to Li Mu.

Li Mu left here and finally entered the Stockholm Concert Hall.

In the Stockholm Concert Hall, in sharp contrast to the noise outside, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra played classical music, filling the entire concert hall with a solemn and elegant atmosphere.

People generally listen to the music quietly. Even if they want to talk, they will only whisper to the people next to them instead of making noise loudly.

Li Mu and his relatives and friends also sat down under the arrangement of the on-site staff.

In this way, time passed quickly.

All the Nobel Prize winners arrived, as did those who were invited to attend the award ceremony.

Finally, the award ceremony officially began.

Karl-Henrik Hedin, Chairman of the Nobel Foundation, walked out first and gave a welcome speech.

Then came the formal awards ceremony.

Anders Ilbak, from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Nobel Prize Selection Committee in Physics, came out. \b

At this time, the music of the Philharmonic Orchestra had stopped. He stood in front of the podium, glanced at the people present, and then said: "The selection of the Nobel Prize in Physics has always been a difficult thing."

"Because in the past few decades, we have had too many physicists who have made outstanding achievements, and it is very difficult to select the most unobjectionable candidates."

"And during such a long wait, some friends left with regrets, such as Professor Hawking, who is very familiar to us all."

"Of course, his results were eventually widely recognized. In 2020, his collaborator Roger Penrose also successfully won our Nobel Prize in Physics for Professor Hawking."

"But this year, that was shattered. I have never chosen such an easy physics prize, including the other judges on our selection committee."

"None of us can question the greatness of the dimensional force theory."

"It explains for us too many things that the physics community could not explain in the past, and it also predicts too many things that the physics community could not imagine in the past."

"And its proposer, Li Mu, is also so wise that he can use the symbols on the tip of his pen to explain the mysteries of the universe."

"If Spinoza's God really exists, then I think Li Mu will be the pope of this God in this world."

"Then, let us congratulate Mr. Li Mu for winning this year's Nobel Prize in Physics."

"He used his wisdom to point out the way forward for the development of our physics community. He deserves such an award!"

Having said this, Anders Ilbach was the first to smile and applaud.

Of course, the entire audience also applauded afterwards. \b

In the audience, Li Mu smiled slightly, and the camera next to him was already focused on him.

He stood up and walked towards the front desk.

The ground at the award ceremony site was covered with a blue carpet, and in the center, there was an [N], which represented Nobel.

King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden was already standing on the N word, watching Li Mu approach.

The two shook hands, and Gustav said: "Congratulations, young man - haha, I have awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for so many years. Only to you can I call you 'young man'."

Li Mu smiled and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty the King. Everyone has their youth. I just happened to be experiencing such a moment."

"Haha, you're right."

Gustav smiled and nodded.

Then, he took a gift box from the side and opened the lid of the gift box. Inside was the Nobel medal.

"Then, this medal will be officially awarded to you. This is an honor. For past winners, this is the goal they have struggled for their whole life, but for you, this is also an inspiration. I hope that in the future, you can create more great results.”


Li Mu expressed his thanks again.

Then came the photo session, with Li Mu taking a photo with the king, and then a photo alone.

Of course, generally speaking, if you have a partner, you will take photos with your partner at this time, like Ms. Tu Youyou back then, but now Li Mu can only take photos by himself.

Seeing this, Gustav smiled and said: "Don't you have a partner to take a photo with you?"

Li Mu also smiled and said: "Definitely next time."

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