Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 293 The most powerful blogger in history shares

Pushing Yun Rongshang away, Li Mu stared. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been bitten.

"You really are a dog!"

"Who told you to call me a puppy!"

"You just said you knew me as a puppy."

"I didn't tell you. "

Li Mu shook his head: "Forget it, I won't argue with you."

"But why don't you confess to your mother?"

"My mother..." Yun Rongshang was silent for a moment and then said, "Maybe she is more like your sister."

Li Mu: "...Okay, I probably understand."

The two were silent for a while, and after a while, they spoke again at the same time.

Li Mu: "You should be graduating soon, right?"

Yun Rongshang: "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

The two people were stunned and looked at each other.

Yun Rongshang's cheeks blushed slightly, and then she hurriedly said, "Yes, I will finish my master's degree next year."

Li Mu also came to his senses, smiled slightly, and then asked: "Are you studying for a Ph.D.?"

"This is still under consideration."

Sitting on the bench next to her, Yun Rongshang raised her head and looked at the night sky.

"For those who study finance, the requirements for a doctorate are not particularly high. A master's degree can almost meet the requirements of most positions. So after I considered whether to take up a job, I then studied for a doctorate. .”

"Of course, I will be busier in this case. The company where I work may think I have too much work and fire me."

Li Mu smiled and said: "With your master's degree in finance from Oxford University, no company will kick you out, right?"

"Who knows? After all, we all know that academic requirements are getting higher and higher." Yun Rongshang shrugged.

Li Mu raised his eyebrows at this time and said with a smile: "Didn't I say it? If you come to my company, I won't kick you."

"Are you sure? Do you really want me to join your company? Your company is now a super company with a predicted valuation of ten figures. Maybe it will have the opportunity to become a unicorn company in the future." Yun Rongshang said: "You won't just ask me to be a clerk, right? After all, I'm just an ordinary master's degree graduate."

"A master's degree from Oxford is not ordinary."

Li Mu smiled and waved his hand: "And it's definitely not a clerk. Look, how about becoming... the chairman's secretary?"

Yun Rongshang smiled half-heartedly: "The chairman's secretary...isn't he your secretary?"

"Yes." Li Mu admitted.

"As long as you send me an offer, I can become your secretary now."

"What did you say?" Li Mu said and took out his mobile phone directly from his arms: "I will send you an email now."

"Well...it can be considered a direct hire from BOSS."

Yun Rongshang smiled softly, looked at the email edited by Li Mu, and then said from the side: "That's not what the offer says. Your offer has no legal effect. Also, do you have your company's electronic seal?"

"That's not true."

"Then you are trying to deceive me with a fake offer, be careful I will report you~"

Li Mu shook his head with a smile, then stopped typing and said, "Okay, okay, no more joking."

He said seriously again: "I don't have much interest in managing the company, but you also know that as the company gets bigger and bigger, I will eventually have to find a trustworthy person to manage it for me, so when the time comes After you join the company, you become the CEO."

Yun Rongshang was silent for a moment, and then said: "Why don't you go find your relatives around you to help you? Your sister, your parents."

"None of them have a master's degree in finance from Oxford University, or even know some business administration."

Li Mu said with a smile: "What's more, I have asked them before if they want to come to my company. My parents will not say anything. They are already used to their current work and do not want to leave Qin'an City. As for me, Sister..."

He spread his hands and said, "My sister is now determined to become a great biologist. She is definitely not particularly interested in things like managing a company."

"So, I can only ask you to help me."

Yun Rongshang was silent for a while, and finally smiled: "My salary requirements are not low."

"Of course there's no problem."

Li Mu smiled: "The annual base salary of one million, plus equity incentives, we have tentatively set it at... 20%. As long as you work in the company for 50 years, you can get this 2% Ten, what do you think?"

"50 years?" Yun Rongshang's eyes suddenly glared: "Does your company want to tie me up for the rest of my life?"

"Isn't it bad?" Li Mu asked back.

"No..." Yun Rongshang's voice paused, and her slightly red cheeks made her finally lower her head, "Okay."

As for whether what she said was bad or good, Li Mu didn't ask.

it is more than words.

At this time, he also raised his head and looked at the night sky.

The bright moon is like a moon disk. When converted, December 10, 2022 is equal to the 17th of the winter lunar month.

The moon on the 15th is 16 round, and today is the 17th, so the moon is still quite round.

Li Mu suddenly said at this time: "The moonlight tonight... is indeed beautiful."

Yun Rongshang's body trembled, and then she nodded silently: "Yes."

Until a moment later, she tilted her head and leaned on Li Mu's shoulder, admiring the moonlight together.

Time passed quietly.

With the end of the Nobel Prize dinner, the topic of the Nobel Prize once again reached the top of the world's major search lists.

Just like in China, almost all of the various social platforms are discussing this matter. Of course, not to mention the hot search list, the top positions have been occupied by this matter. .

Various photos and videos about Li Mu, such as the process of receiving the award and delivering a speech at the dinner party, have been uploaded all over the Internet.

[Damn it, this outfit of the Shepherd is so handsome! 】

[Is this appearance a Nobel Prize-limited appearance? Taijibao is so handsome. 】

[Legendary limited edition, price: one thousand yuan! 】

【Have you noticed? Finally, the faun seemed to have said something to the Swedish king. What were they talking about? 】

[Plus one, I want to know too]

[This is news from an external website, let me translate it briefly: After Mr. Li Mu received the award and began to take photos, His Majesty the King asked him why he did not bring his partner to take a photo with him. Li Mu replied: Definitely next time. 】

[If it’s a good one, I’ll definitely do it next time]

[Shepherd, please take me with you next time! 】

[People are asking about friends, you are a Goba friend]

[I can go to Thailand first, and then go to South Korea]

[Then you are still awesome. 】

[Smart people have already commented on Mu Shen’s Weibo, but stupid people are still here at the barber shop. 】

[Holy crap, yes, go right away! 】

Then, Li Mu's Weibo was suddenly filled with demons. \b

Of course, due to the time difference, when it was daytime here in China, it was still late at night over there in Li Mu.

In this way, until the sun rose in Sweden on December 11, Li Mu in the hotel room also got up on time with the help of his biological clock.

The heating in the room was turned on fully, making it very warm.

I opened the curtains and looked outside. It was sunny and windy.

Recalling last night, after he and Yun Rongshang sat on that bench for a while, Yun Rongshang fell asleep leaning on his shoulder, which made him feel dumbfounded.

Of course, after that, he simply hugged the princess and returned to the room. Of course, he sent her back to her and Li Ruyu's room.

The expression Li Ruyu looked at him when he opened the door was like looking "worse than a beast".

Shaking his head, while washing and brushing his teeth, he took out his mobile phone and took a look. Sure enough, the unread messages on Weibo exploded again. Private messages in the background and so on. The upper limit can only display 999+. Otherwise, the number might not be there. It takes up a long column.

Of course, he also turned to the last Weibo he posted a long time ago.

Tsk tsk, the number of replies has soared again. I don’t know how much. He conservatively estimated that it might be as high as 100,000.


Then he would just move his fingers and open up a new position for these netizens to reply to their comments.

So after washing up, he found his Nobel medal and certificate of honor. He put the two together and took a photo. By the way, he found another one that he had given to himself before. Take a group photo of all honors, such as the Wolf Prize, Fields Medal, Dirac Medal and other honors, and then upload the two photos together.

At the same time, the text is: [Complete the various prizes obtained in the past, and hope to continue to work hard in the future! (PS: Never give up learning)]

Then, click Send.

In this way, what was commented as the most awesome blogger in the history of Weibo was born.

When Li Mu's tens of millions of fans discovered this host's Weibo, they immediately went crazy.

[Holy shit, what are these? My eyes are blind! 】

[You are so good at pretending, I can’t see clearly, I really can’t see clearly! 】

[Oh my God, this is the Nobel Prize that Shepherd just won. The second photo is the Fields Medal and the Wolf Medal...Wori, you can’t afford to offend, God’s Weibo is always related to ordinary people Something is different. 】

[I have been surfing Weibo for so many years, and I have never seen such awesome photo sharing. Wori, brother, can you give me a piece of it? 】

[This is the most awesome sharing]

[Let me give you a quick translation, what is written on the Nobel Prize certificate? And what is that abstract-looking painting about? 】

[I’m very proud. For me, the words on the certificate are all in Swedish. The translation is: Great physics, great scholar, you have penetrated the shell of the basic force and found the soul hidden in it. Congratulations. , we commemorate your masterpiece with the Nobel Prize in Physics!

As for the abstract painting... I guess it represents dimensional force. I'm not a painter, so I can't understand it.]

[Nobel Prize certificates are so abstract. Is this the world of highly intelligent businessmen? 】

【You can only worship but not play with it. 】

【Do you still want to play with it? 】

Just as Li Mu thought, after he posted a new Weibo, those netizens immediately changed their positions and came to Li Mu's new Weibo to start replying. In the end, the number of comments casually exceeded one. million, and it continues to soar. Of course, such popularity has also made his Weibo post a hot search. The title of the hot search is: Shared by the Strongest Blogger in History.

Li Mu has such appeal that many companies want to contact him and ask him to post Weibo advertisements, etc. The asking price has reached tens of millions, which means that Li Mu can earn tens of millions by posting a Weibo post. Yuan.

Of course, Li Mu never responded to this kind of thing.

Including his Weibo, he didn’t read it much after he posted it.

After the Nobel Prize ceremony, as a Nobel Prize winner, he usually needs to hold a lecture related to the award-winning theme at the award-winning institution.

In this regard, Li Mu chose to go to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to give this lecture the day after the Nobel Prize was awarded.

Of course, his lecture also attracted countless audiences, and also received numerous praises.

Because he re-introduced the dimensional force theory in a relatively simple and easy-to-understand way, it can help other researchers better understand this theory, and it can also help those students. Master this new theory.

After finishing this matter, things here were completely over. After putting his relatives and friends on the plane, he and the group of people who came from Oxford returned to Oxford University.

The gears of time never stopped turning, and six months passed quietly.

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