Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 306 Holding a Press Conference

Time passed quickly.

After Zhang Liangwei took the plan proposed by Li Mu to Beijing again, the matter of room-temperature superconductors was generally considered to have come to an end.

But it is conceivable that this huge state machine will start to operate in the next period of time.

Then based on the plan designed by Li Mu, we began to vigorously build production plants across the country.

Establishing superconducting transmission lines across the country is the only way to go and the first way.

Of course, considering the cost issue, such transmission lines will first be concentrated in those major power consumption areas, such as key national industrial zones.

In this way, the advantages of room-temperature superconductors can be maximized from the very beginning.

However, we should not forget the other uses of room temperature superconductors.

As a normal-temperature superconductor that can set off Industrial Revolution 2.5, its role is obviously not limited to power transmission.

It can even bring innovative significance to many existing technologies, as well as future technologies under development.

Let’s just say that the technical difficulty of the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument that people are familiar with now will be greatly reduced after the introduction of room temperature superconductors. After all, in the past, the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument needed to use liquid helium to cool the superconductor, and liquid helium There will be a technical problem in the pipeline layout. In addition, it is also one of the reasons why the NMR instrument is relatively large.

For room-temperature superconductors, the liquid helium pipe can be completely eliminated, making the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument "slim" and avoiding the risk of quench. The most important thing is that the liquid helium belt can be completely saved. Huge costs come.

Generally speaking, once a nuclear magnetic resonance instrument using niobium-titanium alloy as a superconducting coil quenches, the cost of adding liquid helium again is as high as about 500,000 yuan. If there is no quench, generally speaking, it will also be due to the volatilization of liquid helium. You need to add liquid helium to it later, unless you are using a nuclear magnetic resonance instrument with liquid helium zero volatilization technology.

Moreover, because of the problem of liquid helium, the price of an NMR instrument is very high.

The price of nuclear magnetic resonance instruments from advanced foreign companies often costs tens of millions of yuan.

As long as room-temperature superconductors are replaced, all these costs can be cut down. As a result, the price of a nuclear magnetic resonance instrument will also be greatly reduced.

Maybe, in the future, their domestic MRI machines will completely replace those foreign MRI machines and be sold to all hospitals in the world.

In addition to nuclear magnetic resonance instruments, room temperature superconductors are also of great significance to future technologies that are still under development. \b

The first thing worth mentioning is quantum computers. If room-temperature superconductors are used to build superconducting quantum computers, many problems existing in past research will be easily solved.

In addition, there is such a thing as superconducting chips.

As we all know, chip heating is one of the biggest problems faced by chip technology, and the fundamental reason for its heating is the resistance of the transistors inside it. Once the transistor heats up seriously, it will greatly affect the performance of the chip.

But if superconductors are used to build transistors, such a problem does not exist at all.

When the chip stops generating heat, the chip will be able to easily overclock to frequencies unimaginable for silicon-based chips.

Just like in the semiconductor industry, carbon-based chips are considered to be better than silicon-based chips. One of its major advantages is that they generate less heat than silicon-based chips.

"I heard that room-temperature superconductors can also be used to store electric current?"

In Li Mu's villa, Zhang Liangwei, who visited again after a few days, asked while drinking tea.

Li Mu smiled and nodded: "Yes, or should be said, as long as it is a superconductor, it can be used to store electricity, but room temperature superconductors are relatively more convenient."

A current is passed through a superconductor and then rolled into a coil, so that the current circulates through the superconductor.

And because superconductors have no resistance, these currents continue to flow in the superconductor until they are reconnected to the transmission line.

In this way, for example, during periods of low electricity consumption, normal temperature superconductors can be used to store the excess electricity, and then during peak periods of electricity consumption, the stored electricity can be re-inputted into the lines to make up for the lack of electricity. .

"It's really amazing!" Zhang Liangwei exclaimed: "I never thought that we could see the technology of room-temperature superconductors before. Now that it has really appeared, the functions of this thing are simply astonishing."

Li Mu smiled and said: "We can even turn this superconducting coil that stores a huge amount of electricity into an EMP bomb. In an instant, we can use the internal electricity to stimulate a powerful electromagnetic pulse, thereby destroying all kinds of enemy weapons. Electronic equipment."

"I've heard about this in the past few days." Zhang Liangwei nodded.

For a new technology, as a country, in addition to thinking about how much help this technology can bring to the economy, it will definitely also think about how much help it can provide to national defense.

So in the past two days, Zhang Liangwei has heard a lot about the technologies that normal temperature superconductors can be used in the military.

Not to mention this kind of EMP bomb, he has even heard of the electromagnetic rail gun many times.

Use normal temperature superconductors to form an acceleration orbit, and then launch the projectile in a short moment. According to theory, its maximum speed can even reach sub-light speed.

Of course, it is still too far away to discuss such things as sublight speed, but this also shows that using room temperature superconductors to build electromagnetic railguns will greatly increase the initial velocity of the projectiles.

For example, the hypersonic missiles currently being studied by countries around the world are too easy to implement for rail guns.

According to estimates, the initial speed of the rail gun can reach a terrifying 2,500 meters per second, nearly 8 times the speed of sound. After launch, although the speed of the projectile will be reduced due to air resistance, it will still have terrifying lethality and Accuracy.

In the past, the research and development of rail guns has always attracted the attention of various countries, especially China, the United States, and Russia. However, there are still many problems in terms of cost and technology.

But now, with the emergence of room-temperature superconductors, these problems may be gradually solved one by one.

Zhang Liangwei's eyes seemed to be filled with light for a moment.

He is a very idealistic person and has always had a dream of becoming a technologically powerful nation.

It's a pity that because of his brain, he doesn't have this ability.

Thinking of this, he looked inside with a little more admiration.

Li Mu couldn't stand Zhang Liangwei's gaze.

After all, Zhang Liangwei was decades older than him, so he really couldn't stand this kind of gaze.

"So, what is the purpose of Director Zhang coming to my place today? If you hope that I can also provide a bunch of application technologies for room temperature superconductors, then I will be helpless. I can't do this kind of thing alone. "

"Haha, Dean Li is joking. Of course I have something to do when I come here today, and it's a good thing."

Zhang Liangwei laughed, and then said: "Now that confidentiality measures have been implemented and perfected, the superiors feel that there is no need to waste your time anymore. Your project can be officially declared a success."

Li Mu raised his eyebrows and joked: "Declared a success? I thought it would be declared a failure."

"You're kidding, this is the first project of your scientific research institute, how could you let you declare failure?" Zhang Liangwei waved his hand: "What's more, the disclosure of room temperature superconductors is certain, and it is inevitable."

“It’s impossible not to attract the attention of people abroad just for those big actions that followed.”

"So, after it is officially made public, it will be easier for us to negotiate terms with those foreign guys in the future."

"Hey, I don't know what conditions those guys abroad have that we should care about now. Can't we make chips now?" Zhang Liangwei's face was filled with visible happiness.

In the past few years, they were not only unable to manufacture chips with advanced manufacturing processes, but they could not even design them. For example, even if they designed Kirin chips, they would not be manufactured.

However, last year, they suddenly made a breakthrough and created a chip with this advanced process, which made them famous internationally.

And now, they have a room-temperature superconductor that is probably the dream of the whole world, so how can they lose?

Li Mu smiled and said: "Okay, then I will announce to the public tomorrow that our project is successful."

"Well, after all, it is also the first topic of your scientific research institute. It needs to be announced properly. The bigger the momentum, the better." Zhang Liangwei smiled and nodded: "Then the country will cooperate with you."

"The country has always attached great importance to the development of Sheshan Research Institute, and I hope you can make good use of the catfish effect."

Li Mu nodded. As the dean, of course he would not refuse this matter.

The next day, Li Mu, president of the National Sheshan Institute of Science, officially announced that their first project after the establishment of the institute had been successfully completed, and invited major media to attend their press conference.

Such a big move immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After all, in the minds of many people, Li Mu is a relatively low-key person who would never make such a big move just because of the results of a project.

Unless...his subject is really important.

All of a sudden, all the invited media started to move, while those who were not invited also followed suit and tried their best to participate in the press conference.

Just like that, ten days later, the press conference was officially held.

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