Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 308 The world is boiling

The era of superconductivity!

When these four words came out of Li Mu's mouth, they did not bring much excitement.

On the contrary, everyone present just stared blankly at the two metal blocks in his hands.

The two pieces of metal seemed to be fixed by something invisible in the middle, making the distance between them seem to be fixed.

No matter how Li Mu's hands changed, the two could not be separated.

Unless he exerts external force on it.

Such a bright Meissner effect, among which the material that should be a superconductor, does not emit water mist caused by the liquefaction of water vapor in the air due to too low temperature.

Of course, no matter how you think about it, that piece of material cannot be low-temperature. After all, if it is really a low-temperature superconductor, then Li Mu cannot hold it directly in his hands.

Even in the summer, if you hold a sub-zero ice cube in your hand, your fragile body will feel pain after a while, let alone those ordinary superconductors.

Even high-temperature superconductors defined by the physics community are at temperatures close to liquid nitrogen. Touching liquid nitrogen can immediately cause serious injury to the skin surface, ignoring the Leidenfrost effect.

Therefore, this piece of superconducting material is definitely not the ordinary superconductor that science already has.

Then, it can only be a room temperature superconductor!

Everyone in the audience suddenly burst into silence after a short period of silence. \b

Especially those physics professors.

Their eyes widened and they stared at Li Mu's hand. \b

Zhao Yangping, a professor of condensed matter physics from Jiaotong University, exclaimed repeatedly, even forgetting that this was a public place, there were many people around, and various "modal particles" appeared frequently: "What the hell... is What the fuck? How the fuck is this possible?!”

As a professor at Jiaotong University, he and Li Mu naturally knew each other. At the same time, as an expert with deep research on superconducting physics in China, whenever news about room temperature superconductors suddenly broke out in the past, he always maintained absolute confidence. Reasonable, even when he first saw the video of South Korea's room-temperature superconductor, he said that it was true at a glance and judged to be false.

He has always been disdainful of those room-temperature superconductors, simply because he does not believe that room-temperature superconductors are so easy to develop.

But at this moment, he really couldn't hold himself any longer.

Such a standard Meissner effect made him... feel a little bit like the world was crazy.

On the other side, in the media box, the two reporters from the BCC were also stunned at this time, as if they were completely unaware that their mouths were open.

It wasn't until they came to their senses and looked at each other that they finally said the first sentence.

"McCllen, your mouth is so wide open."

"Beers, you too."

After saying that, the two were silent for a moment.

But then, professionalism still prevailed, and they clearly realized how huge the news value was.

What a coincidence. They had also interviewed the news about room-temperature superconductors in South Korea. After all, they themselves were BCC reporters in science and technology news.

However, when they thought that the "normal temperature superconductor" Li Mu was holding now was a real normal temperature superconductor, they still felt extremely incredible in their hearts.

"Humanity will enter the superconducting era..." McClun recalled Li Mu's words just now. For foreigners like them, this conference provided simultaneous translators, so they also knew what Li Mu had just said.

Finally, he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Maybe, that's really the case..."

Among the hundreds of spectators in the audience, no one could sit still at this moment. They all took out their mobile phones and began to convey the news to the outside world.

Of course, there is no need for their delivery. The tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room are no joke.

At this time, the live broadcast room had obviously already exploded.

Among them, the most numerous barrages are very unified and simple. Their pronunciation is "wo cao", or "wo cao", or "fuck", or "wo cao", and of course, There are various words that are slightly more elegant.

All in all, these audiences have been shocked by the technology announced by Li Mu.

After all, even professionals were shocked, and non-professionals like them were of course even more shocked, and there were actually many professionals in the audience of these live broadcast rooms.

Some people even immediately started to popularize science on the barrage.

[Normal temperature superconductors refer to superconductors that can achieve superconducting in a normal temperature environment. The greatest significance of this type of superconductors is that they expand the usable range of superconductors, and there is no longer the risk of quenching like ordinary superconductors. 】

[Imagine that your computer will no longer heat up, your mobile phone will no longer heat up, and your refrigerator will no longer heat up. The heat emitted will be converted into real effective power! Super power saving! 】

[I can only say that according to the quality of materials in the game, room temperature superconductors are absolutely orange materials! 】

[The orange material is considered a der. If there are no intelligent creatures that can only live in an environment above thousands of degrees Celsius, for the entire universe, this room temperature superconductor is a material that can be marked as 'unique'. For us Considering the temperature suitable for human beings, this is a special treasure inherited from the human race]

[Off topic, why did you go to the game? Anyway, in one sentence, room temperature superconductors are strong and invincible. 】

[Don’t forget the old rules and say it with me: The Shepherd is awesome! 】

[The Shepherd is awesome! 】

Later, [Mu Shen Awesome] replaced "Fuck" and became the most numerous barrage.

In fact, both professionals and non-professionals.

Thanks to the Koreans' room-temperature superconductor incident, many people have learned about the significance of room-temperature superconductors. Although there are some exaggerations, it has at least brought some basic concepts to non-professionals.

Just like that, before the press conference ended, or in less than 10 minutes after Li Mu announced that mankind had officially entered the superconducting era, there were already tens of millions of people in this vast country on the west coast of the Pacific. Got the news.

And this news is still spreading rapidly. \b

The speed of propagation is [speed of light + speed of network].

The conference site.

Li Mu, who was standing on the stage, looked at the shocked audience with a slight smile on his face.

Obviously, just waiting would not allow these people to calm down, so he said directly: "I know everyone is very excited. It is true that I was also very excited at the beginning."

"The significance of room-temperature superconductors obviously doesn't need me to say more."

"Just like so many eras that humans have gone through."

“The Stone Age, the Agricultural Age, the Steam Age, the Electric Age, and now the Information Age.”

"Perhaps the superconducting era cannot be called an era that can be divided separately, but perhaps it can also be regarded as providing an update package for our current era."

"In this update, we have added room-temperature superconductor material technology. We hope that you can use this new technology to get through this version safely."

"So - please let us all get ready!"

"My introduction is complete."

"This is the first topic of our Sheshan Research Institute. I hope everyone likes it."

Li Mu bowed slightly.

Then it was the question and answer session.

In the audience, countless hands were immediately raised, especially those from abroad. Although they only accounted for less than 20% of the number, the hands raised were not much less than those of the Chinese people who raised their hands.

Of course, the first person Li Mu called out was a reporter from CCTV.

After all, it is CCTV, so it still needs to be treated a little bit.

"Hello, Dean Li, I am CCTV reporter Yang Si." The CCTV reporter stood up and asked the first question: "I am actually very curious about one thing. According to our news, your hospital has established the first This project should only take a few months. How did you manage to research a room-temperature superconductor in just a few months?"

Li Mu smiled slightly: "It is obviously impossible to develop a room temperature superconductor in a few months. If I admit it, I am afraid it will cause more people to suspect that I am an alien, or that I have traveled back from the future, right?"

Everyone present couldn't help but smile.

One of the barrages in the live broadcast room caused many netizens to copy: [Mu Shen avoids the system, so Mu Shen is actually systematic. 】

Of course, other more serious netizens soon denied it: [What about this system? How could the God of Shepherd say "system" in this situation? It's not sure whether those foreigners understand what a system is. 】

Li Mu naturally had no time to pay attention to the barrage at this time. After everyone in the audience smiled knowingly, he continued: "Actually, regarding the research on room-temperature superconductors, ever since I started researching the theory of superconductivity It has already started. I have always focused my research on theory, but after coming to Sheshan Research Institute this year, I officially started experimental research."

"Then...probably due to better luck, I succeeded."

"So that's it." Yang Si nodded and sighed: "If it's you, Dean Li, I don't think it has anything to do with luck."

Afterwards, he said that he had no problem and sat back. Of course, asking questions was just a formality. He knew that their senior management had known the inside story for a long time, so this question was purely based on his personal wishes.

Next person.

But this time, Li Mu called out a foreign reporter.

"Hello Mr. Li, I am Tom Kermire, a reporter from CCN in the United States."

CCN is one of the largest media outlets in the United States, with full influence and weight.

"Ambient-temperature superconductors are a great achievement, and I thank you for bringing us such a technology."

"So I would like to ask, when do you plan to announce its synthesis method?"

Obviously these foreign media will definitely ask this question.

And Li Mu had already prepared his answer: "Hello, Mr. Kermil, obviously, we are not considering releasing the room-temperature superconducting material. If it were you, would you announce it?"

Tom Kermire said: "But Mr. Li, you just said that mankind will enter the superconducting era. If you don't announce it, how will mankind enter the superconducting era?"

Li Mu spread his hands: "Photolithography machines are also known as the pearls of human industry, but ASML has never announced its production methods."

Kermil was stunned for a moment, and then started to quibble: "The two are different..."

Li Mu laughed and interrupted: "No, from an abstract concept, the two are the same. Of course, you can rest assured that we will try our best to achieve the goal of the superconducting era, including the United States - as long as the United States is willing to accept it. .”

As long as the price offered by the United States satisfies us, we can't sell a few to them.

Just like when we bought a photolithography machine.

All the Chinese people present laughed.

Li Mu's words were very satisfactory to them.

And this Tom Kermire was already blushing, and then sat back.

But at this time, another reporter from South Korea shouted: "Our scientists announced the synthesis method of LKD-99!"

LKD-99 is the "normal temperature superconductor" material from South Korea.

Hearing this, Li Mu was speechless and said, "Is there a possibility that your scientists knew that LKD-99 was not a room-temperature superconductor, so they announced it?"

The Korean reporter paused, and the whole audience burst into laughter. Even other foreign media looked at the Korean reporter as if he were an idiot.

How could he have the nerve to say this kind of question...

Li Mu shook his head, and then asked several reporters to answer questions.

Until the end, this press conference was completely over.

Of course, what followed was explosive world news.

Not everyone is a scientist, but everyone is interested in science.

And attracted by those major events in the scientific world.

Just like during the space race, with the speed of media communication, when a rocket was launched, it attracted the attention of everyone in the world.

The black hole photos from previous years have also attracted the attention of countless people.

Launching rockets or taking photos of black holes had little impact on the lives of ordinary people at the time, but today's room-temperature superconductors already mean that human lives will be changed because of this technology.

Therefore, from the initial few hundred people at the scene and tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room, to now, the people who are excited because of this news cover more than 50% of the mainland geographically, and the number still exceeds 20,000. One billion!

In Beijing, in the detention room of the National Security Bureau.

Zhao Shaocheng and the others watched the live broadcast on the screen blankly.

Li Mu, normal temperature superconductor, successfully developed...

At this moment, they finally realized how they were suspected of obtaining state secrets.

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