Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 310 I’m always free

Looking at the battery that is continuously generating electricity in front of me.

The reason why the battery is called a battery is because the battery in the past had a "pool" of liquid electrolyte inside it, so it was called a battery.

From now on, liquid electrolytes will become a thing of the past, and the emergence of solid electrolytes will completely change the internal structure of batteries and the composition of materials.

Probably, from now on, the name "battery" will be just a naming.

Of course, if we change the name, just call it "electric rod", maybe that's okay?


Forget it about the name. Anyway, the name "Battery" sounds pretty good.

Li Mu laughed and shook his head, then stopped thinking about it and focused on the experiment.

Although this experiment has verified that the solid electrolyte he created works, as a battery, whether it works or not does not affect the performance of the battery. After all, if it does not work, it is not a battery. .

As a battery, the most important performance is energy density.

In this way, after another half-an-hour discharge test, Li Mu finally got the result. This brand-new lithium-sulfur solid battery has a specific capacity of 1478mAh/g, and a specific energy that has also reached an unprecedented level. of 2492Wh/kg.

Such data is far better than any battery on the market.

No matter what kind of blade battery, or what kind of hydrogen fuel cell, or what kind of other battery, in the face of such energy density, they are all dregs, the kind that will be directly crushed.

After all, just talking about this specific energy, it is almost a gap of about 10 times.

Imagine that current mobile phone batteries basically use ternary lithium batteries, and the current specific energy of ternary lithium batteries is just 200Wh/kg. If they are replaced with lithium-sulfur batteries, it will be completely reduced. Wei struck.

For example, if the current large-capacity 5,000 mAh mobile phone battery is replaced by a lithium-sulfur battery of the same specification, it will go straight to 50,000 mAh.

50,000 mAh mobile phone battery...

Directly recharge those 20,000 mAh power bank, even if the loss is included, the phone will still have more than 50% power left after it is full - of course, considering that if all mobile phones use this As for batteries, then power banks will probably use this kind of battery earlier than mobile phones. After all, the technical difficulty of developing power banks is much easier than that of mobile phones.

Of course, for a battery, if energy density is the most important performance indicator, then there is another performance indicator that is only slightly less important than energy density, and that is safety.

A battery explosion that year directly reduced Sansang's huge mobile phone shipments in China to the "Other" column in various statistical charts. This is enough to illustrate the importance of battery quality for consumer products - — Although according to the subsequent investigation, the explosion of the Sansan mobile phone battery itself had nothing to do with the battery. It was purely due to the design of the battery compartment. Every time the phone was dropped, the internal design of the battery compartment may damage the battery. Cause greater damage. \b

Therefore, those mobile phones that exploded were basically because they had been dropped many times before, resulting in damage to the battery casing, leakage of the electrolyte inside, and contact with the air. As a result, a wonderful chemical reaction occurred and exploded directly. \b

However, if you replace it with a lithium-sulfur solid battery, this will not happen.

After all, the electrolytes are all solid, so how could electrolyte leakage happen?

There is no electrolyte leakage, so naturally there will be no such problems.

In addition, for ordinary lithium-ion batteries, there is another defect, which is lithium dendrites.

The formation of lithium dendrites mainly originates from the process of reducing lithium ions in the electrolyte to lithium element, which will form dendritic metallic lithium. Its sharpest corner may only have a few lithium atoms.

This is almost equivalent to an atomic-scale needle that can easily pierce anything.

Therefore, such lithium dendrite "needle" may directly puncture the film, causing the positive and negative electrodes to connect and cause a short circuit.

A short circuit will cause heat. When the temperature is high, the battery will spontaneously ignite. After spontaneous combustion, it will explode.

For lithium-ion batteries that use liquid electrolytes, such lithium dendrites are an unavoidable problem. Therefore, for ordinary batteries, efforts are generally spent on the battery structure to make it as difficult as possible to form lithium dendrites. Increase or reduce the current size, because the current size also greatly affects the generation of lithium dendrites.

For example, high-power charging such as fast charging, super fast charging, and ultimate fast charging places requirements on the internal design of the battery. The greater the charging power, the more likely lithium dendrites will be produced, which will cause less damage to the battery. got bigger.

And these, fatal shortcomings for liquid lithium-ion batteries, are all clouds in the face of all-solid-state lithium batteries.

Because - lithium dendrites cannot penetrate the solid electrolyte.

The solid electrolyte completely separates the positive and negative electrodes, and no matter how sharp the lithium dendrites are, facing the solid electrolyte that is like a wall blocking the middle, there is nothing to do. It is just like cutting an iron butt with a knife - it cannot open the eyes.

Nanomachines... solid electrolytes, boy.

"It's done."

After the experiment was successfully completed and all the data he wanted was obtained, and all the data fully met his requirements, Li Mu began to pack up the laboratory.

As for the lithium-sulfur battery technology, Li Mu researched it for himself.

This kind of battery technology certainly has high strategic value, but it is not as revolutionary as room-temperature superconductors.

Of course, to a certain extent, room-temperature superconductors can change human beings' lifestyles, and lithium-sulfur batteries can also change human beings' lifestyles. The degree of change is probably about the same as the change from button batteries to rechargeable batteries.

But relatively speaking, room temperature superconductors are still used in a wider range than lithium-sulfur batteries. After all, as a conductor, they can be used wherever electricity is used, while lithium-sulfur batteries can basically only be used in places where batteries are needed. ——Ahem, although this is nonsense, it is indeed true.

Considering that lithium-sulfur batteries will be sold all over the world sooner or later, the patent application still needs to be applied for.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that when Li Mu just thought about applying for a patent, his cell phone rang. When he saw it, it was Yun Rongshang calling.

Line connected.

"Hey, are you busy?"

Yun Rongshang's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Li Mu took a look at the laboratory and saw that it was in the finishing stage, so he replied: "It's not busy, and I guess it won't be particularly busy in the next period of time."

"Then let me come to your place and report to you the company's recent work."

However, for Yun Rongshang, when Li Mu said he was not busy, it was definitely not busy to a certain extent, but it more meant that during the time when he was not busy at work, he was busy with other things of his own.

But she still had to take advantage of the time when Li Mu was not busy to talk to Li Mu about the company's affairs.

After all, they haven't seen each other for a long time due to the matter of room temperature superconductors.

However, Li Mu also remembered at this time that he and Yun Rongshang had not seen each other for a long time. Even though they were both in the same city, the last time they met, they only talked about work matters, and then he returned to the institute. Start researching again.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that he is a bit unreasonable. In any case, Yun Rongshang is helping him manage the company.

Then, he said: "No, let me come to the company, and then we can have a meal or something together in the evening?"

Hearing Li Mu's words, Yun Rongshang was stunned for a moment, and then there was some joy in her voice.


Putting down his phone, Li Mu decided to take a vacation for himself in the next few days.

We have developed room-temperature superconductors and lithium-sulfur batteries one after another, so why can’t we just enjoy it?

Let’s have dinner tonight, and by the way... go watch a movie with Yun Rongshang?

The people who stay in the cave on the top of the mountain form the cavemen. They stay in the laboratory every day, and by then they will become the laboratory people.

After bringing relevant information and a portfolio, he headed to the city.

Now he also has his own driver and bodyguard named Wang Meng, who was sent to him by the country.

Wang Meng's background is naturally not simple. He can be sent by the country to serve as a bodyguard for Li Mu. If he changes his surname to Ye, he will be the King of Soldiers and Dragon King in the novel.

And Li Mu's car is also extraordinary. It was also arranged for him by the state. It is a Hongqi H9, a special edition. The entire body is made of high-strength alloy. The cost of the body material alone is enough to buy a Rolls. Damn it, the materials used are very solid.

According to actual tests, even if the steel coil rolls down and hits the train pulling steel coils next to it, it will not bend the column.

The material used is regarded as a secret material of the country.

All in all, it may be able to compete with the US President's Army One.

Of course, from the outside, this car looks like an ordinary Hongqi H9. The overall deep black body also makes this car look very businesslike.

In this way, the car drove all the way to the downstairs of the headquarters of Pengzu Life Technology Company.

The headquarters is just above the Shanghai Central Building.

Yun Rongshang was already waiting for Li Mu downstairs.

After getting out of the car, Li Mu stepped forward. \b

Looking at Yun Rongshang in front of her, who is dressed in smart clothes, a small lady's suit, and slender trousers, she feels like a female CEO.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Li Mu stepped forward and said to her with a smile.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Yun Rongshang also smiled slightly. Although their long absence was mainly because of Li Mu, it was obvious that she could not complain about this kind of thing. After all, Li Mu's work was for their country.

But that didn't stop her from missing him.

So she stepped forward and gently hugged Li Mu.

Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then he held her in his arms and said in her ear: "Are you free tonight? After dinner, I'll treat you to a movie."

Yun Rongshang was suddenly surprised. She raised her head and looked at Li Mu, "Really?"

"I never lie."

Yun Rongshang's lips curled up, "I'm always free."

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