Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 315 Running a Journal

"How could he predict the behavior of electrons to such an extent just through this mathematical derivation?"

Mike Helen's eyes were filled with disbelief.

As a materials scientist, he is of the experimental side.

That is to say, they are more inclined to study and synthesize new materials through experiments, rather than through theoretical calculations like those who study theoretical materials science and computational materials science.

This situation can be regarded as a trend in the field of materials science. Experiment is king, and theory is slightly aside. Basically, it is only used as an auxiliary for experimental materials scientists.

However, Li Mu's paper now gave him a different feeling.

The functions described in this paper, as well as the related predictions, made his eyes light up.

If the accurate analysis of electronic behavior in this paper can be realized, it will be a timely help to the world of materials science.

After all, for the current materials science community, if you want to synthesize some new and valuable materials, luck accounts for a high proportion, and theory is completely auxiliary. \b

More, it is based on some currently known material formulas, and then considering the properties of different elements, predicting it through some calculation results, and then synthesising it.

For this research method, the success rate is not very high. Otherwise, if so many materials budgets are spent every year, all strong interaction materials may have been developed.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a timely help for the materials science community to get such a paper.

Mike Helen felt incredible, and of course his colleagues next to him also felt incredible.

"If it's true...that guy Behrens will probably be extremely happy first."

"Not to mention Behrens, those who study computational materials science are probably celebrating Christmas."

Several people have complicated faces.

One is feeling confused about the future development direction of materials science, and the other is feeling a gap because Li Mu can develop such a theory.

Obviously, they have been studying materials science for such a long time. How come they can come up with something like this just by crossing fields?

At this moment, they realized the thoughts of those who studied mathematics and physics.

One of them couldn't help but speculate: "Speaking of which, no, his theory actually has no effect. Otherwise, why would he just post it on their Chinese forum instead of submitting it to a journal?"

Several other people immediately looked at him as if they were a fool.

Mike Helen said speechlessly: "We just finished reading this paper together. Do you think this theory is useful?"

It is easy for scholars of their level to see whether the theory is useful. After all, density functional theory is a bible theory for computational materials science, and they also recognize it. .

Cohen, who developed density functional theory, won the 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this, which is of great significance to materials science.

The man also realized that what he said was a bit stupid, so he said nothing more.

Finally, they all sighed, and the room fell into silence.

Starting from them, more and more foreign materials scholars have learned about the brand-new theory [Principle of Electronic Behavior of Materials], which has also made materials scholars around the world active again to discuss this paper. meaning and function.

Many experts in the field of materials science have come forward to express their recognition and affirmation of "Principles of Electronic Behavior of Materials". Just as Mike Helen and others expected, for the scholars of computational materials science and theoretical materials science , this can truly be called Christmas.

On relevant forums, these scholars were having a great time, and many top scholars in this field began to discuss combining the methods mentioned in this paper with density method theory to help them advance their computational materials science.

However, just when they were about to make this attempt, a problem arose.

The original text of the paper was written in Chinese, which made them anxious.

They wanted to see Li Mu's original English text. Only in this way could it more closely reflect the original intention of the collaborator.

However, what they see online now are translated versions, and the effect of the translation... can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

There may be many excellent translators for English-Chinese translation, but there are relatively few Chinese-English translators. The most important thing is that during the translation process, they can accurately judge Li Mu’s meaning and use the same vocabulary. It must be accurate, and the most important thing is to have corresponding professionalism.

Not only must you be proficient in Chinese and English, but you must also have a deep understanding of materials science. Well... in terms of knowledge, it must include quantum chemistry, computational materials science, theoretical materials science, as well as certain experimental aspects. content, etc.

All in all, there are very few people who can accurately translate this paper. At least for now, no one can stand up and say that they can.

As a result, many foreign materials scholars began to call Li Mu, hoping that he could write an English version to benefit the world of materials science, and the editors of top journals in materials science also stood up and sent messages to Li Mu. Invitation to contribute.

In this way, the attention of materials science all over the world is focused on the east coast of China, the estuary of the Yangtze River, and Shanghai.

"I still need to think more about the submission. As of right now, I probably can't give you a clear answer."

In the Sheshan Research Institute, Li Mu was talking on the phone in his office, and on the other end of the phone was Philip Conn, the editor-in-chief of "Nature Material".

The editor had called him three times during this period, but without exception, he rejected them all.

Just as he thought at the beginning, regarding this paper, he is not considering submitting it to foreign journals. For now, it is better to use his paper to enhance the reputation of his institute.

Of course, before that, the formalities regarding qualifications for publishing the journal need to be completed.

However, at this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang, interrupting his thinking.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was Zhang Liangwei calling.

"Old Zhang, what do you want from me?"

"I'm rushing to your institute now, and I have something urgent to ask you."

"What's the emergency?"

"It's not convenient to call you, please wait until I come over."

In the end, there was no nonsense and the phone was hung up.

Putting down his phone, Li Mu thought for a moment, and then roughly guessed Zhang Liangwei's purpose.

Smiling slightly, he then waited in the office.

Zhang Liangwei was very fast and arrived in about half an hour.

"You're going too fast, right?"

Seeing Zhang Liangwei running into the office in a hurry, Li Mu laughed and joked.

"Don't slander me." Zhang Liangwei waved his hands and said angrily: "I stayed within the speed limit the whole time. I am very law-abiding."

"Okay, okay, you obey the law." Li Mu smiled and shook his head, then asked: "Okay, what is it that makes you, the chief director, in such a hurry?"

Without saying a word, Zhang Liangwei took out a file from the briefcase he carried with him, placed it in front of Li Mu, and said: "These patents were applied for by your company, right? Peng Zu Technology Company, legal person Yun Rongshang , your girlfriend, you are also a shareholder."

"Don't talk nonsense, we have a normal relationship."

Zhang Liangwei rolled his eyes: "You said this, do you believe it? If you ask me, you might as well confirm the relationship as soon as possible, get married as soon as possible, and then have offspring. You are so smart, and your girlfriend is also quite good. He’s smart, and his descendants may also be talented, I’m not going to lie to you, there are people above who have expressed concern.”

"This Yun Rongshang's family is not bad, and she is well-established. Her father is an expert in our Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the honorary president of the Writers Association. Well... although he is in liberal arts, he is a good match for you... …”

"Stop, stop." Li Mu asked Zhang Liangwei to stop with a black line. Why did he look so anxious when he entered the door? Why did he start talking about this kind of thing while talking.

"You are a dignified director of the National Academy of Sciences. If you care about such things, you will not lose your value."

"Don't talk nonsense. I care about the marriages of key national talents. It's part of my job." Zhang Liangwei said confidently.

"Then you'd better go." Li Mu said directly to see the guest off.

"Hey, no, no, no, no, okay, okay, just don't say anything." Zhang Liangwei said quickly, "You are an adult after all. Really, why are you still so shy..."

But Li Mu's eyes still made him shut up quickly.

"Okay, okay, this patent, was it you who came up with it?"

Li Mu had already read through the information, and just as he had expected, what was written in this file was about several patent applications for lithium-sulfur batteries.

After applying for such an important patent, it naturally attracted attention immediately, so now that Zhang Liangwei came to him personally, Li Mu was not surprised.

"Yes." Li Mu nodded, with a plain face, as if it was a very ordinary patent.

But Zhang Liangwei's reaction was huge. He started dancing: "Holy crap, this is a lithium-sulfur battery, and it also has a solid electrolyte. It was a theoretical material just like room temperature superconductors before."

"Brother, let me call you brother. For such an awesome person, why do you look like nothing has happened?"

Li Mu spread his hands: "I've even made a room-temperature superconductor, and a battery. Once I make it, I can make it."

Zhang Liangwei was speechless for a moment, then waved his hand feebly: "Okay, as expected of you, awesome."

Then he stepped forward and asked: "This battery...can it be technically kept secret?"

Li Mu shook his head: "The most critical difficulty of this battery is the solid electrolyte, but the synthesis method is relatively low. In addition, people who study solid electrolytes are familiar with silver sulfide. At most, they may find it difficult to handle the iodine in it. , but it is estimated that it will be reversible in just two years. This thing is not as difficult to reverse as room-temperature superconductors, and it is relatively traceable."

"All right."

Zhang Liangwei could only shake his head regretfully.

"I understand. We will help you get the patent approved as soon as possible, and we will also help you get international patents as soon as possible."

"Besides, it won't take long for Ningde Era and Biwaidi to know about this matter, and they may come looking for you by then."

"This depends on your business plan. If you plan to produce it yourself, we can also help your company provide convenience, and you don't have to worry about these two companies causing trouble for you. If you just plan to license patents, Ningde and Biwaidi I'll probably fight for your head, it's up to you."

"I understand." Li Mu nodded.

Ningde and Biwaidi are the two giants in the world's battery industry, and Ningde's share is almost the same as the sum of the second to fourth places combined.

Therefore, their new battery technology must not bypass these two companies. Of course, what is good is that the two battery giants are Chinese companies, and the lithium-sulfur battery technology developed by Li Mu obviously also belongs to China. of.

"By the way, I heard that you have been causing trouble in the academic world recently?"

Li Mu waved his hand: "How can you say it is stirring up trouble? I just published a paper."

Zhang Liangwei smiled. If it was just a paper, how could it cause such a huge sensation?

Think about it, if the news about lithium-sulfur batteries is exposed, it will probably cause shock around the world.

This can be regarded as a major breakthrough in materials.

By then, Li Mu's paper will probably attract more attention.

Suddenly, at this moment, Li Mu asked him: "By the way, I plan to publish a journal for our scientific research institute. Can you help me with the qualifications, procedures, etc.?"

Hearing what Li Mu said, Zhang Liangwei was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what Li Mu's plan might be. He immediately slapped his thigh and said, "Why not?"

"I promise to get it done for you within a week. What do you plan to call it? Is it called the Journal of the Sheshan Institute of Science?"

"Well, let's call it "Scientific Research"."

"Good name, that's it."

Zhang Liangwei immediately made a decision.

"Well, I'll trouble you then."

"No trouble, no trouble. Hey, just publish more papers here in the future. For example, put the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis in this journal. What do you think?"

Li Mu couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, okay, let's wait until I really solve the Riemann Hypothesis in the future."

"Speaking of which, I haven't heard of you solving any mathematical problems for a long time. Shouldn't you show off your skills?"

Li Mu waved his hand: "Ham, this kind of thing can't be done easily."

Now he still has to think about how to complete the task at hand.

"Okay, let's stop here."

Zhang Liangwei stood up. He is a man of action. "I will go and make arrangements for you to run the magazine now. "

"However, if you have time, you should go see other girls more often..."


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