Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 47 Sanak and Deligne

A nineteen-year-old young man, if he has published one or two papers in the first district, may be called a very talented person, even Mike, the editor of the "Annual Journal of Mathematics", would be amazed.

But when a nineteen-year-old young man has published more than a dozen papers in the first district, it is not enough to pass with admiration.

Mike's heart was full of disbelief.

Could it be... I accidentally discovered a super genius?

He took a closer look at the dozens of papers in the first district. Although they are basically journals on applied mathematics, they seem to be all on mathematical physics, but he will not take this lightly in his heart. They also accept papers on mathematical physics, as long as the content is good enough, they will not refuse.

Because those who study mathematics will more or less study some things in applied mathematics.

No way, because pure math is really hard.

For some scholars who cannot make achievements in pure mathematics, they often go to applied mathematics, and there are quite a few of them.

Looking back at the dozen or so applied mathematics papers published in journals in the first district, Mike already recognized the contributor named Li Mu in his heart.

Afterwards, he shouted in the office: "Everyone come and see, I found a genius!"

As a result, the other editors thought he was joking, and couldn't help laughing, "Is he the genius who proved Goldbach's conjecture again?"

"No, this time I'm probably really a genius! At the age of nineteen, he has published more than a dozen papers in the first district!"


There was a burst of exclamation in the office, and then a group of editors dropped the manuscripts they were working on and gathered together.

Even if they are professors at Princeton University and editors of "Annual Mathematics", they have never seen such a thing!

Even if they are reading a paper by a well-known big cow, they have to put it there first.

So it didn't take long to be amazed again.

"Oh my god! What kind of genius is this? Is Gauss alive?"

"Great gift crab! I have never published so many papers in the first district."

"Don't talk about you, how many people here have published so many articles?"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the editors fell silent.

It is always difficult for them to study mathematics and publish papers, because their papers have no place to pour water.

Strictly speaking, mathematics is not a natural science, but a formal science, and papers in disciplines such as natural science and social science can be filled with various data.

Therefore, the output of mathematics papers has always been relatively low, especially in pure mathematics. Therefore, the total number of articles published in the "Annual of Mathematics" every year has remained at only 20 or 30 articles.

And editors like them, naturally, no one can publish so many papers in the first district.

At the same time, they can also see from the titles of these papers by Li Mu that there is nothing to be filled with these papers.

"Okay, don't mention such sad things, Mike, let's read the paper first."

Someone spoke.

Mike regained his senses and nodded. His heart, which was not hopeful at first, now has hope again. Maybe this paper is really good?

He immediately clicked on the PDF attachment of the thesis and began to read it.

All the editors gathered around this table and looked at this heavyweight paper together.

After reading the first two parts, they all fell silent again.

"Do you understand?"

"I don't understand, I'm not a researcher in this area."

"Mike, you should understand, right?"

Mike pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Judging from these two parts alone, this thesis must have certain strength."

"Then keep watching!"

The others said immediately.

However, at this moment, a voice came from the door of the office: "Hey, hey, what are you doing?"

The editors looked back, only to see their editor-in-chief, Pete Sarnak, walk in, glaring, clearly displeased that they weren't doing a good job.

They have many editors-in-chief, but this Peter Sarnak can be said to be the most qualified one.

Because of Peter Sarnak, winner of the 2014 Wolf Prize in Mathematics.

The Wolf Prize in Mathematics can be regarded as one of the most important awards in the mathematics field. Although the Fields Medal has always been the best in terms of status, being able to win the Wolf Prize in Mathematics also represents the mathematics community. Kudos to the mathematician.

So although these editors are all professors at Princeton University, they all immediately shouted respectfully: "Professor Sanak."

Sanak waved his hand and said, "You haven't said anything yet, what are you looking at?"

"That's right, Professor Sanak, we have discovered a genius." Mike replied truthfully.


At this time, another voice came from the door.

When everyone looked at it again, they were shocked again.

"Professor Deligne! You are here too!"

This one is even more heavyweight.

A disciple of the Mathematics Emperor Grothendieck, the winner of the Fields Medal, the Craford Medal, the Wolf Medal, and the Abel Prize, it can be said that he has won a Grand Slam in the mathematics world, and he is the only one One and one four-prize grand slam.

And this Princeton University's signature figure in mathematics is also here today?

"I just came to chat with Professor Sanak." Deligne smiled and waved his hands, and then asked curiously: "But, what kind of genius is it that you can all gather around and watch?"

Immediately someone replied: "This genius is only nineteen years old! It may prove Adama's conjecture!"

Hearing this, Sanak and Deligne were taken aback for a moment.

Adama guess?

Deligne's memory began to travel back in time.

He knew Jacques Adama, had even met him.

At that time, he had just entered university, and he had shown an astonishing talent, so many math teachers were willing to guide him.

Among them is the famous Andre Weil, and Weil is a student of Adama.

Under Weil's relationship, he met Adama twice, first in 1962 and again in 1963, at Adama's funeral.

So it counts that he only had one exchange with Adama.

That time Adama asked him a question and he solved it. Adama praised him for his strong mathematical talent, and even directly asserted that he would definitely achieve great achievements in the mathematics field in the future.

It's a pity that he has indeed achieved a lot now, but this old man who only met him once but left a deep impression on him has passed away.

The old man can't help thinking about the past, and when he regained his senses, he said, "Let me see."

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