Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 52 The Quarrelling National Economic Symposium

In the end, Li Mu and the others submitted the paper ahead of schedule.

Anyway, it was just a simulated match, and it wasn't that strict.

In fact, official competitions can also be submitted in advance, so it's not a big problem.

No way, who made that room only have one bed.

So it's better to go back to the dormitory and sleep, and rest assured.

So the three of them left the room covered in darkness like this. The two boys first sent Cao Ke downstairs to the girls' dormitory, and then the two of them went back to the boys' dormitory together. They were all in the same building anyway.

And in that office, Chen Zhicun returned here after finishing packing the things in Li Mu's room.

Hu Liang looked at him with a silent expression.

Chen Zhicun picked up a can of Red Bull, opened it, and drank half of it. After putting it down, he glanced at Hu Liang and said, "Why are you looking at me? Want to fight?"

Hu Liang: "I really want to beat you up. No wonder you are so confident. So there is a king bomb? That Li Mu?"

Chen Zhicun chuckled, "The Buddha said: You can't say it, you can't say it."

Then he sat back to his seat, called up the papers submitted by Li Mu and the others from the backstage, and read them.

Hu Liang next to him also stepped forward and watched.

till the end.

Hu Liang couldn't help but swear: "Damn, this derivation, this model... I believe any postdoctoral fellow you say made it."

Chen Zhicun was also extremely surprised, this kid Li Mu is really good.

He could tell that the whole idea of ​​solving the problem was thought up by Li Mu.

Only Li Mu could come up with this kind of "ingenious" solution to the problem.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the gold award this time is really hopeful.

After being the training teacher for this competition for so many years, maybe he will finally be able to gain something?

Dangfu fully understands!

Immediately afterwards he poured another half can of Red Bull into it.

At this moment, Hu Liang who was beside him suddenly said, "Well, Old Chen, let's discuss something."

Chen Zhicun glanced at him and said, "What's the matter?"

"Let's have an exchange program between the two physics schools?"

Chen Zhicun said with a half-smile: "What? Are you following our Li Mu?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that our student, Li Mu, has published fourteen papers on the first district in five months. He is the treasure of our college. What do you think you have in Shanghai that we should exchange?"


Hu Liang was stunned.

Five months, fourteen articles and one area?

What is this?

You call this an undergraduate?


There was nothing to say all night, and by twelve o'clock the next day, the mock competition was over.

The results will be released after a period of time, and according to the tradition between the two schools, a discussion meeting will be held after the results are released. The discussion meeting is mainly used to exchange experience in the simulation competition and make up for the shortcomings, so as to provide a basis for the official competition in the future. experience.

It's just that the two leading teachers, whether it's Hu Liang or Chen Zhicun, basically know in their hearts who will be the first.

Time passed again.

For the rest of the summer vacation, Li Mu basically had nothing to do.

While waiting for an answer from the "Annual of Mathematics", while waiting for the start of school.

It's just that, in a conference room far away in Beijing, there is a verbal battle taking place.


Shangjing State Council, Economic Policy Research Room.

"It is impossible for me to agree to this plan. Talking about it on paper is always just talking on paper. What can a mathematical model explain? What's more, this model was only built by a nineteen-year-old undergraduate student! Although I admit that this model is indeed wonderful, if You might be able to vote for the "Journal of Finance", but can national affairs be decided so simply?"

An old man in his sixties with a serious expression and plausible words in his mouth.

He wears glasses and has a literary temperament, and everyone present knows his identity. Zheng Daoguang, vice president of the National Economic Research Institute, academician of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, former president of the National Development Research Institute of Beijing University, and former world leader Vice President and Chief Economist of the Bank, former Chief Economist of the Central Bank.

And these names are only a small part. If you really want to name all the suffixes of their names, it must be endless.

"Professor Zheng, it's the 21st century, we can't underestimate young people."

At this time, another middle-aged man in his fifties wearing glasses said with a smile: "Don't you hear that Gan Luo paid homage to Qin Prime Minister at the age of twelve, Wang Bo wrote the "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng" at the age of fourteen, and Huo Qubing completed it at the age of eighteen? The name of the God of War?"

"The greatest cultivation of the elderly is to control the desire to criticize the young."

Seeing this person refute, the people present were not surprised at all, because this person was named Lin Siyang, and his status was no lower than Zheng Daoguang. Needless to say, the mention of the chief economic expert of the Political Research Office of the National Academy of Sciences was enough to prove that its status.

Of course, the most important thing is that there has always been a dispute between him and Zheng Daoguang on the concept of national economy. Zheng Daoguang insists on conservatism, while he is regarded as pragmatism.

As long as he thinks useful theories and strategies, he will approve them.

And it just so happened that Sun Ziping's article this time made him agree very much.

Therefore, he will fully support it.

"Professor Sun's subject has been studied for four years, and there is no problem at all, both theoretically and logically, not to mention that there are a large number of empirical cases in the financial market."

"As for this model, I don't need to say more. If you deny such an excellent model, then I think you deny it just for the sake of denying it. I'm afraid there is no need to continue this meeting. Let's wait together. Let the leaders criticize."

At this time, his gaze was also on the side of the conference table, where Sun Ziping was sitting.

In her capacity, it seems a little unappealing here. In fact, she is not a frequent visitor to this level of meetings, but the article discussed by her and Li Mu was the one that was discussed, so she was able to attend.

Seeing Lin Siyang looking over, Sun Ziping returned a grateful look.

The pressure she was under was actually quite heavy, at least much greater than that of Li Mu who was far away in the Shanghai stock market and could not feel anything, but fortunately, she still had the support of a big man like Lin Siyang.

Of course, she has to speak up for herself.

"I think Professor Lin's words are very reasonable, and no young people should be underestimated."

"The mathematical modeling in my article was written by a mathematical genius. I don't know if the professors here have checked it on the SCI system. This Li Mu has published 14 papers in the first district within five months this year. , are all related to mathematics, I think his mathematical ability is completely unquestionable, just like Professor Zheng, didn’t you say that this model is very good?”

Sun Ziping's words surprised all the experts present, Zheng Daoguang and Lin Siyang were no exception.

Five months, fourteen papers on mathematics in District 1?

They all knew that this Li Mu was only nineteen years old, he was still an undergraduate student, and he even entered university last year.

This is a bit amazing!

So someone took out the computer on the spot and started to check it. Soon, they confirmed that it was true!

Although they couldn't understand the content of Li Mu's papers, after all, the lines were separated like mountains, but they also knew in their hearts that there was probably no room for irrigation in these papers.

What's more, if irrigation can produce more than a dozen articles in one district in five months, they probably all want to apprentice.

However, can such an achievement make Zheng Daoguang back down?


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