Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 The return of the void!

In the battlefield already engaged with the enemy’s outpost forces, two teams of deformed fighter planes confronted each other strangely in the central area.

“Get out! This is an order! We must **** Lin Mingmei back to Macross 1.” Captain Alpha looked at the disgusting group of so-called Goddess Guards and shouted.

“The stage of the goddess shouldn’t be the birdcage of Macross 1! We can guarantee the safety of our goddess!” Moserlandier said feverishly. There was a crazy light between the eyes, and finally let Lin Mingmei leave Grobal’s many protective umbrellas. This time, no matter what, Lin Mingmei could not easily let Lin Mingmei go back.

“You! Alpha One calls the Mingmei special machine, ordering to return immediately! Return immediately! Can the special machine hear? Special machine!” Captain Alpha saw the group of lunatics blocking the front, and then tried to return the special machine. But the special machine did not reply at all.

“Huh? What are they doing?” Lin Mingmei, who had just finished singing a song, discovered the weird behavior between the Alpha team and the guard.

“I think it’s okay. Maybe you’re exchanging opinions.” The pilot in the front driver’s seat said loudly without looking back.

“Really?” Lin Mingmei looked at the Alpha team a few times in doubt, and then slowly prepared to continue singing. Although Lin Mingmei seemed to feel something was wrong in her heart, it could be said that her safety was entrusted to the pilot in front of her. If there is something wrong, Lin Mingmei’s hopes of returning to Macross 1 will become slim.

“Alpha! What are you doing! Don’t bring Lin Mingmei back! There are more and more enemies!” Roy was so tired that he looked at the enemy planes that were beginning to become dense, and opened the communication and roared.

“Roy? The hateful guards are blocking us from getting close to Lin Mingmei.” Captain Alpha said through gritted teeth.

“Then leave them alone! Forcibly break through to bring Lin Mingmei back! The enemy is about to break through!” Roy made several consecutive super maneuvers and killed the enemy in front of him, before he had time to catch his breath, he was immediately caught in three battles. The capsule stared. “I can’t finish QTM! Alpha, take Lin Mingmei away! The enemy has broken through.”

From the radar, Captain Alpha clearly saw that the enemy had rushed past the Skeleton Team’s defense line and began to rush towards this side.

“Number two, number three. Follow me. Number four, cover number five!” As Captain Alpha’s voice just fell, the VF-1 in semi-human form suddenly retreated a long distance, and then took advantage of the return of Moserlandil. When he didn’t react, he suddenly transformed into a combat form, speeding up to the special machine.

“No! Special machine, run! Don’t let the goddess fall into the hands of Alpha Squad!” Moserlandier watched Alpha Squad continue to accelerate towards the special machine, and hurriedly shouted in the communication channel. Fortunately, the pilot is theirs. Moserandil thought with pleasure.

“Captain! The lunatics attacked us.” Captain Alpha was about to approach the special machine at the same time, the team’s alarm sounded on the communication channel.

“What!” Captain Alpha hadn’t had time to say anything, the intuition he had cultivated between life and death saved his life. While VF-1 was forced to slow down under his control, it transformed into a half-human form to pass the attackers behind.

Captain Alpha looked at the deformed fighter plane that was so trapped, gritted his teeth and gave up the attack, and rushed towards the special machine again.

“What’s going on? She started fighting?” Lin Mingmei, who was sitting in the rear driver’s seat, clearly saw the conflict between the Alpha Squad and the Guard, exclaimed.

“Wait a minute, it seems a bit misunderstanding.” The pilot in the front driver’s seat said. “No, it seems that some dispute has occurred. Please sit firmly. I am leaving this area.” The pilot said a few words quickly, then activated the special machine and quickly flew away from this area.

“Captain, the specially made maneuver. It’s not the return, but the front line! The special machine is also theirs!” Alpha 3 exclaimed.

“What?! It’s not good. Leave the group of lunatics. Protect Lin Mingmei first!” But before Captain Alpha could finish speaking, Alpha No. 5 was defeated by the group of lunatics. “Alpha Five!”

“Asshole! Actually shot down his own people!” Alpha Three roared towards the guard.

“Hey! Those who stop our goddess from spreading the dawn will all fall into hell!” This sentence echoed back and forth in the communication.

“These lunatics! Alpha One calls Delta One. A rebellion occurs on the front line! Repeat! Rebellion found! Repeat! A rebellion occurs!” Alpha One barely kept awake, opened the communication and called to Hayase Misha.

“What?? Alpha One said it again! Why did Lin Mingmei ran to the front line before returning home.” Hayase Misa still didn’t understand what was going on.

“This is a conspiracy. That group of lunatics hijacked Lin Mingmei, and now our team has lost a teammate. Now my team will perform the task of protecting Lin Mingmei. Please send reinforcements as soon as possible!” Captain Alpha turned off the communication after speaking. After taking a look at Alpha-3, which was fighting with the guards, and No.4, they turned back and rushed to the special machine. “Number two, you stay here to support number three and number four.”

The Skeleton Team, who had been fighting with the battle bag team, knew nothing about what happened next. They only knew that their eyes had turned red when they saw the special machine rushing into the front line. Before it was too late to question the reason why the special machine suddenly rushed into the front line, everyone tacitly began defensive operations around the special machine. Although singing has brought many negative effects to the Zenith Stars, the huge gap in the number of people has almost offset these negative effects. Even Captain Alpha, who later joined the defensive operations, was very strenuous to deal with the offensive of the combat bag.

Misfortune never comes singly. When the special machine broke into the front line, some of the Zenith Star officers had always been interested in singing and joined the battle group in power armor. After these power armors were added, the battle bag troops with obvious advantages were completely rolled over. The innumerable battle pockets have caused Roy and others to be frustrated. At the same time, the special machine was spinning everywhere, which made Roy and others exhausted. Suddenly, a power armor rushed out of the fireball exploded from the battle bag on the right, and rushed straight to the special machine.

“No! Go and stop that machine!” Roy just wanted to return, but was entangled by the battle bag in front of him. The same was true for Ichijo and others, watching the power armor come to the special machine without hindrance. The power armor raised his arm, and after a string of shells completely destroyed the propeller, he wanted to catch the special machine and run back.

At this time, a VF-1 rushed up from the lower right and used a cannon to force open the power armor. It was the body that Captain Alpha was driving.

“Special machine! Special machine! Can you still move? Retreat!” Captain Alpha stared at the power armor in front of him, calling out on the communication channel. It is a pity that the special machine is still silent. Captain Alpha gritted his teeth and rushed towards the power armor in front of him. Must shoot down the enemy in front of you! Captain Alpha fought against the power armor in a blink of an eye, Captain Alpha! ! ! Do everything possible to draw the power armor away from the special machine.

“What are you doing here? Go! Don’t drag Captain Roy and the others! Go!” Lin Mingmei urged the pilot who was slapped in front of the battlefield with artillery fire.

“Sing! Sing! Our goddess! Let’s show us miracles here!” said grimly in front of the pilot sitting in the front driver’s seat. The voice was getting louder and louder, and the almost fanatical tone surprised Lin Mingmei.

A huge shadow suddenly enveloped the cockpit of the special machine. Lin Mingmei looked up and found that it was an alien mecha. The huge mecha stretched out his hand to pinch the cockpit cover and pulled it gently, and the cockpit cover was torn apart when Lin Mingmei screamed. The pilot in the front driver’s seat jumped up from his seat and took out his pistol and shot the alien mech. Before Lin Mingmei could hear what the pilot was saying, the pilot was slapped into blood by the alien mecha. Lin Mingmei, who had witnessed this scene, was instantly occupied by fear, and instinctively called out the lingering name from her heart. “Help me! Inexplicable!”

A thick beam of light penetrated the alien mecha in front of Lin Mingmei from above, and at the same time, Lin Mingmei was wrapped in a pair of steel palms and flew away from the alien mecha that was about to explode.

“Sorry. I’m late!” The cockpit opened, and Lin Mingmei raised her head. She looked at her face in tears and listened to a familiar voice.

“Inexplicable, you…you are back.” Lin Mingmei stretched out her hands in a daze to touch Ho’s inexplicable face, but was blocked by the helmet.

“Yes. I’m back. Can you sing for me now?” He inexplicably pulled Lin Mingmei into the cockpit and placed it in the rear driver’s seat, looking at Lin Mingmei and said softly.

“Yeah. I said that as long as you are willing to listen, I will sing for you no matter how many times.” Lin Mingmei said inexplicably, looking at the inexplicable face under the helmet.

“Then, let’s get started. Now I have to fight. Maybe it’s a bit uncomfortable. But can you persist?” He asked inexplicably concerned.

“No, it’s okay. Just go to the fight, and I will sing until the moment your fight is over.” Lin Mingmei shook her head gently. He smiled inexplicably, and reached out and tapped Lin Mingmei’s helmet.

The cockpit slowly closed, and the Void’s solar furnace and thermonuclear engine exploded with strong power at the same time.

“The dispersion of GN particles begins. Then, a quick fight. Let some people see my current strength.”


With the golden light bursting out of Ho’s inexplicable eyes, and with Lin Mingmei’s singing, the silver-gray painting of the Void instantly turned into a bright red. The output of the GN solar furnace on the back of the aircraft is increasing steadily, and the GN particles rapidly spread to all corners of the battlefield.

In Lin Mingmei’s singing, the Void pulled out an afterimage and quickly shuttled around the battlefield. Wherever he went, there was a series of bright fireballs symbolizing death. Since Lin Mingmei’s body was taken into consideration, He Inexplicably did not make too many deformations at high speeds. Instead, it adopts the form of a fighter plane, and frantically sets off a frenzy of death with its destructive power.

Even if the officer-type power armor on the scene rushed up to try to stop the Void, the Void in the three-red state was turned on by a GN cannon and turned into a big spark.

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