Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 462: In Chapter 462, Mecha Na was defeated. Did you feel Zero’s pain? (National Day fun)

PS: After shoveling rice all afternoon, my fingers are blistered and bruised, and I am still typing!

PS: Woohoo, vote for your monthly vote——

"Although it is a machine, its strength cannot be compromised at all." The entangled figures in the air separated briefly, and the two ice axes above their heads flew out immediately driven by telekinesis.

Although Zero stopped the offensive, he would never give the opponent any chance to breathe. In the battle, the offensive was like a violent storm, and he would never allow the enemy to stop for a moment.

This is something Leo and Nexus taught him together.

Two ice axes rotated and flew out from both sides. The most proficient ability of the Seven people is the skill of manipulating ice axes. Cerro himself is a hybrid of the Red and Blue people. He possesses the powerful fighting instincts of the Red people. , the Blue Clan also inherited a lot of their subtle manipulation of energy.

Although he has two ice axes, which are smaller than the ice axes of the Seven people, but with one more, the power is not just a simple qualitative change.

Mechanical Nexus locked the movement trajectory of the ice ax with its mechanical eyes, broke Zero's offensive, and popped out a lightsaber from the mechanical mouth on his arm.

Looking at it, it is almost the same as the Storm Sword.

"Even this has been restored. That Beria guy seems to be quite impressed." The lightsaber bounced off the ice axe, and Sero leaped into the sky. While the ice ax passed by his left and right sides, Sero Luo also released a beam of light.

Mechanical Nexus's mechanical eyes once again worked, and his hands built a unique shield amid the disturbance.

Of course, it looks like a ripple shield, but it is definitely not the original ripple shield.

It can block the beam of light, but how can it resist the ice axes attacking in coordination from the left and right sides?

Mechanical Nexus gave the answer. The mechanism at the arm blade reorganized and separated from the arm to form an independent individual. Surrounded by Mechanical Nexus, a shield was quickly constructed to cover the whole body. .

The ice ax struck the shield with violent sparks, and it flew back and forth several times to attack but was unable to break through the shield. The ice ax had to fly back again.

On the frontal battlefield, the hands of Mechanical Nexus are concave, diluting and converting the light energy of Zero's concentrated beam, and storing it in the body to become its energy reserve.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Zero noticed something was wrong and immediately stopped releasing the concentrated light.

But this gave Mechanical Nexus a chance. Mechanical Nexus, which had stored a large amount of energy, immediately moved his hands. The moment the hands were separated, he pulled out Crescent Moon's light blade, whizzing towards Zero. .

It was a vertical guillotine. This move was very familiar to Zero. After all, he had suffered many blows before and had already formed a subconscious reaction in his body.

The gems of the Palagi bracelet on his wrist shone brightly, and Zero built a Palagi shield in front of him, blocking the attack in the smoke and dust of the explosion.

Rushing out of the smoke and dust, Zero changed his posture in the dazzling light around him, and the color of his body began to become unified, turning into pure blue.

"Moon Miracle Cero - Plasma Slash!" After changing his form, Cero raised his hand and recalled his ice ax to fly around the raised hands.

The high-speed rotating ice axes are connected together. From a distance, it looks like there is a white ring on Zero's hand.


The raised palm brought about a new change under the high-speed rotation of the ice axe. The sword light, which was as thick as a circle formed by the ice axe, spread to a hundred meters and fell straight down amid Zero's roar.

Unlike the original work, Zero, who had been trained by a devilish master and was beaten violently in every form, had perfect control over each form.

Except for Ultimate Brilliance Zero, who really has no way to manipulate energy, Zero has developed new tricks in several other forms.

After all, if you don't want to be beaten by Nexus's weapons, you still have to work harder.

The thick plasma slash fell on the head. After calculation, Mechanical Nexus concluded that this was not a blow it could follow, and exploded all the energy in his body to dodge it.

But the time it took to calculate the answer made it lose the best opportunity to dodge. Even if it tried its best, one hand would inevitably be cut off.

Sparks flew out, and the circuits and data board at the severed wound revealed its identity, which also made everyone in the air base heave a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, it's a fake.

The plasma slash dissipated, and the huge light blade was recovered inwardly. This energy was dispersed throughout the body by Zero. Switching to the strong corona, Zero turned into a red whirlwind, wrapped in high flames, and hugged Mecha. Xexus's body.

The two fell upside down, and Zero seemed to think that the damage was not enough, and even started to spin at high speed.

The falling speed of the two coupled with the rotation speed caused them to be wrapped in spiral flames, falling from the sky like meteors, and crashed to the ground with a rumble.

A strong fire storm swept through the surroundings again, but this time their landing place was not in Tokyo, but in a desert, on the largest piece of land near the North Pole.

Amidst the rumbling explosion, Zero rushed out of the smoke. Before the timer flashed, he changed his form and returned to his basic form.

When he landed on the ground not far away, he felt comfortable all over.

Comfortable, that’s so comfortable!

It turns out that this is how Master Leo felt when he beat up the mechanical Seven!

I feel it, I finally feel the happiness of my Master Leo!

Facing Mechanical Nexus, Zero unleashed 300% of his strength, and everything he had accumulated in his heart burst out, unleashing it on Mechanical Nexus.

Anyway, Master Nai is not in this timeline. Even if he knows about it, destroying his robots by yourself is taking care of his face. Can my master hit me?

Will he cut my waist with the Nexus weapon because of this? !

That must be impossible!

The yellow sand dispersed, and the mechanical Nexus was still intact, but the many damaged skin on its body exposed its internal parts. Especially the broken metal on the face makes it look very ferocious.

But even so, Mechanical Nexus still had no intention of giving up the attack, and flew out of the pit staggeringly. Mechanical Nexus limped towards Zero.

"The final blow!"

The speed of falling was too fast, and the ice axes chasing from the sky circled around Zero, and were lined up in front of Zero's timer.

Dazzling pure white particles spurt out. Unlike ordinary Ultraman's releases from his hands, Zero's timer double ray is a unique skill released by a combination of a timer and an ice axe. It is his ultimate move in his basic form, powerful. Can be good.

If he were just starting out, he might not be able to withstand the recoil of this move.

But he is different now.

Mechanical Nexus tried to build a shield, but failed in a flash of sparks.

What was reflected in the eyes of Mechanical Nexus were the twin timer rays that penetrated his body.

"Mission. Failed." Leaving a mute voice in vain, the mechanical Nexus exploded, and raging flames rose into the sky, swirling the air and blowing on Zero's face.

"Hmph, if you die under my master's unique skills, even if you go to the monster cemetery, it's something worth bragging about." Zero chuckled, and he raised his head as if he noticed something.

In Ultra's sight, the lenses of satellites outside the earth were all focused on him.

"Hey, have you seen my young master's performance?" Zero said with a thumbs up to the sky. His huge body collapsed. The light particles enveloped his body and turned into a human form. He crossed the ocean and landed in Yaori's side.

That is, below the air base and next to the EX.

I stared blankly at the young man walking out of the light. It was hard to accept that there was an Ultra Warrior, and he was so powerful.

"Hey, my dream, long time no see." Zero patted my dream on the shoulder familiarly, and then realized that I still don't know him, so I said with some embarrassment: "I forgot You don’t know me yet.”

"Ahem. Let me introduce you again. I am Zero, Ultraman Zero, son of Seven, and disciple of Leo and Nexus!"

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