Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 477 Planets collide, the Death Star falls from the sky, the moment when the future and the p

After that, no matter how Teng Gong called, he could never hear Zero's voice again.

If he wanted to transform, he could still transform, but Zero never responded.

He really closed his mind.

Having never witnessed or experienced the explosion of the dark side in the human heart, Zero could not accept now that the people he fought for and protected could actually be such a despicable group of people.

He couldn't accept it, let alone understand it.

Especially after the underground penetrating bomb, it was immediately followed by the episode of Ultraman Gaia: Swamp of Sorrow.

It exposed the bad behavior brought about by the idea of ​​​​the chicken country. During the war, bacteria were vigorously developed and even used on the battlefield, even if it turned people into monsters and destroyed mankind.

All they want is victory in the war.

In the past, Tsuburaya really dared to operate metaphors in this regard. The sad swamp in this episode of Gaia can almost be said to have torn off the fig leaf that the chicken has been trying to wrap around itself.

Of course, what happened in the plot was also different. The underground penetrating bomb did not explode underground, so Kondo, who lived in the swamp in this episode and became a monster, would not be affected by the underground penetrating bomb and become manic.

However, because two thieves who stole the bank were hiding here, they eventually attracted XIG's investigation.

That's because they who robbed the bank are hiding here with the stolen money and don't want to be discovered here.

But Hirano, the old man who has been accompanying Kondo here for more than 40 years, was discovered by them, so they wanted to kill the old man.

This angered Kondo, who was hiding in the swamp, and he killed two thieves in anger. However, the bank theft case eventually attracted police investigation. After discovering a monster in the lake, XIG also arrived as a matter of course.

Wo Meng and Teng Gong came to the scene one after another. As listeners, they listened to the old man Hirano's story. Those things that happened in the war years, Junfang's dangerous ideas and those who resisted the war were all treated as experimental subjects by them.

Kondo, who strongly resisted the use of bacteria as a battlefield, became the first experimental subject and was persecuted to become a monster.

After destroying the laboratory and destroying all the data, the bacteria-killing team hid in the swamp.

His only hope is his daughter who is still alive.

Because of guilt, Hirano vowed to raise Kondo's daughter and grow up in peace.

But in the end, he broke his promise.

Because the war developed to the end, with the bombing of planes in the city, it developed into an irreversible battlefield situation. Kondo's daughter Chie, and even Hirano himself, were harmed in this war that was out of control.

The monster-turned-Kondo's only concern is that his daughter Chie died in the bombing.

Hirano luckily escaped with his life, but he was seriously injured and felt ashamed of Kondo. From then on, he stayed here alone.

They are ordinary people who were persecuted by the war. They are poor people who suffered oppression in the darkest era of human nature and could only suffer their fate in silence.

After listening to the stories from the chaotic era of the past, I, who was already more and more confused about human nature because of the source, had nothing to rely on.

He was still very young. He had never been exposed to the war back then, and he had never imagined how dark those days would be.

Teng Gong stretched out his hand and brushed the Palaji bracelet, feeling the unresponsive Sero. Listening to the old man's words, thinking of the original prophecy of Krisis and his deep belief, he finally sighed helplessly. A sound.

If it weren't for these actions of human beings, how could Teng Gong really believe in the prophecy of Crisis and regard it as truth?

Although Teng Gong was wrong in the beginning, it was human nature that first let Teng Gong down.

Under such circumstances, what else can the two giants do when they transform into Gaia and Zero and stand in front of the swamp?

It is true that Kondo killed someone, but was he himself at fault? Isn't he also trying to save people?

Or, if people knew there was a monster here, would they also kill the old man Hirano in anger, and then throw homemade bombs and rocks at Kondo in the swamp, letting him roll away?

Ultraman's power is very powerful, but it has no effect when it comes to humans.

In the end, all Gaia can do is use her own light to liberate Kondo from the monster's body and send him to the place where humans will definitely go in the future, that miniature world.

The only thing he could do was to let the two tortured old men have one last conversation.

Let go of guilt, face it calmly, and finally let them say goodbye to the past.

Perhaps, this can bring some comfort to their hearts that have suffered all their lives.

One day after that, the air base's alarm sounded louder than ever before. Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Qianye who were stationed in the command room immediately came to Dunzi and Qiao Ji.

"What happened?"

"A super-giant wormhole and very powerful energy fluctuations have been detected." Dunzi said, adjusting the button in front of him to display the images detected by the satellite in the universe on the big screen.

Everyone followed and saw at a glance that in the universe outside the earth, a wormhole almost the same size as the earth was slowly opening and rotating counterclockwise.

In front of the wormhole, stood a giant of darkness.

Dunzi zoomed in on the image of the guy standing in front of the wormhole, and it turned out to be Mephistopheles.

"Sa! Nexus, come! The place for the decisive battle has been paved!" Knowing that the satellite of the air base was pointed at him, Mephistopheles had no intention of covering it up, but opened his hands, Said in a language that humans can understand.

"This wormhole is connected to another universe and is being opened. In the next twenty-four hours, this wormhole will transport the Earth from another universe."

"People on Earth, come and try to stop it! If you can't do anything, in twenty-four hours, the Earth from another universe will appear from the wormhole and "collide" with your Earth! "Crash together!"

Mephistopheles not only captured the satellites of the air base, but also captured all the satellites around the earth, so that now this scene can be seen on every screen around the world, and his declaration can be heard.

"You don't know where this earth comes from, do you? But Nexus, if you don't come and defeat me in these twenty-four hours, you will watch the destruction of two worlds with your own eyes!" Mephistopheles Roaring and roaring, the constructed battlefield has been set up, and then, they are waiting for their arrival.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Gaia fell into confusion, Zero fell into isolation, Nexus suffered heavy losses, and the power of the entire earth was weakened to the extreme.

And all of this was not caused by the Destruction Resurrection Body and him, but was caused by human beings themselves.

Human beings have given face to each other like this, why didn't Mephistopheles respond positively?

This huge wormhole and the countdown to the collision of the planet are his gifts to the people of the earth in Gaia's time and space.

"Zero, Gaia, Nexus, humans! This moment has finally come!"

"This is the answer I, Mephistopheles, give you."

"As a powerful part of me, you become my nourishment just like that planet!"

"Be my witness to continue living!"

Highly recommend this original episode.

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