Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 480 The despair that cannot be conveyed under the condensed evil cloud flowers

"Is it time for the final decisive battle?" Looking at the scene happening outside the earth, Fujimiya did not hesitate. He raised his hand to summon Ultra Zero Glasses and transformed into Ultra Zero in the red and blue light and shadow. Terman, with his hands raised, flew straight into space.

The first ones to come here were the members of the Lightning Team and the Falcon Team from the air base.

They protected the EX as it shuttled through the wormhole, resisting the influence of the strong magnetic field around the wormhole. When the entire body was trembling greatly, they finally saw what the earth looked like on the other side of the wormhole.

"The target has been found and we are preparing to land." Kajio contacted the headquarters. Although the magnetic field made it difficult for the communication device to work, I dreamed of making a few small devices to allow them to establish contact with the air base even if they were in a wormhole. connect.

"Be careful. We don't know the reaction of the earth at the moment. Be prepared for battle." Things like planet transfer are somewhat unbelievable. If it were Shishi himself, I'm afraid he would also make the earth vigilant in the tremor.

Putting himself in his shoes, Shishi can understand the other party's reaction under such turmoil.

The starting point of the stone chamber was good, but the seven planes of the group slowly entered the earth's atmosphere and did not suffer any attacks.

Not only that, I couldn't even find any light source on this planet, and even the communication channels were silent.

"Unmanned planet? It's impossible. It does look like the Earth from the outside." Wo Meng adjusted the parameters on the EX and moved his fingers one after another, but his mind was suddenly invaded by something.

The screams of alien beasts, the despair and indulgence of people before death, the burning of the ground as the roaring fighter planes were shot down and crashed, and the dark giants shuttled between the tall buildings in the city, laughing wildly and wantonly.

The world is hidden in darkness, the sky is covered with red light, and the brave fighting is just a countdown on the road to extinction, and it is ultimately useless.


I Meng covered his head and fell down on the seat. He was panting heavily as if he had just been fished out of the water. In that short period of time, he received so many messages and pictures. More than his brain could handle.

"Imu? What's wrong with you!" In the communication channel, Kajio and Yoneda sensed something was wrong due to mymu's too rapid breathing, and immediately asked.

"Nothing, it's just this earth..." The EX slowly fell, and the seven planes broke through the clouds together. In addition to some special gases in the marshmallow-like clouds, there were also connected threads and deep knots in the entire clouds. , which cost them a lot of effort.

He hurriedly passed through the clouds, and then managed to escape, and was able to drive normally and head towards the ground.

"That's..." The first thing that caught their eyes was the ruins of a city.

Half of the cities that should have been prosperous in the coastal areas were submerged in the sea. There was no smoke or flames, which symbolized that everything happened a long time ago, leaving only this ruins to tell the story of the prosperity and prosperity here for those who came after. lively.

"Based on the geographical location, this city should be Yokohama." Dunzi used the city benchmarks on Earth and found that the similarity between Yokohama and this perished city was as high as 80%.

It can be concluded from this that this is Yokohama.

"How is it possible? Yokohama was exterminated..." Everyone in the command room was shocked. That was Yokohama, a prosperous area full of human survival. Now, in front of their eyes, it has turned into a ruin that banned life. Nor retain any.

"No life can be detected. There are no living people in this city." The EX hovered over Yokohama. I swallowed a mouthful of spit. Although it was unbelievable, this was the fact before me.

"Kajio, let's go look elsewhere." Yoneda informed Kajio and controlled the Falcon 1 to fly elsewhere.

Kajio also understood that Team Lightning and Team Falcon each flew to other parts of the world from two locations. While flying, they also collected information about other areas.

New York, Washington, London, Sydney... these countries, regions and cities on the five continents on the earth are all buried in the condensed darkness, without any light to shine in.

Through the photos taken by the Lightning Team, Shishi even saw the wreckage of a plane. However, it was so long ago that the wreckage of the fighter plane had been severely corroded and its shape was broken.

"There is no life on the entire planet, and all the cities have been destroyed. In other words..." Shishi turned around, and in the sight of the Qianye staff, the two came to a conclusion at the same time. It was a conclusion that shocked them and everyone.

"Everyone on this planet is dead."

"This is a dead planet."

After the conclusion was drawn, everyone was speechless and unimaginable. They didn't know what kind of disaster would cause the death of all human beings on the entire planet, and they didn't know what exactly happened on this planet.

But this Death Star seemed to indicate that the future of their earth would one day be like this.

The Lightning team and the Falcon team returned to Yokohama. At this time, the EX had landed. I dreamed of leaving the fighter plane and standing on the ruins wearing a complete isolation protective suit.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, the sticky sand mixed with acidic water corroded my dream's shoes. This was the case with every step I took.

"The air pollution is very serious. The clouds that permeate the entire planet are like a thick layer of cotton wool, wrapping the planet tightly. Everything inside is suffocated."

"High temperature, acidic water, desertification of soil, and muddy swamps are corroding everything on the surface of this planet." Looking at the life detector in my hand, which was a straight line without any fluctuations, I took a deep breath in the ventilator. Said slowly.

"Commander, the earth...is dead."

"...Communicate about mission changes, investigate the cause of death on this planet, and..." As he spoke, Shishi opened his mouth and comforted my dream with words that he himself did not believe.

"Search and rescue as much as possible to see if anyone is... alive."

Shishi himself didn't believe this, but that was all he could say.

"Team Falcon is on alert, and Team Lightning is assisting my dream to collect the truth about the death of this planet." Director Di also gave the order. After all, he did not give them comfort like Shishi did, but stated a fact very seriously.

I bent down and picked up a newspaper with blurred handwriting from the cracks of the ruins. I dreamed that I recognized the words on it and even more clearly understood who the soldier on the illustration in the newspaper was.

"Nexus and the alien beasts, the fantasy of the tokusatsu drama turned into reality?"

"The Tsuburaya Society is under investigation and Liben is fully taken over by Bald Eagle."

"What's going on in this world?"

The blurry handwriting combined with the illustration of Nexus defeating the alien beast with light showed the tip of the iceberg of this world's past in front of my dream.

"Nexus...is there also Nexus here?" I whispered in my dream, and the newspaper in my hand also shattered.

Paper that has become extremely brittle cannot withstand much force at all.

I raised my head and looked at the corroded and rusty fighter plane in front of me, hoping to find more stories about this crashed fighter plane.

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