Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 488 Do you understand the value of Grand-zero? (Can’t think of a slutty thing to say)

Stone Wings have the ability to evade other people's attacks. Even when unmanned, Stone Wings sense the coming attack and immediately speed up, going from static to dynamic in an instant, starting very quickly.

Even Caesar Debussy has no chance of catching up with Stone Wings.

Caesar Debussy, who was making insect chirping, looked at the Stone Wing, which was only a black spot at that moment. It could only send a signal to the body summoned by destruction.

Although I found it, there was nothing I could do if I couldn't catch it.

After hearing the news, the body of destruction summoned immediately locked the location of the Stone Wings and opened the wormhole.

Calculate the movement trajectory of the Stone Wings, and open wormholes to block the Stone Wings' only way. The energy escaping from these wormholes is entangled around them like tentacles. Once they enter the range, these tentacles will immediately capture them. All objects passing around them.

Perhaps one alone would be weak, but there are more than one of these wormholes.

Stone Wings kept up their speed, dodging wormholes one after another while tossing and turning. While maintaining high speed, their driving skills were still very smooth, and they raced countless times in the deep darkness of the universe.

And behind it is a ferocious wormhole.

It was obvious that Shi Zhiyi had really developed his driving skills while chasing the source, and his failure caused his body and scalp to feel numb.

But no matter how superb the dodge is, there will be times when the skills are exhausted. Even if Stone Wings tried their best to dodge, there are still attacks that cannot be avoided.

There were waves in the universe, and tentacles suddenly extended from the ocean of different dimensions. At the same time, silent waves swept around, locking the space.

The rapidity of the Stone Wings was stopped again in an instant, and tentacles coming from the left and right wrapped around the Stone Wings.

Immediately, the torrent of darkness was released from the wormhole. The black-purple light ignored the location of the alien beast and blasted an innocent alien beast hiding in the sea of ​​another dimension. The power of the dark torrent remained unabated and directly hit the stone. s wing.

The powerful dark energy carries unparalleled kinetic energy and destroys the surface of the Stone Wings in an instant.

The corrosive energy filled the surface of the Stone Wings, creating large swaths of sparks.

Unable to withstand this lethal output, part of the tail of the Stone Wing cracked and then broke.

The stone wings were washed by the torrent of darkness and fell towards the earth, constantly rubbing against the high temperature, like a bolide.

At this moment, Zero suddenly appeared. While maintaining the emperor's form, he switched his base, changing from red and blue to a glorious timbre.

Chonghuang Glory Cero.

Zero didn't expect that he could really activate the dual form. Feeling the light energy flowing through his body like opening a floodgate to release water, Zero knew that it would only last for a short time. He immediately raised his hand and activated his own energy to drain this area. Time is forcibly reversed.

Reversing until the moment when the torrent of darkness was about to hit the Stone Wings, Zero stopped his movements, released the radiant form, and pressed the relief to summon Ultraman Galaxy to stand in front of the Stone Wings.

After the short-term charge of the special move, the Galaxy Penetrating Light blasted out and collided with the dark torrent, successfully preventing the Stone Wings from being hit.

But it was not without cost. Feeling the depleted physical strength and severely depleted energy, Zero raised his hand and pressed the relief, summoning Ultraman Gauss and Ultraman Grigio.

Moon God Gauss stretched out his hand and brushed his timer, turning the gentle and full light energy into light waves and transmitting it to Zero's body.

Gricho also extracted light energy, but she threw it in the form of a ball of light, hitting Zero's timer, causing the timer, which had been severely depleted of energy and had begun to flash, to return to full blue.

Luna's light wave restores exhausted physical strength.

Gricho's healing restores spent energy.

Feeling the physical and light energy returning to its peak, Zero waved away the projections of the two warriors, turned around and faced Tartarus in a more energetic state.

Jumping out of the dark world, Tartarus's hands were already full of energy.

The power of Absolute, a very destructive power, energy that transcends the universe was caught in the hands of the little golden man and released directly.

"Absolute Destruction!"

A torrent of golden lightning rushed towards him. Zero moved it with one hand, and a circular shield composed of cards stood in front of him.

If one could see through the light pollution, one could see that these cards were all images of certain Ultra warriors.

The name of the Ultra Warrior who possesses these cards is Uub, but at this moment, his power was borrowed by Zero, and it played a great role.

The shield formed by the cards withstood the attack of absolute destruction, but only partially.

The output of absolute destruction (Absolute Destruction) that exceeded the limit of what he could bear frightened Zero.

Zero tore open the space with his other hand, and with the power of Miraculous Dyna, activated his super power to make himself leave instantly.

All Ultra Cards explode and Absolute Destruction, just like its name, is a sure-fire move that brings absolute destruction.

Tear open the protection and bombard with absolute destruction a place in the solar system not far from the earth, that is, Mars.

Absolute destruction penetrated the surface of Mars, burying the entire planet in earth-shattering destruction. The fluctuations caused by the explosion of the star core turned into shock waves that swept around.

If it is too close to the earth, the explosion of Mars will definitely affect the earth. Zero has no choice but to sacrifice himself and use himself as a carrier to block all the energy of the planet's explosion.

But it was not without cost. Zero, who was covered in smoke, was sent flying out, unable to stabilize his body at all.

"Are you still thinking about protecting this planet during the battle with me? Zero, do you also love the earth?" Tartarus took advantage of the opportunity to pursue him. He lifted up his skirt and spread his fingers to take a picture from the sky, trying to Slap Zero's Tianling Cap to pieces.

Palagi's Holy Sword resisted Tartarus's attack, and Sero turned his arm to deflect Tartarus's fist.

And he himself clenched his fist and struck Tartarus in the chest.

There is not much difference in the energy level between the two sides, but in terms of physique, Zero is much inferior to Tartarus, so with this punch, he did not cause much damage to Tartarus.

"How can the body of your Ultra clan be compared with an Absolute warrior like me!" Tartarus was very confident and used his physical strength to force Zero back.

Among the opponents he has encountered, the only one who can surpass him in terms of physical fitness is probably Diavolo.

Of course, Jonias is also possible, but in the last hasty battle, Tartarus did not test out Jonias' true level. Both sides can't say who has a greater chance of winning if they go all out.

Tartarus raised his hand and was about to continue to say something, but the sudden burst of sparks from behind and the cross slashes forced him to stumble forward.

The whirling ice ax crossed in front of Tartarus and returned to Zero's head.

"Both each other, you are also the strongest opponent that this young master has ever encountered." Zero's tone was provocative. Everyone has their own tricks, and no one can criticize the other.

"Hey, Zero!" The pain in his back was relieved, but Tartarus gradually became excited.

He seemed to have found the feeling of facing a strong opponent in the finals of a kingdom competition.

In another place, although they avoided being hit by the torrent of darkness, Stone Wings still did not escape the wormhole.

After being trapped in the wormhole, Caesar Debussy chased after him, slapped his paw on the Stone Wing, and knocked the Stone Wing towards the earth.

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