Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 312: Four Tablets

"If you want a fight, you'll have it!" Wang Yanyi gritted out, genetic energy spiraling out of him in such a huge wave that it felt like a tornado had spun into existence.

His deep green genetic energy was sharp and fierce, and a frightening sight to behold. Wang Yanyi's face warped with killing intent, causing many of the spectators to take a step back without realizing it.

Of course, Zhang Lie and Xiao Zhengyang, who was prepared to rescue Zhang Lie from Wang Yanyi if need be, did not.

As the spectators continued to retreat, within moments, only the three hunters remained in the patch of land outside the forests of Qi. If not for Xiao Zhengyang's presence beside Zhang Lie, Wang Yanyi would undoubtedly have charged forward already.

"Please step back, Governor Xiao. I've just acquired quite a lot of gene fragments all at once, and I'm afraid I can't control it all entirely just yet!"

Xiao Zhengyang cocked his head. "Are you confident?"

"Well, I suppose we'll see."

Owing to his trust in Zhang Lie, Xiao Zhengyang stepped back, leaving just Wang Yanyi and Zhang Lie in the center of the battlefield.

Wang Yanyi relaxed. At this point, Zhang Lie would be completely under his control.

"Lad, whatever the result of this confrontation, your courage is certainly impressive. Take one punch from me and we'll call it quits," Wang Yanyi announced arrogantly, as though he had already won.

Zhang Lie smiled as he circulated his genetic energy. A black pillar of light pierced the skies, and a blood moon ascended into the air.

[Ninecarp Transformation: Fourth Form]! Gravity seemed to increase tremendously around the battlefield, and even Wang Yanyi barely avoided stumbling.

"Decent strength," he commented, then gathered wind-attuned genetic energy around him as he transformed into a titan of wind. With a ferocious howl, the wind elemental, so large it seemed to touch the sky itself, stood tall against Zhang Lie's gravity. It cocked its right arm and charged an attack so potent that space seemed to warp around it.

Wind-attuned genetic energy formed a gigantic fist. It shot forward so quickly that it created a vacuum in the air behind it.

"Good attack!" Zhang Lie slammed his palms into the ground as four tablets from the dragonturtle fell into place all around him, striking the earth like meteorites from the sky.

With a resounding crash, the four tablets enclosed Zhang Lie within. As they landed, the entire patch of land outside the Qi forest sank a few dozen meters, and the already staggering force of gravity increased tenfold.

The incredible force caused Wang Yanyi's fist-like attack to pop like a balloon, and even the wind elemental into which Wang Yanyi had transformed was crushed by its weight. The wind-attuned genetic energy vanished as the shocked Wang Yanyi slammed into the ground.

His body and expression seemed just like Wang Po's from before: he was lying spread-eagled on the ground, blood seeping from his nose and mouth, incapable of moving even his fingertips. The genetic energy that he had summoned had either been forcibly returned to his body or dissipated into the air.

Wang Yanyi felt as though the entire weight of the heavens was pressing down on his body, that, if the weight were any greater, his body would explode on the stop. He gritted his teeth as he experienced what Wang Po had faced for himself.

With all four tablets in the ground, the dragonturtle's presence grew stronger. It endowed Zhang Lie with authority, presence, and might—all would bow before him.

Even those spectators watching from afar were affected by the frightening force of gravity. Most of them found themselves lying crawled on the ground. Xiao Zhengyang, only 300 meters away from Zhang Lie, quivered as he barely remained kneeling on one knee despite flaring genetic energy from his body.

The spectators' eyes filled with shock and awe. They thought that they had a good sense of Zhang Lie's strength, but what lay in front of them painted a different picture entirely. No—despite all that he had shown them, they had greatly underestimated Zhang Lie. He was able to force Wang Yanyi himself to the ground, freezing him in place like a common insect!

So immense was his power and authority that he had even subdued them and the governor himself, standing quite some distance away from the battlefield.

Even more shockingly, Zhang Lie was only in his twenties. All the spectators, even Wang Yanyi or Xiao Zhengyang, couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority when compared to him. What had they been doing in their twenties?

Zhang Lie seemed to be in another dimension of strength entirely. Xiao Zhengyang believed that this level of strength would be sufficient to deem him a lord-class hunter, one of which hadn't appeared among the humans of the second realm for years. A youth who was a lord-class hunter, and one who had done so even without unlocking the entirety of his potential…

Only now did Xiao Zhengyang understand why Yan Long was so adamant about telling him to provide Zhang Lie with everything he desired.

From Yan Long's perspective, it would be ideal to support Zhang Lie's growth as much as possible so that he could lead mankind into a dominant position even in the second realm. Furthermore, despite the ridiculously immense strength that Zhang Lie had already demonstrated, for some reason, he felt as though Zhang Lie was still hiding part of his strength.

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