Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 142 - Underground movements (7)

The eyes of Han Yi and others originally followed Jiang Qi and kept moving.

After Jiang Qi fell into a disadvantage, because of their help, he reluctantly requested the attack of Gorzan.

Afterwards, Jiang Qi concentrated his energy on his limbs and backed up Gorzan’s fight, making them scream a few times.

It turned out that power can still be used in this way!

This time, they made them feel that they opened a door, which has an important role for their future development.

Then they watched quietly, waiting, the moment of victory in the war.

However, at this time, no one noticed that a huge figure appeared out of thin air near the battlefield.

Just as Jiang Qi kicked Gorzan over again, the figure suddenly rushed towards Jiang Qi and knocked Jiang Qi away.

“Another monster ???”

On the Flying Eagle, a team member screamed, pointing at the figure that knocked Jiang Qi away.

“This monster was drilled from the ground of Jiunong Mountain.”

Cheng Yu bit his lip and said, “The surveillance satellite didn’t detect …”

“Meaning that the most recent earthquakes in Jiunong Mountain were because of this monster?”

Ding Yunfeng looked at the fierce monster and asked in a low voice.


Cheng Yu’s eyes looked at this monster, and Fuwa really couldn’t understand, how did this monster avoid satellite detection?

“Everyone is ready for battle!”

Han Yi took a deep breath and said solemnly, it can be said that this is the first time they are facing two monsters at the same time.

Although there is a presence of Sailor on the scene, they can also recognize that with the battle just now, Sailor is more than one against each other, but if the two are together …

Then their task is to contain one of them, let Sailor make a quick decision, solve one of them, and then work together to eliminate the other.

Jiang Qi stood up, looked at the monster, and froze, even a little bit confused.

The crescent-shaped head has big horns and a long horn, a thick body, a long tail, and strong limbs.

“Name: Super Ancient Monster Gomora

Height: 45 meters

Weight: 40,000 tons

The survival of the dinosaur Gomorano (fictional dinosaur), who lived in Johnston Atoll 150 million years ago, weakened during a long sleep because the sound of fighting woke up. “

At this moment, Jiang Qi’s heart seemed to be dogged, and this monster turned out to be Gomora! ! I thought I used to love Gomora very much, and even bought many of its dolls.

You still have to fight it now?

Jiang Qi stepped back two steps, and suddenly saw the flame Gorzan standing up slowly, and he was slightly surprised.

The important thing now is that if you are one-on-two, the odds may be low.


When Jiang Qi didn’t know what to do, Gorzan took the lead in attacking, and the orange-red energy gathered a little on his forehead.


Ultrasonic light flew away at Jiang Qi, but Jiang Qi flashed away.


Gorzan growled, and once again emitted dozens of ultrasound beams, Jiang Qi was very embarrassed to hide.


Suddenly Gomora roared and threw himself up. Jiang Qi turned around and grabbed the corner of Gomora’s nose, trying to pull Gomora away, but Gomora’s power was obviously not comparable to that of Gorzan. Come on, Jiang Qi couldn’t move at all, but Jiang Qi was dumped by Gomora.


Seeing this, Gorzan was about to go down the rock, but just a few steps away, suddenly several lights hit Gorzan’s back, and at the same time, several flying eagles also skipped from the sky.

Gorzan’s attention was successfully attracted, and he will never forget these little bugs who dare to hit his eyes.

Ultrasonic rays were sprayed at the Flying Eagles, but it was difficult for the ultrasonic rays to hit the planes in the sky. The Flying Eagles scattered and escaped from time to time and concentrated their attacks. For a time, Gorzan couldn’t take them.


Gomera roared, patted Jiang Qi with a slap, and panicked, Jiang Qi reached out to block.


Jiang Qi was half-kneeled by Gomora and fell on the ground. As Gomora continued to exert force, Jiang Qi’s arms began to be gradually pressed down by him.

“Damn !!”

Jiang Qi clenched her teeth and persevered. She was shocked by Gomora’s power. Gomora seemed to have a kind of power, similar to a shocking power, running through the whole body.


Just as Jiang Qi struggled to resist Gomora’s power, Gomora turned sharply and flicked Jiang Qi with a thick tail.


Jiang Qi fell to the ground, turned over, stood up, and looked at Gomora with alertness.


Gomora came slowly, Jiang Qi backed up little by little, and finally, Gomora rushed over, Jiang Qi quickly grabbed Gomora, but was still subsidized by Gomora’s power. Retreat.

“What happened this time!”

Jiang Qi gave Gorzan a subconscious look, and mankind was also at a disadvantage. If he didn’t solve Gomora anymore, something really happened!


Gomora used his horn to hit Jiang Qi’s chest at once, knocking Jiang Qi back.

Feeling a hot chest pain, Jiang Qi forced himself to calm down and had to find a way to solve Gomora.

Gradually, Jiang Qi became quiet, and the wind and grass around him slowed down in an instant.


Suddenly there was a strange sound in his ear, Jiang Qi patiently continued to wait.

“Don’t be distracted during the battle …”

“… If you want to maximize your power in the battlefield, you must implement a brave word to the end …”

“… crush the boat and go ahead, don’t be afraid of anything! Your only goal is victory!”

Seeing Jiang Qi not moving for a long time, Gomora yelled and rushed over.


Facing Jiang Qi’s still head, he shot it.


A night raid saw this scene and couldn’t help but almost hit by ultrasound light.


After a loud noise, everyone’s eyes widened. Jiang Qi grabbed Gomora’s claws with one hand, and the other hand was covered with light. , And flew Gomorrah out.

Jumped up ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The body turned into a ray of light, flew into the air, and kicked against Gorzan.


Jiang Qi penetrated Gorzan’s body at once. Because of inertia, Jiang Qi crossed the distance.

Then, with both hands, the ice axe split instantly and installed on the chest. After two seconds of charge, a huge beam of light enveloped Gorzan.

Timer light-


Under Jiang Qi’s gaze, Gorzan collapsed, and then disappeared after a violent explosion.

Jiang Qi sighed with relief, turned around, and came to the place where Gomora fell to the ground, but he was left with only a deep hole.

… His Royal Highness escaped …

Jiang Qi can only helplessly help his forehead, he also wants to try it out, his latest killer experience!

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