Ultraman – Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 27 - Monster? ?

Looked at the flying plane in the sky, Jiang Qi frowned.

These fighters seem to have seen them somewhere.

“What’s the matter with these planes?”

Wait for the last plane to fly, and wait for the last plane to fly, Jiang Qi asked.

“These …”

Jiang Xue also withdrew his gaze and pondered, saying, “These are night-strike fighters.”

“Night attack? What the hell?”

Jiang Qi froze for a moment, didn’t understand why there was a sudden night attack, and asked.

“Don’t know the night raid, old hat !!”

Jiang Xue was about to answer, and suddenly inserted a particularly dissonant voice.

Turned his head to see Jiang Qi looking at Jiang Qi with contempt.


Jiang Xue frowned, drank sharply, and then said to Jiang Qi: “The night raid is a special team that has just been established in China.”

After listening to Jiang Xue’s words, Jiang Qi couldn’t help but think of the team of only a few people who often appeared in the Ultraman film. He couldn’t help but twitched his mouth and said in a far-fetched way: “Is it …”

There are only a few people in the team, I am afraid it is not enough for others to sew.

“Why are you this expression?”

Jiang Jiang saw Jiang Qi’s expression and said dissatisfiedly: “Don’t you say that you look down on the night attack?”

“Not looking down on the night raid …”

Jiang Qi sighed and explained: “I think it would be too far-fetched to give so many lives to a team?”

“You were worried about this!”

Jiang Xue stepped forward and said, “You can rest assured! This team is a gathering place for elites from all over the country, and all the people are the best in their field.”

“However, how can these people alone protect the earth?”

Jiang Xue said Jiang Qi immediately. After all, relying on those few people is really unrealistic.

“The earth buns are really earth buns.”

Jiang Jiang couldn’t stand it anymore, looked at Jiang Qi and said, “Who told you that there were only a few people in the night attack?”

“???Is not it?”

Looked at the girl in front of him in surprise, Jiang Qi was full of question marks.

He suddenly discovered that he seemed to have misunderstood something. Sure enough, Jiang Qi next sentence, so Jiang Qi almost found a ground seam to drill into.

“There are hundreds of people who are responsible for computer information alone.”

A team with only a few people, let alone the masses do not accept it, I am afraid that the team members will not accept it?

“Okay, okay, don’t talk about this first.”

Jiang Xue saw the embarrassment in Jiang Qi’s heart, interrupted Jiang Qi’s words, and then said: “The important thing now is why those planes are here!”

Yes, why did the plane come here?

Jiang Xue’s words made the two slightly startled, and they immediately reacted.

The main task of “Night Attack” is to protect humans from strange phenomena with unknown causes and natural disasters … Of course, this is common.

If there are monsters, similar to Gorzan’s level, they will become a super army to fight against monsters.

It can be said that the night raid is a particularly complicated team. It has the same meaning as several teams in other countries, and it can even equal the rights of the government.

“Does the monster appear again?”

Jiang Qi said with a bit ugly face: “The aircraft that appeared this time appeared nineteen, four more than last time. Except for the appearance of monsters, I really can’t understand what will make them be sent out like this More planes. “

Jiang Qi’s index finger tapped his chin, and it felt like a ten thousand year old pupil.

Jiang Xue and Jiang Qi both looked at Jiang Qi in surprise, as if they didn’t know him.

“Uh … how do you look at me like this?”

After Jiang Qi finished speaking, he found that there was no sound for a long time. He looked up at the two sisters strangely, and found that they were staring at him, making him step back subconsciously.

“Are you still the big wolf, coward, and dumpling I know?”

I don’t have to guess who said this, Jiang Qi directly cast a blind eye on her.

“What you just did is exactly the same as when Dad reasoned.”

Jiang Xue chuckled before explaining.

“Who? That unreliable uncle?”

Talking about others, Jiang Qi may be able to believe, but Jiang Jiang can only say: “How is it possible?”

“Cut! You might as well dad!”

Jiang Qi’s bad words about the river, Jiang Qi was dissatisfied, and retorted: “You said there will be monsters, but if there are monsters, why no one runs away?”

“Monsters don’t necessarily appear here.”

Jiang Qi explained that Jiang Xue behind him suddenly patted Jiang Qi’s shoulder with his hand.

Looked at Jiang Xue in doubt, and saw that she pointed in front of her. Jiang Qi looked in the direction of her finger, and found that many planes landed in Beibu City, and only a few planes were still hovering in the air.

This is obvious. The night raid clearly wanted to go to Beibu City, but there wasn’t even a big bear near Beibu City.

“… maybe it hasn’t appeared yet.”

Jiang Qi remained silent for a while, still insisting on the three major conditions for monsters in the Ultraman movie: where there is calm, there are monsters wherever; where there are monsters in the Ultraman human body; where monsters appear in the combat forces of monsters .

Now that all three conditions are met, monsters may appear very much!

“… Then I want to see it!”

Jiang Qi nodded, his tone full of disbelief ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but his eyes kept looking at Beiwu City, his eyes filled with a trace of worry.

Dad …

“Anyway, we have to go back!”

Jiang Xue frowned, and said anxiously.

Nodded his head, Jiang Qi looked up into the sky, seemed to pass through the atmosphere, and saw the satellite in space.

Innumerable white life bodies entangle it, constantly eroding the metal on the satellite, the metal slowly melts, and gradually merges with the white creatures.

“Sofia …”

Suddenly, Jiang Qi’s eyes blurred, and he said unconsciously.

“what did you just say?”

Jiang Xue was full of question marks, and pushed Jiang Qi to ask.

“What do you say?”

Was called back by Jiang Xue, Jiang Qi asked a little confused.

“That’s what you just said, I didn’t get it.”

Jiang Xue explained that after looking at Jiang Qi, the woman’s intuition told her that what Jiang Qi just said was important.


Jiang Qi also reacted and thought back carefully: I just looked up and seemed to see something, and then I subconsciously said something.

Knocked **** your head, why can’t you remember?

I must have seen something just now, that thing is definitely a monster, but the impression is very vague.

Jiang Qi can be sure that this must be Sero’s super power, he let himself see the monster, but when it is not effective!

Looking at the ugly Jiang Qi, Jiang Xue quickly grabbed him and said, “Since I can’t remember it, don’t think about it anyway, don’t worry.”


Looked at Jiang Xue’s quiet face, Jiang Qi nodded.

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