Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 15: Umbrella New York Branch

I don’t know whether it was Steve who was already dissatisfied with SHIELD’s style, or whether it was the recognition of SHIELD’s “contributions” from others. In the end, SHIELD still failed to save Nick Fury’s efforts, and a large amount of black material was screened out. It was exposed on the Internet three days later, causing heated discussions among many online games. Google search reading

When netizens discovered that their lives had been being monitored by mysterious organizations, they became extremely angry and irrational. A new round of extra-large demonstrations began, including beating, smashing, robbing, burning, zero-dollar shopping, etc. Welfare is exclusive to people, giving people a release from their inner depression.

During the Free World Parade, a company called Umbrella was successfully registered in New York. Only certain tabloids would pay attention to this small and inconspicuous company. In some corners of the news, this company was included in the aircraft used by Stark Industries. Information on small companies invested by affiliated companies.

The main business of the Ambra Marvel New York branch established by Duncan at Marvel is not the familiar medicine, but architectural design.

After all, most of Umbrella's pharmaceutical products rely on the T-Virus. If you take them out now, you are competing with pharmaceutical companies in the Marvel world. The big capitalists will not care how good your products are and cut off their financial path. In the end, There are only two results.

Either take their share or die.

It was precisely because of the troubles caused by business competition that Duncan chose an industry that was not much noticed, architectural design and construction.

Construction engineering is one of Umbrella's outrageous black technologies. The huge buildings underground and under the ocean can make any construction industry practitioner split apart. Any underground project that can be called a miracle can be taken out. Won a grand prize.

The wealthy Americans would certainly not mind owning an underground nuclear shelter, especially in an environment like this where major crises are encountered one after another.

The wealthy people are very tempted by underground buildings like this, which allow them to save their lives and achieve a high quality of life at the same time.

Under the unintentional promotion of Stark Industries CEO Pepper, Umbrella has become famous among the rich. The rich all want an underground kingdom of their own, but the relevant laws have not yet been completely perfected. , Umbrella has yet to recruit designers and engineers from the Resident Evil world.

Some of the current Umbrella New York branch employees came from Stark Industries, and some were picked up from S.H.I.E.L.D.

After S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets were exposed, agents who worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. and had no problem confirming their identities naturally lost their jobs.

Agent Hill, who once served as Nick Fury's deputy, also put on professional attire and worked under Duncan, but most of them were just in name only, and they would still betray him when they should.

But as long as Duncan doesn't do anything to harm the world, they will really work, and the salary will be symbolic.

After the empty-handed White Wolf established the Marvel umbrella, Duncan was extremely happy after the operation. If it weren't for Steve and Natasha, they would still have to deal with the mess left by SHIELD and those damn regulars. He had already led a group of people to the Resident Evil world to re-inherit the Umbrella Company.

Let Isaac taste Captain America's iron fist of justice! Let’s see if that casserole-sized fist can blow away the mud accumulated in his brain!

But after calming down, Duncan was no longer anxious.

Not to mention that his injuries have not healed yet and it hurts to walk now. Tony also needs to prepare all kinds of strange equipment to modify his armor because he doesn't want to inhale some strange viruses and become... A monster without reason.

Now, while Duncan is recovering from his injuries, he is learning how to run a company and manage a team every day, in preparation for taking over the umbrella company in the future.

He occasionally receives invitations from Tony to draw a few tubes of blood and do some tests on Dr. Banner, who lives in Stark Tower.

The T virus is the core wealth that supports the Umbrella Company's monopoly. Dr. Banner became very interested after learning that there was such a magical virus in the world.

During this period, Banner temporarily put aside his research on Hulk's blood and has been trying to analyze and understand the nature of the T-virus.

In his opinion, the unreasonable cell repair ability and physical strength improvement of the T virus were even better than the super soldier serum Steve injected.

Because viruses can continuously repair cells, Banner knows very well that the T virus has the possibility of making humans immortal!

One month later…

In the high-rise laboratory of Stark Tower.

"The therapeutic effect provided by the T virus is really strong. It's unbelievable." Dr. Banner, who looked like a gentle middle-aged scholar, marveled at Duncan who took off the bandage.

The nearly severed injury on the left hand was healed in just one month after the bones were set and sutured, and through the accelerated healing brought about by the therapeutic agent, it was incredible!

"You also have a lot of rapid treatment technologies, right? They are much safer than viruses."

Duncan, who was sitting on the experimental bed, also looked at his left hand. The originally severed left hand was now restored to its original state. Only under strong light could a few fine lines left by the sutures be seen.

Banner was noncommittal, "But it's also much more expensive."

Indeed, the effect is not important, the price is!

Duncan smiled, slowly put down his left sleeve, propped himself up and jumped out of the hospital bed, saying: "The physical examination is over, it's time for me to take over my company, and I will bring the original virus to you for research in a few days."

"Uh... Actually, I don't really want you to bring that thing here." Banner's smile was a little forced at this moment. It's better not to have that kind of thing appear, even if it has super high medicinal value, he doesn't want it, "I don't want to wake up one day and the world is full of zombies!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, there is serum!"

Duncan smiled brightly, as if he was not talking about highly pathogenic and highly contagious viruses.

After that, he left Banner's laboratory.

Take the elevator up and go all the way to the top floor of Stark Building, which is now the headquarters of the Avengers, sponsored by Tony, who is not short of money.

Tony seems to treat the Avengers as a small game between friends, contributing his own territory as a "secret base", so that he gets a sense of satisfaction.

When Duncan came to the top floor of Stark Building, there were already many people waiting here.

Tony was debugging the detection equipment. He said that he wanted to explore the mystery of traveling through parallel universes. He had made many detection devices before, but unfortunately none of them succeeded.

Steve didn't wear his Captain America suit, but a simple black combat uniform and a gas mask that was necessary for traveling across worlds.

Natasha, Barton, and Agent Hill were also wearing similar black combat uniforms, each holding a gas mask.

Sam was also there, carrying his flight backpack, like a black coal ball.

Buck and seven others and James and six others were also ready, and everyone had a solemn expression on their faces, because this time they would either take their families away from the world that was about to be destroyed, or destroy the conspiracy of the Umbrella executives and return the world to a bright and clear world.

The mission might be a life-or-death mission, but the purpose was particularly noble, no longer just for money, but to save the world, as glorious as in the movies.

"Boss!" Buck and others straightened up and greeted Duncan.

Others also looked at Duncan, with a little excitement about traveling across worlds to do things.

The last time they went to another world, the time was too short, and Steve and Natasha didn't feel anything, but it's different now.

Now, when I go there, I feel like I am in a dungeon with top-level equipment. After defeating the boss, a large amount of resources can be dropped, which makes people particularly excited!

After Duncan put on Marvel's black technology bulletproof vest, he nodded to everyone to show that he was ready, "I'm ready, let's go!"

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