Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 23: Super Soldier and Money Collector Soldier

Isaac retained his sanity after the mutation, but his appearance gradually became inhuman.

The unfinished enhanced virus made him over-expanded and also gained telekinesis.

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Isaac glared fiercely, and the ground in front of him broke and collapsed like tofu. The invisible force destroyed the glass corridor under his feet.

Tony, who was flying in the air, couldn't react at all, and the invisible impact knocked him out.

The crude application of telekinesis was limited to this. The affected area disappeared just after reaching Steve's feet. Isaac also stagnated for a short time. Steve, who took a few steps forward, punched him in the head, and his upper body tilted to one side to form a 90-degree angle.

The smile on Isaac's face was beaten away by the headache. His head was buzzing. It was not a punch, but a sequelae of using telekinesis for a short time.

The pulling feeling on his left hand brought Isaac back to his senses, and he suddenly grabbed Steve with his right claw. The bone claws were extremely sharp. If he was touched, he would definitely have several deep scars on his body.

Steve didn't dare to meet him, but he didn't give up his shield. He twisted his body in the air and kicked Isaac's chest with both feet at the same time.

After all, Steve was not used to using the stolen shield. Isaac flew out and the shield was taken back.

Tony flew back and took advantage of Isaac falling to the ground and not standing firmly, aiming his palms at his head.

The palm cannon running at full power is very powerful, which can easily dent the steel plate, and the high temperature damage it carries can also char the wound.

When dealing with ordinary people, Tony will be more restrained. The power of the palm cannon is controlled to knock away and shatter the internal organs. The extent of the injury cannot be seen on the surface, but facing Isaac, a monster, he did not hold back at all.

Isaac's propped-up upper body was knocked back by the palm cannon, and the back of his head collided with the hard masonry ground, creating a shallow pit.

Compared with Steve, who had fought in the World War, Isaac had very little combat experience.

Compared with Tony, who had a lot of black technology such as artificial intelligence, the combat chip implanted in Isaac's brain did not have much advantage.

Just like the final battle in Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, Alice calculated the simulated battle results in her brain, and Isaac used more advanced technology to reverse Alice's attack and fought with ease.

But facing two people who were against common sense, the chip implanted in Isaac's brain could not play any role on him, and even affected his judgment.

The palm cannon blasted out, and Tony then punched down. The fist accelerated by the jet was heavy and hard, knocking Isaac, who had climbed up half of his body, down again.

Tony also rode on Isaac to output, and his fist moved back and forth mechanically, making a bang!


Being suppressed one after another, Isaac's reason was constantly fading.

He raised his hand to knock Tony, who was riding on him, away, but his right claw was hit hard by Steve's shield, and the concentrated force hit his arm, causing Isaac to scream in pain.

Except for the scene of dodging bullets at the beginning, Isaac, who was injected with strengthening drugs, was still beaten by super soldiers and money soldiers without any ability to fight back.

However, as the attack continued, although Isaac had no power to fight back, his strong recovery ability kept him alive and still struggling tenaciously.

Natasha in the distance could not join the battlefield, so she simply looked around, perhaps she could find a way to deal with Isaac in the environment.

The method was not found, but she saw a dormant chamber being thawed.

Isaac's telekinesis plowed the ground, and the wires buried under his feet were damaged. The continuously frozen dormant chamber was thawed in advance according to the protection program.

The dormant chamber covered with white mist was emptied of gas, and an old woman slowly opened her eyes, with a little confusion in her eyes.

Then she discovered the chaos at the scene and Natasha pointing a gun at her.

"Are you also from the Umbrella Company?" Natasha originally planned to pull the trigger directly to avoid another monster like Isaac, but after seeing what kind of person appeared in the dormant chamber, she hesitated.

The woman in the dormant chamber was so old that her face was full of wrinkles. Could she still be as fierce as a monster?

In fact, this was the case. The old woman who appeared now trembled when she walked a few steps. She was very reluctant to sit in the wheelchair next to the dormant chamber. She didn't care much about Natasha's gun.

After sitting in the wheelchair, she recovered a little bit of spirit, turned her head and looked at Isaac who was being beaten, her eyes slightly widened.

"Hehehe! Hahaha!"

The hoarse laughter came out of the old woman's mouth, making Natasha frown. The sound was a bit scary.

"You are also from Umbrella Corporation, right?"

This time, the old woman turned around and looked at Natasha who was still pointing the gun at her, and smiled: "Don't be nervous, I am Alicia Marcus, a co-owner of Umbrella Corporation. Decades ago, it was my father and Isaac who founded Umbrella Corporation."

"Your father?" Natasha raised her eyebrows. Alicia in front of her looked old enough to be Isaac's mother. Could the company that her father and Isaac founded together be a play for his subordinates to seize power?

As if she saw Natasha's doubts, Alicia turned her head and explained the beginning of the story while watching Isaac being beaten.

In short, Marcus used the T virus to treat his daughter who had progeria, and developed various drugs by the way. When the drugs were circulated on the market, it was found that there was a side effect of turning people into man-eating monsters.

Marcus wanted to recycle the drugs on the market, but doing so would bankrupt the company. Isaac, who had tasted the power, asked his men to kill Marcus and then took over the company.

Then Isaac went crazy and made a plan to destroy the world.

Natasha put down her gun. She had some ability to judge people. Alicia's expression could not be faked. She chose to believe it and asked, "Do you have a way to solve the leaked virus?"

"The virus, is it still leaked..." Alicia's eyes dimmed a little. She continued to watch Isaac being beaten up and sighed, "I implanted a program to protect humans in the Red Queen's system. When Isaac's plan started, the Red Queen's program would be activated to protect humans. Did it fail in the end..."

After sighing, Alicia turned her head to look at Natasha and asked, "What's going on outside now?"

Natasha recalled the situation on the surface and said uncertainly, "Well... it should be okay?"

"If it's still the same outside, you can find some special plants in Africa and make wind-borne serum. The specific production method is in the Red Queen's database."

Alicia looked at Isaac who was beaten up again and said, "Isaac has a wind-borne serum in his hand, but..."

She didn't finish her words. The neat office became messy after waking up. I don't know if the tube of serum was accidentally destroyed.

Tony and Stark beat Isaac for more than ten minutes, and Isaac always recovered. His body was now extremely strong in both defense and recovery.

After fighting for so long, Tony and Steve felt that their bodies were a little exhausted. Since fists, feet and palm cannons could not solve the problem, let's have some explosions!

"Captain, control his hands, I will deal with him." The continuous movement of body muscles will also accumulate damage. Tony has thought of a way to deal with Isaac.

Steve, who has cooperated with Tony many times, immediately lay down, grabbed Isaac's right hand with both hands, wrapped his legs around Isaac's left hand, and suddenly straightened his body to pull Isaac into a cross.

Tony ejected a missile from his right forearm, picked it up with his left hand and stuffed it into Isaac's deflated mouth.

If the laser component had not been used up when opening the circuit, it would not be so troublesome now. Just use the laser to cut Isaac in half.

Isaac, who was recovering, was completely unaware of the object inserted into his body. He only felt his body lighten and was thrown out, causing a crack on his desk.

The next second, the flames of the explosion engulfed his upper body!

The wind-borne serum should be gone now...

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