Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 27: Umbrella Corporation with Social Responsibility

The blame-shifting tactic that is used all over the world is clearly played by Duncan. When the rescue operation in Raccoon City began, he had already come to the campus of the Umbrella Security Company and held a meeting with the supervisors of the other eight Umbrella underground bases. Google Search Reading

Umbrella, which dares to create a plan to destroy the world, is indeed powerful. The eight underground bases are located under major cities in the world.

Paris branch, London branch, Tokyo branch, Western Lia branch, Sao Paulo branch in Brazil, Nairobi branch in Africa, Toronto branch, Mumbai branch.

Releasing the virus from these branches at the same time can spread the T virus to the world in a short time. Fortunately, it was stopped in time and only a small amount of virus leaked from the Tokyo branch.

"Mr. Adhanom, I'll leave the materials to you. They must be delivered to the headquarters within three days. Is that okay?"

The meeting came to an end. Duncan had already beaten these ambitious people hiding underground and was not ready to settle accounts with them for the time being.

Now he just wants to get the materials for making wind-borne serum, and step up the production of wind-borne serum and T virus serum while the pharmaceutical factory in Raccoon City can still operate normally.

Feeling the hidden threat in Duncan's words, a black man with bright skin swallowed implicitly and replied, "Okay, I will arrange a plane as soon as possible."

"Very good, any more questions?" Duncan crossed his hands and looked at the people in the seats with a smile. The continued silence had given the answer, "Okay, adjourn the meeting!"

After the voice fell, the people at the conference table disappeared like a damaged video file, distorted and disappeared.

The lifelike people in the conference room turned out to be holographic images!

It is rumored that the military technology is 20 years ahead of civilian use, and Umbrella technology is 20 years ahead of military use, no problem!

After mastering the cloning technology and gene editing technology, Umbrella has been trying to create smarter humans by affecting the growth of the fetus.

There are many achievements, which have gradually been transformed into Umbrella's scientific research results in the more than 20 years of Umbrella's expansion.

After the meeting, Duncan left the conference room and took the James team who followed him closely to the indoor training ground where refugees were accommodated in the park.

As he walked, Duncan took off the suit on his upper body and put on the original special combat uniform.

He is now the CEO of the umbrella and the holder of the umbrella. He must establish an image of a good person who is close to the people and rushes to the front line of the fight against the epidemic in front of others. Only in this way can he win the hearts of the people. He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world!

When he walked into the indoor training ground, the volunteers had just distributed dinner and were enjoying a moment of peace and quiet during the dinner break.

The arrival of Duncan and his group did not attract much attention from the people who were eating. They just ate their food and chatted with familiar or unfamiliar people around them.

The female staff member of the publicity department who was responsible for the publicity work in this shelter found Duncan, walked up to him quickly, and reported the work to Duncan.

The publicity work of the shelter was done very well. After seeing the photos and information, most people believed their words, and only a small number of people who were very suspicious still had doubts.

However, their emotions were not as excited as at the beginning. Under the influence of the majority of people who believed, the small number of people would soon be unable to withstand the pressure of most people and choose to believe in the umbrella.

In this way, their publicity work was also done well.

After finishing the meal, Duncan will announce the compensation issue, and this crisis will most likely be resolved.

There will definitely be an impact, after all, the approximate number of casualties has been released, nearly 2,000 people have been infected by the virus and turned into zombies, and nearly 1,000 people have been injured due to the chaos. In the hospital, many patients have lost their lives because the medical staff have run away.

Adding up all the above, the number of people directly affected is nearly 5,000, and the people of the entire city have been indirectly affected.

"Eh?! Mr. Duncan!"

A familiar voice came from the crowd, shouting Duncan's name loudly.

Duncan turned his head and saw a bloated old man wearing a baseball cap raising his hand and waving. That familiar face, isn't it Kendo, the owner of Kendo Gun Shop, who has met twice!

He also waved to the other party.

After getting the response, Boss Kendo stood up excitedly, squeezing through the people around him while shouting: "Mr. Duncan! Mr. Duncan! You're just in time! My companions have a lot of problems. You are a shareholder of Umbrella, so you can definitely make the decision. You must listen to these questions! I still have your work permit here! Mr. Duncan!"

Kendo's voice was so loud that it even overwhelmed most of the people in the training ground, and many people noticed Kendo running in a certain direction.

The field became quiet in a short time, and they all listened carefully to what Boss Kendo said.

Duncan, who was standing at the edge of the training ground, twitched at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Kendo, who was waving and shouting repeatedly, and wanted to say that this was not necessary.

It was less than 50 meters, and even if there was a crowd blocking him, the indoor areas were separated by planning, and there was a big path that could be run.

If you have to pass by others, stop and look down after walking three steps, you might as well just say to others, "The boss of Umbrella Company has come out, everyone go and block him." That would be more straightforward.

After hearing the loud howling of the boss of Kendo, the citizens in the whole venue knew that the real boss had come.

Rather than the temporary workers who were playing Tai Chi to fool people, so they all excitedly surrounded him, aiming to get Duncan to give them some clear explanation.

After nearly five minutes, Boss Kendo finally came to Duncan. When he stopped, he was panting like a man who had finished a marathon.

Duncan was also surrounded by many people, many of whom were well-built. They blocked Duncan so tightly that he could inhale a lot of philosophy even if he took a breath.

"Everyone, take your time, take your time!"

Duncan tried to appease him to no avail, so he could only ask the female staff member of the publicity department to bring a microphone and hold a question and answer session.

After order was maintained, Duncan seemed to be holding a press conference, standing firmly on the stage and answering questions raised by the people below.

"Please ask that gentleman!"

"Is there really a commercial espionage? Why didn't something happen before, but now something suddenly happened!"

"Good question!" Duncan gave a thumbs up to the bearded smart guy and said, "Because we don't know when the spies will act. We are just a listed company and we don't have such high requirements for identity verification. As long as they are capable, we will accept them no matter where they come from. This also leaves an opportunity for some people with bad intentions. The next question is... this lady!”

"What should we do? I boss is dead. I should have no job now. I still have two children to support. I can't have no income."

Duncan put on a serious face and nodded: "Don't worry, madam, we already have a solution to this problem. Although this incident is a disaster caused by some ambitious people with evil intentions, Umbrella is willing to assume corporate social responsibility. Incident After the incident subsides, we will provide 10,000 US dollars in humanitarian aid to each person affected by the incident. If a family member dies in the incident, we will provide 10,000 US dollars in humanitarian aid to those who have lost their jobs, which can also be obtained from Umbrella's subsidiaries. An essential job, this humanitarian guarantee will cover every Raccoon City resident.”

"Can children also receive money?" the mother of two asked expectantly.


Money cleared the way, and citizens' favorability toward the umbrella company increased.

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