Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 30: Two negatives equal a positive

"From now on, if it's not the commander-in-chief who calls me, I will refuse him. Got it?" Duncan glanced at Susan and slowly took a sip of coffee. Google search reading

Susan nodded hurriedly and wrote this down.

During the morning, Duncan's mind was about to explode and he was more determined to recruit people.

As soon as he finished work, he changed out the red queen, and the little girl with red all over her body appeared on the desk in the office.

"Red Queen, help me post an announcement on the official website to recruit talents that are lacking in various departments. You will screen the resumes. No racists or people with special identities. Ordinary positions are determined by ability. The secretaries must be young and beautiful, under 30 years old. Find the right ones and give me the information for review."

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Red Queen said obediently: "Okay, I'm writing a recruitment announcement."

After solving the recruitment issue casually, Duncan took out his mobile phone and called Alice, who was receiving training at the Umbrella Security Company Park, and asked her to have dinner at a restaurant outside.

Alice agreed very straightforwardly. Her memory has now recovered most of it. She remembered that her identity is indeed an employee of Umbrella. Naturally, she had no reason to refuse the invitation of the big boss.

Not long after, Duncan and Alice met in a quiet Western restaurant. There was no champagne or red wine on the table. There were several plates of steak on the small dining table, and they ate one after another.

Duncan's gulping made him look like he was just here to eat, which made Alice, who was dressed up in a star-blue dress, look stupid.

"Eat, eat more so you can have the strength to train!" Noticing that Alice seemed a little restrained, Duncan greeted her warmly, "Don't mind me. What I hate most is those complicated etiquettes for eating. Only people who have nothing to do will care about that kind of thing."

At this time, the waiter came up and put two cans of Coke on the tray on the table.


Alice couldn't help laughing, and the tension she had originally brought disappeared. She said, "You are such an interesting boss."

"Hmph!" Duncan didn't say anything about this, and opened the Coke and poured it into his mouth.

He was particularly uncomfortable for him to really play an ugly gentleman. It was better to feel this way now, unrestrained, and others would not look at him with contempt, because he now represented authority.

If an ordinary person eats steak with his hands in a high-end restaurant, he will be regarded as barbaric and poor. If a billionaire eats steak with his hands in a high-end restaurant, he will be regarded as different and casual.

This is the world...

If you are rich and have status, everything you do will be speculated. Even the name of the dish you write down will be considered to contain metaphors and be over-interpreted.

Alice also let go, cut the steak and kept eating. She didn't eat as unrestrainedly as Duncan, but it was much more natural.

Lunch ended in a relaxed atmosphere...

After finishing the dessert, Duncan talked about serious things, "Alice, I'm going to tell you something next, you must not get excited!"

Seeing Duncan's sudden serious expression, Alice also sat up straight and nodded: "Well,..."

"You should have discovered that your physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people..." Duncan organized his words, stared straight into Alice's eyes, and said: "You are actually a clone, a clone implanted with false memories by the Umbrella Company."


Alice was puzzled at first, then her face was full of disbelief, and then turned into deep doubt and disbelief.

Without waiting for her to say anything, Duncan quickly told her all the following content.

Including Alice is a perfect clone of Alicia who has eliminated the disease, and most of the memories are implanted by the Umbrella Company.

She knew that the marriage was fake, and she didn't wear the wedding ring with the company on her ring finger.

The power of the truth was no less than a thunderbolt, which made Alice's brain go blank. She didn't even know how she followed Duncan out of the restaurant.

When she came to her senses, she saw Alicia's body in the morgue of the Raccoon City Central Hospital.

"She is your original body. Before she died, she once said, 'The rich memories in the future will be rewoven into a complete life. You are you!'" Duncan reached out and patted the exposed shoulders of Alice's dress. Not satisfied, he directly hugged her body.


Alice pushed Duncan away with her backhand, with an angry and puzzled look on her face. If Duncan hadn't accumulated a little bit of goodwill in her heart, she would not push him away now, but directly swung her fist to hit him.

"Do you... have anything else to explain?"

"Yes!" Duncan raised his hands to show that he was harmless. He was not Steve. He probably couldn't withstand a few punches from Alice and would fall to the ground. Naturally, he didn't dare to die when the other party was excited. "Umbrella Corporation is Umbrella Corporation, I am me, and Isaac was killed by me. You should also be aware of the company's recent series of actions. I am not one of those ambitious people!"

Alice's eyes softened a little, but she still stared at Duncan and asked, "When you found me that day, you knew that I was... a clone. Why are you telling me this now?"

Duncan put his hands down and replied, "Because I am the same as you!"

The same?

Alice looked at the old face of Alicia's corpse beside her, and then looked at Duncan with an incredible expression.

"What are you thinking? What I said is a clone, not a clone of the same person!" Duncan rolled his eyes, stepped forward, and pushed Alicia's body back into the cabinet.

Alice's brain couldn't handle the impact of multiple messages. She squatted down and covered her head, looking uncomfortable and murmuring: "Why is it like this?"

Duncan kindly knelt down and gently stroked his back to comfort him, but was stared at by the latter's complicated eyes, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Don't look at me like this, I didn't do anything bad!"

Alice is much calmer now. She has another curious thing and asks: "How do you know your identity and escape from Isaac's control?"


Just waiting for Alice to ask this matter, Duncan was happy in his heart, but pretended to be deep in thought on his face. After thinking for a long time, he said: "I think this is the choice of fate. That was the first shareholders meeting I experienced. Isaac The crazy idea of ​​destroying all mankind was announced at the meeting... Just after the meeting, my head was about to explode, and it was filled with destruction, rebirth, and the world.

I don’t know if the world chose me, but I awakened a special ability that can open a portal across the world, and then I met Steve and Natasha.

The ones you have seen are actually people from another world! They were invited by me to stop Isaac's plan to destroy the world, regain control of Umbrella, and make Umbrella a company that promotes human progress instead of destroying it! "

After saying that, he looked into Alice's eyes, and Alice looked back with a look like you're kidding me.

The two looked at each other in silence, neither of them spoke first.

Although no normal person would believe this statement, Duncan is not a normal person, so a negative makes a positive. This is true!

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