Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 329 The Horror House

With the comparison of the two maps, they easily identified the location of Shuijingfang on the town map.

That place is very famous, or even very famous. Everyone in Derry Town High School knows it.

Because according to the rumors of the students, the house on Neport Street is where the homeless and drug addicts usually sleep.

"I don't like it there..." Beverly looked at the map in a trance and expressed his feelings, "I always feel like it's staring at me."

Obviously, the abandoned house gave the children a negative impression, and they didn't want to get close to the house.

"Are you serious?" Ricky hesitated and said shyly: "That place looks like a witch's hut. If we go in, will we be caught by the people hiding in it and made into specimens and sold?"

Eddie patted Ricky on the shoulder and said angrily: "Don't say such things."

"What if you say it?"

"Don't we still have a bracelet for help?" Beverly looked at the left hand of the fat boy Ben, which was the signal bracelet that Ben boasted about yesterday.

Yes, as long as they have this bracelet, nothing will happen to them...

The group of people who gained courage and information did not hesitate and rode their bicycles to the wooden house that was extremely scary to the children in the town.

When they rode to Neiport Street, they saw the wooden house with a style that was out of tune with the surroundings.

The seven people left their bicycles and walked to the wooden house. The rusty iron fence was the first line of defense to enter the front yard of the wooden house. The original small door disappeared, probably hidden in the withered weeds on both sides of the front yard.

The surrounding trees were lush and full of vitality, but the trees in the front yard of this wooden house were withered and shriveled, with disturbing gray on the bark, and the twisted trunks looked like a pair of ghost hands.

The main body of the wooden house was also unacceptable. The gray-black wood seemed to have been burned by a fire, and all the windows were covered by curtains inside the house, or sealed by wooden boards on the outer wall.

The seven people stood in front of the wooden house. Except for Billy who was firm in his belief, everyone else wanted to retreat.

The exterior of the wooden house was indeed too dilapidated and terrifying, always giving people a sense of immediacy that there were corpses or monsters hidden inside, as if the door of the wooden house would automatically lock the next second he entered.

In the end, they chose to go in. Ben and the relatively timid Stanley were left outside, and the others entered the house together to check the situation.

As soon as they stepped into the house, the musty smell accumulated for more than ten or twenty years rushed straight into the noses of the five people. The musty sofa wet by pet urine smelled better than the smell of this house!

Eddie, who was always worried about getting sick, immediately began to complain, "The air here will cause my asthma to flare up, I can't stand it."

Beverly looked at the dilapidated environment around him and said, "It doesn't look like there are people here, there are no footprints on the ground, it's all dust.

"So there is no one here, right? Did we find the wrong place?" The black guy Mike had some doubts.

"No..." Billy also felt that the house was very gloomy, but he still insisted: "Look everywhere. "

Rich, who usually talks the most, didn't say anything at this time, because he was attracted to a window room on the left side of the door.

A lot of creepers stretched out from the gaps in the wooden boards of the window. These dead creepers were tangled together, like a large ball of messy wool hanging on the wall.

Among these dead vines, a piece of wrinkled paper came into view.

Ricky found it and was inexplicably attracted by the paper. He walked forward and pulled it out of the dead vines.

When he saw the content on the paper, his heart was Suddenly, I twitched, and panic swept over my whole body, as if a bucket of ice water was poured on me, and I shivered with cold.

Others wandering in the hall found Ricky reading a piece of paper, thinking that he had found some clues, and immediately approached him to ask curiously, and then they also saw the content on the paper.

"Oh my god..." Beverly covered her mouth slightly, looking at the missing person notice in Ricky's hand in surprise.

Ricky's emotions were almost out of control because of this piece of paper. He pinched both sides of the paper and said in a trembling voice: "It says I'm missing! This is my shirt, my hair, my face! That says my name, age, and the date of disappearance!"

"No, calm down Ricky, this is not true! "Billy was busy comforting Ricky, and it took a lot of frantic efforts to calm him down.

But at this moment, a cry for help from the second floor made everyone freeze.


Outside the door, Ben and Stanley looked at the wooden house in silence. After seeing Billy and the other four people going upstairs through the open door, they felt a little bored, but neither of them was an extrovert, so they could only chat about some strange topics.

"Are there some records of exorcism methods in the families of clergy?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"I just think that this may not be done by human traffickers..."

"Please...don't say such terrible things! There is nothing in the house except the Bible, and there is no...exorcism spell ritual you said. "

The two of them sat on their bicycles, facing the scorching afternoon sun, staring at the wooden house, occasionally approaching the house to ask.

Time slipped away little by little, and the two of them had talked about everything they could talk about. They could only stare at the house dryly. When they were absent-minded, they would occasionally hear some noises, but they couldn't detect them when they listened carefully.

"No, something's wrong... Why haven't they come out for so long?"

After more than an hour, the little fat man Ben gradually realized that something was wrong. He left his bike and walked towards the wooden house.

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Before, the two of them would occasionally walk to the side of the wooden house and shout, and they would always get a response. This time Ben decided to go inside and take a look.

"Wait!" Just as he was about to enter the wooden house, Stanley called him and said with trembling words: "Let me go. If you get into trouble and don't send a distress signal, we're all done, so... I'll go."

Ben looked at Stanley, who was terrified but still insisted, and nodded hesitantly. His hand touched the bracelet, wondering if he could press it now.

Stanley also nodded in response, took a deep breath, and walked into the wooden house.

Just as he walked into the wooden house, the originally open wooden door was closed by an invisible force, and with a bang, Ben, who was standing by the door, was shocked back several steps.

"Stanley?! Open the door!"

"Ben! I can't open it!"

After trying to knock on the door to no avail, Ben outside the door decisively let go of his hand and hurriedly pressed the signal transmitter. When he saw the red light on the bracelet, he continued to try to knock on the door and shouted: "I have called Chief John, hold on! Don't run around!"

"Ben! Open the door quickly! Don't joke like this!" Stanley inside the door didn't hear Ben's voice, and was still banging on the wooden door, with a little crying in his voice.

After discovering this strange situation, Ben behind the door finally lost his composure, kept banging on the wooden door, and shouted louder: "Stanley! Can you hear me?! Stanley!!!"

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