Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 331 Witch Hunter

The seven little brats were shocked by the incarnation of the Dark Lord John Wick. After he spoke, they immediately turned around and fled out of the house.

John Wick followed behind, alert to the clown's sneak attack at any time, but after completely leaving the room, the clown did not appear again.

He was very unwilling. These hidden things are the hardest to find!

What to do if they are hard to find?

Then don't look for them!

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John Wick walked to the boulevard, put the rifle on the roof of the car, and then took out the multi-barrel grenade launcher prepared in advance from the trunk. Standing on the side of the street, he pulled the trigger at the haunted house.

The explosive bullet rushed out of the barrel under the push of the improved gunpowder, and the bullet penetrated the rotten wooden boards of the wooden house, bursting out fierce flames and shrapnel.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

John Wick pulled the trigger continuously, and the explosive bullets hit the window of the wooden house. The flames instantly ignited the entire wooden house. The flying sparks also ignited the dry grass in the front yard of the wooden house. The ignited fire instantly raised the temperature around.

Ben and Billy couldn't stand the high temperature, dragging the bicycles on the ground and retreating continuously. When it was not so hot, they looked up at the tall back with their eyes.

Under the dim sunset stood the tall figure of Chief John. He held the magic weapon to destroy the devil in his hand. He pulled the trigger coldly, and the heat wave rolled up by the explosion made the hem of the black suit rustle.

Strength, will, courage...

The seven people can use countless descriptions from the heroic stories they have seen to describe Chief John, but the most appropriate one should be powerful!

After firing nine explosive bombs, John Wick lowered the muzzle of the gun, looked at the dilapidated burning building, picked up the rifle and fired another round of shots, completely destroying the fragile structure of the house, and the wooden house collapsed in an instant. ♦♦ ♦♦

"I'm sorry, Ben. I doubted what you said at first." Ricky, who was still covered with sawdust, suddenly apologized to Ben.

Ben just responded softly, "Yeah."

He was still looking at the powerful figure in the dusk. He might never forget this scene.

Beep, beep!

The flashing red and blue lights of the police car were approaching with the shrill sirens. The police in the town were not late. It took them only 6 minutes from the time the residents heard the gunshots and called the police to the time they got their weapons here. It was already very efficient.

"Oh shit!" Ben looked at the direction of the police car and cursed uneasily.

The police did not approach the scene. Instead, they stopped the car more than ten meters away and pointed the muzzles of the pistol and the police shotgun at John Wick.

Those who dared to bring heavy weapons into the town openly were either crazy or had backgrounds, but for safety reasons, they would assume that people who were not wearing uniforms and holding heavy weapons were crazy.

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John Wick watched the flames burning, and his anger that had nowhere to vent was calmed down a lot. When he saw the police, he was able to calm down and take out the documents he had prepared in advance, and shouted to the police: "FbI, don't shoot!"

The police who was about to shout were choked, and finally they sent a young police officer to go forward and take John Wick's documents for inspection.

They contacted the town police station through the car radio, and then verified with their superiors through the landline, and finally confirmed John Wick's identity as a federal agent in the database.

After verification, the misunderstanding was resolved, the documents were returned to John Wick, and then the on-site investigation and evidence collection were carried out, and the seven little brats were escorted home by the police.

John Wick took off his sunglasses and used the old method to prevaricate these policemen, saying that he was carrying out a secret mission. The police did not believe this reason, but John Wick's further improved background identity was no problem, and they did not need to delve into this information.

"Tomorrow the superiors will send more agents to take over here. Please set up a cordon around the area."

The small town firefighters who had just arrived at the scene were about to cross the cordon to put out the fire, but John Wick stopped them, "Wait, isolate it, don't put out the fire."

He wanted the fire to burn until the next day, until all the members of the group arrived!

Before leaving, the seven guys had told John Wick everything they had encountered earlier.

Now, John Wick already knew that the guy who teased him was hiding in Shuijingfang, that is, this wooden house!

Since it is the enemy's nest, let the fire continue to burn!

The firefighters looked at each other, but under the pressure of the federal agents, they finally compromised and only set up a cordon around the burning house to isolate the fire in a range. After that, they kept watching and waiting for the fire to burn out before they left.

While the fire was burning here, another big fire was also ignited in Silent Hill. The flames there were full of filth and evil...

With the help of a crying, mad woman on the police street of Silent Hill Town, the police of the whole town were dispatched.

The contrast between the whistling police cars and the town that was particularly prosperous at night had the atmosphere of the world's largest metropolis, New York City.

The flashing neon lights and the whistling police cars with red and blue lights were always the unchanging theme of the city at night.

Jill was sitting in a late-night cafe. Her distress signal had been sent out for several days, and all places in the town were already members of the exploration team.

They conducted a very in-depth investigation of the cult "Witch Hunters", from the information stored deep in the church to the information passed down by word of mouth by the old people in the town.

During the investigation, Jill and the World Development Department found that this witch hunter cult was indeed something. They had a lot of demon communication consciousness and paper ancient books of demon sacrifice rituals.

There are also many books and records related to the earth during the turbulent medieval period, which detailed how witch hunters discovered demons, expelled demons, and communicated with demons to learn the truth in the medieval period.

Among them, the witch burning movement was not just a foolish act of venting anger, but a real and effective demon appeasement ritual.

Witch hunters are one of the large-scale organizations that follow tradition and suppress the demon space, but the changes of the times have made them labeled as cults.

Indeed, as recorded in the notes of the cult members obtained by Pasadena Town, from the perspective of all mankind, the cult witch hunters are indeed "preventing" demons from causing more killings.

However, this method of stopping the demons from killing is to use the soul of a tortured girl as a high-level tribute, so that the demons with almost infinite lives can be temporarily satisfied, so that they can patiently wait for the next tribute.

Such a cruel ritual is only known by Chris Bella, the leader of the cult. Now the information hidden in the underground secret room has been secretly stolen by the group, and more people know this secret.

Carrying out such an inhumane and evil ritual will inevitably make a large number of people unacceptable, so they have to brainwash with religion and then crown themselves with justice to find a little comfort for their rotten hearts.

Just from the contents of the notes found in the underground secret room, almost every generation of witch hunter bishops who have been carrying out such mind-affecting activities for a long time and regard themselves as God's spokespersons will eventually go crazy or be bewitched and corrupted by demons.

The abnormal actions of the police tonight made many people in the town curious, and also made Jill curious. She pressed the headset and asked the members of the exploration team who were squatting at the door of the police station with mechanical flying insects to monitor the police station, "Mann, report the information."

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