Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 338 Another Town

Buzz buzz buzz!

John Wick's Boulevard was speeding on the interstate highway. The two dogs in the back seat had already leaned out of the window, with two gun barrels on their backs, shooting at the calm fog behind them, as if they were blocking some terrible enemy... But all around, there was only the sound of vehicles driving. →

Bang bang bang!

John Wick adjusted the rearview mirror, and the camera image behind the vehicle was projected on the window glass. The grenade launcher was ready to fire in the passenger seat.

While driving at high speed in the fog, you also need to be wary of the monsters in the fog. The energy involved is even higher than being blocked in a museum by hundreds of gunmen.

Pressing a few buttons on the car radio, the original old-fashioned speakers suddenly flipped out an LCD screen, which recorded the current status of the vehicle and the accessories that can be enabled.

John Wick loves cars, very much. In his spare time, he often goes to open fields to race.

John even paid part of his salary for this specially modified Boulevard, and added many functions. After swiping the screen and switching to the fast mode, the exhaust port at the rear of the vehicle suddenly ejected a blue tail flame, the body of the car sank slightly, and the speed increased sharply.

Suddenly John Wick saw a shadow flashing across the picture behind the car projected on the window glass, and a strange intuition made him swing the steering wheel to the left.


The tires rubbed against the ground, and the Boulevard did not overturn with the help of the steering device. At the moment of turning, a gray limb as thick as a big tree fell from the sky.


The concrete road surface of the interstate highway was pierced, and John Wick in the car also shook. The recoil force was transmitted to him through the seat cushion, causing him to bounce up a few centimeters.

The tentacles in the fog were retracted, and John Wick's face became more and more solemn. This exaggeratedly large monster had been chasing the car since he drove on the interstate highway, and he was almost stabbed by the tentacles several times.

The insect-like limbs pulled out from the deep interstate highway road and disappeared into the fog again. This uncertain attack was the most troublesome and stressful aspect for John Wick.

Moreover, the frequency of the giant monster's attacks was increasing, and it was possible that a new monster had come.

Try to destroy the monster...

John Wick had done it before. He used a grenade launcher to attack the monster's limbs into the fog.

Some of the grenades hit, but more missed.

The monster's limbs were large, but its body might be disproportionately small.

Another bad feeling came over him, and John Wick turned the steering wheel hard again. The two dogs with their heads sticking out of the car window were almost thrown out. Fortunately, they were not ordinary dogs. Their tails stretched out and hooked the bottom of the seat cushion, pulling their bodies back.


A limb fell in front of the vehicle, blocking the road tightly.

But the bad thing was that the boulevard was forced to enter a fork road into the town during the attack, and he deviated from the route.

What was even more strange was that when the vehicle approached the town, it suddenly got out of the fog and the surroundings became sunny.

The road in the town was very smooth. Opening the map, John Wick found that the town he was in was a small town with few people 20 kilometers away from Derry Town, with less than 2,000 residents.

Now, he was in an abnormal world, and suddenly came to the normal world?

John Wick took off the gas mask used by the biochemical troops on his face, took a deep breath, and looked at the rich colors around him in confusion.

Then he looked back again. The gray fog was still there, and it was spreading slowly in his direction. The coverage of the fog was not very large, and he could not see the monster that should have been big in the fog.

Reaching out and clicking the communication button on the car, John Wick intended to contact the exploration troops who stayed at the entrance and exit of the sewer in Derry Town.

With a beep, the connection failed.

They lost contact with the exploration troops who stayed at the entrance and exit, but when checking who else could be contacted within the communication range, John Wick found that he could contact the World Development Department.

This made him think that he might have returned from that world to the original world.

He immediately pressed the communication request and contacted the World Development Department.

"This is the Exploration Force, Major John Wick, I have encountered some problems." John Wick slowed down the car, looked at the fog far behind in the rearview mirror, and told the analysts of the World Development Department one by one what he encountered.

The reply from the World Development Department did not come for a long time, until John Wick had driven the car into the center of the town and stopped in front of a supermarket, the reply arrived.

"Received, Major John Wick, please protect yourself, we will send a small number of reinforcements to your town, please wait there."

The World Development Department has made arrangements, and John Wick can take this opportunity to take a break. He pulled up the glass cover on the car, changed his combat uniform, and put on his suit again.

He opened the car door and walked to the supermarket, which may be the largest in the town, ready to have a cup of coffee to relax his tense nerves.

The ability to sense the monster's limbs in the fog is not some mysterious intuition. It is a special sensing ability that comes with the telekinesis of the T-type enhanced serum. The cost of using this ability is to consume mental energy. After high-intensity use, symptoms similar to motion sickness will appear for a period of time, greatly affecting concentration.

The best way to get rid of this feeling is to sleep. Now John Wick has no conditions to sleep, so he can only use cheap coffee and willpower to hold on, or consume a shot of adrenaline.

He was also worried about the situation on Jill's side, but he couldn't ignore his superiors' orders to stay where they were and play individual heroism just to save people. He had been secretly warned countless times when he joined the group's military system about the idea of ​​ignoring the overall situation.

For example, in the real battlefield simulated by holographic images, there was a dilemma, depending on whether the trainees chose the collective task or the individual heroism rescue.

After being abused several times, most people abandoned the idea of ​​individual heroism.

Mistakes in decision-making and reckless actions with a passion for blood mostly fail in reality. John Wick, who was used to acting alone, was also trained to be smart and would never act on impulse.

Now, he could only wait for support to arrive in the town here, and then set off again to Silent Hill.

Dingling, the glass door of the supermarket was pushed open. It was already afternoon, and not many people went into the supermarket to shop.

After John Wick scanned the shelves, his eyes stayed on the clerk who was resting on the cash register for a moment, then he entered the supermarket, went straight to the beverage area, picked up a can of black coffee, looked at it, and decisively put it in the shopping cart.

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He cleared out all the black coffee on the shelf at once, grabbed a handful of energy bars and chocolates before leaving, and when he came to the cashier to pay, the female clerk behind the cashier kept peeking at John Wick, who was full of tough guy temperament.

"Sally, concentrate on your work."

It took almost five minutes to settle the payment, and even the supermarket manager wearing a red work apron couldn't stand it, so the female clerk packed the things.

John Wick paid and left the supermarket, then returned to the car, drank coffee and rested, and closed his eyes for a while when he was tired, and the dog would be on guard for him.

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